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We have been wuitiog br 8j;ne time to get the correct returna from ihis State. Botïi pnrtie as uuai, have shouted -'Glorious Victoiy!" The lollowing i the resul t aa far as w'é h;ive heard. Congres. Thrit Demócrata, one Whig. - Thia a W'hig gniQ, State Sena.'e - Ten Democrnts. Sccen Whigs. There wtll be a vncaney in the place of Morse. Deniocral, anold Senator, who is ek-cted loCongress. Hout of Represen '.atices. - Iwcntij-ñt Demócrata, ttrc:dy-scie.i Wjiig. Distncw wliicli Ieci scdcii to liear trom. &c?iato iul Delégales to Slutc Conten'ion. - Kleren Ueniocrais. s.'x wlngs. Ilausc DtUgaUs to State Convr.nüon. - Thir ty-two Demócrata. Ucentjfiree whigs. Districtb clecting'c-i to be lieard (rom. O" The Uaklaud Gazotte, a Wnig paper, has the following seasonablc suggesüoii. Whig would do well {o ihink ol' it. Au iak bush is a ír better enibletii of uny good principie tlian a Coon ekin. . Wt are glad to find our Wliig írtendá disaffected to the íoiígtr use oi iliat thievi"í, villainyus animal, the Coon. ;,"We the Wbi'm the propriety ol adopuug, ns ona oí' .our e nblutns., the OAK DfcJSti. The üitlv is peculiarly a northe,in tree. It atrong fibre is. eniblenintipií oí." ihe iroi hcarttt.Norihera freemen. lts lexfes 'netaiu tlieir íreshneas ih-ough tbe wlj,ole séason. The Oak bjsh wjll alFoul a plenmg shade when currjed in píocciion. uThe onk-r-tlieoak - the braye oíd o.Tk"- let the oak b,e superadJed tu thq norihem coat of nrnis. The aniiald of. lieraldry contain uo nobler emblem. , Let the, hickory leaf. now iheemblcm of sl&zcry, be thrown imo theshade by' the unbriiling noli."JT No. man can serve two maaiers. Messrs. Slade aud-Cfiddings have been trying t serve ti pro-slavery party and the cnjise of Liberty at ihe same time. j.But theequilibrium ctihnot bc maintained. They mus', become thoroiígli Whigs. or thorough Liberty, men. The' lollowing extract from Mr. Sladc'a acceptance oí his nomination for Governor shows tliat even he'u not r.s intned to hold up Mr. Clay as an anti-slavery man! "I rcjoice to eoy that l lielieve Henry Clay has. ani wiLL do more to abolisk slnvery in titis Unioñ tk-in any oüitr man. Mr. Clay js a cilizen ot theöouib: the Souih know tliat hjs teelings and aympathies are with tfaem, and cunsequently are lesa ready to suspect the purity of lus motives upon this great quesuon. Living, as lie does, in the midst of these institutions. hie facilities are ore ampie for warring againsi them." Q-T" From the best evidence we can obioiri !t appears rhat Citarles Burchard, the renouncing Abolitontst, did vote (he Liberty ticket, or a portion of it last 6pring. We kuow nothing more cóncerning liim. The' laat Liberty Standard, of Maine, brings nè the le'.tcr 'oí Williain H. Hobbey. renouncing Whiggery. We might publish it as an oflset to that of Mr. Burchard, which is so extensively circulated omongthe Whigs. But each renunciation only provei that individuals alter their opiniqns. In the one caae, one Whig out of a mili ion and a quarter has left his party: in the other. oria'LÍBerty Tnari ' nmong 57,000 has concluded ag'atn to vote with his old party associates. We cè notliinc tjiirnruldUH in riiher ensp. -THe locofoco party are determined (o liave Texas and moro' 6lavery - the Wbigs are deteTmiiièd nöt to ljave Texa or any more elavry - MühS't. Gázeíte'. And tiie Xiiberty party arë detérmined not to have Téxas nor any tflaveryi Which reed is the besi- the most röpubWn?W ïll the Signal of Liberty teil ua. whethei a CassiusM. Clay wiih all his -'etrong ronsohing1' nncJ professions of regard for "liberty principl,'1 - can consisteinly. still ndherc to his dt tl-rmfnafioE lo -.'support" ihe great '-Defender of Negro blavery?" tf Bo, does the Signal think n case - ot the eleciinn „( Henry Clay tho annexation of lexns wiü bo dehiyed? The eincority ot Henry Clny's letter on this l question, is very rnUch doubled by cenain well niforined whigs in thia part of the country.- Ali legan Record. We never hnve contended that C. M. CI;iy was "consisient" in sjpporting the great "De. fender of Negro Slnvery." We have ahvns . spiken of hia course na inconsistent with hie proi'essed principies. But we believc him honest nnu sincere in his opposition to the Annexation of Texas. In answer to the second inquirv, we reply. that, in our opinión, lhe election of Mr. Clny will be no security whatever against the Annexation of Texas. The Wliigs, as a party, have not token any ground ag.unst iuture annexaiion. It is let by ihem as nn open question, to be decided iiccording lo the circumstances which may arise. Should Mr. Clny be elected, we should think Annexation would probably take plnce. HU Gen. Jackson confirmsour account of the supremacy of the Slave Power over the Democratie party. Hear him, in a recent letter on Annexniion: "No one eouM erret more than I did, the pn. si:ion in which mffriend Mr. Vnn Buren placed himself by hie letter on the annexation of Texus Had he come out for irnmidtaü ann-xation.. Ac icovld have. reciiced tte unavimous rote of the cor.v?n;ionas n cunditatcfor ttieprcsvlency, and would have heen sdected by ihe soutk and west fit ticclamntion. Althoiigh I regret losing Mr. V. B. and the cause, yet 1 rejoice that ihe conveniion hnve made choice of those worthy demócrata, Polk and Dallas."


Signal of Liberty
Old News