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Special ]otice. WE are exceedingly in want of Funds te meet our liabilities. Many of our eustomers are still indebted to us and we are anx iou8 f pos8blo to have them adjust their accouni without cost to thetnsclves or trouble to us therefore, POSIT1VELY all who are indebted to us for Woor. Cardin-g Clotii Dkessino. or othcrwise, must cali nne seitle their accounts immtliaUbj or we ehnll bc under the necessity of givingthem a -persona ca 1 at tlieir dwellings. N, B. - We are in earnest. no mistnke. J. BÉCKLEY&CO. Ann Arbor, March 8th, 1844. 3w45 ESTRAY. NOTICE is hereby given that a yoke of fou year oldsteers broke into my enclosure in the lownship of Superior, Washtenaw couniy lost full, one brown, a little white on the tip o the tail, the tip of the horns black, the other red with a lino back and belly, some white on hie face, and a white tail. Tho owner is requeste to come and prove property and pay datnages, and take them away. FÉLIX DUROSS. March 5, 1841. 8nv-;6 BIWGHAW &, CHAFMAN, FORWARDING MERCHANT8, DEALERS IAT DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, $& AT THE RAir.-ïtOAD DEPOT, GRASS I.AKK, MICH. H. H. BINGHA3Í. G. CHAPMAN. 4:5-3in. Socds. WANTED.- Twenty-Five pounds Long Biood, Large Red, and White Sugar Beet Seed, and "-Twenty pounds Cucunjber Seed, for which a liberal price will be paid in goods. if deliyeredsóon. Also, Twenty bushels Red and White Onion8, delivered in April next, aad Twenty bushels Red and Blood Beets. S. B. NOBLE. Ann Arbor, Feb. 8, 1844. 42-Gw 000,000 Feet PIN E LÜMBER. Til E subscribers offer for sale. Five hundred Thousand Feet SEASOÑED PINE LUMBER, which has been put up in the best possible manner. and ia of every quality and ihickness. Persons wishing to purchn8e Lumber tli&t is fit for imviedmtc use, will do well to give us a cali, before purchasing elsewhere. HAZELTON & PATERSÖN, Formerly Agents forBeach & Co. Flint, January 22, 1844. 4-'Mm. FASHI0NABLE HAT STORE. WBARNUM, wouid rcspectfully inrorm the citizens of Detroit, and surrounding country that lic has constantly on hand a valuable as8ortment of Hats, Caps, Furs &c. which he oflèrs for snle on the most reasonable terms atNo. 75, Jefierson Avenue. Genti.kmkn and Ladibs from abroad on visitng the City will do well to gtvc him a cali bebre purcasing elsewhere. Deiroit, Nov. lOth, 1843. 29-6m BY the Box, for 6ale by C. J. GA RL AND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Jan. 1 7. '44. 31) FIRE! FIREÜ FIRE!M GD. Hill, Agent of tho iEtna Insurance Co., wil! tnsnre property against loss or Jamageby Fire on reasonable terms. Oct. 23, 1643. 27- tf ;.ÊJPJRJLJESy BY the Barrel, for salo by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arlor. Upper Town. Jan. 17. '44. T.9 CASH PAID for WHEATand TIMOTHY SEED, by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Jan. 17. '44. ?0 I3LANK DEEÜS. MORTGAGES, EXEJJ CÜTIONS, SÜMMOJNSES, &c. &c hatcdand tor sale at the KTSIGNAL OFFICE, xPETERS 'PILLS. TRUTH HAS PREVAÍLED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilla have now been ten years bcfore the public. During tliai period ley havo obtaincda celebrity unparalleled in the listoryof the most popular : medici m-s which have receded them or have fotlowod in thcir track. - The happy comtlnation of vegetable ingrediente o which these pills owe their efiicacy, is the reult ofyearsof earncst study and experiment, diected by long previoua esperience in the proprtiesuf medical substances, the paihology oi'disease, the nature and modus opcrandi ol the atons fluids which minisier to the support atid ustenance of the human body, andorgauizutiou y which thoso fluids are prepared, modified and istrifnited. The triumph of skill, and pütieni experiment has been compleie. Throngliout the ength nnd breadth of our land, in British Amerca and the Weet Indica, and on tho continent ( Europe, the carative virtues of Peter' s Vege able Pilis, are gratefully acknowledged. They nay be calledTHK medicine var kxckli.kkck, ol he Southern Statei. Their consumpiion south of the Potomac, 3 enormous, and continually on he increase. Nootherpill "goos down" thcre, ïowcvcr sugared over witli hired pulls and home nanufacturcd certifícales. Peters' Vegetable Pills may be termed a uniersal medicine, for there 8 scnrcely any deaagement or obstruction of the organsi and unctions ot the hunun machine which t'ney will not allevia'.e or remove when administered in the early stages of congesiion of the stomach or bovve's, they speedily relax those organs, reduce the attendant fever, and restore the sufTererto health. irritating or drastic sub9tances, heir exhibition is never followcd by that proeraiion of the bodily powers which characterize he opcration of most othor cathartic. and ihey nay be adminisiered wnhout the slightcst fear ol roducing local inflammation, so frequently caused by the purgent composilions vended by he quacks and charlatans oí the day. Jn almost all stages of disease, Peters' Vegetare Pilis will be fon iid of beneficial effect, bui hey should always be resorted to when the first symptom makes its appearance. The conquesi of the complaini will then be ensy and iminediate. In biliions disorders, remittant or intermitnnt fever, dispepsia, dysentery, cholera, chohc. diarheea, dropsy, sour or fceted eruciations, enargement of the spleen, sick headache, all comilaints growing out of imperfect or too rapid di;estion, torporof thebowels. female obstructions, tabitual costiveness, and all other diseases in which a purgative medicine ts proper, Peters' Vegetable Pilis will be found unrivaÜed in the speed, certainty and gentleness of their operaiton. It is asked npon what principie these extraordinary effects are produced? AVe reply that Peters Vegetable Pili acts as a purifier of the blood, by purifying the chyle and other fluids oi which blood is composed. Chyle is a milky fluid deposited by ihe digeative matter on ihe coat8 of the intestinos: and which when combiiied with the billiary secretion, is conveyed into the veins an.i becomes the principie of Ufe. This medicine acts direcüy uuon the chvlelfroin which it expels all aerid partides, and al, humors detrimental to a healthy circulation. Ii cleanses the juicos and fluida before the chemical change takea place which fits them for ihe immediate purposes oi vitaluy. This is beginning ai the beginning. To embue the streams of life wïth heahh. it is neecssary to purify them at their sources. Such is the radical mode in which this medicine performs its cures. Testimoniáis which would hll volumes (many of them from high sciemific nuthority) nre iis vouchers, and it is used in the praciice of the first Physicians hcre and abroad. For saleby F. J. B. Cranfi, W. S. J. W Maynard, J. H. Lund, Harris, Partridges &. Co S. P. & J. C. Jewett, Davdson &. Becker, II. Becker, Christinn Eberbaeh, G. Grenville, D D. Waterman, C. J. GarlandT E. T. "Williams. Ann Arbor; George Warner & Co., D. C. WkitwoorI, J. Millard &. Son. N. H. Wing. Dcxter; M. Jackson, Leoni; Paul Raymond, Jackson; Brc erson & Kief, Manchester; D Keys, Clinton; D S Haywood, Saline; Stone, Bnbcock & Co., Ypsilanti; Scattereood & Co, Plymovth; Pierre '1 eller and T. H. Eaton & Ccu Detroit; also in Adrián, Tecumseh, Brooklyn, Pontiac, Chicaso. and almost every where else. Ann Arbor, Jan. 15, 1844. 27-ly DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOX.AGOGUXL AMÜiXG the most valuable qualitics of thit medicine, ia its restoring rnjïucnce. upor. constitutions impaired and injured by prtvioits attacks ot biilious fever, or fever and agxxe; 01 by n long residence in ihose climates which produce them. There are many constitutions which becomc gradually undermined by a miasmal inlluence. wi:houi even a day's actual confinement. ín such enses, the Cholagoeue acts like a charm - the s.-illow complexion, loss of appetile, languor, weariness and depression of spirits, with other unpleasnnt symptoms which render Ufe a burden, all yield to this remedy when fuithfully used according to the directions of tbeacoompanying pamphlet. It is entirely a vegetable prep nration, and may be taken wüh perfect K.fety under all circumstanccs of ihe systeni. For sale by 36 W. S. .t J. W. MAYNARD, sole Agent, for Ann Arbor and vicinity. lEATHER. THE undersigned has just received from tho Manufacturer, and will continue te beswpplied with a General Assortmentment ofEASTERN TANFÍISD LEATHER. which he will scll nt dccidedly Low Prices, fjr CASH or HIDES. He will continually have on hand Spanish and Slaughter SOLE LEATHER, of Liglit, Middle ond Heavy Weights; Upper Leather, Oak and Hemlock Tanned Calf Skins.. Patna and Slaughter Kips, Harnt-ss and Bridle Leather, Uindings, White and Colored Linings. Shoe Thread, &c. All persons desirous of purchasinp are requested to cpll at the ONE STORY BRICK BUILDING, No. 39, Woodward Avenue, and examine the quality and prices befare purchasing elsewhere. N. B. The highpst Markct Price will be paid n CASH FOR fïIDES. J.D. BALDW1N. Detroit, Nov. 13, 1843. 29Tfim.1843. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. .'?. ..WF.ÏKKJE.V, BOOKSÉLLEB AN3 STATIONEB, SMART S BLOCK, 137 JEFFERSON AVBÍUE, DETROIT. Keeps constamly tor sale a complete assortmem of Misccllaneous, School and Classtcal Books; Letierand Cap Puper, plain and ruled, Quills. luk, Sealing Wax, Cu:Iery, Wrapping Paper, Printjng Paper, of all sizes; and Uiiok. News nnd CanÍ6ter Ink, of varions kinds. BLAirZ SOOSS-. Full anu Dalt bound. ol every variety ol Uuling. MEMORANDUM BOOKS, &c. To Merchante, Teachers, and others, buying in quantities. a largo discount made. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 51-if. MRS BUFFINGTOIM RESPECTFULLY informsthe ladiesof Ann Arbor and ts vicinity, that shc has just reeived her atest Patterns lor Hafs.Caps. Cloaks, ud Dresses; and she respectfully invites them o cali and examine for themselves. She likcvise renders them her sincere thanks for their rv'.ronage for the past year, and begs a continuaion. J.'er esiabüshment will be found midway etween the Upper and LowerTowa. Ann Arbor, Nov. 2, 1843. SB-tf, SALERATUS. WHOLESALE and RETAIL by F. DENISON. December 20, 1643. 35-tf. CASH paid for TALÉ.OW, by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town. Jan. "2, '44. 4UNEW BOOK STORE. ' ( ANN AR BOU, LO WER TO JVN. ) rHE Subscriber hos jusrt receiveü a general assortiment of' SCHOOL BOOKS. euch u & are n use in Common Schools in Ma State. ? ogo her wiili a variety of Rcligious, Sciemific l1 ,nd Misecllai.eous works, sucU na ïïiarto Bililcs, Polyglo; ifc Common, do. PocUoi Ediiion, Family, do. School, do. Pocket T ments. ',i sïms, Praycr Books, 4 6Ízc.h, Tlic Psalmist, a ncw Bapiist ilymn Dook, Methodist IJynin Book, Waiie' Psiilms 8 and Hymns, Annunls for 1844, Cowa pers Poems. Ossüins. do Camp' bells, do. Burns'. do. JAUion'a Work?, Scott's 'Works, ALi biims, Ta tes of a Grnmlfathcr, Scott's Napoleon, Boau'iiul New Year'a Prp.senis, View of all Rcligions. Mofliera Fricnd, Piresidc , Piciy, Geins of Piety. Meditation on Prayer. a vnluaW work, The Task, Berqnins Works. Cluistinn, Bsiptist, Chnrch, Wasliingfonian and Farmers' Almanacs, Boston Academy. Sacrod Lyre and Manliattan Col' lection Singing Books, ' Blnnk Day Bo.jks, i Lodgers, Jour' nals and Blolter8, JuBtices' Dockeis. Toy Bibles, ers. ]()0 kinds, i Song Books.20ki mie. ond variorB oiher Book?. togeiher with Wafers, Sealin? Wax, Ink. Quills, Steel Pens, Letter Paper, (nn excellent article,) and jominon. Cap Paper. Ink Stands. Lead Pencils, Drnwing Pmci'e. B. & H. B. and Prepnred India Rubber. All of whtch will be sold at Detroit prices for Cash. The subacriber has made his arrnngements so that almosf anything in the line of Books and Stationary whtch :s not on hand can be furnished ata ehort noti:e. He intends 10 make the sale of Books a permanent business and will therefore do what he can to keep his nssoriment good. Don't forget the place, Ann Arbor. Lower V, llago, nearly opposite the Flouring MilL WM. R. PERRY. Janu.-ry 8. 1844. 37-3m. CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PL ASTER, The most effectuul remedy yet discovered for Klurumfitism, Fever Sores, JVkiít: Swellings, Injlatnmation in the EyeSf Swelled Tkroat in Scar let Ferer, Quinscy, 4-c. 3-c, rpHE CHEMICAL PL ASTER is an importX ant remedy for those who are afllicted with chronk: and inflammatory complaints, by its easing pain. counteracting inflammtion, and giving speedy relief by its active, strengthening, anodyne. diaphoretic avjd counterirritantproperties - aneSectiial remedy lorChronicand Imflammatory Rheumatism, Agüe in the Breast, Scalds, Burns, Bruises, Scrofula, Ulcers. Oíd Sores of alinost every description, Cankered. and SweUed Tliroat arisingfroiTvScarlet Fever, Felona, White Swel!ing8, Chilblains, &c. Persons suflering from Liver ComplaintP, Pulmonary diseases, Inflammalion of the Lungs. with pain in the side, back or limbs. will fínd relief by the use of the Piaster. Id all cases it may be used with perfect 8afety. E. DEANS CHEMICAL PLASTER ib put up in boxes at ñity cents and one dollar each, with íull direclions aceompanyingeachbox. Manufactured and sold wholesale by II. HARRIS & CO.. Ashtabula, Ohio, solé proprielors, to whom all orders should be nddres3ed. Sold also by their Agent6 ihroughont the country. BU'A liberal discount made lo dealers and phycif'innc.For testimoniáis nnd certificntes from persons of the blghest respecubility, who have uscd the Chemical Piasier, sec another column of this paper. For sale by the following Agente in Michigan: II. W. Rood. Nilcs, J. C. Larrimore. " C. Skanahan, Edwardsburh. ïïm. O. Ausiin, White Pireon. Isaac Benham. Jr., Conatantine. DanJ. j. Kimberly, Schorilcrafu H. B. Huston, & F. March.jr PM Kalqmazoo. James W. Cothren. P. M. Galesburgh. T. L. Bolkcom, P. M. Battle Creek, James M. Parsons, P. M. Marshall. Paul Raymond. Druggist, Jackson. Wm, Jackson, P. M. Leoni. Hale and Smith, Grass Lake. John C Winans, Sylvan. J Millerd & Son, Dexter. Thomas P. May. Jr. Plymouth, Perin &.Hnll, Northville, Mead & McCarthy. Farmington, Peter Van Every, Franklin, Jalius Dean, Pontiac, Mack & Sprague, Rochestcr, James Stephens, Utica, E. C. Gallup, Mt. Clemens, G. &J.G. HiH. -, -t John Owen & Co. DeiTOiU Dr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dearbornville, E. Samson. Ypsilami, J. H. LUND, ) W. S. &.J. W. MAYNARD, Ann Arbor. CÍIRISTIAN EBERBACH, ) 49-ly ATTEiTIO]V CIjOTHIERS! JUST received at the General Depot, for the sale of Clothiers Stock, Machiuery, Dye Stuffá, fee. &c, No. 139. Jeffdrson Avenue, Detroit, the following large, weil assorted, aud carefully selected stock, rat 10(1 bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Tons " "in Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Fuetic, Cur, 5. Tons li " in Stick, 50 bbls. Nic. Wood, Chipped, 50 " Lima Wood, " 30 " Red Wood, " m 12) ' Ground Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 5M) Ibs. NutgaJis, 10 Cases Extract of Logwooii, 300 Ibs. Lac Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanish Indigo, 300 Sumac Sicily, 3 Casks Madder, 3 Casks Blue Vttriol, 5 Casks Aluin.2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Borrels Cream Turtar, 3 Carboys Aqua Fortis, 5 Oil Vitriol, S { Muriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdigris, 50 " Block Tin, Teasels, Twine, Copper Kettles, all stees, Pnrson's Shcaring Machines, Curtis' ' Screws and Press Platos, Cranks, Press Paper, Steel Reeds, Worsied Harnfss, Tcnter Hooks, Emery, all No's., Olive Oil, Cloihiers' Jacks. Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Brushes, Shuttles, Pickers, Card Cleaners, &c. &c. The above, with a variety of other anieles belonging to the trade, have been purchased this slimmer by ihc subscribers froin Manufacturera and First llanda in the New York, Philadelphio, nr.d Boston Markets, and cvery thing having received his personal inspeciion. he can wiili the utmost conlidencc cff;r theni fo purchasers ns ihc best and tiiosl rowjltc stock in the country; and as it is his fixed doicrminaiion (by the low rates a1. which he will se!l) lo nrevent tho necesaity ol our Clothiers and Manuf'i'urerB leaving the Stato to niake their purchasos, Us would nierelj say to the trade, O ALL, examine tho tjoods and ascertain prices beforc you say you can buy cheaper any vltcc clse. He is also prepared to contract for CARD1NG MACHINES made in this State or Ensf. PIERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 139, Jcflerson Avenue. [17-tf.] Detroit. SAL ERATUS. WHOLESALE and Uctail. by II. BECKER. Aan Atbor, teg. 2, 1843. 15-ti.rHE following indispensable fomily remedies may be found at Maynard's Druggiet Store, in Anu Aibor, where none wiW bc sold inless kr.own to be of the best kind and no ouiitcrfcit articlc ever oliured, patent medicino nvari.ibly procurcd ot the origirul inventor or lis regular successor: 0 J' Xo fumiij shotdd bc a, ictck loilhout these BALDNESS. Balín of Co'uinbia, for the Huir, which wil itop it-if (iilliiig out, or restore itoii lmld plnces: md on children make it grow rapidly, or on. hose who hdve lost ihehnir from any cause. ALL VERMLV that infest the heads of chilIren in schools, are prevented or killed by it at nce. Find ihe name of COMSTOCK oa. it r never try it. Femember tftis alicmjs. PILES, &c ire wholly prevented, or governed if tlic nVtaclt ia8 come on, if you use the only true Ua ys' LiKb imknt, from Comstock fe Co. All SORES ind every thing relievcd by it that ndmits of onmtward application. It acts like a chojm. Us it. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS posiively cured; all shrivelled musclts and limbpare ■estored1, ia the old oryoung, by the Indinn Vcp;t.üU Elixir and Ncrz e and Bone Linirncnt-but never without the name of Comstock & Co. on il. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE willcradicate all WORMS in children ot adulta with a. certainty quite astonisiting. TOOTH DROPS. Kun es- cures cffeetiyilly. Ann Arbor, Fcb. 5, 1844. 4 1 "TO THE VÍCTOR BELONG TBE SPOILS." ALTHOUGH many preparationsin the iorm of 'POPULAR MEDICINES," havo been before the public, claiming to give relief, and even cure the most invetérate diseases, vet none have 80 well answerod the purpose as Dr. SHERMAN'S MED1CATED LOZCNGES; Dr. Sherman'a "COUGH LOZENGES" cure the most obstinate cases of Cough in a few huurs. They have cured a large number of persons who have been given up by their physiciana and frienda, and many who have beea reduced to the verge of the grave by spitting blood, Consumptkm and Hectic Fever, by their usa bave had the rose of health restored to.thehaggard cheek. and now live to spoak forth tho praises oXthis invaiuuble medicine. a WORM LOZENGES" have be&n provedin jnore than 400,000 coses to bc infallible, in fact, the only certain Worm de8troyng medicine ever discovered. Children wil i eat them when they cannoi be íorced to take any other medicine, and the benefit derived (rom the administration of medicine to tíiem in thie form is great beyond conception. 'Ihey fiav riever been k íown to fail. Dr. Sberman's "CAMPHOR LOZENGES." relieve Hcadache, Nervous Síck-headache, Pnlpitation of the Heart,. and sickness in a very few minutes. Dr. Sherrnan's "POOR MAN'S PLASTER" ia acknnwledged by all who have ever used it to he ihe best strengthening Piaster in the world, and a sovereign remedy for pains and weaknrss in ihe back, loins, side, breost, neek, Jimba, joints, rheumatism, lumbcsro, &c. Be careful to procure tlie above and aíl other medicines oí Maynard's, and you will be snre there will be no ,mistakc in quantity or chnrce. W. S. & J. W. MATNARD. Ann Arbor, February 5, 1844. 41 IVIichigan Book Store. 142 JEFPEBSON AVKNUE DETROIT. r 1 1HE pnb'ic are intormed that very large adJL diiions have been made to this establishment during the past summer, and recently, embracing a very ejetensive assortment of works in the various dopartments of Science and Literature, Moráis, and Religión: and olso, a most complete stock of Letior and Foolscap Paper, Stationnry articles, Classical and School Books; Blank work, &c. &c. all of which are oflered to the public wholesale or retaü, as chenp ae can be had at any Bookstore west Of New York city. The ossortment of Juvenile Books is very large and wel! worth 'the attention ol parenfs and othere, who may wish to putgood books inta the hands of ch i ld ren. Family Bibles - a grpat variety; Pocket do Prayer Books. fine and common: PteaWs 8nd Hymns, various collections: UrsuJine Alanual, Cfttholic Piety, Flowers of Pietv, Christian Sae rifiee, Cliristian Guide, Caihohe Melodies, &c, &c. Books for Libmries, in subsinntial bindings, may be found here'in grent abundance. Ladies' Album, o fine assortment: Portfolios, with and without locks; fine editionsof the Poets, large &8mall. Dissected MapsBattlo Doors, Birtls, &c &c. Piense cali and examiuc. C. MORSE. Jnnuary 14, 1S44. 38-tfCELEBRA TED CHEMICAL PLASTER. THE following is one from among the nti tnerou6 testimoniáis from persons of tho highest respeciability, which the proprietors havo received. LETTER FROM JOHN S. CARTER. Druggist avd A-pothccMry Eñe, Pa. dated July 2nl, 1640. Messrs. H. Harrí3 & Co. - Gentlemen: In reply your favor ol the lst instant, it añbrds me plensure to state, tliat I have during the last rhree sold many dozene of E. Dean's Cfiemical Piaster, nnd it has almost universally given sntisfcction to the purchaers. It has done wondere to my certain knowledge both in Chronic and Inflammatory Rheumatism. An old gentleman who had been afflicted with it for years remarked to me that he had expended more ihan thirty dollars with doctors without benefit, when he was directod to try tho piaster, from one box of which he says he received more telief than from all his physicians. The piaster has also given good satisfaction in Fever Sorea and Iuflammation of the Eyes. I could say more, but the bearer of this is waiting. Respect lul 1 y yours, JOHN F. CARTER. [ETFor the diseases in which this Plnstr is ap plicable, see advertisement in arioiher column oí this paper. E. Dean's Chemical Piaster ís for Bale in Aun Arbor, (Lower Town. ) by J. H. LÜND. and W. S. et J. W. MAYNARD. ? Upper CHRISTIAN EBERÜACIJ, Town 49-1 yFASHIOIVIABIC TAILOR1NG ESTABLISHMENT. JR. WALKFR would announce fo hí friends and the public in general, that he is now in the receipt of the fall and winter fashions 1br 1 843-4, which hnve been selected and furnished by twoof the best estnblishments in the United States, on the first of the present month, afier the kinds of goods and fashions for the season had become permanently eeiablished, which is beautifully illustrated by two of the most splendid fashion plates ever presented to this community. Any gentlemen who wish to have the "simon pubk," can find it here furnished at a season when therc can be no mistake as to what is or is not fushionable. Gentlemen, picase cali and examine for yourselves, and if wecannot exhibitsomething that will satisfy you that theetyle of goods and feshion ofgarments are chaste and benutiful, ilien we are much mistaken. Mr. Walker would take this opportunity to return his sincere thanks to all who havo hitheno favorecí him with rheir patronage, and hopes he has given general satisfaction. All who feel disposed to have an easy, at the same time a fasliionable gsrment. can bogratified by calling at the shop of D. Insh, one doorsouth of Beach & Abel's oíd store, wherc for the convenience ofhimselt and cuctomers he has located for tho season, where all demands in his line will be executed with ncainessand despatch. on reaeonablc terms for cash or country produce, but jyositlvcly do credit. N. B. Cutiing done, and warranted to fit properly mndo np. üctobcrll. 18-13. 97 }u_


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Old News