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SALERATUS. WHOLESALE and RETAIL by F, DENJSON. December 20, 1 f543. 35_tf. STONE-WARE. OF Eastern manufacture, for sale cheap. Wholesale or Retail. by F. DENISON. Dec. 20. 1843. 35-tf. SCHOOI. BOOKS EVERY variety of School Books in use in this State, for sile at Detroit prices at the New Book Store, for CASH. by WM. R. PGRRY. December 15. 1843. 34. ABBQT & BEECHER. DETROIT WHGLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODSJÜST received a larger Stock than ever of Heavy Brown Sheetings. Shirtingsand Drillín2s. Bleached Goods. Calicóes, Apron Checks, Baggings, Burlaps, Diapers, Crath. Muslin. Fusiians. Mole Skins. Sattineis. Shcup's Gray Cloih, Buckskin Cloth, Fancy Cassimeres, Wolverine Coatïngs, Alapaca Lustre, Changeable Stripe Do. Fancy Alapines, Crnpe Delaincs.Judia Cloih. Mouslin De Lüines. Pnriiians. Chosans. Shawls. Rob Roy.=, Cardinals, Damask Shawls, Black. Blue Black, Brown, and Blue Broad Cloths. Feit and Pilot Over Coatinss. Blankets, Flannels, and Superior BE1VER CLOTHS, Leather, Cotton Yarn, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Riee and Tobacco. All ofwhich Goods will besold at the LOWEST PRICES that they can be boughf for VVesi )f New York Citv. and we wish our Fri.nds to jive us a Cali before Buying.WANTED, POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOÜR, For which we will pnv the highest prices either n CASH or GOODS, at the CHE A PEST CASH PRTCES, No. 144, Jeiferson Avenue, Corner Bates Street, Delroit. Detroit, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-rf. ÜNïTY Of INTEREST. NOBLE AND SPRAGÜE, W'OULD cali the a-ten:ion ol the citizens oí Ann Arbor. nnd ihe community in general to the fact that they. believing that two hend nrebetter thon one, have formed a co-partnershij for the purpose of cnrrying on ihe TAILORING BUSINESS, in ni) i is branches. They wil! bealwayson hand. two doors West of the Washienaw. in the Jjower Village of Ann Arbor, where all whr iavor them with their patronage may be surc of satisfaciion. No paina will bo spared in making heir garmcnts fashionaDle, comfortable, and durable. They feel confidetu from past e.vperience. and fro:n the alten tion which rhey pay to iheir busi ness. that ihey cannot fail o giving universal satisfactiön, and ihev are deiermiited not lo be outdone byanv establishment west of New York. N. B. CUTTfNG done on short notice, and strict attcntion will be paid to the orders of the cuslomer. P. S. We üke to haveforcot by the way to meption, ihat we too nre in the receipt of the Vew York nnd Boston Fashions. for the Fall and Winter of 18s3-4. NOBLE & SPRAGUE. Ann Arbor. Lower Town, Nov. 3, 1843.Strayed F ROM iho subscriber, in the town of Snline about &e 20th of July last. two yoke of Red Oxen. One yoke were ot large size. nnd one of them n pale red, with a rope around his liorns when they went awny. The other yoke wltc of middling size, and one of ihem had a white spoi in the íorehead, and somc whiie on one of his hind leg. They are about ten years oíd. Whoever will return soid oxen, or give ntormation where they muy be found. to Mr. porJ, or to Mr. Van Musen, in Saline vil- lage, or to the subacriber in the town of High land, Oakland county, shnll be übernlly iwnrd ed. HÍRAM BARRETT. October 2, 1843. 23. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES", OF superior quality, just printcd and for Sale at this Office. Ann Arbor, Nov. 2, 1843.NATU RE'S GRAND RESTORATIVE THJS valuable vegetable medicine sf nda un rivalled for the foHowine compfninta, viz: Dispepsia or Indigestión:, Discased Lirer, Bilious Disordera, Dropsy. Asthma, Costiveneas, Worms and loss of Appetite, and by cleansiitg the 8tomach and bowc-ls. cores pains in the side, Stomach and Breasrr Colds and Coughsof long etnnding, Hoarseness,. shortnesaof breathy Nervous complnmts, &c. which ia frequeniljr the affect of disease. lts virtue strrpass any thing heretofore known in removing St. Vitus' Dnnce: - two boitles have been known to cure tWs afflicting disease, after havrng baffled every exertion for four years. It has a most powerful iafluence. in removing nervous eomphinis. It is pleasant to t?ike. nnd so easyin its operntion, that t may be rui m mistere d to the inlam trith safetjr. For sale by W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, Ann Arbor. Numerous certificates might be given were ii Jeemed necessary. Let the following sufficr; CERTIFÍCATE. This certifips that I have tested the benrTciaI sflTectsof "Holman' s Natvres Grand RtsTorahc" 'm my fomily. (hoving nsetf ii foryears,) ind witnessed is heatrng propertres in mimerot nstnncpsamong others. I most cheerfuiTf reeommend it n?nn invalnable medicine; and if by no Joing thedrseasetf are irrduced to try it, I hav ihe 8atisfaction of believing thatl bave rendered ihem an important service. G. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor, Nov. 24, 1843. 32-3w. FASHIONABLE HAT STORE. WBARNUM, would rcspectfully in'bnB the citizena of Detroit, and surronnding country that be has constantly on hand a valúab'e n8sonment of Hats, Caps, Furs &c: which he oflèrs for sale on the most reasonablo terms íit No. 75, Jefierson Avenue. Gentí.kmen and Ladies from abroad on viaiting the City will do weil to give him a cali before purchasing eisewhere. Detroit, Nov. lOth, I843. 29-6m$25,000 WORTH ! Whew! They must be dear, Sir. $30,000 WOKTHÜ Wor.R vpf, from npnpnrnnces. $75 000 WORTH! ü Thai is it. judging Irom prices. CA LL at G "Wnrd'8 oíd e'and. where they talk understnndingly, and sell Goode oo tbat a good stock will amount to leas than $10,000 uidor the present system. VIATOR. Ann Arbor, Nov. 7, 1813. 27-tf. E. DEANS CELEBRA TED CHEMICAL PLASTER. THE following ia one from aniong the nuirerous testimoniáis from persons of the highest respectability, which the proprietors havo receivcd. FROM SAM'L D. KINGSBURY. H. íJarrx? & Co. - Sirs: Having been aeriously nfflicted with inflammatión of the Eyea, and hearing of E. Deon's Chemical Piaster I had o box procured, and on the first application I experienced great relief, nnd in four d.tys a permanent cure. So efTeciual was the application and he almost immediate relief resulting therefrom, that in similar cases I feel great pleasure in recommending it as a remedy worthy of patronage. Respectfully yours, &c. SAM'L Í). KINGSBURY. Kingsville, O. June 29. 7840. 35. JETFor the disenses in which this Piaster is applicable. see advertisement in anoiher column of this pnper. E. Dean's Chemical Piaster is for sale in Ann Arbor, (Lower Town.) by J. H. LUND. and W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, Upper CHRISTIAN EBERUACH, Town ■ -■ 49-lyStrayed F ROM the subscnber, in the town of Green Onk, Livingston Co., on the last of August, a medium sized Ren Ox, 12 years oíd last Spiing. high horns, which have been bored for distemper. Whoever will give information where s&id Ox can be found, will be reasonably rewarded. HANNIBAL LER. Green Oak, Nov. 13, 1843. 30-:3w. raus. BurniMGToiM ■p informe the ladiea of Ann Xl Arbor and iis vicinity, that she has just received her latest Paiterns for Hats.Caps, Cloaks, aud Üresses; ond ahe respectfully invites them to calí and examine for themsclvea. She likewise renders them her sincere thanko for their owronage for the past year, and begs n continua tion. J.!er esrabiishment will be found midway between the Upper and LowerTowa. Ann Arbor, Nov. 2, 1843. 28-tf. ÏSÏotice. AM. NOBLE wotild respectfully remind his cuatomers. that ns he has taken a partner, and is making new arrangements in his business, he wishes for an immediate settlement with all who are indebted to him. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6, 1843. 28-3m. FIRE! FIREÜ FIREÜ! GD. HUI, Agent of the iEtna Insurance Co., will Insure property against loss or Jatnageby Fire on reasonable terms. Oct. 2'). 1843. 27 tfWesleyan Hymn Eooks, J'UST received and for sale by G. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor. Nov. 18. 1843. 30 Attention Ladies. SPINNISFG WHEELS, QUILL WHEELS, REELS and SPOOLS. for sale by C J. GA RL AND. November 18, 1843. 30 S. PETTIBONE ; SÜRVEYOR, MAP-MAKEH, AND LAND AGEIÏT. Office in Court House Square, Ann Arbor. June 19, 1843. 8-tt BLANK DEEDS. MORTGAGES, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONSES, &c jut printedanrl for snle nt the ÏÏTSIGNAL OFFICE, jjí WOOD! WOODÜ WANTED immediately, any quontitv of DRY WOOD in payment for the Signal ïf Liberty. Come soon. . For Sale. ONE yoke of WORKJNG OXEN. Enquira at the Hat Store of H. BAGG. Lower Tovrn. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1843. 5_tfAxes ITOR sale, Wholesole or Retnil. by J. BF.CKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, Aug. ]5. 1843. 17-6w. ,000 FLOUR BARRELS for snle Cheap for Crsh. by C J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Aibor. Upper Town. May ñ. 1843 CHARLES H. STEliTART, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ANO . SO.LICiTOR IN CHANCERY, "JBTFBRSON JlVEUE, DETROIT. -■ ' . 49-ti.


Signal of Liberty
Old News