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&adies SciHÁnary, A.. AllUOn, MICHIGAN. MARY H. CLAUK. Principal. -CIÍív?EAVCLAtíK' Vice cipaL -tiJ&h Whtíi. Teacher in Msc H. F.SCHOFPj do f Clao. d do i n Ki-t:iicli. F. MARSH, Terolicrof Maiheimiucs. RHUUY E. CLASE, TaoclieiotföveiiÖe Dept. THFS lnstiiution has br;en inoperaiion eince November I, 1830. The díutastic y f iony-eiht wek, iwo tcru s. cumprw 3111 two quariera eaeh- iwtlve tyeeéki in a qnarer- y general eatnatíOon at ihe close ol" each trni- m Fcbruary md AugnB!. '%he lost (juuner of tiie preeent term romieqced MsyüÜih. Afier a nmntli's vacaiión,n hc cloae ul thtsqowierj whidj ends the schoI4tic yenr, school v.ill he again resumed the fir&t weok in Sepíomber nt.-xt. Tott.Kí PF ToiTíofí --Fot the Enaüsh brancli-■■ ■' lo $5 per quiirter, o reductíon macla tor atfliDce, excepi in oase ofsickness and no pnpil taketi fot leas than n qunrter. Extra cliur:zes are ruado (or nmste op úie Piano, wiih tlie use o thc mstrumciil, gy oo Frencfiy '';„„ i:iil! . „ 3.00 ijr.iwint: ana Píiiiiting. . e, (H) l'uncv Work, 3')') Board, includmg wathing, ]]rhu. &c, S.l.'?5 per week jí jmkí m nd vaneo, or 52 00 ner'week t] pnid at il-e cloae o( the quarter'. - Parents r.-c! -;r:r(;,i)s me invited ro visit tlie scliool everv Fridiiy. whftn the studies of lna weeK &re revicweJ-alao semi-ir.omhly on Vedntesday afiörnoonf .al rsadingoi' the wJckly com. Youngjadw desiwus of entering the school and pursuing the uulur course ol'siudy, would ao well to eommence at the begiaiog oí' tho Havhig purdmsodn healihy and commodiou tiiiiliiugJri a pleosaiu and cunwnÍLin part oilhe villuge, 110 i.,);,;,! expense hall be spared to utiiuuí'. t)ju atudiaa and rentier the situaüon oí' thc v-huoí; ai)jee Jofiiahle and areeable Belonging to ifee school are a Libraryofberween threc cmd four huiuhed volumes, and Phiñop{li%a] AJpbaratas, Eecjtricn) Machine, Globes á:c feciDjKiiiclecturesarc delivered belbre tlie k:1oo! at proper injeryn The Míssea Clark will endenvor. not only ta promote the intolfectut culture of tlieir unulls bttt will attend strictly to tl-cir moral deuarti inent. With a depsense of' rcUgions rcsponsibüiiv, ev would give such a tone to dipraeter, a8 shaH render u Iiy fitted for every staüon-j ieidmg to duty but hrm 10 principie. Among the books used itlipmhn6l nre. AbeYcrombie m ihe .Intelfecíuarnnd -Mwai Pwenr -.vane 3 Llements of -Criticisin- Wnyland's Moral's iíhetoric-íitMlce's Tr1 aley-fi Natural tlícology and Evidenccs of Clirwhmiiy-Cúinstock's 'Chemkuy and Natural phyF.,!.yMrs acola . JJ.jtuny- Eaicn's íflanual of JJotanv. Bofritt ? Gjïogrnphy.orüie ÍIonvens-First. Second mil llurd Booksof Üfs;orv-Mrs. " Wilhard 8 PAíblicof A.ncricn-Phdps' Legal Cíassics-Plnviau- s Í.ucIk], and DavíeV Algebra and ■ Al;" l-P; ■ Natural ÍUnlosov. J.J2 ,Mr Ive ttaght a Yöung La.dies School for overol years in r.hö Ci;y ofNow York, andaré ftirViiSfiea with testimoniáis from Rt. Rev. Benjamín OnderdonU. B. D . and Jol n g. Griscon, M D., of New "Yck, Re" j f L .ake, of Brooklyn, and Mr3. Kmuui W.llard, ot lro. a. .; aS0; reference i made, bv Dermsssion .Jo the following gcntlenun : 'lít. Rev L . B-. fiW. Ksqrs., Dc-.n;t: Rev. W S. Ketchnm i;v. .(. l)u,l,o„. AVhíe ageo, Rcv: J. P. Cnvernnd. nndCeo.'Kec! un., JWabaJJ ; Hon.Win. R. Deland jnck.o - Hau B. Ring. Michigan Centre; E, IJ SÏS& Adnnn: ftSjt Hxsonj Cliñ.ón; Gn n"; Whcoier. M. D.. Howell; Rev F H r,, Fuch.. .ÍS. Dentón. M. D.. P. Br'iv,.,, M ' n Hon. Wm A Fle.cber, & wf'fío son: E. Mundy, Esa., J,,l,n Alien. Esq., 2 V. Jeweiti Esq., Cl. Thomas Moselv, C,W J. Perkins. Thomas AJ. Ladd, F. Sbwyèrït m, late Superintenílent of Public In.'trucuoiv'' ho: ,3()rs Whit n? Wiüiams and Houhton, f .he Lmversuy 0 Michigan. Anr, Arhor"; JaJ I eíf eL? &asi B-h' 4i Mr .Cuniss.IVofe.ors;o tlie Un.venmy o. Alfaigap, „nd F. Sawver Jr.. late Superíhí&dellt ot' Public Inameno have consMued foact as n viaitfng conunínee 'f the school to be present when öeékJ?S are re%-ieed-; bm espr-cially to attend durhj t hí semi-anrunl examinations. h Sepíeniber 4, KS-!3. g rDENTÍSTRY. TTIHt Subscnber again offers his proftssionaí X services to the inlmbitants of Ann A-boráridas he 1S ansíous to fure ihc confide.iee of eed DENTÏSTi v.,11 be pleaaed tu presentie tbose caHing upon fiirn' Mtislkcto.y te.sumoniuhs Vcv'i;otk;" acCl-'iu] Waiee íb tío city erf lie wüuld observe tlint encourncred hy nis foriner aucechs he has removed his funnly o MíáxijjaB, und witl niake this place his principal Jocalile terma wil!, in no c-we, bo unreosonablo-. anu all ujeiuuüii5i v anniued ,, L. G. BüRGK R, Z?cic,. Ilurur'fst"1 reSldeilce ol" Charles T.ln.ycr, August 2r 1814. UmdBials Mr. Borgek can present ia favor oi l1)3 expcntnce and professional abilinea. Froni ibe Rr.-v, J. L. BUiko. Nbw York, Match 0. 18-14 I horchocapersonaljy ncquainty,! wiíh Dr 'e tí. BUrger for several yenrs, aui en-erinin íbr ínm a leming of sincere respect: wlien Jivin-vjn Kat Broadway, be wa8 eu.ployed by lr.y L . u savernl operat ons Opon tlie tt-etb, 8.,d 1 hm fuil coi.fidencc of his skill i„ tho scvowl hnncl.és of oí pÏÏace.aCCÜ S ' lh 'nOít üpprove(i Jllüd" J. L. ELAKF.. v r Nu7 YoRK;' May] 3, 1814. ■Mr.E. ,G. Burger -having been employedby her tee.h. during a perfod of tvvelve yoars p'aar VVW. s. TOMPKINS IVI. D. Jül JÜüwcry. „,. . - T'w York, itjav 20, 1344 W$nfc Mr E. fe; Rorgr toben ge, Ln hnrnc(e it ffor.ds u ,, enfi,,,e ,0 ' ;.n o-,l! v. „..ave necd of the services of pn xporienced Dentiat; CiEO. F.IWXTIXGTON, M. D. OL Third Avenue. ,, T,. ChiESTOMATHIC r.VSTtTUTK. Rye. Westchestcr Co. N. Y. May 21. '44, 1 have been acqu.-iimcd with Mr. E. G JJurer of JVew York City, De.uist. forsome ten or ■velve yenrs, and t gives me great pleasure to ear tesuaiony to ihe fjigh moral worth pf Mr r nnd to his skBl a-) a prnciitioner in the Denl i! nru Sucii ,-( my frioníis as have throuoh ,nvídivi- in] recommondhüon formed an acquainta e with Mr. Burr's practíce, have sooken of is services with eniire satisfaction. VVnh Unsítmrattón of his abilities, aud my regard for Hira a Gentleman ido most cordinlly comnuncl mi t.. ihe favorable considerador! ofaU-ivliomnv n-e occnsion lo avail ihemselves oi bis profe=snal services. SAML. U. BERIlíAN. . . New Yop.k. Mhy2Q, 1.-44 Ao intitnaey with Mr. i:. G. Btfrger, for the 51 löyeiiM or.:i!)!(.s rae to uúd my icstimony as bis mtegrity and moral v.-ouh, and h.-.vina a_ u led myeelf of his professional services to a 'nsid,eraple exu-tu lor the last 7 yeara n, vvuh pleasnm. and confi lonce. recommend :ijoall u ha inay have oeed of Dnual opera E: A.í:unooF, Firm of Spearjxfc Vandertjrto'. M5. Water s;. .. Y


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