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- The XXVIÜtl) Congross, venes at Washington, on Momlay nc.vf, the 4ih of December. Pol.ticaíly, nccordiiij lo tlie N. Y. Tnbiiñ'e, it is dividtd tlms; Scmtc - 27 Vhio-sSfíDoíTiocrats- 1 cibiíbftfr); Oue vncnncy, from Maryland, to be ñTed - by a Whip. of conrso, as the Lprs!aiire of thot Si ate is Vhig-. ín !hc íloiíi-e, fhorc are 145 Dtfinocrnts. and 69 Whig-g. There are five vocáiiciés - from M.'iinc, í; Massacetisctts. S; Georgia', 1. Tiié DethocVátic ni'ij ry in the IÍ0U.--0, is 76 - the majurity in the Senate, fotir, or five. Iu' tbisi stilte of thing-s, a very harmoníous session is not to be c.vpccted. The qiicstioc of the nrïnexntion of Texas, vvill próbably, be agir.-tied. Tiie great Whif party, ue are to)d,';tro unüed in oppósitiöii to this monstirc. lf thisis trué, uo bili frr the nnriexitiön can pis? - for évèf if it sl)ould op ndopted in the Mohfp,' it will be stopped in the Scnate. We s'in1] scn.-C. II. Fneman. Spealring ofthu Whig Candidates for the VicePie.idency, the Detroit Advertifer soys of John Davis, "Thcré ia one serious nnd perlinps insnperr.hle ohjecrfön fó his name he 1ÍV73 in New Encana !"' Fiattering to iho Yunkecs. The expurts of tea to Gieat Biiaip in the yoar eading June 3Oth, amount to Black 40, 000,000 Ibs; Green, 7,000,000 lbs. Total, 47,.000,000 Iba.'


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