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ANN ARBOR OIL-MILL. THE subscribers would give notice that they are engaged in manufacturing LINSEED DIL, and are prepared to furmsh oil of ihe besi quality to mei'chants and painteTs, cheap as it can be obtaíned from the East. Oil exchanged br Flax seed at the ,rate of a gallon of oil for a nishei of Flax seed. Cath at all times paid for Flax seed. PULCIPHER & JUDSON. Ann Arbor, (Lower Village,) Sept. 6, 1844. 20-1 y. THE TRUE PAIN EXTRACTOR SA2.VE? WHICH cureslikea charm all BURNS by fireor water, nnd every externa! SORE, PAÍN.. IJN'FLAMMATION, ACHE orlTCHNG ever yët found upon the human family. t which it bas been applied, must alwayebesough genuine from Comsiock and Co., of New Yoik, or their authomed agents. AH are cat.iioned against any spurious artieles, which má'y -lway. c avoided by knowing the one you buy comf rom Comstock & Co , who are now the only proprietors and manufacturera. Inquire forConncl's, which is warramed to do all it ever would whcn called by any other name, or the pricersha') )e refundcd in any case if it does not piense. To place il within reach of all, the price ha' oon rcduced more than four fold, anti is now ÓÍ9 for 25 cents, tlie fonnerprice being too exrbitant. The 50 cent sizc now coniains foni imes as much as the lormer, aud the $1 size near ten times as much. No family that has any title to humanity, wil! all to have Connet.'s Pain Extractor Ointmen nlways at hand, to save Ufe, allscars, and reduce tII agony from any burn in five minutes, providcd they have seen it used, or will believe those who havo used it. COMSTOCK &CQ., 21. Courtland Street. tCT Be sure, therefore, and ask foi CoNNsr.'s as our plate with Dalley's name on ii has been stolen, and the spurious mny r.; ir with tin name on it. Know, therefore, mat it comes di réctly from Comstock & Co., or shuii it. WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARU, 36 Acent for Ann Arb "Nature aiiid Expericnce our Guide. TH ii, extraortünnry and well authenticatod ?i!ros wrought by the celebrated Sugii Coatkd Pills, or Dr. Smith's Improtcd bidian Vegetable Pilis, have naturally drawn public attention to them. Perhaps in the history of Medicine, from the time of Hippocrates to the present day, thcre s no instance of a medical compound 'btaining equal eclebrity in sb short a iine. There was never a medicine reconimend ed by such high authonly. as Dr. Smith's Pilis. Besides their great curative proporties, (possessng as they do. such astouishmg powcra io open til the natural drain? of the body, viz. iIicLungs,. Kiu.nkys, Skin, and Bowki.s,) they me, unlike all oiher pi lis. rxtretnely plkasant, being coated with sugar, and as they do not feripöj nor produce nausea, or.ony otlier.unpleauant (-■is'quepces. they have beconie very popular toi J.ybpepsia, Head-ache, Costiveness, Bilióus ■ complací is. Foul SlQmach, Fevora, Worms,Waui of Appetite, Impurities of the Blood, Obstructionsund témale Complaints g'enemlly. Colds, &c. One of the most niiuentint and benevolcnt ladtee in New York. Mrs. S. A. Gould, Malron of tbc U. S. Naval Hospital, saya. "íhere is no medicine n her knowledge so wêll adapted to the riumorons ailments of mankind as Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Pilis." She espechlly recommends them o ladies. Read her certifícate in the pnmphlet. Office devoted exclusively to the aale of these Pilis, 179 Grcnnwich Street, New York. , For sale by W. S. & J. W. Maynard and Lund & M'ColIum, Ann Arbor. 28-4w IVOOBt WOOD!' WE want ?omc from subacribers-immediatöly Ot 12. 1?44.TJ 1 E M ! SSES gñ'A RKS' Toujííí Ladies' Scmiiiary, ANN A1U50R; MICHIGAN. MAR Y IL GLAUK. Principal. CMLOE A. CLARK, Vico Principal. MISS WEST, Toucher in Music. H. F.SCHOF'F, du of Classics, do do in Frenen. F. MARSH, Teacher of Mathemutics. RHOBY E. CLARK, Tcucherot JuvenileDcpt. TIITS Institu'.ion hns been iloperation since November ld, 1839. The seholastic year embracingforty-eight. weeks, two terms. comprising tvo qnarters each- twélve weeek's n a qnartcr - n general examinaiicn at the close of each term- in February and August. "he lnst (jiinrier of the present term com menced Miiy lïOth. Aficr a month's vacnüon. at the close of ibisqimrter, tvhich ends the sclioInstic year, school will be again resumed the first week in September next. 'óf Tuítion.- -For the Engltsh branches, $2,50 to J$5 per quarter. No reduction made för nhsonce, except in case of sickness. and no pupil loken for less thau a quarter. Extra charges are made for music on the Piano, with the uae orthe instrument, $8,00 Frcnch, 3d0 Latin, ÍÍ.00 Drawing and Painting, f,()0 Fnncv Work, :?,00 Board, includtng: wnshing, lights, &c., $1.75 per week if paid in advance, br $2,00 per week if pnid at the close of the quarte.r. Parents and uardians are invited to visit the school every Friday, when the studies of the week are reviewed- also semi-monthly on Wednesday afternoon. at readingof the weekly compositions. Young lndies desirous of entering the school and pursuing the regular course óf study, would do well to commence at the begining of the term. Having purchaseda healihy and commodióus buildingin a pleasant and convenient part of the villngc, no paiii8 or expense shall be spared to facilítate the studies and render the situation of the vming labres profitable and agreeahle. Belonging to the school are a Library of herween three and four hundred volumes, and Phiosophical Apparatu?, Electrical Machine, Globes, &c. Scientific lectures are delivered before the school at proper intervals. The Misses Clark will endea-vor, not only to promote the intellectusl culture of their punils but will attend strictly to their moral deportment; With a deepsenae of religious responsibiliiy. thcy would give such a tone to cbara.cier, as shall render it practically fittcd for every station- yielding to duty buf. firm to principie.. Among the books used in the school are, Abercrombie on the Iritelleclual and Mornl Powers - Kaner8 Eiements of Criiicism - Wayland's Moral Science - Ncwman's Rheioric- Hedge's Logic - Pnley's Natural Theologyand Evidenccs of Christiaiïity - Comstock's Chemistry and Natural Philosophy- Coirbe's Physiology-Mrs. Lincoln's BotanyT-Eatcn's Manual of ïïotnnyBurritt'sGeography ofthe Heavens- First. Sec ond and Third Books of' History - Mrs. Wil liard'sRepublic of America - Pheips' Legal Classics- Playfair's Enc-lifJ. and Davie's Algebra unó Aritlnnetic - Purker's .Natural Philosophy .- The Missés Clark have taught a Young Ladies School for seveml'years in the Ci:y-of New York, andaré furnished with testimoniáis from Rt. Rev. Benjamin Onderdonk. D. D.. and John M. Griscon, M. D., of New Yrrk, Rev. J L. Blakc. of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Emma Wiüard, o) Troy. N. Y. ; also, reference is mnde, by permission. to the following gontletntn : Rt. Rev. S. A. McCoskry. D. D.. Huoert Rumsey nnd L. B. Misner. Ésqrs., Detroit: Rcv. Isaac S.. Ketcham. Centreville ; Rev. .T. Hudson, White Pigeon , Rev. J. P. ■Cleveland, .iiiii Geo. Ketchum, Marshall ; Hon. Win. R. !)eland. Jnckson; Paul B. Ring, Michigan Centre;' E.'H. Winan, Adrián: Daniel FJixson, Clinton: Gnrdine, Wheelcr. M. D.? Howell; Rev. F. H. Cuming, Grand Rapids; Rev. H. Colclazer, Rev. A. M. Fitch. S-. Dentón. M. D., P. Bnghaín. M. D.'. Hon. ïïm, A. Fletcher, Hon. Wm. R. Thompson, Mur.dy, Esq.. Jvhn Allen. Esq...Geo. W. Jeweit, Esq., Col. Thomas Mosely, Cnpt. J. Perkins. Thomas M. Ladd, F. Snwyer, Jr., Esq., late Superintendent of Public Instruction. Professors Whitjng. Williams and Houghton, oí the University of Michigan, Aun Arbor: James' Birdsall and Rev. John Beach, Flint; Amos Mead. Esq., Farmington. The following gentlemen, Rev H. Colclazer' Rev. O. C. Comstock, Rev. A. M. Fitch. Rev. Mr. Curtiss, Professors Whiting and. Williams, of the University of Michigan, and F. Sawyer. Jr.. late Superintendent oí Public Instruction. have consented to act ns a visiting comrnittee ol the school to be present when the weekly studies are reviewd; but especially to attend during the semi-anr,uai examinations. September 4, 1843. 9tfWRIÍÍHT'S ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND RHEÜMAT1C PLASTER, AN efficiënt remedy for Rlieumatism, Fever Sores, White Swellings, Felons, Pain or weakness n the. Back, Breast, Sido or Linsbs. Burns. Bruises, Cramps, Chiüilains. Liver and Lung affections. Indolent Tumors, Spinal aifectiosn, Irifiamed Eyes, fcc. &. Tt is unsuspassed in all Inilamtnatory diseases. ,either Chronic .01 Acute, .'is ït opérales by cov.nferacüng 'and reducing lnfiamation, allaying Pain. Sweaiinsj the parts affected, and by its strengihening and Aiodyne proporties givingspeedy relief. Also invaluablcasan anti-mercmial plnster. Pricc ?5 cents per Box. - For further partjcuIars, ace circulating Painphlei.) For safe' ni Moseley's Booksiore, Ann Arbor. and J. T. Stocking, travcliing agent for Michigan. ](')-ly Kcady Made Clcthing! ! ! TUK LARGtST and best assortnient of'ready made clothing er before ofi'cved in tliis State now opening, and for fale, WholéBale or Retail, at the Clothing Emporiuin of the subscribers, consisfiug in part of plain and fanc) Beaver, Pilot, Broud Cloths and other styles oi Over Goats. Tweed Cassimere. Beaver, Pilot, Domestic Cloth. Union Cassimere end Satinen Frock and Business Coats. Fine, Plain and Fancy Caesiniere, Blue and Black Broad Cloth. Twecda and other. styles ol Pantaloqns. Plain and fancy Silk and Silk Velvet, Wooleiv Velvet Merino, Satin and Cassimere Vcsts, &.c. &c. &c. together with a very large stock ol common low priceil Övér Coats, Business Coats.. Pantaloons and Vesis. such as and black Flushing, Satinet, Kentucky Jeans, Common Tyveeds, &c. . &c. Also, an cxiensive assortmentol Hosiery, Stocks, iicarfs, Iiandkerchiofp. Collars, Lanib's Wool and Merino Drawcrs nnd Sliiris, Comforters, Gloves, &c. &c. all of which will be sold very low for Cash. They vou!d respectiully invite all in wont of rcady made gannents to cali and examine their stock before purcliasingdsewherc, Hf it has been selected wit'i great care ín the Eastern markets, and manufac tured in the latest styles and most durable manner. IJALLOCX & RAYMOND, Corner of Jefferson and Avenues, Detroit. Oct. 10, 1844. :]m25


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