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PËTERSPILLS. TRUTII HAS PRE VAILBD. PATERS' Vegetable Pilis have now been ten yearsbefüre the public. .During thatperiod theyhave obtaineda celebrity unpoialleled in the history of the most popular medicines which have preceded them or have followed m thc'ir track. - The happy combiriation of' vegetable ingrediciits to which these pillsowe their cfficaey, is the reault of yeursof cnrncst study and experiment, directed 5y lang previous experience in the propertiesof medien! stihstanct's. the pathology of dtsease. the nature and modus operandi ot the various fluids which minister ld the support and eustenance of the human boily, andorganization. by which those fluids are prepared, modiiied ntid distributed. The triumph of skill, and pntient experiment has been complete. Throtighout the length and breadth ot our land. in Jiritïsh America and the West Indtes, and on tho continent of Europe, the carative vir.ue.-i of Peter's Vege table Pilis, are graiefuily acknowledged. Tney may be ca'lled the medicine par EXCKr.r.KNCK, oí the Southern State?. Their consumption sou;h ot the Po.tomac, is enormous, and continuajly on theincrease. No other pill "goesdown" therjj, however sugaret! over widi hiied pufTs aud home manufacturad certiíicates. Peters' Vegetable Pi I ís may bé termed a universal medicine, for there is scnrcely any derangement or obstruction of the organs ami functtons of the hum in machine which they will not allevia'.e or remove when adminislered in die enrly stages ol congestión of the etomach orbowels, they Speedily relax those organs, reduce the attendunt fever, and restore the suffererto health. SCoiitaining no ïnitating or drast ie substanc(;sr "their exhibition is never followcd'by mat prostration of the bodily powers which characterize the opwration ofinost othercatJiartics. and they maybe adminisiered without the slightestjear of producing local inflammation, s fiequently caused by the purgent compositions vended by the quacks and charlatans et the day. In almost all stages of disease, Poters' 'Vegetable Pilis will be fonnd of beneficial effect, bui they should always be resorted to wher: the first symptom makes its appeararice. The conquest of the complaint will then be easy and imrhediate. In billtous disorders, remittant or tnterniittant fever, dispepsia, dysenrery, cholera, chohc. diarheea, dropsy. sour or footed eructations, enlargement of the spleen, sick headache, al! complaints growins out of imperfect or too rapid dtsestion, torporof the Liowels. fem'ale obstructions, habitual costiveness. and all.other diseases in which a purjative medicine is proper, Peters' Vegetable Pilis will be fonnd unrivalled in the speed, certainty aad gemleness of their operation.It is osked upon what principie these extrnordinary enècts are produced? We reply that Peters Vegetable Pili acts as a purifier of the blood, by the .chyle and other fluids of vvhich b'.Qod is composed. Chyle is a wiilky fluid deposited by the digéstive matter on the coais of the intesiines; and whicli whcn combined with the bülinry secretion, is convcyed into the veins and becomes the principie of life. Thie medicine acts directly upon the chylel irom which it expels all acrid particles, and al. humors detrimcntal to a heíilthy circulation. Ii cleanses thejuices and fluids before the chemical change takes place which fits tljem for theimmediate purposes ol vitahty. This is bezinning al the beginning. To embue the reama oí life wttli heulth, it is necessary to purify them at their sou rees. 1 Such is tlie radical mode in ■ which this medicine- performs its cures. Testimoniáis which would ñll volumes (many of them irom high sciëtuific authority) are iis vouchers, and it is used in the practice of the first Physiciane here and abröad. For sale by F. J. B, Grane, W. S. A J. W. Maynard, J. II. Lnnd, Hnrris, Pattridges &. Co S. P. & J. C. Jewett, Dav.dson & Becker, H. Becker, Chrjstian Eberbaeh, G. Grenville, D. D. Waterman, C. J. Gnrland, E. T. Willinms. Ann Arbor; Geore Warner &. Co., D. C Whitwood, J. Miltard & Son. N. II. Wint?. Dezter; M. Jnekson, L'.om; Paul Raymond, Jadcson; Brotherson & Kier, Manchester; D Keys, Clinton; D S Haywpod, Saline; Stone. JJabcock &'Co. Ypñlanti; Scattergood & Co, Flrjmouth; Pierre Teller and T. H. Eaton & Co. pUroit; also in Adrían. Teciimseh. Brooklyn, Pontíacj Chicago, and almost every where else. AnnArbor, Jan. 15, 1Ö44. 27-IyFASHZOÏVÏABLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. JR. WALKFR would announce to his friends and the public in g;neral, that he ia now in the receipt or the fall and winter fashion8 for 1843-4.. which have been selected anri furnished by twoof the best establishments in the United States, on the first of the present month. after tho kinds of goods and fashions tor the season had become pennanemly csrabüshed, which is bBautifully illusirated by f-vo of the most splendid fashion piales everpresented to this communuy. Any gentlemen who wish to have the "stMO.N" pure." can find it here furniehed ata season when there cah be no mistake as to what is or is not fa3hionabie. Gentlemen, please cali and examine for yourselves, and if wecannot exhibit.sometbing that will satisly you that thestykof gooda and fashion ofgarments are chaste'and beautiful, then we are rnuch mistaken. Mr. Walker, would take this opporamity to return his sincere thrmks tqall who have hither'o favoréd him with their paironage. and hopes he has given general satisfnetion. All w!io feel disposed to have an easy, at the-.same time a fashionable garment, can be graiiíied by calling at the shop of J. D. Irish. one doorsoulh of Beach & Abel s old store, for the convenience ofhimselt and cummners he for the season, whére all deniands in his line wiJI be executed with nëamess and despatch. on réasonabie terms for cash or couttjry produce, but posilivdij. no credit. B. Cutting done, and warranted lo fit if .properly made p. Octoberll,1843. 27-tf.Bristol's Sarsaparilla. THiS valuable medicine so jusily celebra'ed as a certain cure for Scrofula or Kings Jïvil, or any disease arising from impurity of the blood. has become so weil known as to need no publ'cation oi the numorcus certi Reates now in our possession, of theexlraordinary cures lately performed by il, but fearing there may be sonie persons afféeted who have-been guiled by using the miiaiions others, we would reBpectfully request them to cali on us and satisfy thomselves of i;s many cures in similar cases. - By purchasing of usthey can rely upon the genuineness of the article, which they filiould. be' careful to do, as. we are told there is a spurious article of the same name for sale in this vicinity. Be careful to observe that "Bristol's Extract of Sarsaparilla, Buflalo," isstamped upon the bottles, and "C. C. Bristol" written in hia own hand over the Cork. ■ W S. & W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec. 25, 1843: 36"FRBB EaABOB.." MARCU8 STEVENS SAMUEL ZUG. HAVE taken the rooms in the lower end oi the White Block, directly opposite the Mi chigan Erchange. where they will keep an extensive assortment ot' CABIJTET W&RE of every kind, quality: and description, of thei own manufacturing, and warranted to beas fash, ionablc, good, and cheap as can bc had West o New York. Purchasers HíC requested to cali and examine our extensive assortment before buying Any article of Furniture made to order, and Wurravted to please. UPHOLSTKRÍNG done in all ts various branches, and at the shortest notice. CHA1RS, LOOKING GLASSES. AND W1LLOW WARE; a!so. Mahogany ïBoards and Venetrs - as cheep ns the cheapest WANTED, In exchanjre. CHERRY, WALNUT. AND MAPLE LUMBER, Sfc. Sfc. S-c. STEVENS & ZUG Detroit, April 17, 1843. !l-3m Wesleyau Hymn Books, JUST receivcd and for sale by G. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor. Nov. 18, 1843. 30 MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, OF Huperior quality, just printed and for Sale at this Office. Ann Arbor, fïov. 2, J843.IVUÖLESALE & RÉfAftL. STAP LE AjVD F ANC Y DRY GOODS. Tlml Subscribers keep constantly cd band a lafige and dioico stock oí" DRV GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOKS, DRY ( ÍES-, "fa éf'ü.' which have been sclccted wiih cure, mul ave of tlie newesi styles and besi qunlities. As'ihey aie detenumed not to bo u.n.tlersold, they sohcit the patronage ui' tlu:$e wishing 10 purchase. Amongother thincstoo numerons '.o mentiw?, they have a large umi eicellcnt üssortmm óf SHEETINGS, DRfLUKGS, SUMMKR STUPKS, CALÍCOES, FULLED CLOTilS, SA'IMNhTS. BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, GAMBROONS, I A NEN ff. CAMBRÍCS, ' MÚ.SLÍNS, HANDKERCM1EPS, &c &o. Bonnet Ribbons, a very beautilul fissurinient. Shawls, Broclie, Sük, and Thibet. öf the richest pntterns. Piifa.os; af n!l kinds, qnnfities. and prices. Hoge nnd Hiilf Uosc, .Couon and Worfttód, Bonnet, Leh'nn, Titsf-nn and Sifaw. The above RssoitnKint of.GOODS avÜI be sold is cltcap, or cicaper than can be puicliased in Detroit. "' E? Wool, Potssh, Flour jhi and all kinds oí PRODÚQE siil be recen cd in payment. ABBOTT fcBEEClíkR. 144, Jeíierson Avenue. July. 12. 1SJ3. (12-tf.) Detroit. T. L A M B E 'II T, lenve to inforni the inhabitanis of Ann Arbor, -oixl tho suirounding country, that having loented hiniself in the Lmner Village, with the view of carrying on 'the above business in all its branches, (some of which are HOUSE. SIGNT. nnd ORNAMENTAL PMJVTIJVG, GILDliNTG and GLAZING. GR,ViNI.G, mitaiion of all Woods, MARÚLTA7AXG, TRANSPARENCIES, BANNERS, &c. respectfully solicita ashare of public patronage, as h3 prices shall be low to conform to ihe times and his work done in the best manner. T. L. ft'ould say to Farmers that he is pnrtïcularly desirous to ntíend to their culis, as ' produce ie the best kind of pay. AnjiArbof, LowerTown, Marcli 6. 1843. Wm 45.- ly.NEW GQODSÜ HA VING retired, notfrom business, but to the old stand, of G. VVnrd, 1 wiü eell GOODS Chca-p. 'My stock is entirdy vnc. nnd embraces a good vafiety.' well selected, and the goods eannot fail to satisfy tliose who vvisii to purchase. I have spent most of th&summer and part oL the fall, in JNew Englandj, where die Gooda are made, and I have been ab!e to purchase such goods as I wanted: nnd at such: priees, 'as will enable me to sell them about as low as they have been soid in New York, from Jobbine Houses during tbisseason. Especial ly I can sell Woolen' Cfotïis,. Trom the coarsest to superfine. 3-4 & 6-4 Cloths. Satineus, Cassimeres. &c. &c. at low pricea, More: I have on hand a good stock of Combe, Thread. Pins, Needies. &c. &c. which I can. and will sell to auy, who wish to buy by the qHantiiy at very low rates. Í wül tnke ASHES andBLAGK or PEARLASH aimy Asheryr and vvillsell SALERATUS in quantities to snit purchasers. C'ash, Produce, ur good Credit. I am, Gentlemen and Ladies, Resprctfully yonrs. F. DENISON. Ann Arbor, Upper Town. Nov. 7, 1SÍ3. N. B. Cash paid for FLOÜR, or Pot nnd Penrlash. ór advanceed on the same and bltTal usual. '. 29-tf." WILLIAM WILKINSON CLAIMS the attention of the iuhabitants of Arm Arbor and the surrounding country, and inforni8 them hechas located lrmself the North aide the square, near ihe Post Ofiice, opposite the rear of the Court House, whercheis' always on hand to wait on those w,ho wish to oblige him with a cali. The farmers 'are surc tL be suited with good comfortabie fits. All who are more fashionably inclinod cnn be accomnmdatedr havingreceived the latest FashiunsforFail and Winter. Cutting done on ihe shortest notice. ond warranted tq fit if triade up by experienccd hanris. Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 1S43. 23-tf. 500000 Feet PINE LUMBER. THE subscribefs offer for sale. Five hundred ThonsandFeet SEASONED PINE LUMliER, which has been pat up in thè best'possibl e manner. and ís of every qualiiy and tlrickness. Persons wishing to purchase Lumber tht is fit for immcdïatc usc, will do well to give usa cali, before purchasins elsewhere. HAZELTON & PATERSON. Formerly Agents for Beách & Co. Flint, January 2?, 1844. 40-Gtn.FASHIONA BE HAT STORE. WBARNUM, would rcspectfully uorm the citvzena ofDerroit. and surrounding couairy that he has constantly on banda valuable asaoriment of Hats, Caps, Fnrs &c. which he oíTers for Bale on the most reasonable teriri8 at No. 75. JefieVson Avenue. „Gesti.kmen and Ladies from abroad on visit-, nïg the City will do well o give him acaü before-purchasing elsewfaere. Detroit, Nov.-lOth, 1843. 29-6m Estray Oxen. CAME into the inelosure of the subscriber on or about the sixth of November last. a pair oí STRAY OXEN. One is a spotted red and whue - the other red, and had on a small bell. They were partiy shod - judged to be 1 0 or 12 years old. The said Oxen have been duly entered on the Town Book, and nppraiscd according to thelaw. ADAMS j; CUSHTNG. Webster, Jan. 5, 1844. 38-8wmES BUFFIBÊGTON T)ESPECTFULLY informsthe ladiesof Ann Jt Arbor and its vicinity, that she hasjust received her atest Patterns for Hats,Caps, Cloaks, aud Uresses; and she ïespectfülly invites them to cali and examine for themselves. She likewise renders them her sincere thanks for their prronage for the past year, and begs a continua tion. J.'er estabiishment wil] be found midway between the Upper and Lower Town. Ann Arbor, Nov. 2, 1843. 2S-tf. SALERATÜS. WHOLESALE and RETA IL by F. DENISON. December 20, 1Ó43. 35-tf. STONE-WARE. OF Eastern manufacture, for eale cheap, Wholesale or Retail, by F. DENISON. Dec. 20, 1843. 35-if. CASH paid for TALLO W, by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Jan. 22, '44. 40 CJËJTBEiËS, BY the Box, for sale by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Jan. 17, '44. 39 'CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PL ASTER, The most effectuo-l rcviedy yet discovered j'or Jtihuumalism, ' P'cvcr Sores, White SwplltngS) Injlamnuttion in the Eyes, ÍS wel led Throut in ücurlel Fever, Quinsey, THE CHEMICAL iM.AMTEÍt san important remcdy lor ihoso who nre afilictcd wi;h clironic and i.iilatnmuioiy complaints, by iia casing pain. coanteractiag infl;irnaiü'tiori, and giving ájeedy. relief by its nciivo, strengthening, ano(yne. diaphorelic rind oninterirntant propertios - au efiectua! icmedy ior Cbronic and Inifluniinatury .lllieimmtism, Ague in the Brenst, ScaJds. Buriií. Bruises, Scrolula, Ulcers, Old Sores ot' linost every dcsdrTpiiön. Cankcrcd and Swcllcd Thtoüt arising From Scarlct Fever, Folons, White Bwolíings, Chilbl.ains, &c. Persons suflbring (roru Liver Complaiine, Pülinonary discases, Infliirnrnaiioii of the Lungs, with pain in the eide, pa"ck or linribs, wijl iind relief ly the nso of this Plasicr. In uil cases it níáy be used with perfeel safety. E. DEAN & ■■ CHEMICAL PLASTER ii, put up in boxes at fifty cents and one dollar each, with iull directiopB accompanyingeach box. Manufactured and sbld wno!e5nle by H. IiARR1S & CO.. Ashtabula. Ohio. sole proprietors, to vvhom all orders shoiild be nddre63ed. Sold also by their Ageiüs itiroughout the country. Ef'A liberal discount mado to dealers and physicians. For testimoniáis and ceriiilcntes from persons of the htg-heat reepectibiüty, who have used the Gherftical Piaster, sen anotlier column of!Der. .Forsale by the follówing Agenta in Michigan: H. W. Roorl. Riles, J. C. LorriiTwe. " C. SJiorifihán, Eownrasburgh. Win. O. Austin, White Piijeon. Jsñnc Benham, Ji. Connumtine. Dnn!. L. Khuberly, SchoolcrnH. H. B. Huston, '&. F. Mar.cH.jr PM Kalnmazoo. "James W. C'oihron. P. 'M. Gnlesburgh. T. Li Bolkcom. P.' M. Battle Creek. - Jiïtncs M. Parsons. P. M. Marshall. Paul Raymond, Druggist, Jackson. Wni. Jnck8on, P. M: Leoni. JTalêand Smith, Grass Lake. John C. Winnns. Sylvan. J Millerd & Son, Dexter. Thoiñas P. May, Jr. Plymomh, Perin &.Hal];Nx)rthviIlc, Mea4& Mc.Carthy. Farmington, Poier Van Evcry, Franklin, Julius Dean. Pontiac, Mack & Sprague. Roches ter, James Siephens, Ütica, E. C. Gaüup, Mt. Clemens. G. &J. G. Hill, }notr-t John Owen & Co. , Detroit' Dr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dearbornville, L. Samson. Ypsilanti, .T. ËT. LUND. ) W. S. & J. W. MATNARD. Ann Arbor. ■CHRISTIAN EBERBACH,' ) 49-Iy:ATTBBfTION OMTHIISRS! JUST received at the General Depot, for the fále of Clothiera Stock, Machinery, Dye Stuffs, &c. &c, No. 139, Jeffjrson Avenue, Detroit, the following large, well assorted, and curefiïlly selected stock, viz: 100 bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut. 5 Tons " in Stick, 9 -150 bbls. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tons M " in Stick, . 50 bbls. Nic. Wood, Chipped, 50 " Lima Wood, " 30 " Red VVood, 'f. 120 Ground Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 500 Ibs. Nurgalls, ': 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 Ibs. Lac Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanlsh Indigo, 300 Ibs. Sirmac Sicily, 3 Casks Madder, 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, 5 Casks Alum 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Barrels Creain Turtar, 3 Carboys A qua Fprtis, 5 '; Oil Vitriol, 3 " s Muriatic Acid, .- :500 Ibs. Virdigris, 50 'J Block Tin, Teasels, Twino, Cópper Kettles, all sizes, Parson's Shearing Machines, Curtis' " si Screws and Press Plates, Cranks. Press Pnper, Steel Reeds, Worsied Harness. Tenter Hooks, . .Emery, all No's., Olive Oil. Clothiers' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Bruslie?. Shuttles, Pickers. Card Cleaners, &c. &c. The above, with a Yariety of other anieles belonging to the trade, have been purchasedthis sumtner by the' eubscrihers from Manufacturéis and First Hands in the New York, Ihiladelphia, and Boston Markeis, and every thing having received his personal inspection. he can wiih the .utmost conh'donce offer them to purchasers as tha best and most completa stock ia the country; and as it is his fixea determination (by the Jovv rates ai which he will sell) to Drevent the neceesity ot our Clothiers and Man uV" u rere eaving the State to niake their purchases. hí would merelj' say to ihe trade, C'ALL, examine the ijoods and ascertain prices before you say you can buy cheaper amj vliere else. Me is also prepared to contract Tor CARD1NG MACHINES made irf this Stare or East. PIERRE TISLLER, Sigu of the Golden Mortar, 139, Jefierson Avenue, [17-tf.] Detroit.W HOL ES ALE & RETAILT B0OKSELLERAN9STATIONER, ■SMAIIVS BLOCX, 1S7 JEFFF.RSON AVENUE, DETROIT. Kecps constnmiy for sale a complete nssortment of Misccllaneous. School and Classical Books; Letiurand Cap Paper, plain and rüled. Qüills. Ink. Senling Wax, Cuilery, W rapping Papor, Printing Paper, af all stzes; and Book, News and CanÏ8ter Ink. ot varinus kinds. Full and hall laund. of'every varieiy ot RulingMEMORANDUM BÓOKS. &c. To Merchants, Teachers, and others, buying in qunniilies; a large discount made. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 5l-tf. CHARLES H. STEWART, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. JEFFERSON AVEJNUE, DETROIT. 40-tf. DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOZ.AG0eUB. AMOiNG the most valuablc qualities of ihife . medicine, is ts rcstonvg mjLutncc upon' constitutions impaired and injure.d by previous attacks of billious fever, or fever and ague; or by a longresidence in thosc climates which produce them. There aremany constitutiona which becomc gradually undermined by a miasmal influencc, without even a day's actual confinernent. ín auch cases, the Cholagogue acts like a cbarm - the sallow complexion, loss of appetitc, languor, weariness and depression of spirits, with other unpleasant symptoms which render life a burdeii, alJ yield to tlris remedy when faithfully U8cd according to the directions of the acoompanying pamphlet. It is emírely n vegetable prep arat'mn, and may bc taken w'th perfect s&fety under all circumstances of the system. For sale by 06 W. S. As J. W. MAYNARD. Bolc Agent. fr Ann Arbor and vicinity.VÍCTOR Y The Fever and Agoe usedip- ; Dr. Banister's Piils DR. BANISTER'S CELEBflATED FEVER AND AGÜE PILLS.- Purely Vegetable. - A sa'e, speedy. and sure remedy for fever" and " agüe, dum agüe, chili fever, and the biliious diseases peculiar to nevv coun tries. 1 These -pills are designed for the &fFection9of (he liver andother internal organs vvhich altend the diseases of the nevv and miasmatic purtions of our country. The unparalleled success that has atlended the se of these pills, induces I the proprielor to believe that they are superior to any remedv ever offered to ihe public íor the nbove diseases. They are purely VEGETABLE and perfecfly hnrmless, and can be taken by any person, mole or female vviih perfect yafety. The pills are prepared in two separate boxes, marked No. 1, and No. 2. and accompanied with full direction.s. A great number of certificates might. be procured in favor of lhls medicine, buf the proprietor has thought ñt not to insert ihem, in as much as he depends upon the merits of the same for its reputation. The above pill is kept conslantly on hand by the proprietor and can be had at Wholesale or retail at the Store of J. Beckley & Co., Ann Arbor, Lovver Town. Orders from the country promptly attended (o. L. BECKLEY, Proprietor. January 17, 1844. a9-3m. rUSTreceived at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store, a general assortment of Fancy and stap] e DRY GO On 8, Groceries, Crockery, Boots and 8hoes, &c. &c. which will be sold cheap and for ready p'iyonly. C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Nov. 20, 1843. N. B. Jls usual, any Goods purchased of him not giving satisfaction in price and quality, the purchaser has the privilege to return them and receive back his money. 32 C. J. G?BLND,LOWERTOWN mESSRS. DAVIDSON& BECKER, have just reJjrJl ceived from New York a large and splendid assortment of Fancy and Staple Also, a large quantity of Dry Groceries? Crockery, Shelf Hardware, Nails, Boots and Shoes, Men's and Boy 's Caps? Paints, Dye Stuus and Medicines, &c. &c. &e. which they willsell than has ever before been oifered in this place. For particulnrs cali at their Store, No. 3, Brown's Block, (formerly occupied by H. Becker.) The highest Market price will be paid in Goods for most kinds of Produce. .$$? Remember that they will not be undersold.=C$ Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-6mliAIL KOAD TEMPERANCE HOUSE. THE undersigned would respccttully inform the friends of Temperance, and the public generally, ihat theaboe nnmed House, formcrlyknown as the Temperance Hotel, and situated on the corner of Michigan avenue and Washington street, nearthe Central RaTlroaS Depot, having undergone thorongh repairs and very great additional improvements, is now ready fonlic ception of all those who may favor him with a i cali. The accommodations, in every respect, are not inferior to any Temperance House in the country, and every atteniion will be given to such as bestow ihcir patronage upon this laudable enterprise. N. B. Carriages always in readiness to vey passengers to and froin JBoats and Care. WM. CHA MP. Detroit. May 9, 1843. 4-ly WOOZ.! WOOL! CJLOTH! CLOTHH npME Subscribers would inform the Public JL that pereons having wool to bcmanufactured, can have it done at their Manufactory within a short time. as the largo quantity of wool furnished them'by farmers and others the past season is neady completed, and will be finished within a íew days. We havo manufactured cloth this season for about one hundred and ticavty-Jive customers, to whom we have reason to believe, we have given general satisfaciion. - With this encouragernent, we hope for future patronage. TERMS. Half the cloth the wool will friake, or 37f, cents pnr yard. We will also -exchatige Cloth for Wool on recsonable lerms. Wool sent by Rail Road to Scio will be properiy attended to. SAMUEL W. FOSTER &, CO. Scio, Washteuaw Co., Dec. 25, 1843. 36-tfOF all kinds neatly executed at the. Signa. Office, at the shortest notice, and'on the most reasonable terms.Books FamphetS' Circulara ; Handbiil3 &c. will be printed to oider,at ttny time, wiih the utmo6t accuracy. ÏTT Orders by mail prompily filled.RAIL ROAD HOTEL 1343. BY 1843. PATRICK fc AIDRËW. OPPOSITE THE WESTERN AND NORTHERN RAIL ROAD DEPOTS, DETROIT, MICH. rpiIE above Hotel has been greatly enlarged, JL and fitted up in a style equal to any public Iiousc ín Detroit, tbr comfort and convenience. - Its location is n a healihy and pleasant part ot tlic city, bcing situated on the Public Square, and in the imniediate vicinity of the Central anci Northern llail Roads, and convenient to the principal STAGE ROUTES divergingto the different paits of the State. Thavelkks wishing to take the Cars or Boats cannot find a more convenient place than this. heing near the Cars on both Rai! Roads, and in immediate connection with the Boats. The Proprietors assure the public, thal no pains will be spared to furnish their TA BLE witfa the best the Markel aflbrdjs, and their customere with evervattention in their power, requisite to thpir comfort. CARRÍAGES $■ BAGGAGE WAGONS nlways in readiness to convey Passengers to and from the. B"oats and Cars free o[ charge. TERMS - 75 cents per day, or 25 cents per meal. PATRICK & ANDREWS. Nov. 6. 1813. 28-6m. lL E A THE R. THE undersigned has just received from tho Manufacturer, and will continue te besupplicd with a General Assortmentmont ofEASTERN TANNICD LEA7VHF;R, which he will scll at dccidcdly Low Prices, frr CASH or HIDES. He will continually have on hand Spanish and Slaughter of Light, Middlo and Heavy Weights; Upper Leatlier. Oak and Hemlock Tanned Calf Skins, Patna and Slaughter Kips, Harness and Bridle Leather, Bindings, White nnd Colored Linings, Shoe Thread. &c. All persons desirous of purchasing are requested to cali at the ONE STORY BRICK BUILDING, No. 39, Woodward Avenue, and examine the quality and prices before purchasing elsewhere. N. B. The highpst Market Price will be paid in CASFI FOR HIDES. J. D. BALDWIN. Detroit, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-6m. SAL ERATUS. TX7H0LESALE andRetail, by T V H. BECKER. Aun Arbor, Aug. 2, 1843. 15-tf.ABBOT & BEECHER. DETROIT WHOLESALE AA) RSTAIX. D AZ.EKS IW DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODSJUS.T received a largor Stock 'thnn ever o Lleavy Brown Siicctings, Shirtingsand I)rill ings, lileached Gooqs, Calicóes, Apron Checks, Bnggings, Burlaps, Diapers, Crath, MusHn, Fustians, Mole Skins, Snttincts, Slieup's Gray Cloth, Buokskin Cloih, Fancy Cnssimeres, Wolvcnne Coatings, Alnpaca Lustro. Chaneeable Stripe Do. Fancy Alnpines, Trapo Oelaines.India CJoth Mousltn Do L.ïitu.'S, Pnrisinns, Chusans. Shawls, Rob Roys, Cárdináls, Damasít ■ Shawls. Black. Blue Black, Brown. and Blue Broad Cloiha, Feit and Pilot Over Coatin?s, Blankets, Flannels, and Superio BE AVER C LOTUS, Leather, Cotton Yarn, Tea, Sugar, Coífee, Rice and Tobacco. All of which Goods will be sold at the LOWESt PRICES that they can be boiight for Went of 'New York Citv, and we wish our Fricnds to give us a Cali befora Buying. WAxNTED, POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOUR, For which we will pav the highest prices either in CASH or GOODS, at the CHE A PEST CASH P RICES, No. 144, JeíFerson Avenue, Corner .Bates Street, Detroit. Detroif. Nov. 13. 1843. 29-tf. TO CZiOTHIEXlS, MANUFACTURERS AjYD MERCHJJJYTS. r l iHE subscribers are now receiving, at thoir _L stores, 188 Jcffcrson Avenu?, and corner oi Randolph and Woodbridge streets, Detroit, a large and general stock of DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STUFFS-. 35 tons Logwood, rustic, Limewood, Nicarragua, Hypernic Woud, in the stick, Í30 bbls. giound Cumwdod, 150 do Fustic 120 do Logwood, 100 do Redwoods, 20 do Alum, 6 hhds Coppenis, 4 do Blue Vilriol. 4 pipes Ombre and Crop Madders, prime, 500 Ibs. Extract Logwood. 600 do Bengal, Midras and Caraccas Indigo, 300 do Blue Nutgaíís, (Alleppo,) 250 do Povdered Cúrcuma, 200 do Verdigris. 10 CarboysOH Vitriol, 6 do Aqua Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sea Salt?, 4 do Niiric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye, 300 Ibs. Banquo Tin, 250 do Créa'rh TartaV, . G00 do Qnereciron Bark. Togfither wiih a compleieassortmentof all the minor anieles in the trade, to wit: P.ess Papers, Teazles, Brushes, Jacks, Tent Hooks, DveKettles, Pickers, Burling Jrons, Nippers, Prussinte of Totash. Sal Amoniac, Sal Soda, Sugar of Lend, Steel Reeds. Card Cleanerg,MACHINE CARDS, Salinett Warps. Sheni's. &e. Tbis entire stock lias been purch'asecl within the last two weeks, aud selected personally by one of the concern, whto has been in the business for the last eleven years, and they have no hesitation in sayinc that the quality of these goods is unexceptionable. They will positivly be sold at the owc8i New York jobbing prices, with the addiiion of transportation only. The subscribers have the sole Agency in this State for the snle of "FARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES," md the celebrnted " LEIOESTER MACIïJNE CARJDS," dcckledly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April 11, 1843. 5Hf C L OKS! TOLOCKS! THE subsciiber hnving just received sevcral cases of BRASS and WOOD GLOCKS, ol various deserip'.ions,. is prepared to sell them Chcap for Cash. Also. a general nssortmení of JEWBLEY, consisting in part of Gold Fingcr Rings, and Bosom Pins. Hearts and Crosses. Silver and Common Thimbles, Watch Chains and Keys, Pendil Cases: also, Spoons, Sugar Bowls, Butter Knives, Tooth and flair Brushes, Pocket Books, Violin Strings. Necdles, Pins. Hooks, and Eyes. Spectacies. Fine Combs.Dressing Combs, Side Combs, Back Combs, Pocket Combs, Water Paints. Marking Cotton, Steel Pens, and Tweasers, SnufF& Tobacco Boxe6. EInstics. &c. All of which wil] be sold as cheap as at any other establishment this side of New York. N. B. The subsciiber thankful for so largc a share of pnblic patronage, still solicitsa continaence óf the same. CLOCKS AND 1VATCHES of every description repaired and warranted. Also. JEWELRY rep'nired on short notice. - Shop at his oíd stand direcily opposite the Conrt House. C. BLTSS. Ann Arbor, 6, 1843. 28-ly.ERSAT BÜ.RGAÏBTS IN BEADY _MABE CLOTHING ! !" HALLO CK fy RAYMOJVD WÜULD respcctfully inform the citizens of Ann Albor, and the State gonerallv. that they have now on hand the LÁRGEST and CHEA PEST stock of READY MADE CLOTHING" to bc found at nuy establishment in this State, whi'ch they are determined to sell at piicesZowrer than were before oflbred, ■ and they confidently invite all persons in want' of "Rcaity Made CLolhing," visiring Dotroit, to caü at their establishment, "Corner of Jeffcrson and Woodward Avenues," in the new brick block, Pioenix Buildings, where they will find evcry variety ofgarments suiiable for sentlemen's Fall or Winter wear, and they believe at prices from 15 !o 25 percent cheaper iban they can obtain tlien ;n any other way. Also, a very choice selection of "Broad Cloths. Cassimeres and Vestings," which they are prepared to manufacture to order n a supnrior manner and stye not to be excel'ied in the City of New York or elsowhere. Garments always warranted to fit and virase or no sale!! Also, a very heavy Stock of DOMESTIC CLOTHS. PfLOT nnd BEAVER CLOTHS. BELGIC CLOTHS, SATTINETS. WINTER TWEEDS, and every varietyanddescription of gnods suitable lor gentlemen's wearing apparel, all of which shall be sold vcrylow for cash, or 'exchanged tbr Produce at market prices. All those wishing Bárgains in any of the aboye -mieles are invited to cali at the "FASHIOATABLE CLOTHING EMPOR1UM" of the subscribers, Cor. of Jeflerson and Woodwnrd Avfinucs, Detroit. HALLOCK &RAYMOND. Detroit, Sept. 28, 1843. 23_tf. NOTICE. ALL those intfebted to the firm of J. Becklkv & Co. are requosted to makc paVment mmcdiately. Oct. 23, 1843.YPSILANTI ACADËmFA NI) TEAOTfflRSF SEMINAR? Ií. M. GítíFFEN. Principal. Mr. CHAS. S. WOüDARD, Assimr THE nextterm of this institmion w,il ■„ menee on Monday, Feb. ]■, ond &?P): ue 11 weeks. While this school is equaijy S '" all of both sexes, who wish to acquire a ' education, particular attention wlll be ni those' who are preparing to tcudi. The aT 9ve nnd uninterrupted attejuion of thc nri ' i will he giveri to impart a practical knowF' P r the English branches, He oceupies bóïfLl an hour daily in lectunng. with the aid ofti, paratu8. ininerals, or otherwise. . ue aPAPP.ARATUS.- The Insiitution is , , wiih Chemical, Philosoplncnl. anl Astr" 8'lcd npparatus, Surveying Instruments. omMl solids, &c. to ihe amoum of :;00. a)So a Cnbinetof Minerale worth ?50 good TuiTioíf in.the commön Éngíish branches in cluding Composition nnd Oeclnniation r ,2,00 to $3,50. In Philcophy. ChTnl tronomy. History, Rhetunc. O5nny Al 'i Geomeiry, Surveying, &.c. from $4,rio& Mezzotintoand Chínese or Theorpm ■ ' $8Ót) each ior 12 lessons, taught bpfifrS The tnition is to be pnjd t tho micWle of tho term. No deduetion fot absence will be 1 except for aícknesB, nnd no one wilí be received for ess ihan fiv.e and a half pfi 1ÖOABD, Including roum and washínrr r, $.T;00to $1 50 per week; mnSS& inquire of the pr.ncpal. Rooms can be Sd chonp for scholnrs to board themselves Rev. I. M. Weaa. Rev. H. P. Power n E. Craner J. F.i.child, M. D.. J C 'aÍ' M.D G . &E. M. S]unner,Esqr8,S.M„rAdlcT have kmrlly consented to form a vieiting cömmit' lee, to be present at the Week revieron scS andatlhePíublic e-xamination of thü Ypsilnntl. Oct. Ia, 7S41 i , ■ L___ - Y XOKTHERN, EASTERN, AND SOUTHERN STAGE HOUSE. HHHE undersigned. respeeifully nnnounces to X the I ublic ihat he i8 nnw the Propnet„r of this veil Unnwu esiablishmenf. The Hou-p having been thoroughly overhnuled, and refiued na manper calcdated to promoVé the comfort of cHizens and the travelling public. The house occupies an eligible posiiion, on the corner of Woodbridgc and Randolph street' in a business part of tbc city. ' Thoso who may honor him with their countenance, may be assured that no expense or attention in bis power, will be ppared. to make their sojourn in Detroit agrcenble and satisfnetory [46-ly] S. D. W00ÜW0RTHAT THE PAPfillW-i. (jt.OWER TOWt.) AXN ARBOR. EBOOTfl wonld uwpecjürfly infomi },l inhnbitantsof Ann A'ffcbr and vicinhy thnt he continúes ihe business of BOOK BINDING, nt tlie old stnnrl. in the Paper Mili. Old Books will. be neatly rebound on short notice. Al! kinds of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payinent. April 10, 1843. 52_,ft THE TRUE PAIN EXTRACTOR. SALVS, WHICH cures liken chnrm allBURNS by Hre or water, and cvery externsl SORK. PAJN: ÍNFLAMMATíOjN, ACIIE or ITCI1ING ever yet found upon the human faniíly. 10 which it has boen applied, niuat aiways besoight genuine frorn Comstock an-1 Co., of New Yoik, or iheir anthon.ed ogents. AU are cantioned against any spuiïous articles, wiiich may alwars bc avoideu by knowing the one yöu buy comes from Comstock & Co . who are now i'he o,Jy proprieto's and maniif;ielurers. lriquire for Connel'8, which is wnrranted to do all ft ever, would when c.illcd by any other name, or the pricbshaU be refundcd in any case if it does not please. To place it witliin reach of all, the price has been reduced more than four fold, and s norr sold for 25 cents, the former price being too exorbitant. The 50 cent size now coniains four times hs much as the .lomier, and the $1 size uear ten times as much. No fainily that has any title to hnmaniiy. W1"ll fail to have Conxel's Pain Extractor Ointnient always at hand, to save life, all scars, and reduce all ngöny from any burh in five mVniés, provided they have seen it used. or will believe tliose who have used it. COMSTOCK & CO.. 21. Coürtlnmi Streef. [CT" Bc sure. tlierefove. and ask foi Co.vnkl's, as our plate vviih D;i!ley's nameen i[ hns heen stolen, and the apurious may appeur withi that name on it. Know, therefore, that it comes directly from Comstock & Co., or shnn it WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARÜ. 36 Agent for Ann Arbor. TValuafole School Eooks. i Wu i-i b-st,. auu luost useiui anu ucceesary SCHOOL BOOKS. are the fnFlowing, which havereceived the sanction of the be?t judges in the State oí New York, and have heen exteisively introducen into the Comnion Sehouls and Academies of that State. They have ljk$wise been.approyed by the Su]erintendent ofPublic Instruction of Michigan. [Dr. Comstock,] and selecieil by liim to be useid in the Conimon Schools of this State, viz: THE AMERICAN CLASS READER, containmg aseries of Jcesons in reading, withintroductory exercises in Anicuniion, Jnflection, Emphasis, and the other essential elemonis of correct natural Elonuiion; designed ior Academies and Common Schools - By Gkokgi:, fornierly Principa] of the Canandaigua Acaderny, and late Principal of the Livingston County High School, [The design of the American Class Reader is to tuieh sejiolars to remi.. Ii is not suiljcient fpr this purpose, that a 'book he ïnstructive nnd entertaining. ,-ind (he selec.ions citaste and classical in point of diction; it should be also properly adapted to exercise the reader in all the varied iones infiecüons, and other requisites that belong lo correct tuitural eloculion. The Rcv. J. Spencer, of Brooklin, N. Y. nn experienced Teachtr s:iy8. "I hnve vcry scarccly exnmincd the American Class ficader by George Wiison, and have no hesiiation in expressíng my opinión of í te excellence. 1 consider it the best work, ior the purpose for which it is designed. that I have ever seen, and I cannot hut desire its immediate adoption in our Academies and Schools." -Similar recommendalions from hundreds of others, have been received.] A PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL SYSTEM OF AR1THMETIC, containing several ncw methodsof operation, anda new systèm of Proportion; with Theoretical explanations of all the principal rules. Also, aTreatiseon Mensuration, and a brief practical system of Book Keeping, by the author of the American Class Reader. [HJ'The above are for sale at the Michigan Book Store, by the dozen or singly. - Teachers, who have not already examined them, can receive copies gratis., by calling at 143 Jefferson avenue. Detroit. C. MORSE. [E? The above bnoks can be had at the Book Store of WM. R. PERRY, Ann Arbor, Lowor Village. January Ï5, 1844. 38-2m JAUIES O. BIKIVEY, ATT ORNE Y AND COUNSELLOR A T LA W. SAGANAW CITY, MtCniGN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent n the Land District in which this (Saganow) Countyjté; he will make nvestments for others ands, pay over for non-residente their toxce, and give information generally to persons interested n this part of the country, or desirousof beconing immigrant8 to it. ". JPJETT1BOJTJE, SÜRVETOR, MAKER, AND LAND AGEWT. Office in Court House Square, Ann Arbor. June 19, 1843. 8-tf. WOOD! WODGII WANTED immediately, any quantitv nl DRY WOOD in payment for the Signa of Liborty. Come eoon.


Signal of Liberty
Old News