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Mr. Cushing In China

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Mr. Cushing resided in that country exactly six montlis, to a day, and during Ibe whule period was constantly engaged in promoting the object of his mission. By the nonarriva] of the St. Louis sluop of var, which lay very singularly a long time at the Cape, and through the continued obstacle of the northern monsoon, he was under the necessity of reoiaining at Macoa, until the Imperial Government actnally anticipated ns movetnentSj by dispatching a commission to him. - It consisted of Tri Yeng, an imperia] delégale and plenipotenlidrj ; Wang, treasurer of the two Kwangs, and Pwan Pvvan, another higli diirnitarv of Slate.Tsi Yeng is a Tarta r of the Imperial blood and the same person who negaciaied with Sir f-Ienry Potiiuger. His name, w-e might as well state here, has been erroneously spelled Kying, iu the English newspapers. This personage seemed to ha?e the lull confidence of liissovcreign as he was oppointed wilh all the plenipotentiary power 10 negocíate with the French and American legation, as soon as they arrived. One very interesting fact is worthyofnotice. No obstacles were placed in tlie way of Mr. Cuáhing's proceeting to Pekín; onegreat oliject of fonner embassies froin Euglnnd. - He was told there woíild be nune, but finding the imperial commission had power full tu treat wilh him, he yiclded his personal curiosity and pnde, if he enturlained any such feehngs, to the consideration of his coimtry's iutcresls. He, therefore, eniered at once upjn the negociatíon so prompt ly ond coiivenicntly oölred him, and was an immense gainer by thisconsidéralo conree. 'I he Chinese Cornmiásioners were intelligent men; ihej? liad a retinue of' civil and military attgndauls, and so large was it that il was vvilli great difficulty ihey could find qunrlers for thein all. Ti Veng very uncercmoniously took possession of an immense temple dndicated to 'our lady of mercy,' in thn village of Wang Iliya, whert he kept his state. The difficulties of the Innguages were obviated by the frunkness anu tact of Air. Cushing in declaring al once the real object of bis rniásion, Uisclaiminnr any rescirt to firusse or forcé, anr) appuling atonce to the good sense, and high diameter of the Chinese Aiubassadors. These with equal franknesa and confidence proposed to employ the American inteipreter cxclusively. and by so doing, paid our natbnal character, and our national representa tive, t!ie very highest compliment in their power. For two weeks the two commiFsioners were employed day and nightj with the exccpiion of tlicir meal times and a few honre given to repoee, iu aiscutsinjj and arranginghe various questiona in con Iroveroy bet weert he lwo governmente, and in negociating the reuty ñow befbre tlie Senate óf the U. S. - it was at last afreed upon, and drawn up in Jhineseand Euglisli, ruit liriiiHy prepared in he Tartar diuleet, which ia tbe language of he Ernperor. It wassigned at ten o'clock at night on the" liird of July lnst, in the Sunctuary of tho Temple we have alrendy mentioned, and from ,vhi:h, as we have statod in part, the prieataindthcir idols had heen prcviously displaced vithout the slighle9t heüitotion, to make room' Tor the Commissioner and hts su'rt. The cir- ;umstance confirma the opinión ontertained by n ii ii y rfisidents in Ciiino, thatat U e Imperial Loart there is no particular regard paid toiiny religión. When the treaty was signed, a splcndid' repnst was given in the Temple to the American Miajsier. Indeed, during the fortnighrt af negoliation at Macoa, the respective Legations were constnntly giving and receiving 3ntertninmenta. At one given by Mr. Cusb injr, all the Amencnn ladies at Macoa, wr8" present, and the Chinese digmtarièe, for thw first timein their lives, performed tbe extraordinary duty of handing in foreign ladies to the dinner table, and of paying thein the usual uttentions there. Many of the officers of the squadron were also present. The next day, Tsi Yeug was taken so UI ihat he was obliged'to be removed to Cantón, . and there various other minor quesüons wera.afterwtirds soitled by correspondencfe, and the. personal altention of some metnbers of outilegation, acting for our Minister atMacoa.


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