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In the six iollowing towns of Washtenaw Dounty, ibe votes given for Mr. Birney for t jrnor, in 1843, were aa folio ws; Lima, 9 Manchester, 4 PittsfielJ, t - 14 ■ Saline. IS Sharon, I Syïvan, 17 Total, in 1813, G3 Some three months since, the VVhigs obtained he ñames of Twj.nty-niite persons in theee six to-vns, who declared themselves '''Membei s .of ihe Lihtrty Party." and published tlieir . tion to suppo.rt Mr. Clay. This ;:Rooibnck" locument, headad by the name of Robert Edmunds, trnvelled throueh a!l the Weslerli'AVhig papers, as far Eost as Maine, nnd ns far South as South Carolina, and much relianCe seemed to be placed upon it as an indicaii,oaof the dcfection of the Liberty party, and a sure prelude of the general support of Mr. Clay by the Liberty men.- - It was, indeed a serious marter when half tlu: Liberty party in these tnwns went over tb the Whigs inTa bodyl! Wel), the resultis. that although the Whig8 obtened 29 Liberiy men. as they affirmed,. where. there were only C3 in nli yet we have nnw just L0 remaining, ns wiil be seén by the following statement of votes given for the Liberty Presidential Electora. It is' from the official canvas3: Lima, j q Mancheater. - 5 Pittsfield, 04 Saline, g Shnron, 7 . Sylvan. ]6 Total, in 1H44, 90 Such is the resulrof Whig eynherln!?. We began the year with 63 votee, lost 29 of them, and ended the year with 90! Wonder if ihe Whigs wiJl not.feel encouraged lo try tlie same game over agnin next ye,ul


Signal of Liberty
Old News