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One Dollar A Year In Advance: Massachusetts And South Caroli...

One Dollar A Year In Advance: Massachusetts And South Caroli... image
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The peopU of South Carolina have hnd n iintom for mtnr years.of imprisoning colored einien frorn otlier Statet. who visit tlieir orft. The grievance haa ben feit severely j colored ciluenü of Macac!insetts, many f whom follow the sea for a livelihood. - Fhe Legislatura of tliat State took the mater into conaideration last year, and a the mout effectual and pcaceable niethod of remeyg the eril, they'aiithorixed the Governor 0 eend an ngent to Charleston to reside, to gather evidvnce and commence mits to test he validity of ihese South Carofina la we, before the highest rfAtional tribunal. Áccorüngly, the Governor appointed Samuel Iíoar a lawyer of years and great respeclability. - Mr. lioar, accepied the situnlion, and on his nrrival at Charleston, addrenned the following note to the Governor of South Carolina. Charleston, 13th Nov.t 1844. Sir, - Your Exccllency ia already infDrnmd of remoTïstrajices made by the commonwealth f Sfassachuselfs ajcaiiut the arrest and imrisonment rf her itizens in South Carolina, ipainsl whom the conimission of no crime is tlleged. The ]'gislature iif MaPsachuseUs jas reccntly pnssed a refolvp, authorizinj the goveTnor of that SlaJe to nppoint an aeent "for Ihe purpoee of collecting and transmitting accurate imformation respectincr the mimberand the fiames of citizens of Miissnchuotts who' have heretofore been, or may be, uuring the period oi' the engagement of the ngent, imprisoned wiihout the allegation of any crime." The agent is also authorized to liring aiíd prosecute one or more suite in behalf of any cítiííorr ihat may be irnprisötied, nt the eíponíe of M iaeaChiiKetti, for thie purpoee of lnvinj the íepality of such imprisonment tried and" deteri'nincd in the Suprcitie Court of the United States. Thp governor of Massachusett6 haa appointed me agent of that ötnte, to execute tlx purposea above mentioned; and I arrived ir this city thi mortñne, for ihat purpose. I d( i not know that your Excellenty wHl énnside . I il proper in nny way to notie thi'a subject 1 vet proprietj aeciKed to rejuiro this cominir Inication. : With great reí peet, yoür Excellency's obe dient cervant, CT -jSamíubl Hoar. To his Excelleiicj, J. H. IIammom, governor of South Carolina. Upon rcceiving thit, Gov. Hnmmond ímmediately transmitted. it to the Legislaturc. - The Sonóte ad'opted some extraordinary resolutions on it. md those of the ííouee, thoogh mor v i1 lent ifrtheif were adoptad witli onlv one áinírttirg voicc. IPhey wer nt fol'owt: '■lisiolttJ, !, That fhe right to pxcludc from tlieir territorie, editious persons, or uthers whoje prenence may be danirerou lo their peaco, is esswnM'al ío ever independent State. . Rftalmtí, d, Tliat free noproes and peron oí color are nnt citizens of the U. States uithin the meaning of the consíitution, which contera upon the ciMzcns of one State the privileges nnd immunilies of the citizen of the aevrral Stati's. Resolved, 3il, That the emifsnry seni by the State of' Ma.-sachnseits to ilie State of South Carolina, wiíh the nvowed purposr? of interfcrjng with her instiimions aud disturbing her pence, is to bc reparded in the chnracter he has assumed, and to be treated accordinply . Resolved, 4th, Thnt his Excellcncy the Governor, be rrqüesied to vxpel from onr territory the 8RÍd pei t, nfier due uotice o depart, tnd that the lcjfislalure will austain the executive smhority, Bny "Rasure U raay udopt for the urposfl nforesaid." The Washini; ton' correspondent of the Daily Advertistr wriles:' Washington, Monday, Dcc. 0. J am sorry lo infonn you that tho Hon. Samuel Hoar, ihe agení of Massachanettn, fordio ussistance of nnprisoned colored seaman belonging to that Stute, has been forcibly expelled frum the city of Charleston. The Charleston papers will give you the dfUails of thi traimction. Almst immediaLcly on his arrivai thcrc. Mr. H. wa? iiiformed thnt ho woi.ld nevcr be permitted to exercise hi duties fhere, and was requetted at once to lonve tke city. I do not underetnnd that any caee had nrieen requi'ing hie action, but that ihi protest was irrview of siflch-a pcssibility. On his positive refusal to abandon the duties entrustcd to him, he was tol I that if he would not witbdravr, he WouW be forced to do so-. - He replied, with ome Bpirh, that force, of might bo uaed if thcy judged best - but that by force only should'he bo removed from the post asigncd to him - an attack on his life was nieroly a personal mntter. At this jnncturo the keepier of the hotel where ho resided, rcfused him lodin for any farther time, and in fact turned him out of doors. - Meanwhüethere waa ground (o 6Uppose that the mob of the ciiy would atlempt his life. - He was, indeed, preserved from their hands only by a mimber of the more influcntial gentlemen of t'ie city, who surrounded him, o ml compelled hinrr to gcf on1 board th steatnboat for the Norih - escortirrg him, or guard ing him tiütlier, that his life migíit not be t-acrifeed to the rage of the exciled people. I do not onderstand vvhetber any part of tlieee proceiedings were under the direction of the conslituted oiithoritie. 'JThcy connived however, evidenily, at the vvhole mntler. Mr. ííoar has not hrnself arrived eo far norlh as this city;: nor do l know whether he will return to Massüchueutts vuliout further eflbrt to execute lus trimt . The excitenicnt in Charleston was greot. The oliivalroue spirit was up, and the papers tecmed withdefianco to Abohlion, and all the usual extravajrances of plavehoidinj; rant.Prof. De Bonncville and lady have arrivet in Buffalo, and both are to lecluïe tbere tip-" Animal Magnclisr.


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