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This Once

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The following excellent thoughts are from the Cliristian Freeman, the Liberty paper of Connecticut. We suspect they are quite nppücablc to the present election in Michigan.The ple.i of "this once," will be urged upon Abolitionists at the coming election by the proslnvery partizans, wÜi greater earnestness than ever hefore. It is the same plan which the Great Tempter has ahvays used,and which, in tliese 'laüer days,' has been stereotyped for the express benefit of Whig and Democratie politicians, as a sort of vade mecum in the last resort - a carryall to transport voters from the j Liberty Party to Ihe proslavcry parties - the firml argument, when ail olher reasoning fail?. I It is the snme plea, which. for the sake of j "olher interests," led the Priest, and the Levite, to pass by the man who "feil among thieves," and leave him welteringin his gore. It is the plea which prevailed witli Judas, to betray his Lord, and to sacrifice his Master's life for ihe sake of those 'other inteiests,' 'the thirty pieces of sil ver.' This once,' has been I the Jirst sep in the road to ruin, of thousands whose crimes havo atainer] the pages of human history. To give up vital principies 'this once,' for the sake of party, or of 'other interestp,' is tosow to the wind,' and 'reap the vvhirlwind' - to launch out upon the surjfing ocean, amid rocks and quicksu'ids, tvilJiout i chart or compase, to be wrecked by the storms of licaven, and be swnllowed up by the billows oí avengini.' wrath. To do wrong this once,' is all the Great Advers-ary asks, wcll knowing that if he can prevail 'this once his next i temptation, will bethe more readily received. The very plea itself is suspicious. If they are right,why aek ou to vote with them only 'thia once'? Why not claim your suppori, nol 'ibis ence1 only, hut always, at all limes, and in all circnmstnnces? YVhy claim it too, ontlie ground of expediency, and not on the ground of principie? Now, fcllow citizons, we inte:ul to prcss 'this once," intü the service of the liiberty Party. But we give notice tlmtwe shall ask your cooperation 'this once' overy time you go to the polls till slavery is abolished. Wn sliall claim yonr suffrages for Liberty 'this once,' not for the sake of party, but on the ground of principie. It mny be the last vote you will over tast. Vote tijen, 'this once,' for men who have givcn proof by tïieir past deedá, thatihey will 'break every yoke, and let the oppressed go free,' in the District of Colunibia- for men who will restore to our citizens their wrested rights, and who will wipo off the last stain of Slavery from theConstitution of Connecticut. Vote "thi once' and alvayt, for Liberty- for Righ against might - forimpanial freedom - for hu inanity- for the cause of the crushed and down trodden poor, and the prayers of the ivklöw and the orphan shall be for you, and the bl:ssingfs of many ready to pcrish slial come upon you.


Signal of Liberty
Old News