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Wool! Wool!!

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npHE undersigned, Iraving been repeatedly soüciied to make snme arrange-■- ments by vvliich the Wool Gkoyvehs ol Wahtenaw. and fhe surrounding country, could dispose o! their wool in a manner that would be mututually beneficial fo the Grovver and fhe Buyer, would beg leave to say, that we hae just received a well selected and valuable stock o( Domestic and Fancy DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, freh from New York and Bosfon, which we purpose to exehange for Ca-h or Wool, on the most reasonable terms. To our old custon.ers, and as mnny more as choose lo give us a cali, we give the asurance ihat we can "upply yon with every article neces'ary for family ue as low as can be boughr thi side of Laké Erie, and receive your WOOL in payment öt a price perfecfly satisfactory. In addition to our usual stock of Full Cloths, Sitine(ts Flannels, fec, we have Broadclotds, (varying in price fiom two to ten dollar) Cassimeres, all kinds of Summer Cloihs, &c. which we propose 10 exchange as ahove ''l'o all who wish for riehgodss, great bargains and hïh pricesfor WOOL we would say give vs a cal,l before purchasing elsf-where. . , , _ „ ', BECKLEY & HÏCKS. Ann Arbor. Lower Town, May 14, Ï844. 4.Sw


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