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To The Liberty Party

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Boston, Oct. 15, 1844. You have learnt that I have been nom'nated for the House of Representativas of tho Michigan Legielature, by the democrats of the county in which 1 reside. No Liberty party nrgnnization has been formed n that county. The nnmination has no relalion to party measures, but was prompted by considerations of local interest. My neighbors vvero told that, if elected, ] would serve the county, whether I were nominated by the Democratie convention, or by the Whig convenlion, or by seceflers from bolli these partios. So were they, that I woüld consider tnytelf aa representing the people, ánd not a party. No pledge of party service was proposed - none was given. 1 expect to be voted for by Whigs as well as by Democrats. I have jiisf roceived ji letter, from a Whig of Soginow County, assnring mê thnt 6uch would be the case. If you believe what 1 have stnted, you will say my course is right ; I repeai. to you, am not under the sligklcst partij pledge. l have receivcd letters from some of yo since I carne here, evincing disqiuetude, n the effect of my position. Tho Whigs se the infliiencc of their outcry on you. and the, ure it. If you yield tó it, we wi I have enotigh of such ontcries. We will b confoimded and routed by the mere clamor o our adversaries, If I were to give way to it now.and yieid tü the sugírostions of the alarmed among us, they wonld have assurnnces that I conld be frightened from my purpnse. See vhr.t has been the result of this yièluing, in the late election n Piitsburgh. Our friends were nlarmed nt a falso and preposterous issue, gotten tip by our seducera. They will never be withou such alarms, till they show that they have set ihemsel ves, like adamunt, against évery such device. Td such of you, then, as feel disquieted, T say - be re assured. Give me your confidence - cominand mine. This mutal failh must exist, or we shall accomplish nothing. 1 shall stand jn the position I have taken - equally prepaied to resist the shock of open enemies, or the panic of real friends. JAMES G. BIRNEV.{t The Whigs liad qnile a Jarge gathrrlng here on the 17ih. Tliere wcreall kinds of banners displnyed, and some coons stuc! 10 pules: and a!l kinds of lenm-, from on e oz np tó six horsep. The foreign speakers. Gid dingsand Corwin, did not make their appearance. A heavy rnin eommenced ot noon, nn ihc multitudes filled the Methodist and Presbylerian Churchcs, where they were address ed by sundry orators. 05a Afriend wriesfrom Coopcr, Kalam amazoo County, that the prospects of the Liberty party in that vicinity arehigh'y fcvor ablu. Tne argument of the Whigs abou Mr. Clay's oppositionto Annexation iias beet reduced to a mere shadow. Several iuleresting meeiiiiTs lmve ben held; and also a íliscus.-ion with the Whigs. The Liberh men are ready to discuss with opponenls o eitlier party. O We have been made acquninted witl some particnlars of the conduct of certnin Whigs at tbeir meeting in Detroit, by wliicrli 11 isaiJedged ihë colored people of that city and the Liberty parfy were intenüonnllv in sulted. We do not deern their pubücation necessary, because it is impossible to identify the perpet rators, and it would be iinjust to hold the whole Whrg assembly responsible for the disgraceful acts of á email portion of them who were as destitute of good feelmgp, asthey were of good monners. Besides, the in iquity of such transactions consista in ihe inUnlion of the actors; and that intention, although apparéni to ihe spectator, is easy to be denied, and often dirScult to be proved to the leaders of a newspaper. 0 Te Whigs started their Micliigan "Roorback" story about the coalition of Dirney and the Locolocos rather loó soon. Ii will be worn out beforeelcction. Wherecan you find an honesf, sensible man, of nny partv, who now really bdicves that Mr. Birney has forsnken his, Liberty principies, and joined the "Locofoco party?" O3 Tiie account of the Galesburg meetitig by a ;'Liberty man" was in type before we received the proceedings ue written out by the Secretary. Henee the publication of the Jatter ia not necessary.ÖCjr The Amendment to the Constitution to be submilted lo the people at this election provides that the general elections shall be hereafter held on the first Tuesday of November, instead of the first Monday and Tuesday of that month. There will probably be but üttle opposition to it. The proposed change wijl save much expense and time to the peoP e' (C?0 The Convention to form a State Constitution for Iowa assembled for that purpose at Iowa city on the 7th inatant. (Cf" The Demócrata of Sa.ginaw County held a Convention on the 17th, and nominated Alfred Holmes as their candidate for the Legislature. The Whigs have nominated a Mr. Richman.


Signal of Liberty
Old News