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KEEP GOING AHEADKfow is the Time for Great Bargains, and no Mistake R. B A M KS, ITKTOULD ronpectfuily ínforni liis oidcustomT T ers and oiliers vismng Detro:fr that he has removed to the corner of Jeflferson Avenue and Gnswuld street, opposite Michigan Insurance wht-re he bas on hand n Jarge Stock of RE AD Y MADE CLOTTIIXGf conristïng in part of Orrr Coats, Box Cotís, DrtM and Fruck Cortts, Vests. PantsT and ever ■rucie in the clothing line, cheaper than the chespest. A quick sixpence is beiter than a slow shilling. Only give us a cnll and we wilt sansfy every one; that is our maxiin. Detioit. Oct. 7, 1843. 25-3rrr, FÏRE! FIRE! FIRË7 THE members of the K:lamazoo Alutuajlnsuranee Compnny are hereby notified, that the following assessments have been made by the duectors, on all notes in force on the followin days, to wit: ■ '} pf.' 'T March 22d. " i . April Uih M i k ,t May lt, " f it ■ Sept. let, M ij ii m Makin?' 7 per cen(; Said per cent lo becast on 'he original amountof ihe premium note, without reierence ;o any previojs endorsemonts. and to be paid on or beoro the first day of November next, eiiher at the office of the conipnny, or tu n duly amhoriztd agent who will bo furnished with the'íoU under theteai of the company. All who negtect ro pay their asseesmöhia ara referred to tfeciion 2d of Arucle 2d of the By Laws attached to e&ch policy, for the consc quences. lt is conhdentlv etpeeted that the members wl be prepared to pay ïheir asseasmeüts prottiptly, as by so doins. the company can relieve tiiemselves ol their present indebterfnes, and increas thcir future usefu)nes3. ShouJd any one ncjilect flf reTuse lo pny when oilled upon, euits will bc itisiitutid for the amount of the premium notsi which in a'l cases will be c-illected. Office of the Kal. AI. In3. Co., Kalumnzoo, Sept. 25, 1843. A. T. PROUTY, Scc'y. ITTo be pnblished in all the newspapers prin. ted in i tlus State for three weeks and the editora o said papers are requested to Bfnd a copy öf the paper cont nning tbc same to the office of th company annr.g iho continunnce of the! advertisemeñi, asa voucher ín the adjüstment of their account. 26-3vr. TaTl ORIIVG, CLAIMS the attention of the inliatantR f Ann Arbor and the eurfoüHd.Pg and intormij them he has kkrited Ö Ji Nonh side the square, near the Y'ost OHW „ posi.e the rear door of Coürl loTsl ! ' T ÍS nlways on hand to wnit un thó'l 't Dblige him wüh a cali. The far WlSh tO to bge suitrd wi:h go.d m&M% JJ ire more fasl.ionobly inc'.-ned Z K rameolu TnJ ? f rteSt nOtfce' nd ■ Am, a! , e upb' OJCP"enced hands. Ann Arbor, üct, 1, jfc3. i-tf. T3LANK OEEDS. MORTGAGES FXF SJTSIGNAL OFFICE, jx Timothy Seed, WASoDSnbICCOUnt8' r ÍU exchanö for ■ J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, Aug. lö, 1SÍ3. 17-6w.


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