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LOWER TOWN MESSRS. DAVÍDSON & BECKER,' have just received fromNevv York a large and splendid assortment of Fancy and Staple Also, a large quantitv of Dry Groceries Crockery, Khelf Hardware, Nails, Boots and Shoes, Men's and Boy's Caps, Paints, Dye SUtiïs, and Medicines, &c. &c. &c. wliicli they willsell lower t'han has ever before been offered in this place. For particulars cali at their Store, No. 3, Brown's Block, (formerly occupied by H. Becker.) Tlie highest Maiket piice will be .paid in Goods for -most kinds of Produce. g@= Remember ihnt they will not bó undcrsold.-) Ann Arbor, Lowcr Town, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-Gm Tl" áP áh YS "W The Fever and 'Agüe' used op- Br. Banister's Püïs DR. BANISTER'S CELEBRATJ3D FEVER AND AGÜE PILLS- Puuely VeoktaijIíK. - A sa'e, speedy, and sure remedy lor fever and n&ue, dum ague, chili fever, and the billious disea-es peculiar lo new countries. These pílls are designod for tjie affections of ihe liver and other infernal organs which altend the diseases of ilie new and niiasinatic puriions of our countiy. The unparalleled succes that has the. u?e af these. pills, induces iieproprietor 1o believe Ihat they are t?up:rior to any remedy ever oifered to the public ior the nb.ove diseases. They are purely VEGETABLE and perfeclly hnrmless, and can be tacen liy any person, male or female vvjih peil-ecL safety. The piils are preparad in Iwo separate boxes, marked N.o. 1, and No. 2. an] accompanied wifh full direction.. A grèat number. of certifícales might he procured in favor of his medicine, but the proprietor has thought ñí not to inserí them, in as riiuch as he depends upon the meiits oí the same for its repotation. The above piil is !ct c:orsiant!y on hand by the proprietor and can be iad at vvholcsale orretaii at the Store of J. Becidey & Co., Ann Arbor, jOiver Town. Orders f the country proinptly attended to. L. BEGKLEY, Proprietor. January 17, 1844. 39-3m. H"UST received al the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store, a g-eneraJ assortmen-t of Fancy and staple Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c, which vill be soid cheap and for ready pfiyonly. C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, r%Tov. 20, 1843. N. B. Jls usual, any Goods.'putchased of fiiiii not giving satisfaction in Drice and quahty, tTíe purehaser has the privilege to return them and receive back his money. 32 . .. C. J. G7BL.?ND, ■- iiii-i- ■ mi ii ii i .i ui-iwaLimiii mui ■umi i in i in n in i ■ ii ■■umi iHOA í TEMPERANTE HOUSE. IMUl. undersijrned wöuIcI respectiully iuloruj . the friends of Temperance. and the public enerally, that iheabote nnmed Iiouse. forrneryknown as the Temperanee Hotel, and-si tun4ed n the corneröf Michigan avénuc-nnd Wasbingon street, near the Central Rnilroad.üepot, liav)g undergóne thorough repairs and very great dditional iinprovements, is dow rcady fof the ré' eption of all .thoée ■ who inay favor hi.m wi;h a all; The accoroinountion?, in ovcry respect, are ot inferior lo any Tcn'ifR' "House in the oumry. nnd every att9n(ion will bé givén to uch as bestow their patronage upon this laúdale enterprise. N. ;B. -Carriagös nlways in rendinpssto-convey passengers to and frotn Boafs oni Cura" ■ WAT. 'CHA MP. Detroit, Mny 9. 1843. 4-ly CLOTH! CLOTHT! THE Subscribirá woufd inform the Public that [jcrsons hr.ving wool to bo nanufactured, can have il done nt their Manufiiétoiy vilhT n a short' time, as the large quantity of wool furniahi'd thern by farmers and others the past eason is nearly completed, and will be finislied vithin a íew days. We have manufacturad eloth this eeason for about oni hnndved and weiityfitccustoinars, to whom we have reasort. O bclieve,-we have given general satisfaction. - With this encouragement, we hope (or future atronage. TER MS. Half the clotli tlie wool will.rnako. or 37í, cpnís prr ymd. We will ulso exchangc Clotli for Wnol on recsonable tenns. Wool sent by Rail JLoad to Scio will .be properly atlendcd to. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, Washtenaw Co., Dec. 25 1843. 30-tfADMINISTRATORS' NOTJCE. THE undeisigned, having bcn appointed hy the Judge of Probate for ihe County of Vashtenaw, administrators on the estáte, of Asa j. Smith, late of said coumy.and liaving given ond8 as required by law, hereby give notice to 11 persons indebted to snid estáte to mnke immediate payment to them. and all persons háv. ng claims against süid estáte to present them roperly attested for adjustment. SYRENA SMITH, Administnurix. WILLIAM M. SINCLAIR, Adminifttr.mor. Aun Arbor, Maren 1, 1814. 1ó-6w11 A 1 L &uAJJiiUJLJ&La 34:3. 13 Y a 843. PATRICK & ÁWDREWS. OPPOSTTE THK WBSTKKN AND NORTHERN RAIL ROAD DEPOTS, DETROIT. MICH. f Ij li'IE above Hotel luis buen grealíy enlarged. .JL and iititíd ujj n a stylü cjual to nny public h'oDsein Detroit, for comfort and conveniehee. - IrsJocntion is in a licalthy and pleasnni part u! ti io cuy.,, being eituated ou tlie Public Square, ítfid in the inmediato vieïnity of the Cenír'ál and Norihern Rail Roads, and convenient to thc principal S-TAGE ROUTES divorjing to til? (liílf-rent p:irts of t he State. Tuavki.kus v.:áhmg to tükc the Cars or Boats cannoi íind a moré cóñvenieñt place tlián tliis. iscíng neur thó Cars on Koth Pa Roads, and ín UiUTjedifltCj connection wiih ihe Boats. Tlie Pfoprietors assuro t!-,e public, trial no :pairls will be Yo furnish their TxM-TC wiili the bost the ÍVIarkcl aílbrrle, and tlicíi' customers witli 'every attenlion in theif power, rcqiiisite to tlirir cotnfort. CA PJl IA GJIS & BA G GA GE WA G ONS always in readines to convoy Pássfn-íreis lo aii! from the Boats a'nd Cas Iree of charfre. TRMS - 75 ccn;s per dny, or 2ó cents per mcal. PATRICK& ANDREWS., jiv. fi. 1813. 28-fnn. NEW GOOPSIP TTAVING retired, nóti'rotn 'business , to XX the oíd stand oí' G. Ward, 1 will Bell COODS Chcnp. My stock 3 ntirdi vivu .-ind embrocea a good vdiioty, we!l sclected, mid the goods canñot íail to sitísfy those who wis'li to ptuc'uise. I have spent most of the eummor and pari of thc fall. in Wélw England.. wlicro tlie Goods are made, and [ liavt been nblo to nuichase sucli goods aslwantfid; and at such ■ prices, au wil) enable me to se!l them a!)ont thcy have been sold in' New York, from -Jobbinsz Houses during tbisseason. Espcci.dlly IcanseU Woolen Elothsy ■ frorji the coarseatto superfina. 3-4 v. (i-'l Cloths: Sotinctts, Cassimercs, &c, &c. at low prices. More: J have on bond a gpod stock of Combs. Thread. Pins. Ncedles. &c. &.:. which I can. and wili'sell to auy, who wiah to buy by the quantity at very low rntcs. I wül lake ASHES and BLACK BALTS, or PRARLASH at myAshery; and will scíl SALERATUS in quantities to suit pnrcliasers. TERMS.- Cash, Produce, or good Credit. I um, Gentlemen and Ladies, Respcctfully yours. F. DENISON. Ann Arbor, Upper Town. Nov. 7, 1813. N. B. Cash paid for, FLOUR, or Pot nnd Ponrlnsh, or advanceed on the same and sold as usual. . 29-tf.ABBÓT & BEECHER. DETROIT WHOLESALE ANJ) RETAIL &AZ.ERS IN DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANCÏ DRY GOODSJUST reived a largor Stock tbmí ever ol Heavy Urown Sheotings, Sbirtinpsand üi:illinirs, Bleaebod Gooüs. Calicóes, Apron CÍieclWj liuggings'TJurlnps, Din pers, Cintli, Muslin, Fustians. !N]ole Skins, Saltmets, Sherp'e Gray Cloth, Buckskin Cloth, Cassiujgres, Wolvonoo ■ Coatinas, Alnpaca Lustre. Changeable Sttipe Do. Fancy Aitipines, Crape Delainos, India Cloth. Mouslin De L.iinis. Piirit-ian.", I Chusans, Shnsvls. Rob Roy?, Cardir.als, Damask Shawls, Black. Biné Black. Brown. and Blue Broud Cloths. Felt.' and Pilot ■ 'Over G.oa.tfnss, Blankets, Flannels. and Superio BLATER CLOTIIS, Leather, Cotton Yárn, Tea, .Sugar, Coííee, Rice and Tobacco. All of.whích Goods will besold at die LOWEST PIlICES ihat they can be boüght for Wesi i)f New York Citv, and we wish our Frbnds to give us a Cali befo re Buying. WANTED. POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOÜR, For wliicli vve will pnv thc highest pnces ouher iu CASII ir GOODS, at'the CHEAPEST CASH PRWES, ' No. 144, Jeflerson Avenuo, Córner JJ.aies Street, Detroit. Detroit, Nov. U. 18431 29-if. MANUFACTURERA AjYD MERCHAJYTS. THE subscribera are now receiving, ai thoir stores, 168 JèfFerson Avenue, and córner ot Randoiph and Woodbridge streets. Detroit, a Large and Rcneral stock of DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STÜFFS. 35 tons. Logwood, I"ustic. Limewood, Nicarraauá, Hypernic VVood, iu ilie Btick, '('.}{) bbls. eround Camwood, J50 do Fusiic -2) do Loywood, 100 do Redwoods, 00 do Alum, ö hhds Copporns. 4 do P.luo Vitiiol. 4 pipes Ombre nnd Crop Madders, primo, i 5í)0.lbs. Extract Logwood,' 600 do Bengal, M'dra and Caraccas índigo, ' .100 do Bl!i(fXuíalls, (Allcppo,) 230 do Powderfd Cúrcuma, 2(!0 do Verligiis.. 10 Carboys üil Vitriol, ü do Aqua Fortis. 4 do Spiríls Sea Salí?, 4 do iNitric Acid-, 2 cases Lac Dye. .309 Ibs. Banquo 'J'in. 2"0 do Crcam Tartnr, 500 do Qnereciron Bnrk. Togetber wiih a completo nasortmentof all the minor anieles in the tra de, to wit: P. es? Papers. Tenzles, Brushes, .Tanks. Tent Hooks. Dve.Kcttles, Pickers, Burling Jronis, Nippers, Prussjiueof "otnsh. Sal Amoniac. Sal Soda, ■Stíér of Lpad, Steel Reeds, Card Clennrs, MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps. Shears, &c. Tbis entire stock has been purchased within the last two weeks, and selected personally by one of the concern, who has been in thc business for the last eleven yeara-, and they have no hesitation in saying thai llie quality of these goods is unexceptionable. 'f'hey will po-jitivly be sold at the liwcsi New York jobbino; prices, with the ad-' dition. only. Tbs subscribers have the solc Agcncy in this State for the snle of "1JARSPN'S SHEARÍNG MACHINES," and rhe edebnted "LFJCESTER MACHJNJ: CAllüS," d!crded!y the best in use. THEO. H, EATON, & CO. April 11, 1843., filtf BOOK JBlÑDIESXiir. AT THE PAPJ-.K 3111 L (l.üiVER TOW) AS.N ARB(i)!. EBOOTH would respc'.-ifully nform the inhabitantsof Ann Arbor and vicinity that he continue? the biisint'snf . - BOOK BINDING, at theold stand, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Books will be nearly rchotirrVfori short notice. All kinds of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. April JO) is 13. 52-tf. . GREAT BARCAINÜT eady;mabÈwclothinb ! r HALLO CK fy RAYJSWNB WOULD' respectfullj' infonn th'e citizens of Ann Arbor, and t'ae State gonerally. that tfiey have now on 'hand the LARGESTnwi CHE A PEST&Wck of "READY MADE CLOTHING" o bc found at any csíüiiliíhment in this State, which ther are dcicrniinod to seii at pucfès'lbicei ihan were before olTered, and they contídemlinvite all persons in want of ':Rc.ady Made Clolh'ng," visiiing Dolroii. tt cali at tlieir establishnienfj '('unirr of JcL't:rson 'uid Woodir.ard Avenues." i tl the new brick block, Pliócnix BviUlings. wliere they will find every vai-ieiy ofgarmentïi stütable for gentlemen' e Fall or Winter wear. and thcy.believe at prices froni 15 t"ö 25 percent chc.uptr than they can obtain then. in any other way. Ako, a very choice selection of "Broad Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, which they ate .prepared to njauutacture to order in a superior ntanner and ályíe nol to be exceded in ihe City of Nero York or ólscwhero. Górmente al way s warranted to fit and 7)lrasc or ik salel ! A-0yi very hoavy Stock of DO.MESTÏC CLOTHS. P1LOT nnd BEAVER CLOTF1S. BKLGIC CLOTHS, SATTÍNETS, TVVEEDS,.ind every yariety anddescripliun of goods suitable lor gentlernen's vearing dpparcl. all of which shall. be sokl vary Lniy for cash. or exchanged for Product at marie et prices. All those wbhing Bargtans'un ány ol the above .inicios are inviied to cali at the "FASHIONABLE- CLOTIltNG ÊMPORIUM" of the subscribers. Cor. of Jeflerson and Woodward Avenues, Detroir. UALLOCK & RATMQND. Detroit, Sept: 23, 1843. 23-tfBristpl's Sarsaparilla. Ttllis valunble medicine so jusily .celebra'efl as a cerinin cure Tor Scrofula or Kin?? Evil. or any disease atising from' impniïty of the bloofl. has become sowell known ns to necd no publcation of the numorcus" certifícales now in ouiposses;sion, of the extrnordinaiy cures lntely performed-by il. but fonring theré máy be sonu persóns aiVected wlio have been g"Ued by ÍS ihc a-iitfjtions got up by olhers. we would respeclfnlly request thein to cali on us and satisfy MiLMiiBolves ot" its many Curca in similar cases. - By purchasing of us tliey can rely upon tho genuincness of the árdele, which they sliould be caroful to do, os we are lold there is a spunous nTticlö of tho snme name for salo inihis vicinity. Be carcful to, observe that ''Bristol's Extrnct of Snrsaparilla, IufEi!o," is stampei upon the bo;lcs, and "C. C. Bristol" written in his own hand over the Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. An n A rhor, Tr.c. :?, 1 P-j3. 3C WOOL AND WOOLEN CLOT MS. Iwill cxehange woolen cloths of every Nvidth and quality for wool, tobe delivered in May or .Tune, or afier shearüig time. My stock of cloth is complete, quality good. prices low. &c. F. DEN1SOÜÍ. Ann Arbor, February Ist, 843. 41. N. B. It is mportnnt that wool be done up in pood order, ann nny infonnation Svill bc priven when üsked. F. D.YPSILANTI AC ADEM Y, II. H. GRIFFEN, Principal. Mr. CHAS. S. WOODARI), Asbistant r I vlJE next term of Uiia ins.tituiion will Com X menee on Monday, Fob. la, and contin ue 1 1 weeks. While thissehool isequnlly open t" al of boih sexes, who wish to acquire i good education, particular attention wlll be given thosc who are preparing to teach. The exelu sivo and unimerrupted attention of ihe principal" fijl bc given to impart n prctical knowled'ué of ilie English branches. He occupies aböut half m hour duily in lectuiing, with the aid oílhea paratus. minoráis, or oihorwjse. ' " Arvsnxvus.- The Insiitution is furnisi.rfl with Chemical, Philosophicnl, and Asiroi,omirnl anpnrauis.Surveying Instrumenta. Geométrica solida. &c. to the atnount of $300; also, a n,t Cabinet of Minerals worih $S0. g d TumoNin theconimon English branches in cluding Composition and Declamnrion fW,m $2;C0 to $3,50. In Philosophy. Chc.nistry 1? tronomy. History, Rheturic, i3oi;my, Algebra Geomeiry, Surveying, &c. from $4,50 to&5 Oö' Mezzotintoand Chinese, or Tiieorcin pninti(ir .■;3r0J each lor 12 essons, laüglu by Mis GnT feu. The mition is to bc pnid at the middle of the term. No deduction for absence wil! be made I oxcept forprotiacted sickness, and no one wil! be receivcd for less than five and a half weeks - Books may bc had of the principal at Detroit prices. Board, -Including room and from $i,0fl to $1 50 per week; for furlher panicE inquirc of the principal. Rooms can be hired chonp for scholars lo board therhselvcs. Rev. I. M. Wean. Rev. H. P. Power8. Rev E. Crane, J. Fairchild, M. D.. J. C All' M. D, G. & E. M. Skinner, Esqrs, S. Murdock' ' have kindly consentcd to form a visiting commit' me, to be present at the Week reviews on Tlmrsday, and at the public examination of the school. Yplantir Oct. 16, 1843. 5_lv C. . Tr . Stray Cattle. AMJi. jnto iüe end. sare t ti.e Subscriber, living near Foster"s Mills, in Scio, on or about thi' ]st f Docevnber lapt ONE LIGHT RED S TEER, some white stripes on him, and left hom a linie lopped, anü saluut vwnrs ld. Also, TWO STAGS. One is red, wit!, n whne fi.ce: the flthe dnrk red, mixwl with briadlc, and supposed to lic about ihreü yearsold. The owner is rcqnested to provo proufrty, pay charges and take ihem away. JOHN FULLER. Scio, Jnmtnry gg, 1F44. 40-Pw. THE TRTJË"PAIN . ' EXTRACTOR SA3.V2S, WJtilCtJ . cuma like a chnrni uil liüRl!á üy (iro or wátef, and cvcry exienul SORE PAIN.. IiNKLAMMATION. ACHE or 1TCH1NG ever yéi lound upon the human family. "to wliich it hns beun applicd, must always be sought günuine from Conistock and Co.rof-New Yoik, or their outhonzed agents. All n;e cautioned against any spnrious articles, which may alwa.vs bc avoided by knowing the one you buy cornos fro'irí Conif!(jck &. Co . wlio are now the only' propri'cto's and nianufacturcts. Ir.quire for Connel'è, which is warranted to do all it ever wouid. when c;illf;d by nny otlier name, or the prictshall be refunden in nny case if it does not picase. To placo il -witliin reach of all, the price has been reducod inore tha:i ibur fold, nnd is now sold for 25 cents, the form er price being too exorbitant. The 50 cent stee now contains fcur times a?.ruueh as the tonner, and the $1 size nenr ten times hb imich. No farnily chn't has any title to humanity, will fiii! to hove C-'innel's Pain Extractor Ointnient always at hand, lo snve life, allscars, and reduc all agony from any btirn in five numitcs, provided they h;+ve neen it" uséd, or will believe those who have used it. COMSTOCK & CO., 21. Conrtlaiid Street. UTf Be snr. therefore, and ask foi GoxkrÜ, as our 1 ijé wiili Daüey's name o h hae been stoien, and the spnrious may appear with that rinme en h. Know. thercforc. thnt it comes drrecily from Cittsiock & Co., or shnn it. WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, 36 Agent for A nn Arbor. Valuable School Books. r n iU'Ui'i itie btsij jiiui iiiüsi tiseiui ikju tiecesX sary SCHOOL BÖOKS. are the followng, which have received the sanction of ihe beft judges in the Siate of New York. and have been éxte-isiyêly intio'd'uceo into the Common Schnuls and Academies of thnt Stme. They hnve lik ewise been appioved by the Superintendent ofPub lic Instruction of Michigan. [Dr. Comstock,] and:selected by him to be i;sed in the Corimon Schools of tiiis State, viz: TUE AMKR1CAN CLASS READER, pntaining a ?cries of Icrsons in reading, wit)] introductory exereiíes in Ariiculanon, liiflcetion, Emphasis. and the other essentiul elemcnie of correct natural Elocution; desitned ior Acndeinies and Common Scliools - By Gkokc.k Wnson, formeily Principnl of the CaiïündDigua Aen lemy. fncl late Piinoipal ol ihe Livingston County High School. [The design of the American Clnss Reader is to liaci s. i dnrs to reifd. Ii is not suffieienr Tor 1 ihis? purpoti1. üvñt a book ho instructive nnd fntertaining, rul the selections ehaste andclassical iii point of dicfion; it shotild be t!so properly adnpted to exerciee the reader in all ihe varicd iones nf'ectinns. and oíher, requisitos that helong ;ó cornet namnil elocution. The Rev. J. Spencer, of firooklin, N. Y. an experirnced Teacher says, (I mi viry scarcely exomincd the American Clnss Rcoder by George WiUon. nnd hnve no hesitution in expressing my opinión of its excellence. I consider it the best woik, for the purpose lor whiüh it is deBi'gned. ihat I have eytr seen. and 1 cannot hut desire fis immediaifl adoptionin oir Academies and Schools." Sin.ilár reeommeiulfitmiis firorh hundreds of others, havo been received.] A PRACTICAL AND TIIKORETICAL SYSTEM OF AR1THMETI0. contñíhmgWernl new mcihuds of operation, r.nd i new i-ystèm of Prnportion; with Theoretici! expifinaiions of all the ptiricrpn rules. Also, aTreatiseon Mensuration, fiiul ñ brief practical system of Book Keeping, by ihe author of the American Class Hender. IUPTrm above aro for palo nt the Miehignn Uook Stoie. by the dozen or singly - Tenehris, who have not already e.xamined fhem, ean reeeivc copies gratis by caliing at 1 43 Jefferson avenue, Detroit. C. MORSE. ' O5 The nbove books can be liad at the Book Store of WM. R. PERRY, Ann Arbor, Lowcr Village. Jnn-oxiry-15. 1844. SS-Sm cTlOCKS! CLOCKSf THE subscriber ïinving just rèceivcd several cases of BRA SS and WOOD CLOCKS, ol variou8 descriptions, is prepared to sell tliem Chcap for Cash. Also. a general assorímeiU of J3WELRY) consisting in part of Gold 'Ftnger Rings, nnd , Bosotn Pins, Meartsand Crosses. Silverand Common Thimbles, Wntch Chains and Keys, Pcncil-Casea; also, Spoons, Sugar Bowls, Butter Knives, Tooth and flair Brushos, Pocket Books, Violin Strings, Needies, Pins, Hooks, and Eyes, Spccïncles. Fine, Dressing Conibp, Side Combs, Back Corobs, Pocket Comba, Water Paints. Marking Cotton, Steel Pens, and Twensei-s. Snuff& Tobacco Boxee, EInaliw. &c All of which will be sold as chenp as ot any other establishment this side of New York. N. B. The subsciiber thnnkful for so largo a share of pnblic patronage, still soliciten continuence of the same. CLOCKS AND WATCHES of every description repaired nnd warranteil. Also, JEWELRY repaired on short notice.-r Shop nt his oíd stand direcfly opposite the Conrt House. C. BLISS. Ann Arhor, Nqv. 6, 1813. 28-1 y. STONE-WARE. OF Eaetern manufacture, for eale chcap, Wholesale or Retail. by F. DENISON. Dec. 20, 1813. 3ó-tf.


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