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AT TE NT I O CZiOTHIERS ! Jüü Ï receivcd ai uií Ustuerul Oepot, tor tlit sale of CJmhicrs Stock, Mnclunery, Dye Stuift, &c. &c, No. I3Ü. Jeffüison Avenue Detroit, the lbllowïng large, weil assorted, anc íare'ully selecicd stock, via; 100 bbl. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Tona " ' a Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tona " ;' in Stick, 60 bbls. Nic. Wood. Chippcd, 50 " Lima Wood, " 30 Red Wood, " 12) ; Groimd Cainwood, 10 " Qucrcitron Burk, 5J0 Ibs. Nutgalls, 10 Cuses Extract of Logwood, 300 Ibs. Lac Dye, 2 Ceroons Spnnish índigo, 300 lbs. Sumac Sicily, S Caska Maddör, 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, 5 Caskö Aluin,2 Barrels Red lartar. 3 Barrels Crenm Tartar, 3 Cnrboys Aqua Fortis, 5 ♦ öil Vitrio), 3 " Muriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Vinligris, {) " Block Tin, Toaseis, Twine, Copper Kettles, all sizes, Parson's Shearing Machines, Curtís' " " Screwa and Press Platee, Cranka, Press Paper. Steel Reeda, Worated flarness, Tenter Hooks, Emery, all No's., Olive Oil, Clolhiers' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Brushes, Shuttles, I'icker8, Card Cleaners, &c. Sec. The abovo, with a variety of other nrticlcs belonginc to the irade, have been purchneed lh6 aumincr by the eabscribera from Manuiactursraud First Handn the New York, i hiladelphia, nnJ Boston Markets, and every thing havíng res ceived hts personal inapection. he can wítU thf utmost canfidence offer them to purchaaere as the best mul most rom)i:tc stockin the country; aud as it is his fixed detennination (by the low rates at which he will sell) to orevent the necessity of our Clothiers and Mannfii"urer leaving the State to m.ike their ourchases. he would méreh say to the trade, C ALL, examine the oods and HHcertiim prices before you say you eau buy cheaper any vktre else. He is also prepared to contract for CARDING MACHINES made in this State or East. PIERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 139, Jeiferson AMiue, r7-'f-1 Detroit.DRY GOODS, DUIT GROC23HIBS, Feathers, Paper Hnngings, BASKETS, &c. MAY be found at the lowesi cash yriccö, af Ray.mond's Cash Store, 148 Jeft'eraon Afrenue. Deyoit. Tha undsrsigned haa ju6t receivcd a full n:ock of SPRING GOODS, of the most deeirablt tyles and patterns, suitable for oiiy er couiur trade. AMOsr, whick xita: French JLawns, Gingham Muslins, Muslin de Laines, Balzarinei, Balzarine Muslins, Striped Swiss Muslins, Ricii Cnlicoes. oí all qualides, colors and patterns. Pnmaloo and Coat tuffa, auch as Gambroons, ' Swedes Cassimeres, Fancy Drilhn8, Linen Check6, JJlaid Swedes. Fancy Enlish Cassimeres, Broad Cloths, Keutucky Jeans, fee. - ALSO- Blue Drills, do Linens, Fustians, Tickings, Checka, Linseys, Burlaps, Baggings, Padding, Canvass, Brown Sheetings and Drillings, Bleaclied Cot'.one, Swiss, Jackonet. Book Sb Barred MuslinB, "VVide Lace9 and Laee Edginga, of everyVestí ngs, Bonneis, B-ibbons, Linen Cambric, Cámbrica, Hankerchiefs, Cravnts, &c. &.c. &e. Persons tradina n the city are invired, at least, to cali and look at this stock, and if the prices are not as low as elsewhere, patronage is not exricctcd. W. A. RAYMOND. 148 Jefferson Avenue. Detroit. May 20.1844. ' 4 6m TO EÏothiers, Manisfecttirers and IVIerchañts. THE su.bseriber isn"w reueiving ai his stores. 188 and 190 Jeffdrson Avenue, Detroit, the following carcfully and well selected stoel, of Dte Woods, Dye Stcffs end Woolen ManrACTüREit's Machinert. 55 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico and 1 Carthagena. 10 tons Lngwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair, Coro, Hache and Lima, 3 ton3 Camwood, vory choice, 180 barrels Logwood. cut and ground, 151 " Fiisiic. " " 100 " RedVVoods. " ' 120 " Canurood. " " 10 " Qnerecitron Bark, 45 " Allum, 42 a Copperas, 30 " Blue Vurio), 28 " Madder. Ombre, and Dutch erop, 3 " Cream tarter, 2 " Nutgalls, ' cásea Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Gua tímala, 2 "■ Lac-Dye, 20 " ext. Logwood, 2 ' Gram Tin, 300 pound8 Verdigris, 15 Carboys Oil Viirtol, Spirits Sen-Saltsand Nitric Acid, at onCopper Kettles and Cloihiers' Screwa, Tenter Jíooks, Jack and Bruslies, Presa Papera, Card C!eaner8, Weavers" Sliear, Nippers and Bur.iirtg Irona, Comb plates, Pickers and Bobbiru, Wire. Worstcd and Colcon Hnrness, Steel an.i Cane Reeds,j Broad Power. Hand Looms and Fly Shuttles. Steel and Copper MaiW, Emery. &c. Pasons Shearing Machines, 4, 6, and 9 blades. Allcn's doublé and single Carding Machines. Machine Cards, Leicester, The above goods have been recently purchas ed directly from the importers and manufacturora, Exct.UMVELT roa cash, and will be sold at the New York jobbers' pricee, additig transportation only; and in conseqoence oí'the decline on mony of the American manvifaciured nrticlis will, in many enses, be sold at fifteen pkii cent i.Ess than F&nMHt ppacES. Thíricen years experience in the Dye Wood business ennbles the subscriber to say to his customera ihat he is prepared at all times to wakrant bis goods of uperior quality. THEO. H. EATON. Dye Wood nnd Dye StufT Warehouse 188 and 190Jefferson Avenue. Detroit. The Arbor Journalr Ypsilnnti Sentinel Pontiac Gíizette, Flint Democrnt, Adrián Expositor, Mnishal! Statesmnn, Niles Courier and Hepublican, GazettP. Michigan City (Ia.) and the Knquirer, London, (Cunada.) will ench pubJish ;he above notice insiilc, to the aniount of ihree dollars, nnd send copy of nolice with huls to subscriber for payroent. í7-tf. bïsket"wim: TRAVELLIiVG BASKETS. &c- at RAYMOXD'S CASH STORE, May 20.-Í.1 Í4S Jf. Avenuo. Detroit. „DR. SMITIÍ'S fT1HF.SE Pilis are prepared ly Wm. M. Simth, M. IX. laie Proíesnor of Materia Medica and JL Ph.irmncy jn tlíe Umveisuy ol'Lnke Erio, Oliio. Dr. Smiih would s;iy 10 ihe publ3, ihai ín ofFering tiicn ibis Pili, lie présenla no quaxk npstruiii ibat will by iis irritating eilécis upon ihesiouüich andbowels crcaie rfTsefise wlicro ilieie was linio or none bofore, but one ibai ís sule. Jiiilcl. salumry ind iiníiorin in lis cffjcis apon t lie wliolc sys om. Me wouliJ s;iy lim he hns now s)cií -0 yenra in research and jnvesiigntion. dirreted to the Pa thoü},')' ol disoaáe, ;inJ ilie paipci mus of medici un subsi;inces, and their dppiaiion to tlio rcniova: of the maiudiea to whicli esli is licir. - As th- result of these lübóis, lie ís nuw nble to gívc 10 tl.i public a combinaiion f medicina! vco;e:nblo subsáneos wlnch ia as nenr períecuon. ne care.ul Htuiy nnd cióse invcstitation, h.:.(k ;n.d experimants. can bring it. ile would say to i'hysicians. ií well as otlie;6. try ilns pill: t will doi decc-ive you. It ie peculiar ly adopled 10 lije remov&l and prcveniion of ilie füJIówjng disoases: Büious. Jnicrmiuani. and Pc:)iit rul. l"evorn; Fever and Agné, Corgii. Liver Coiipl.iuis, S.ick HendflCD, Psneive Dropsy. Rh'U.iiatiin. Eiiiureemet of' thé Spleen. Infernal "ils, Colic, Acidity of tlie Siomaoh, Jm-ipicm Duirrhoca. liübiiunl Coe'Avev.ess, and 111 uil cases of Torpor of thc Bowels, wlifna oítihai tic. opcriíni, or ahemiixc. t; iu .d d. Tlicy nuld. yet certÍTiin ilje'ir opera!iont prafiuciiiir oeiiher nëiiscn. gripingr, ii"i dcliüiy. rJ'hc ogen (8 óf these Pil's are insiructed. n full eaiií'uciio-n s not giren to any po'rsoá who n.ay purebase tliem, that ihcy ahail hue Hieir iiioney relunded. TESTIMONIAL IN FAVOR O F DR. WM. M. SMITH'S UN I VE US IT Y PILLS.TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LAN DON. AloNKüE, Michigan, June 12, 1844. Dr. SiffTfr - -Dear Rir, - I. fake much pleisnru in giving-my testjmony in favor of yo vuluable UNÍ VKRSITY P1LLS. I ronst cfieerfully recoiinnend them to the public as safe, easy, mi eliicient eatliamc ftr mosx of lije díséases incident to thia región oí cotinir I liave rau de extensivo ur-e or' them for timr years iti my pructice, and í believe ihpm to b the BEST Anti-bilious Cahort:c or Aperient medicine ever combined and offèred for gen eral use. ltoure, &c. GEOKGE LANDON, M. D. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. TELLKR. Masillon, OJiio, May lst, 1844. Dr. San tu - Sir, - I teke much plea.'ure n benriiig tegúniony to the effieacy of yoi Pilis iii removiug bile from the teinac!), tiftergiug tiie Líver, und In all complaints emana ling-from that Süurce. J. V. C. TELLER, AI. D. TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. WELLS. WatjbiíKoo, Mich., March 10, 1844. To Dr. Smith - Sir, - For uparda of six manths I was cnieliy afllicted vvitl) Fever nnd Agüe, and thuí tune could find ríothihg ihnl rave jrie permnnent relief"; at length huwever your Univemty Pilis were lëcounnentTed to me bv une of tne best Piiysicians in these prtb; snd I am happy in being nble to soy, íhat fro:n the use of one box I waa prmanently cured of my agüe; eince thcn a nmnber of my familv have been as signally beurtitu-d. Yours, Rrppecifuly, F. L. WELLS. , TESaiMOiMAL OF DANIEL G00DN0W. RIonroe, Mich., June 1, 1844. I hereby certify limt Dr. Wm. M. Smith hos beon my Family Physician :br (bar years ast pas-f: tjmt lie !ihs tíséd bis University Pilis jn bis praciice in my family with unparaj eled succesí?; and 1 think them preferable to nnv pili for biliotts uffectmn in the world. PANIEL fiOODiNOW. Iunkeeper, Mucomb-St. House. TESTIMONIAL OF D. S. PAIISHALL. Flist, Micb., June 5, 1344. Dr. Sjiith - I am happy to pivp you my cordial BpprovaJ oí' your Umven-Hy Pilis. I m nble to keep off Fever ::ml Aguo, mi Fevera to vvlnch all of ns are subject in this Westrn Country, by the tunely use oí your Universlty l'V.h, Seud an Apent t.'.is vvay ns soou as p 6fiole, for we are uil onx. Yínir-s. &c. D. S. PARSHALL. TESTIMONIAL OF MESSRS. NOBLE AND FVFIELD. We certify thnt vve are and have' been personally acqnainted vyith Win. M. Srniíh, M. D., and know that he is a man of eminence in his p,rofegsion - and that for four yeara he filied the cliair of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the Willoug-fiby University of Lake Erie, with honor to himselfand satiffaction to tlie Trustees and Facnhv. as well as to the Sludenis of" the above University. As for his Pillaf they are 'par excellence."CHARLAS NOBLE. Monroe, Mich., Jane 19, 1844. B. F. FVFIELÜ. TESTIMONIAL OF RfAL B. CHASE. This I cert'fy, that in the monlh of September Jast, I was attiicked wit'i Biílious Fever (while uway (rom borne at Owasso to bujld a water wiieel) and with one dose of Sinilh'd U - niyersity Pilis, I lírnke it up: and ns many ulhers were sicfe nt ihe time, I üíiministered these Prik to them, and in all cuses i', bioke up 'heir (evers. I have used them many times since, and vyüh great suece.-r. They are Lite best pille I ever u.sed. RIAL Ê. CHASE, Millwright. Shiawas6ee Town, Mich. Jmip lsf. 1344. TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAÍL C. WRIGHT. This may certifv-, that three yoars no-o 1 was aitacked wirh Liver Complaint so eeverely that I conld ecarcely turn myíelf a bed; I ued many specifics and remedies, sucli as Brandreth'e, RosurrectiMn, Or'eu'ial, ah'd otber pills, but'with lit t le o'r no effect. One year no, my friend )t Smah callod on me öti bis w:ay to Boston, when be g-ave me a box of his Uriversity Pilis, which perfectly resured me, and my healih has not afföin fuffered from ike Guise, ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT. Rocliestcr, N. Y., No. 13, Ftanklin Street, June 25. 1344. TESTIMONIAL OF J)IIN V. MÍLLER. Dear Doctor - Jusiice requiresme tostafe, that I have solij yoarUnivorsity Pilla fnr one snd a half years last past, and tha; 1 can seil no others while I 'have them on'hand. They have superseded the sale of all others - their effect ís truly wondfriul. JO1JN W. MILLER, Dntegitt. Monroe, Mich., June 12, 1844. For J. ti. LUNÍ). Lower Town, and WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, Uppei Town, Ann Arbcr. í3 jyso s - i s I & fffftf . SO i!} ?5'- 2.w D J "Hl g irii - pp O tfliíf - UL W 2 lii" tel los, Jíig-fl I - 5 1 T r, f S }fil5i! fe P w 5." . w 3 -T q w Sís asi (T) Pp-T". - o - '. v. 5 H-? , %8?k o 2. êü2?3 ïf i-i ij" i L 2 Zil - g c i s. =' _ 2 b l w kgpj .L■ fililí è-i WMM 8 m 25 !ífi 5;:g -t 5í Q w 99 o %ms líi-IF' Lö L a -- ■■ SSiV S'p'í 3-3 "" 'Ss v J E'; ''M u=_ 'Eva fi-i N 3 tg) aiígr L- efe & jj S -. P S-l tí I p vT S 'I L- t iAT THE CASH STORE OF Inn JïrboV) Lower Yillage. FUST received at the above establishment, a complete assortment of Groceries, Crocki ry, $ïu lf Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Tiisdari and Sfiaw Bonnets, FJowciv, &c &c, all ofvvliich will be so'd aá cheap as they can be at any oihtrsiore in Michigan. The aböve Goo Js vvere selected uiih gie;it care, and we ieel assured that we can convince purhasers of bs truih of ivhat we say. The l.ighest price will bc p.iid for Wool. We will also receive all kinds of produce in exchange för üoods öt the hïffTiest market price. Purchasers aie resptctfullj invited to cali and examii for' ihemselves. Aun Arbor, May ,1844. 3_(fWAME8 OIBSON takes this method of nforming his. friends and oíd custonrers that he has again entered Ilie. Mcrcaniüe buiir ess, and is now opening a general and splendid assüi-tment of GR0CERIE8, CIIOCKERY, SRELF HARDWARE NAIL8, &E.■ &C. 11 of which wili be ofFcrred to the publc as cheap as the cheapesf, for Cash or Burter. Wool and most kinds of COraTRY PRODUCE vill be (aken in cxchnge for Goods. Öf Tüke no m;iu's word, but examine for ycrurselves at No. &, Huron iock, Louer Vlliaüe.. Ann Arbor, iiay 15, 1844. 4-6 in.NEW BOOT, SHOE, AND LEATHER ANN ARBOR, LOWER TOWN, o FELCII !as removed his cstabl;shment f rom tlie Upper io the Lower k-7 Viilage-,No. 4, Huton B'ock,whee hè liolds hiinsif in reainfs.!? io ?dfèss the 'Hmdcrslandingii" of every M;in, Wo-uan, and Cl-ild who willgive a cali, in the neatest, cheapest, unil bist fuapjner that can b'e done in Michigan. LEATHER and FINDINGS of all kinds constantly on hand. 3 CASFT andJIIDES, in any quantitie?. for which the highest prices wil] he giveni (pLet none purchase until they have called at FèlcH's, No. A, Hurón Pli.ick. Ann Albor, May 4, 1844, g_lylotice tO lKcrelra'nïs. THE fcuBscribèrs enouraged by the patron,'ge tliey have hitherto recéived in ihe wiio.esale departnientoftheir business, will the rst day of May riext, open the siore now occupiéd by Geo. Grenville. fronting on Hurón street, and connecting witli tlieir present store ín ! lié renr. pxcíiisí voly fm-'a WH0L1 Bá&E ROOML where they will keep at all tlíbés a Juü assortMt'lH ol' Dry Goods. Boots, fy Smes Corpriing fíats, Caps, Paper Havgings, Bonnetst Cracker} bij the (rale, Hardware and G'oceries, S $fc. &íc il! of ivhich will be so Id on ;is good terms as at iiiy poJiH tiiis s,de üf New York C:y. G. D IJIJL & CO. Ann Arhor. Mnroli -?fi, IS4J. 4Ptf. KiNAPP, HAVJL.mNL fe CO w.oííld .vspecifuliy iiilonii the Inrtnersoí Waslucinw -)(J the surroundijig ciuntins that íhey h;ivo ;s.iblished ihemselvus in Luwer . Town. Ann Ar■or. for the purpude ofnianulacturing Tlire&hing Macliines. , Havingbeon for niany years engaged in this Business in Ohio, tliey iecl r lint tliey can wuli onñdence rccominend t'neir work. Tlicy are ría.king ihe Enrrall & Cndiz Mnchines and riose power; also Eastman's planoiary power, lifferent fiom nny. other madc in tlus :onn.Uy nd írcnerally p'ieferd lo any otlier Rinehines. Ivhich tluy inu-nd to sel I at such prices and on such lerms as Cíinnot (ail to give saiisfacnon- hey ar" detennined nut to be outdone by any limilar esrablishtnent either in price. siyle or quality ol woik. ''Compeiition is the Ufe oí trade" and a)I they 18U of the Farrnins coiiimuniiy is o patronize hem so far as to give therii an opportiinitj ifsupplping r port of the Machinps ihat piaj he wanied. They are prepaied to íepair oíd Maf liiiifp. Thoir hop is ín ihe basement story of H. & il. Patridge $c Co's Machine shop, where thev nay be iound to answer all calis. KNAPP, HAV1LAND & CO. W. W. KKAI'P, T. A HA,VILA,ND, J. E. MC r.AJK. ijn Arhqr; April Q9'1P44. fimi WIIZG-HT'S ïledicateil Piaster spread for immediate tese. PJIICE ONLY O.B SHILLING, IN ORDER TO PLACE THEM WITHIN THE MEANS OP ALL. I. süght ailmenu, or where ihe p.-itient preters a less expensive article thin ihe ':Anti-in ;l miatory and Rficmiratic Pbislc.r," these will be found hichly borfeiicraj. Being already spread ior immediate applicaron, thcy wilj be ound very cnnvenient lor VVKAK BACKS, Pain or Weakness in the Side. Brengt. Steuüach. between the S'houlders, or whcrever there is Pain, or where a Piaster is needed. They rtiay be rendurcd more Bervicenble by pasting a piuce oï cloth on the back.of them bel'ore they nre appüed. Multitudes hnve been relieved of pain and sufferin ; by these Chertp Piasters. For feale at Mofcely's Bookstore. nnd by J. T. Stocking, Travelljog Ageut for Michigan. 161 yWÖÖÏi WOOX! CJLOTH! CLOTHÍ! rpHE Subscribers would nlbrm the Public J_ that they wil) continue to manufacture ood at iheir Manufactory. two nntl a half miles wesl oi Ann Arbor, on iie Humn, on the followiri" TERMS. Until die first d;iy oí Jnnuary, A. D. 1845. : the price will be 'l cents per yard. or haífthe cloihtlie .voo Wil) ïnuke. From the Jst ofJanuarv tp ihe I5ih of May, 1845. ihe price wil! be 3) cents per yard. or nine twcntieths of tlucloih ihe wqvI will make. thntis, 4 yards out of HO ma nu facture tf. The woul wil') be manufaclured in luin os il may come into the inciory. as neiir as may be vviih reference to the diíFeren! quaüiit-s. Any person who will furnish one or nioi e pareéis of wool froin 80 lo 100 pounds oí one qualiiy enn have u manufactured by itaelf, V.'ool wili be rece ved at Sci ) Wool seni by Railroad will be atiended toin ihe same mannrr as il' the owner were to come - with it- ii shoull be carelully marked. We have nmnufaciured cloih during ihe pnst year for u'very jargë nutnber of cusioiuers. to wlïom we believc we have given very general satisfacrion With these fiacts and ibe odvániages oíwed by the low price ai which we oiTer to ma'hüfbct.uré cloth, w hope for a large share ol pa:ion-'ce. SAMUEL W. FOSTElt & CO Scio, Washtenaw Co., July 25. 1844. 3-t! 2ffew Hat Store. TAMES G. CRAA'E would respcctfully inO lurm ihe Public, thai he haa opened afine stock ol Hals, Caps, Stocks, Cravats, Scarfs, Collars, Umbrellas and Gloves, at No. 105. JefTerson Avenue, Detroit, nrarh opposite ihe U. S. Court Room and Post Office, whero he will be l'nppv O sec his IViends fiud Surpply them wiih as good an article in his line as can be procured, eitlier heie or al the easi and as clteup. Gentlemen in the interior, wishing a first rale f'ii.hi{)iial)le aitiefe oí Hais or Caps, 'can be 6iipolied by sending iheir-size or have any sivle furni.shed io order in a lew liours. and icarravtcd lo suit. Cali and soe-it niuyWvi yon a doHiïr JAMES G. CR.ANE.' Detroit,. July 12 1844. J3-Gn L1NEN SHF.ETÏNG. iwo yards and a quar ter, and threp ynrds widc. at . RAYMOND S CASH STORE, 148 Jon'. Avenue, Detroiu May 20. 4 DEFENCE of ihe Whigs. V h.g Almnnacs, Wlng Songs, and Life of JJenry Clay by Sargeant. For sale at Perry's Book Store. May 23 1344. 5tt. FIRST rale Tea. Sugar and Coiiée, at the lowest market prires, at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, , 148 Jefi'. Avenue, Detroit. , May 20, 4 '! PETERS' PILLS. TRUTH HAS PREVA1LED. PETERS' Vege mi ble Pilis have now bccn tei years before ilio public. During thai perioc ihey nave obiaiuedii elubriiy unparullelfcd ín tht liisiory of ilie most popular medicine wlnch hoyi preceded tliem or havo Ibllowed ín ihtir track. - The happy combinaron oi vegetable mrediernt lo wliicli these pilla, owe iheir effieacy, isthere sujl olyf.irsüi eaini-at study and experiment, di recied by íong ptevious experience in the prop eitiesiif inedieitl subsiancfs, tlie p.'nlialogy oí'dit-easc, ihe nmure and inodueoperundi of the vañoüB fluids wlnch íninister lo ilie support ;md susicimnce of'tlie human body, nnd orgtini2.uiun by which thoseflaids are prepared. modified ana disiiibiiicd. 'J'he triuniph i' ski 1 1 . and patiënt experiment has been complete. Throih.out tlie leñgth and breadth o( oor land. in J)ritish Americu and tho . Wjsi ïndies. and on tlie contineniot" Europe, the curaliye vir'.ues of' Peter's Vege table Pilis, nre gratefully acknowledged. Tney may be cnlledTHK medicine par kxcki.i.knce, oí the Southern Stateí. Their consumpiiun south ol'the Potomac. is enormous, and continiially on the increase. JVo other pill "goes down" there, liowever sucnred over witli hired pufls and home munu'actured cortiíicates. Peters' Vegetable Pilla mny be termed 5 universa 1 medicine, for there is scnrcely nny de' raogement or obstruciion of the organs and functions of the human machine which they will not allevia'.e or remove whn.n nrlniinistoi-orl r. ii,"vi iiiti. v iv-iiiwïc tv ii vu iH 1 11 j r u i bi ercU In lUC erirly stages oí congestión of ilie stomach or bowels, they speodily relax those organs, reduce the atte.ndunt fever. and restore the suiTererto health. Containing no irriiating or drastie substances, their exhibition is never followcd by that prosiration of the bodily powers which characterize the opcration of most other cöihartics. and thev mfiv be administered without iheslightest feur ol producing ló inflammation, so frequentlj' cnused by the purgent compositions vended bv the quneksand charlatans of the day. ín almost nll stages of diseasè. Peters Vegetable Pilis wil I be fouiul of beneficial effect, bui they sbould always be resorted to whec the firet sympt mi makes its apptarance. The conquesi of the complaint will then be easy and immedinte. ]n billious disorders, remittant or intermiti;int (ever, dispepsia, dysentery, cholera, cholic. ilinihrea, dropsy. sour or foeted eructations, enhircerhent of the spleen, sick headache. all complnintsgrowjng out of imperfector too rapid ditrestioii. torporof thebowe!!. female obstruclions. habitual costiveness. and all other diseases in -bich o purjrntive medicine is proper. Peters' Vegetable Pilis wül be found unrivalled in the speed, ccrtainiy and irentleness of their operaiton. It is seked npon what principie these e.ttrnordinary effe.cts are produred? We reply that Peers Vegetable Pili acis as a purilier ol' the ilood. by purilying ilie chyle and other fluids of vhich blood is composed. Chylo is a nilky fluid depositod by the digestivo matter on he conts of the iniesiines; and which when combilied with the billiary secretion, is conveyed imo the veins, an ' becomes the principie of ife. This medicine acts directly upon the chylel rom which it cxpels all acrid particles, and al. umors detrimenral to a healthy circulation. ii leanses thejuices and fluids before the chemical chartge tafces pkice whieh fiü? them fo iheimmediatepurposes oí vitalny. This is beginning at the beginning. To embue the streams oí ufe with heahh. it is necessary to purify them ai their sou rres. Such ia the radical mode in which this medicine performs its cures. Testimoniáis which ■ would fill volumes (inany of them from high scirniilic authoriiy) are iis vouchers, and it is itsed in the practico of the first Physicians here and nhroad. Fnv salp liu V T Tí O,-nr. XT o a t irMaynard. J. H. Lu ml, Harria. Parlridges &. Co S. P. & J. C. Jeweit. Dav.dson & Beckor, H. Beckcr, Christinn Eberlmch, G. Grenville, D. D. Waterman. O. J. O-Wland', E. T. Wilünms. Ann Arhor; Georee Warner & Co., D. CWhitwood. J. Milíard & Son. N. H. Wing. Derer; M. Jackson. Ltnvi; Paul Rnymond. Jacksan; _ Brothersnn & Kief. Manchester; D Keys. Clinton; DS Hnywood. Saline; ore. Babcook & Co.. Ypvlanfi; Scntterffood &.Cn. Pimovili; Pierre 1 ellee and T. IJ. Eaton &- Co. Dctroif,' also in Adrinn. Tecumsfh, Brooklvn. Pomïac, Chicapo. azi'l nlmost evisry wlit-ie pfs'e. Ann Arbor. Jan. 15 JS44. 27-)y AFárm fop Sïe, SITUATED in the town of ïhglia'ffl, Inpham Couniy. Michigan. Said Farm cmitoin? une luuxjred and (it.y acres hnndsomely iituared In the midst ol . a thriving senlernent. - The land is what is uaualiy c;illed timbered Land. in Mlrhignn. 'he tnnber being suarmaple. whi:ewatd. fieach, ash. oak. &c. all Umds of tunber peculiar to the 'limbered land in Michigan. Ther? is on this farm about forly ncres of good improvement: a good part of this is F.nüsh Mmrlnw. A'so. n cood LOG HOUSE ANV NEW BARN, framed. 34 lv 42 feet. Avell finished. There are also on the place tarming utensils. such as Chains, Ploughs. Drag. Cart, Fanning Mili. &c. which will besoldwith the place. TERMS OF SALE. One quarter of purchase nioney down; the omainder in ten yeara. if necessary. with annual interest For particulars enquire of the subscriber ík Dexter village. JULJUS RANNEY. March 20, 18-14. 48-tf.Bristol's Sar sap ar illa. TMISvalunble medicine so justly celebra'eri as a certain cure for Scrofula or KingsKvil. or any disease arising from impurity of til t blood, has become so well known as to need no publ catión of the numorcus certifícales no w in 'urpossession. of the extruordinaiy cures la tel j performed by it, but fearing there inay be soim persons a Heded who have leen gul led by nsing the mitatiors got up ty others, we would respectfully request them cali on us and satisú tlieinselves of irs many cures in similor cases. - By purehnsing: of usthey can reiy upon the gen uincness of the artrcíe. which they should be careíul to do. as we are told there ís a spuriou.1■inicie of the same name for snle in this vicinity. He careful to observe that "Bristol's Extract ot Sarsaparilla, BuíTalo," sst?inipef upon the bot'les. and "C. C. Bristol" written in his own hand over the Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec. ;'5. H43. 36 lAherty Alinanack for S 845! fjniJEirUbsenber is preparing nn Alnianack fot A '185, vvljicl) will be niade a general statisticnl and historical record on slavury and emanci pation. A great vnjjjnty of' oripinal anieles in )iosc, and a choice selection of eniirely new music for ! ibeny Meeiings. will beinserted, niaking it a víiluable book. Iivvill 1I3.) contnin some excellent anieles on tho subject of Temperance. It will he richly einoeriished with plates.amonp which will be the likencss of Jamks G. Birnky. mr Liberty cfindidate for President, also a brief history of bis Ufe. We hall be hnppy to receive orders from any establishment d.-siimir qu;intities. li will he piiM.shed in August. Publishers who will give this notíce insertion for three months, shall receive 100 Alnianncks, each. J. N. T. TUCKER. 11-P.m. (CfAiiiong the many striking proos oí the oxcitenent. ot Bristol's Saisaparilla. not the least ie uriiislx-d in the fact that such a multitude of spuríoiis and counterfeit preparations have been put fonh. and sonte of them hy metí that prnfess i hiffh bisince8 standing Unless this inedicine had been of 8(vereign valué, and iis grcat success heyond ail qocstion. it would have found no imitations. Peonle never counterfeit that which is aluelpss. Whoever heard of a single cou.iroríeif of the wíld-cat curií'ncy of the Westí - Sierliiiír coin and s.'ifety-fund bilís are cnunterleiied constaiuly. The fact thnt a thing is exlensively rfeited. is proof oí irs valué. - ( The suecessof Urieíol's Sarsapnrilla has causei! ' it to he countprfoiietí in aítnost all the cities and towns in the Uuion. Spurious money is uniiersally rejecied. so shouhl spitrions medicines e. No sensible person will take the false when ie enn get ihe true, People who do not wish t ( e imposed npon. should o!)tatn the {rpiiuine ar ; :ifle. Aftention to this is of the first importanco. I Caution. - Ask for Brísiol's Snrjjnparilla, anr! ( iee that the writien signatuie of C. C. Bristol is í )verthe cork of the bottle, none oiher iá genuine For sale by W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. "TO THE VICTÓTSl0NG=THÏ' SPOILS ib ALTIJOUGfl ni.niy prcpnrniionin th r, , of 'COPULAR MtDlCJNES h ' en before the public, tfltifn.itfg ,0 L ft "ml even cure the most inve.emïe diLL v none Imvfi so wcll answeieri the mirrnVl ' fCt "COUGH LOZENGES" cure tlie moei obstinate cases of Co.uch in „ r Bons who have been g.ven m, bv S.aí per" nnd friend,,. and inany whi h, ve !'' P 1S'Cla"8 u. theverge of ,he ove " hy ÍJ !eu"wJ Consumption and Hectic Feve. Z ?iP b]d have hrad the rose olheal.h res.ojed Io ,T u gard cheek. ond now live ,o Jg T2SL lirnisesofthisinvaluüble medicine f 't'k man s cherTFOiíitf LOZEAGES have been provedin more ihan 4l,o-i,in be inlallibJe, in fact. he onl, J Sin w""'0 s.roying n.edicine ever" Sd Ch.ïrf f wil] eatthem when they ennno, b I" J1"1 any oiher medicine, and the benefit d eri h" the adminisirntion of medicine ,1 7 f irom formi. great beyond K'fef never been kiiown to fai). Dr herma ' "CAMPUOR L02ENGES-' " releve Hendache, lVervou9 Sick-hend'. t , pitation of the ÏJeart, and sícÍiÍ ' ?!l1 few minu-es. Dr. Shern n„!8 " '" fc "POOft MAN'S PLASTER" .s acknowledgcd by all who have ever uPH i, ï e ihe strengthening Piaster lt,L oint8? rhcumatism, Iniribago &c il r o procure the above and all ntu ?? COrefll} iW's and you 3 b! ,B í ÍCÍm S f i.'stalce in quantity Or chnfge '' be n AnnArbor.FnÍ5844MAYNAR?iTRACTOR SAI.VB lift ?,T f"0"nd Pn He l„,n,.n f.roilv , or iheir authonzed n.'ents All k' Propneto,8 and manufacturera. L$L gLgE -el 8, w „c , 8 wnrrun.ed to do oll ,: v,r wo',u wben clfd by any .„her nan.e. or the prU,l,.ll be relnndcd u, nny se jf , do,-8nütpí, To pl:,ce 11 i wnhin reach of „II. iju plice L been reduced more tl1;in fou. foW ?,, so d for 5rt„.. . jhe forn.e, prire 'b'ei Tg t n,T oibrtant. 'Jhe 50 cent Kté nyfá times as much na the, and he Al nenrten timoa as niudi; e J ilze No Inmily thnt hn8 nny tifia to huniamry, ai fail to have Cg.'s pBm Extrnctor Oi,me ï a ways t hand, to save lïfe, h118Ci„. 8„(i eE all agony from any burn in five 'AiL&. ded thcy hnve seen h n8ed? or will BdièVe tL who have usedn. e COMSTOCK & CO., Bo-sure, therefore, nrrd aak foi Cdirk2% ns our pla.e wi.h Dolley's. nnJ1,e on }, fciJSg sio.en, and ü,e ,,,„rious inay aRper wi,h ,, name on it Knovv, therefore. thWiï co.nta "l recily from Ccmstock & Co., or sHiin t _ WM.S.&J. W.MAYNÁR1), JO Agent for Aun Arl.or. J f Tí JE snbscriber linving jSL ■- Just received a newad fe-jij ('ulon !0 h'8 fornu-r siocJi uf V. nP$? 00s IS prepnred to st 1 U)M 'hetn che;)P für Cash A?43 'Tllg T'kick 'niay be íouní Gold fingir Rinrs, and Bosom Pinsr il earts and Crosses. Silver and Comïiion Thimblcs. Waich Chnins and Keye, l'cn:-il Cn.-fs; a!si. Spoons, Sugar liüws, Butler Knivt-B, Tooib and Hfiii Prut hes, Pocket Books. iolmStrinn's. Necdlfs, Pms. Hooks, and Eyes. Specl?icie6. Fine Co ir, bs. Dressing Con. !')., Side Combs, Bnck ConLe, Pocket Combs. Waier Painia, Mnrking Cotton, Steel Teñe, ajicJ Tweasers. Sni.ff&. Tnlmc-co Boxe. EJnsiic, frf, All of wbich vil! be old aa cl.oa,-. h al rty iher estnl.li8bn.fint tiie side o' Ñew "fork. N. B. The subscriber ihankful for'so larpe o share of pnblic patronage, still solicifPn continupnee of the eanie. CLOCKS AÑ1) tVATCS}?v fi?.V dwcnpiion repnired nnd wnrranted.Also, JEWELRï repaired on short notiie,- Shop dt nis old etimd directly opposite tht Cortri House. Cash püid for od Gold and Silver. A , C. BIJ SS. Ann Arbor, July ], 1844. 28-]yTHE folloYving indispensable ffmily remedí rnay be lound at Maynard's" Dmfet Store, n Anu Albor, where none tvitl be leíd unless kiown to be of the best kind nd no counterfeit artiele ever ofi'eréd, potent medicine ;nvariahly proetired oí tbc orig.n J invento? or 1 hs regular 8ncces6or: (EP No familij siould be a wcek wüliffitt íkese rc7iie(iics,j-fl BALDNESS, Balm of Co'nmbia, for the Huir. M-hic?) tf sto) it it nng out, or restore iton bnld places; nnd on children make it grow rapidly, or o tbose who have lost thehni'r from nny cause. AI.L VKKJM1N thatinfest the heads of ehfidren jij schools, are prevented or killed oy it ot once. Find ike nnrne of COMSTOCK en i( or never try it. Uemeviber this alicays. PILES, &c. are wholly preven ud, or governed if tho aftnck lias come on, il yoo nee the oníy tfueUiiys' Li5isiknt. froin Comstock & Co All SORES, and evcry tbihg rclieved by it that admite of an outwardapphcation. ít actslike a choim. Vte it. RHEUSJATISM AND LAMENESS positively cured; alj shrivelled musclcs ard linbsnrer restored,in the oidor younp, by the Jvdit.n Vcgetciblc Elixir and Nene ánd Bone Lhiivi en í-hat never without the name of Com.stock & Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE ill crntífcate nl) WORMS in children or adulta with a certninly quite nötonishing. TOOTH DROPS. eure erTeeto8l'ly. Ann Arbor. Feb. 5, 7 8-14. 411844, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, SGOKSELLERANilSTATIONEB, SMART S BLOCK, 137 JEFFBRSON AVBNUE, DETROIT Keeps oonstnnily lor sale a -ompletc assoíimenJ of Misccllaneous, School and Classoal J3ook.8; Lciterand Cap Paper, plfiiu and ruled, Quills. Ink. Sealing "Wnx, Cu;lery. VV rapping Pnjwr. Frinting Paper, Df.ail sizes: nnd JBook, News and Can ster Ink. of varions kindp. r uil and luill (uund. ol cvory varitiy oi liulinff MEMORANDUM BOOKR. &c. To Morchnn'8. Teacliers, and others. buying ' in quantities. liirire disconnl oiade. SABBATH SGHOOL & BlBLE SOCIETV DÊPÖSlTOR fol-l. Came into the enclosure of' the eubscriber ow or about the Ö7th of June, a brindle Cow. wiih a etar in rhe forehead nnd line bnck. supposed to be abouf seven years old. The owneris requfited to prove property, pay charges, and talie her away. SYLVANÜS SIAS. Arm Arbor, July 2, 1844, U8r


Signal of Liberty
Old News