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Mr. Garrison, of the Liborator, js reforming awnyiho Sabbaib and Public Worship- ín lis Sijudny lectores in Boston, he contended Ihat public worship wliüe i: con?íí:Uíes a part of Judaism, Mahometanúm . Pagnnism, Seclism, was contrary lo the genius & desig-n of Christianity, at ar with human frecdom, a hindrauce. to universa! reform, enjoined neither by reason nor revelation, and one of the main p;)Jars of priestcraft."in the evenin, he maintained "ihnt theSabbatbvn?strictly a Jevnsh insiiiution, which expircd by its onn limitation eighicen hnndrcd yenrs ngo, mid Ihcrefore not upon onyotherpeople. He argoed that the reïigious monopoly of the duy by tlicpriestboof! conslituttid one of the most and insupportabie monopolies known tö mankind, and called npon the people,-- esptciaJIy the wohKr.xo.AiENj-to come to the rescuo of "it. and to make it subservieut totheir own highest vvelfbre, by devising ways and means" Jo remove the heavy bci-dens under rhich they gfronn, and to stablish freedom, eqüality ond riglileousnesa in the earth."We, in oursimphcity, had suppo?ed tha the Sabbnth was one of tho greates blessmgjs wln'dï has ever been granled to th Tvorking man- one uf ihe principal bukvark ugainst the prsspinj dispbsition ofn consider obie.portmn of Caiñtnlists nnd Aristoc racy of every Bat h seems opinjons diñen . ' .


Signal of Liberty
Old News