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Genuine Democracy

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In anolher place we publish on article on the Anncxation of Texas from ihe Monroe Advocute, n which the Editor takes sevcral prominent positions of the Liberty party oguinst. the eupremacy of ihe Slavb Power. The folKiwing eoutimenis from the sanr.e pnper are righl and just, and give evidence that Fomeüimsr of gcnuine Democracy muy yet be Ibund in the parly. But how piliful it looks to see it prostituted to the election of Slaveholders! The Constilufion of the U. S. as wcsuppo?e, i'utended to limit tsluvery to the States in which it oxisted at the time whrn the Constitution was formed and rntified by the States then in compnct. At any rate, we cannoi bt believe sucha coiistrnctioi) oftlie Constifition is vcry just and proper, taking ntn vípw the frreat oppositicn then feit and expressi'd uginsi such a systcín, so dirrcily and palpnbly at varimco with every principie of republican government, of popular right, and of perdona! libcrty. TIip new States, in order to be entitled to adrn'ission into the Uninn, are roqttired to present rvpubliciin Stnte Constitutions; nnd we would ask how the conslitution o!' a Stnte can be reconized as republiain, which tolerates and niakes provisión íor the insfitution of slaverv? Can a. Itepublic estnbliíh doinestic slavery without violatingr its own peculiar and distinctive attribules? ]f not, wtiy have not the free-state members of Congress nniformly ippo.--ed the adtnission of new States, whose consiitulion embrnced tlie odious and inhuman system of Klavery' It mny be said that South Carolina and other elave stntes will bluster and threaten difsolntion of the Union, if this, their favorite doniestic insiitution, be not fully and perpetuallv proieoted. But, were the free States as united and as finnly dptermined, in support of thir C'in'itntiDml rihts and powere, as theelave States are in support of stivery, littlo, we apprehend, would be hoard of the dissolution threats and bravadoes of South Carolina."Thr New York Lrgisl atore is in Fession at Albapy. In the Aesembly, Mr. Bioss has líúdoñ the table a concurrent resolution, proposingr nn amendment of the State Constiution, as follows: 'So m'ich of ser. I, art. 2, ns prescribes o property qunhficatton of colored v?ters is herely abrogfateil, and in future no ollier test proof of qunlitícation shall be required of f rom perpons of color in relation to thpir exercise of tlie right of snffrajïe, than is in this Constitution required of or from white persons ."


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