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The Evangelist. - Tlie following briel history of the fate of he Apustlets may provo intere6ting to thoee whose evangelie teadingf has not made thern acquainted witii the fact, that Sr. Mathew is eupposed to have safFercd martydom, or was alain wtth ihe sword at Ethiopia. St. Mark was dra gored throuLÏi Ihestreet of Alexandria, in Egypt, till he expired. - St. Luke was hanged upon aa olive tree n Greece. St. John was put in'.o a crwldron of boíl ing; oil nt Rome, and escnped death! He afterwords died a natural death at Ephesus in Asia. St. James the Great was beheaded at Jer usalem. St. James the Léss was thrown from n pinnacle of the temple, and then beaten to death with a fuller'e club. St. Philip wás hanged ngninst it pillar, ai Hierspdlis, a city of Phaigiá. Si. Bártholomew was flayed alive by the comïnand of a barbafoue kïng.' St. A'ndrewwas bound to a cross, whence he pr9nched unto the people till he expired. St. Thomas was run ' through the bódv witb a lante, at Cororn'ándel, in the East Inflies. St. Judo wns shot to death'wilh arrows. St. Simón Zcalot was criicified in Persia. St. Matthias was first stoned and then be - hended. Sí. Bnrnabas was stoned to death by the Jews, nt Salauia. St. Paul was beheaded at Roma, by the tyrarc Nero, In ihè Güttcr. - At orie of the LondóÁ p - Hce office?, last niomh, ikev, Tiiorhns Hanbury,'a"cergynfnrtofthtíC:)urch of England, was fined %0 shilüngs 'or hnving been found in the BUecis1, dmnk, and jiicapable of taking euro of hitnsel'. .3 Mtllerite ChargedwWi Vagran'cy.-A Mr. Starkweathor, formerly a minister of the gospeV was tried" orí Monday, at Hartford, on a charge of vngrancy, urider tbo statute. líe has beerr proaching or tcachinjr a portion of the Millerjtes in fíartfoVd, ano thY charge was that he' bad nó vieiBle rnearis of livelihood und thc'gènëral cha fges öC that kind, under :be etatut'c.' Ths Court ácTctreú tiie dcosion, ' Henry CJay emanr.ipaitd his servant Chur les, Mr. Bimey sold his.- W orce setr JEgis. This isoneof those lies w hielt the logician cali siippressio veri. Mr, Clay confesses ilm r.e bad received from his Charbs "fideliiy, attachment and services," tnffleient to eiitilli him to his ltberty, that it, Charles bought him e!f, consequeutly Mr. Clay sold him to him self. Mr. Birney received from his Charles nc service for whjch he did not pay, having boughi him only that Charles might havean opport unity to work out his freedorn, sold him at a loss of #100, toa mwiJei whom Charle." telected, und the very master he had before, ond novv confesses that he retarda his agency in the matter as wrong. Mr. Clay, on the other hand, doen not confess that kis conduct has been at all blanieworthy in takinf1 the services of his Charle without wsges. - Morniuff Chronicle. Aholiiion Petitons. - The following resolutiona, moved by Mr. Pickena, were passed nnainimously m the Senate of South Carolina: Resolved, That this Senate cotisiders the recent movement in the House of Representativea jn Congress, in relat ion to the reception of petitions to abolishslavery ia any porüon of this confederacy as calculuted to endanger the pecceof our State, as a flagrant outrage upon our rights, and a decided step towardü the subversión of our institution, and dissolu lion of this Union. Resolved, That on this subject we admit no lgislative power in Congaess, and that such lcgislation will be in fact a dissolutiou of the federnl compact Resolved, That if there ehould be legislalion on this subject by Congresa, hat the governor of this State is hereby requested to eali the LegisUture toaetljer, in order t o decid6 upon the mode and tnanner in which we shaü preserve aud defeud our ancjent rights and ibertic. Projessinn v$. Pruclice. - The Itev. Charles Torrey, a noted abulitionist, hos been sen tenced in the whig State of Marylani by whig authorities, tosix years cunfinement in a whig penitetury for enticing awny slaves. Not o word about i his ooirageoas abuse has fallen from the whigs, nlio but two short monlhs ince wero the on!y Simon Pure aboütionis s in the country. - Indepenent Democrat iifcera%.The Clerk of Faneuil Matket received, on Thursday last, a check for onc hundred dol!arB,from Samuel Appleton, Esq. with a reqnest that it might be inve,ted in tjirkeys, orony other suitable provisions, and distributed among the puor of the city of Boston, to give them a good dinner on Thanksgiving day. 'Doctor,' said a gentleman who was noto nous for laziness in general and slovenliness of person in particular, 'Doclor I have tned every thing I can think of for (herheumatism, and without the least avail.' The doctor, aftersurveving him a moment, asked if he had ever tried a clean shirt. (U0 Unfavorable report in relation toS'.'me of the Banks in the Western part of the State of New York, reached hereon VVednes day evening, via Canada. The Lockport Bank S Trust Company has stopped payment. The other Lockport Banks are considered weak. - Advertiser. The sai'.or niay be wrecked on h bar, the dny laborer may be bruised by a bar, the priso uer may be brought before the bar- hut they ire not all half so destructive as the (he i-vmseller. Mr. Joseph Sturge has pubhshed a letter, illeging conscientious tee-total motives for ieclining tosell malt or supply grain to Jistillers. The Hampshire Gazette promiies to pubü=ii Mr. Gurland's aífid ivit and the lettor which Mr. Birnny did write. Woitt have the Maney. - At a recent nu - ïierons meeting, the Glasgow Emancipation Society n(íopted a protest against the receip" f moneys contribnted by sloveholders to the Pret Church of Scothind, and a memoria! ex lorting all christian denominations to repndiit3 fellowship with slaveholder6; the slavetolders in question being cilizens in the U. States.- Phil. Leg. Beware of Covmerfvit Half Dollars, daed 1833: fuceof Liberty lone well, reveröe lot so wel). Lighter in wetght than thegenina coin.- .V. Y. JYews. The Season South. - The Charleston Couer of the 29th Dc. 6ays: "We yesierday enjoyed our last moss of reen corn and tomittnes for the 6eason."


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