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Chancery Sale

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"hilip H. Reo ves. ? Daniel H." Scully, Í ■ iakckry, 2d circuit._ and Mary Scully. $ In pursmnce of a decretal oider ssued out of the Court of Ghancory. in and ior the State of Víjchignn, I sbal! exposé to sale, to the highcst bidder, at the Court House, in the vilfVge ofAnn Albor. VVashtcnaw county, on the fifteenih day of Jcnunry next, at. 10 o'clock. A. M. of that Iny, the following desciibed prerriises, "to wit:" 'All ihnt certain tract or parcel of land lying m 'Webster, and desciibed ns follows, "to wjt:" 'The wost hall of ihe south east quarter of sec;tion ttiirty six. in town?hip one south. of range 'live east, eighty acres, more or les&. 'Also theeast half of the north ea'st'quarier o( 'section thi'ty six, in township one souih, of 'range five east, containing eighty acre?, more' 'or less," or so much thcreof as may be suffiicnt to raiso the amountdue to the complainant or his principal, mierest and cos's in this cause. GEO. DANFORTH, Mustërin Chancery. Gf.o. Miles, Comp'ts. Sol. Nov. 24, 1843. 3J.


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