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Abstract Of Naturalization Laws Now In Force

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Any alien, being a free white person .may be admitted to become a citizen of the United Stales on ihe followingconditions; PRIMA RT DKCLARATION. 1. The alien shall declare that it is bis intention, lona fide to become a citizen of, the United States, ond to renounce forever all allegiance anu fidsli; y to ony foreign princf?, sovereignty or State whatever,' whereof he may be at the time a subject. L. He raust make this declaration on oatii or nffirmation before a Circuit or District Court of the United States, or before a Court of Record of any sta'e; i. e. beíoie a Cotrf.t having common Iaw jurisdiction, a eeaf and clerk or prothonotory, or before the cle.ksof either of the eaid Courts. FINAL APPLICATION. 1. lco years, at least, after bis primary decjaration, the ulien may unake bis final applic'itio to be adnüited a citizen, when he shall declare on oath or affirma'ion, before one of the courts 8foresoid, tbat he will support ihe Constitulion of the United States, and will renounce particularly, by name allegiance to any foreign sovereignty or state whera of he was a citizen or subject. 2. The court must be saüsfied.that the applicant has resided within Üie United Statea Jive years, at least, and witbin the State in which tlie cjurt is, on e year, at least; that he is a niiü of good moral character, and atlachcd to ihe principies of thè Coristkulion of the United Staíed. S. These, facts, particularly as to'the re6idence of the appücant must be proved by two wiinesscs,' wIjo must be citizéna of llie Uoited Stated. CHILDREX OF KATURALIZBD PERSONS. 1 . The children of persons n.ituralized under any of the laws.of the United States, being under the age of twenty-one years at the time of the parents being naturalized,' shall, if dwellintj in the United States, be considered citizens uf the United States- and the children of persons who now are, or have been ciüzens oi' the United States, shaH, thotigh ïjorn out of the jurisdiction of the United States, be considered as citizens; except, the right of oilizenship shall not desceiid to persouá whose falhers liave never resided 'vithin ihe United States.NATURALIZA f ION OF MIKÖRS. An alien being a free white person, and a minor, who shall have resided wïthin the United States three years' next preceding his arriving at the age ot Uventy-one years, and aIjo thnll have con'.inued to reside iherein lo Jie time he máy rrialíe' npplication ío be adniuod a citizen thereof, may, afLer he amvea u tlieagc of tueiit-one yenrs, and after he ■liail have resided fiveyears within the Uuied Stateá, ncludin tlie three years ot" his niiiority, be admilted to ciiizensliui withoutmaking llie primaiy decloration. - Det. Evc. Post. 05 The whole number of Post Offices n the United States, in 1790, was 75. - The present number is 13,8 14.


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