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Eaton County Liberty Convention: For The Signal Of Liberty

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At a Convention of the fiiends of Liberty in the County of Eaton, convened agreeabiy to previous notice, at Wheatons setilémem, in the tbwnsliip of Chester. the lOth dnvof July. 1844 Eraetus Ingcrsoll wns called to the Cliair, and Levi Whenton nppointed Cleik. After Prayer and nppropnate remaijks by. Rev. VVni. W. Crane. the oonvention pmceeded to business. On motion, Resolved, TJ)ut the chairmarí appoint a cotpmittee consisting of ihree persons to rieport business for the Convention, also draft re. ojutiona.expreeflive of thereelings of eaid Convention: whereu'fton.the Cháir annou.nced the names of Rev. Wm. W. Crane, Johnson Montgomery. and Nooh Arn)6irong, to be saidcommiltee.- The cominittee, re ired; after being abqenj a few minutes, returned and repoïteÜ that the--■ - . " ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ iion proceed to moke nominations for couniy officers to be suppojted at the coming elcction. The fullowing v.-ere the nominations: Sheriff, Theodore Siebbina. County Clerk, Levi Wheaton. " Register. Erasius S. Ingersoll. " Treamirer, Calvin Pholps. Associate Judges, David Barr, Roswell R. Dlaxsoo. Corone, Eraatus Ingersoll.Frederick A. Stebbin8. Resolved, That a District mass Convention for the coun:iesol Eaton nnd Ingliam be held at the House of Johnson Montgoinery, on the first Wednesday of September nex, at 1 o'clock P. M. for the purposo of mnking a nominaiion for a Repeseiitaiion to the Siate JLegUInture. The following are the resolutions presemed by the above commitiee which after soino discussion were unanimously ndopted. Resolved, Tiat it woiild be a plnin violation of the avowed principies of a Liberty party mon 10 vote for a slnve-holiler, his apologist, or supporter, ior any important office of trust, whatover traits of character such slaveholder, opologist or supporter, miy posaess, or whatevcr measure he may be in favor of, which in thcruselves tnight be cornniendable. 2. Resolved, That it is inconsisrentlor Christians toact with any other. than a Righeous party, who, will flim to appoint rulers who will bc just, ruling in the fear of God, and no other. 3 Resolved, That no other politica! pnrty but the Aboütïon party, has any rigln to the claim oí Righteousness at the present time. 4. Resolved, Thnt while we know our principies to be trúe,nnd in accordnnce with the Divine Will, it is inconsistent for us to hesitate, or despair of succest. 5. Resolved, That any man that votes witb eiiher the democatic or whiy parties is indirectly liolding slnves. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting bspublishedin theSignal of Liberty. Adjourned.


Signal of Liberty
Old News