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SUGAR COATÉD OR j 7 "Improxred Indian Vegetable97 PILLS. ForïntermUtent, Remiuent, Biliousnnd fnflam matory Foveröl Ileadache; Indigestión; DyLpesia; íleanburn; ; Perverted Appetite' CorI tiveness; Diarrhcea; Dysentery; Bliou8'colr Worms; Pain in the Mead, Sido, Fouï Stomach; Scrofula, Scuïvy, or any Inmuriti of Uie Blood; Obstructious. and Female Com plaints gcncrally. rpi-IKRE bas never appenred a medici JL which, whüe it can do no harm. is c-.lcula = I to doso mucli good. They excite a heolthful npr epuáúon, and opcB all the natura! draina of thé system. Tic pbstrübtibn of Insensible tiÍSp, ration is ihe canse of a great proportion of h man suflenng. These pills' posscss the V0Kcr in an extraordinary degrec. of removing all ob stnictione, and restoring a liealthful circulation They must undoubiedly supereede all other pur ' gative medicines, ns they have a fouríold actión-I viz: n discharge by the buiccls. tvngsr hidncvs and skin. Chu.iu:i:n will rio't li.f.siláie (o lalie ifteni; and' Lhey mny bc. relied on, beyond any other reniorlv as an ellccuiai nnd srile niedicniu for WOU Mg and all compluims incident to eluMren. Mor'childrcn have been cured in New Yoik the pies-ent yeir, by the use of Dr. Sinius, thoñ' all oilier medicines conibineii - ns there is no need ol f o rang tl cm doivv, bke other mcdi-i eines. One important ndvamagé tn tajuug iheso pills is, they do not gri e, nor produce náusea nor nny o her unplcnsant sensation. Pills have'in tlionsainis ol instances, prodnood Pilks, n,I(r. other cojisi quencos Jar vorst: thnn the disease lor whidi they vi n admimstcied. Tjiis is pp,r. üadariy gutxded iigaivft in ihe combinalióif of the in:my irïgn di riiis of whieh Dr. Sniiih'p piíls' nie ftoiuposed- tbus reiideimg them l)iRM_LFSS. ri-!iese pills nro made of the .porkst nmtcrinis;' and wc hnve the sntisfaciion ol' liavins piovcïl io hc Medicüi Faeuliy, they posects uncoiiiiiiun virt ti es. The diniclions nnd treatmerii of diseriFcs. nccfcjp.pjajiyjng eVèry bo.. in a circular of four Ko' ';SUGAR COATED PJI.LS" enn M iremiine without lbo éfgiwftírfe of ihc soie invenrcr '-G PJ'N.]AML SUJTH. M. D., Pixsirlont of ihe iN Y. Collc_c of Uealtk." upoh every !m.' Ol'k'fi (ievoied cjrltmïrrj! 10 thn snle of tliif? intdicinr. 17!) CIrcnwic!; snee!, New Y.OlJt, aiui No. 2, V'nicr strcci. Boston. C E K T Í F l C A T E S . "VVe iic not in WiinJ of cei liücatcs of a lni!i i h.uacicr, coming iioni the most respecidLie ;-uiirct.'s. [Froni a Neplicw of the late Judge Thompson.] Ni w Yoik. Wn$ 15. ]S14. Dr. Pwith's 'Iinprovcd Indirm 'ciMablo I'ilLs' Il.ivc nuvoli i. v;ihu:lile to mvi;elf ;rid iiiniiiv. i:i ilic cinco' violent iij.MMciiK. nin m ihe'sido ;md V&t childien. no hctlL-r n;edioiiiccan be prnduced. in the c:jpc of our gil I, iwo ycuis ojd. ijiejrypsi bj)V,]y. vfívct'ishavp icl-iiIied ii om (lieir 1 hrive !.h.,v,d v. medicine wbieh ] COQid so eoiiliilenilv-reconni.iiid as. iIk-sü piüs. Ti. THOMTSON, ;-)fi Nonlimorr Pi. Tlic fol'foví'iñji lady is foó ut-II known in AVw York ior her inielligcnce r.nd iihiianthiopy to be riouUei.l: [Frnm tbc Matiion of tbc U. S Nat m. Iiosritai,:] A;cli?toii;cd ns I é'ni lo ndininister to lbo s;cl, i can ;i;'jie(-íi!; ; v,ajt libia iré 'ic i:e. I! tl.o te ;i tnedicinti rrdaptc-d lo ihe nu,mci'"us oünjciys of ind. il s Dv. SkiTu's SiiVr Püïs. ] h-.we nscd theni nnd teen , theiii upod wi:h the mosri i& , lonisliiiig n'sulis.jii bevftrtil insianccs witJLiij ïny Unovle!ge. restoring Llie nht.ent i'ioni f.Micii.O' lovviitfs and aüflering io s'.rengtli nnd 1 : r r ! ? 1 1 . - For lachea diiring pegnancy, pulsare a ïoccidgn halm. j recoinmciid theni to all as a valuable family tfKfiicös-É. SHAIÍ A. C0UL1X Matroh of ihe V. S. Naval IJus-phaL Brooklyn, June !Üih, l.-;-l4. [From the Drputy Shciifi'of New Yorl;.J Di. Smith's "íMit'íiicd ludían vegêjabie.nllf" hnve.btci) iijfetl in tho Eldriirde-St. Deliiors' Pnpon with ui!conii::oii ion. 1 have ïicvex liefird a intdicine spoki ri of yiiii more iiitcrctit lv the sick who have (okün these pili.s. JAS. J. JiEVJNS. DepiKr SuèHf [AN EXTR OR1)LARY GURE.] T !u(ve to record an insla nee of unpajrd'eldd suf fe mg. which UM-st liave terrüinated n:y exist tecc. Íid r, Dr. Ssimi's "íí'uynicd Judiar !!c!:i!4n l'ills'1 ooinc io nv rei-cue. In ihe fal' o! Jb'K5. 'hád n,scrolulous afiecttor. vhich.r.earlv covcred my body wiih soies, and rciulcred n:c unit for !(e. ]n ihe couisc of twi) inin;hs 1 was efn'aclwéd wjlli 'ewr. which rnkcd v.ith gveat .1 iok mnny pioscriptions, but withotrt iiïlief'. Mv suíferáug was grent. Mis. Cotild (whoiii I sba.ll ever remeinber iviib eslceni) ::dviáí'3 me to ut:fi these Sïigared pilis, which 1 look ri.large doges a fffw clriys". Wiferi the (ever and i;ii)i al)n!ed. I cntiiu;L-d t h c e ii!ls in sniaH doses, abiiiu iivc weeks, when my Itvcr and scrofiiln wr cuied. n.y 'lom conipleiely purifitd, nnd my Eoücrai he;ilih iivpioved. 1 'sm ceitain 1 owe fny liie, undcr Providrncc. (o the tife oi these pilis. ' È. M. PARK, New Yoik. [Fiom Jas. M. Turner, Esq., late of the U. S. Xavy.] 1 have boen rifTücied severa! yenrs wiih n wenknesstn- theiiicasi, cosliveness and a difficuliy of 1 was laiely more iban ever trouhled, ihoiiüb Í had tak n many prescriLcd icincdus - Throui:h ihe rdvice oí a fricrid, J proenred Dr. Smiim's Palent Sugaicd Pilis, which ] v.scd. nnd :hcy hitvb put oni relieyecl. but cmiiely ctind ny cómpl'imüs. My wiie lias also used ihem wiih the most happy efleds, 1 believe theni tho best medicino in the world. JAMES M. TURNER. 5SÍ Gicciïwich St.. Y. RtTers lo Hon. Silas Wripht. U. S. Scnate. 1JERFECT GURE OF WOR&S. Cur Hule (r, "ö yeais oíd, has sitíiered all the woi Ft stanes of woimis; and we have never found nn tfi'ctiiai cuic, tnril vo adminisicred Doet. Smith's Sugar Pills, which óür liitle girl look wilhout the tcasi rs::nnre, in doses of iwo at a timo; and wc nevr r v.iincssed such ,a chanpe in so short a time. The pills giought away a niass. of worrns-, and slio al once improved. She is nuvv in joyoñs heahh. We have also found the "reulesi bfiiicfit from their use. JACOB CAREOCK, SSiaple st.. N. Y. We havo many certiiicates of cures in case of WORMS. [From a lady well known in New York.] I have been troubled for years -wïihfdizzinessand pain in the head, attended with depression;. dimne?sofsÍKht, &c.. which have been entirely curèj hy Dr." Sith's i:Sngared Indian Vegetoble Pilla." I pi ze th is medicine aboveall otherstSARAH DOUGLASS; Coner ol Ludlow and Walker-St. [The foilowingis irom one of the oldest and most respectablc larmers in Madison Co.. N. Y.J Cazenovia- , July 28th, 1844. I have used 40 boxes Brandreth's Piils, and as many nore of different kind6, and I have never found that benefit from the use of the whole, that I have from the use of two boxes o Dr. Smith's "Luirovkd Indian Vkgjbtabli" Pi r,i.s. They seem to strike at the foundation of my disease, which is-of a bilious character. IRA ALVORD. [Mr. Alvord wns, with onother, the first settler of the beautifuí village of Cnzonovia, about 50 years ago.] OLD MEN and YOUNG MEN have, without number, given their testimonia s foi these excellent fumily puls. And MOTHERS ! wcwisli we could lay .befwre the world all the expressions of approbfttion wbich we haye from them in New York. Tluy would alone' fill thia page. THe fact is, .there never was such a medir cine for the complaints of CiuLiinErí. For sale by G, & J. G. Bill, Detroit; Thos. Mny, Jr., Plymouth: Perrin &Hall, Northville; Lund & McCollum, F. J. B. Grane, and W. B & J. W. Maynord,ünd G. Greuvillc, Ann Arbor; also in Tpsilanti, Dexter, and throughout tne United States. Office devotcd cxclusivcly to. these Pills, 179 Grcenwich-St., New Yojk. " CAUTJON.- Beware of ïniitations. -


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