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lew Goeds ! NewG-oodsü .JÈÊÊÊÉè rHK undersigned hos just receivcd his suppl) ofFallCoods from N. Y. City. Besidts st rat nBsorlment of Sheetinge, Cotton Ynrn. ulied Cloths, Brond Cloths, and other SiapU oods, he is just opening a splcndid lot of Rich, Woosied Damask Shawls, lst qnaüty, Broclin, do do Kahyl, do do Cashmere, do Fashionable Cravats. Rich Bonnet Ribbons. Fafihionable head trimmings, Velvct í ALSO. ASSORTIMENT OF DRESS STUFKS SV-CH AS C'ashmere D'Ecosse, Muslin DeLaine, Pnrissennes, Robroy Plaid, Prints of every description, Plain, black Alnpaca, figured, blnck Alapncn, Plain, colored Alapaca, fisrured, col'd Alapaca. Plnid, and Chnngeable Alapnca. The undersigned has in drfition to a firsi ne assortnient of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, choice lot of Teas ano Coflee, for faraily use. Also, a lar ge lot of ïeese Fcathers, Paper Hangings and Travelling Baskets. His Stock ia well 6uited 10 boih city and counry trade. Country pcopleareinvited to cali and jok and satisfy theniselves that his stock wil! ear comparison either in qunlity or price with ny oiher in the western et untry. W. A. RAYMOND. 1 48 Jefl'erson Avenue, Detroit. Oct. 14, 1844. 24 tf driiardian's Sale. PURSUANT to a license from the Hon George Sedgwick. Judge of Probate for the ;ounty of Wasluenaw, in the State of Michigan, jearing date the twenty-eighih day of November, A. D. 1844, authorisin the snle ol certnin real estáte belongingto theheirsol John Eamnn. late of said county, decfiased, J sh 11 sol! at public auction. on the premises, on thesecond day ol 'January next, at one o'clock in the afternoon ol that day, the following described real estáte, to wit: Being part of frnctional lot No. thirteen, (13) in blockNo. one(l) in the village of Dextcr. county and state alo:esaid, commencing at a stake on the south line of said lot eighty-four 84) feet easterly from the eouth-weit corner ol said lot on the streei: thence north 26 degrees east thirty (T,0) feet on the east stde of land decded by C. P. Cowden to Hiram Baker: thence north 64 degrees west 3 feet: thence north 26 degrees cast thirty (30) leet, to the north east corner of said Uaüer's land: thence 64 degrees west fil'ty and a half (oOj) feet on the north line said Baker' s and Henry Vinkle's land to land deeded by C. P. Cawden to Clark 8. Sill: henee north 26 degrees east eighteen feet, on the eas line of said Sill's land, to the south line of lan deeded to Charles Kingsley: thence south 64 de erees east on said Kingsley's soutli line abou 10J feet: thence nonh 31 degrees 20 minute on said Kingsley's east line eeventy-eight an n half (7áJ) teot -tothe enstline of tand deeded b B. Vail to Cowsèn & Derby: thence south 2 degrees ea6t on eaid line one hundred and tw (102) feet to land deeded to Eaman & Smit! thence south 26 degrees wesr, on the line of Er man & Smith, abouf ninety-eifrht (9S) feet to th street to a stake thirty-nine (T9) feet from th south-east corier of said lot No. 13: thence o snid street north 64 dégrees west to the place beginning, it being on the south side ofsnid lo DANIEL COOK,. Guardian. Dexter. Dec. 6th, 1844. 33-3w ALWAYS ON Jl VI. Gt rrifíE subscriber has r g? J_ moved his Shop to Mai JC""1 Street, opposite H. Beek pPS. Ê; t'rs r'c Store, wlier [lik, ts Ba he may be found ready t SfcLv i M&k wa'1 uPon a tnat may s'v SjigQ Having just receivad d reet from New York an elegant stock óf JfSWELEY, and Fancy Articles, which he-intends (o e; loiccr thnn has ever bet-n sold west of Bufial (or Ready Pay OnUf. Among wh:ch may b found a good assortmeni of Gold and Cummo Watch Keyp, Gold Fínger Rings and Bosoi Pins, Guard Chaina. Silver Ten and Tab! Spoons, Sugar Tongs. Butler Knives, Silv Pencil cases, Silver andCommon Thimbles, Si ver Spectaeles, Germán, do. Steel, do. Ha Brushes, Cloihes. do. Toah, do. Lather, di Fine Razors and Pocket Roivcs, Fine Shea and Scissors, Lnther Boxes, Razor Strops, Wa letts, Purses, Violins and Bows, Flutes, Viol and Bass Viol Stungs, Claronet Reeds, Percusión Caps, Pocket Pistola. Brittannia Candh sticks, Watches, Letter Stntnps, Steel Pens ni Tweezcrs, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes. Fii Comb8, Dressing, do. Side, do. Back. do, She do. Needies and Cases, Water Paints, T Watches, Kid Dolls, a grent'variety of Toys ti numerou8 to mention, Beadá, Necklace6, Fam Boxes, &c. &c. i Clocks and Waíhes of every descriptii ' repaired and warranted; olso; Jewelry repairedi short notice. CALVIN BLISS. 1 N. B. Cash faiü for OLD GOLD AN SILVER. C. B. j Ann Arbor, Oct. 24. 1S44. 28-tf. , CAK'T BE BEAT ! f JVEWBOOT, StiOEAJVD LEATHE STÓRË, Ann Arbor s Lower Town. ' -. Q FELCH haa remov( v5 his establishment fro the Upper to the Lower V Inge, No. 4, Hurón Bloc CjtefeJ teugl wl'ere he holds himsell 1 3 BBgf readiness to 'dress the ';i derttandings' of every Ma l%j Woman and Child who w " Qfc give him a the neatei e and best mannerthat can be done in Michiga i LEATHER and F1NDINGS of all kin .constantly on hand. WANTED, Co-#nnd Hidci, in nny quant ties. for which the highest prices will bc give (CFLet none purchase until they have cali at Felch's. No. 4, Uuron Block. Ann Arbor, May 4, 18Í4. 3-ly f GRAND R1VER , "YTT1LL probnbly be navigable witliin ï ' VV years, as far south as J. T. PRATTS STORE, where the inh.abitari.fs ol Michigan c now be supplied wilh e ' DryGoods, Grotëries, Medicines, Boo d Skoes, Hats, Calinet Ware, MUIi 8ones, BoUing-Cloth, Palent 8mut Machines, BristoVs Sarsajparilla. y 20,000 boxes of Pratt'a Pilis, single box 2 eh Iing3, Life Bittere, 50 ets per Bottlc, „ , a choice lot orCH"EESE, , made in New York-. The proprioi 'pledges himself to trell as high as any Mcrcha a in town. r ' N. JB. - All kinds of Country Produce, luí ber, brick, linie, wood, bought or sold just will suit tíustomers best. A good farm and fc I ty acres oí wíld land fjr snle. Admittnncs No. 1, BlaiWr block, near t River, Jackson, Mich. Nov. 21, 1844. 32-tf Wleyan Booksr fifTHK Subecribers have just received a o J sopply of Wesleyan Book6 from the E it poajtory at Ncvr York. Those wishing to pu ', chase will' picase cali and examine for thei scivw. BECRkEY & HICKS. tl Ann Arbor.Lower Town, Dec. Q, 1814'. 33 f


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