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Liberty Lectures In Jackson County

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Eider Monroe, of Detroit, and Mr. Fostkr I "rom Pittsburg. f too colored gentlemen and able speakers, Major RkxfoIrd. Esq. McGiíé, S. B. TiiíAOWELLj and it niay be,Messrs. BKCKLKYand Stewart, nnd some others. will öpend some time Ín JncUson County, in thts State, (immediately after the Síattí Liberiy Conventiori at Ann Arbor on ihe 9ilt of Öctober) in lecturing on SLAVKRY, and tho PARA MOUNT claims of the Lireiity Party to public support. S'omè one or morcof them will lecture in Grnss Lake, at two different j.l-tces, in ihe afteinoon and cvenmg, ai two aud seven o'clock, on the lOih of October. In Leoni, Oet. 11, ot two different places at the satne hoiïrs. In East Portage Oct. 11. at two plades at the csim hours. In flenrietfa 12. at two places at the same hours In Coltnubia, 12', " " Ir. Liberty, 14, " " In KlUs, Í4, t( " In Hanover, 15, '; " In Tompkins, 15, " " In Pulaski, 1G, " " In Springport, 16, " " In Concord. 37, " " In Parnia, 1?, " " ín Spring Atbor. 18, " " In Sand Stonc. 1, " " In Jackson, 19, 4 " 5? plnces in the afternoon and 2 in the cveuing the usuiil hours. Let all the truc Liberty nif;fi in their respective towns volvntccr without delay to meet and agree on tho HEsr places m their towns to hold these meetings', and then spare no pains to ste hntcveryfamily is duly notiried. Our friends East are doing wonders at this time. They n!l cheerfully rolvii'ccr, not only to notify people of the meetings, but to get up theïr teams and cordially invite their friends and neighbors ío ricío with them to atterid them. In this way. large meetings are alwnys got tip, and great good is done. All who atteml wJII r?ceive tRvcts and gratuitou8ly. When we read the most cheering accounts of the iiündkeds coming out at a time from tho slavery partits, and joining the "LIBERTY PARTY," it is no time to slumber or be iiacCyz,


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