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Look To The Future

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It has been estimated ihnl 500,000 persons will vote fur President at this election for the first time. All of these will throw theïr influence, wbateverit moy be,in of great nd permanent interests. Tbose who vote for Polk, will ndvocate tho continuante of the bondöge of two and a half mülions of their countrymen, and tlie extensión of the curse over a new country, to be imposed on millions yet unborn. TJiose who support Mr. Clay will lubor for a National Bnnk, and for the conlinuance of National Slavcry four years more, and for the Annexation of Texas, wiih ils Slavery, Í pub lic opinión will permit. Those who vote for Mr. Birnpy will support Eqiial Political rights to all. They will vote for the Abolition of Slapery, the extensión of Human Freedom, and the elevation of man. These objects will ulrimately be accomplished ihroughout our nation. The lecsons of the past, the agilalions of the preken', and the progress of society, all indícate tliat the mass of men are yet to be enlightened and eïevated. Hovv soon Personal Liberty and Equal Rights sbalf prevail through our country, we know not. But there is èvery reason tö believe ihnt a considerable portion of the 500,000 who will vote for the first time for President at this election, will live to see thai day. At the end of Uventy-five or thirty years, when this object sha 11 have been consuminatea, and they sliall have enlered on the decline of life, it wili be a cheering considcrntion fo those of them who now give their first Presidential vote for Birney, ihat in tlip midst of contumely and reproach, they earlv espoused tíie cause of freedom, and from ye& to year were found faiihful to her banner# Bternly breating all opposilion, tlll her Ftnnd ard waved triumphantly over the whole lanrl. The memory of their past octs will be refreshing to the soul; and when they ceasethcir earlhly career, theirchildren will recount with pride the exertions of thcir honored falh ers for the hight-st inlerests of man, put forth cmid the scorn of the great, the sneers of the selfish, the npprehensions of the timoron:?, and the reviüngs of the proflígate. Thp 68me eiteem and venerafion will be manifested for theii charactersand memories which i? now awarded lo the héroes of the Revolution. The one class fought for the freedom of threp millions of Americana : the other iabor to deliver three millions more of Americana from a thrildom fnr worse tlian that of Bntain. It is tnie, onr weapons aro different; bnt ours, as well as theirs, wi'il be effectual for the putpose, whüe courage and resolution are requisite for bot Ii. We wonld ray then to erery unselfish and nob'e mindedyoong man.think of these tliingp. Look to the future as well as the preeent. - Caet jonr stiffroge so aa to make youreelf a permanent benefacfor to your country. We know Ihat lhe selfieh and interested care for none of these things. The man whose sole embition is to obtain an office - to become o constable or a justice, by sly political management- or to get a seat in the Legislature by the circuitous contrivances of party machine ry- will hvgh at aïï considerations addressed to phüanthropy and irue noblenes of soul. Bul God has ordainedthat each class of men shall hovc their appropriate reward . The one mayatlin lhe petty distinctions afier which they labor, and will then be forgotten, oronJy remembered aa swelling the bilis of mortalily; while those whom Ihey reviled as visiónary fanatics will live on through future pen - erations, in tbe memory of the just. Wilberforce will be remembered when his princely libellers shall have disappeared from the memory of mnn; and Birney and his coadjutors will be honored by the latest postenty of tfae millions they are now striving to elevo te, Says the Liberly flcrak',"We heve often heard members of the old partios say, boastingly- I never voted with the locofocos;" or, "I never votcd a federa) ticket T Oftentimee raen bonst that thcy never vofed for thia or thit man- and k is a mat ter of pride with many, that they can speak of their own consistency, though the relative position of Jhe party to wbich they belong may have changed a score of time?. It is admitted by the cnndid of al] cfasses, that the Liberty party must eventually triumph, and that too at no distant day. The principies of eternal truth and righteousnees upon whieh il is founded - the universal sentiment of the civilizetf world - as weil as the steady onward mareh of the party in its growth and progress- all afTord a strre gaaranty that the canse isdeslined to a speedy trinmph. The case of tbat man is enviabfejwho ehall have it to say, in time to come, that he never cast a vote for a pro-síavery parfy that from bis first exercise of the eleclive franchise, his suffrage has been given to f ,ibty! ít mny be thonght by some a small mat. ternow - birt not so will it be negarded whe, m nfter times, Ihe world shall look back with astonishment, if not with inn-ediility, as it will, to the time civilized Christiarr men eJaimed tlie right ofproperty and ownership irr their felJow me. Then it will indeed be an honor never to have beJonged to the brotherhood of oppressors "and traffickers in the bones and blood and souls of thetr feHows."' ín voting for ]fr. Birney, ymcncüRer svpport nor cmtnlenancc nny objeclionaUe sentiment or principie: Yon vo.'e for purity of private character, aml agaiiwí fashionabíe vice - yon vote for Liberty {O■ the ensraved- you vole ogainst Texas and' more sfavery, and for a permanent syslem of puBIicr policyr in opposition to the perpetna) chongos demnnded by ttic s!aveho!ifer=, you vote fbr every thing that is rr;;JJy good, and for noihing that is truJy objectionable. Can you say ns much of a vote Cur cU'iecof the othcr perties? Is not a choicsbetwoe them truly a chokc bettccen evils? - We eay to-every yoong man who votes ot thie elecüon for the firt time, you wil! liever regret your decisión, rf you now vote for Bir


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