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JDEiV ïISTRY. E. G. BURGER, Dentist, HAS removed his office to Crane &. Jewctt's Block, tirsi room on i-he Second Floor. wbere being well prepared to atteud 10 eVery lirancli of bis örofeasiou. wotild respectiully sn h all whö have not had ihose necessniy orcaus. TUK TERTH, propeily nttended to, del.iy nt loner. but culi upiñ hitn and experienee tinenée and rlur.-ibili ty of hit operations. Tkrms accommodating nnd charges in no case unreason:ible. Ann Arbor, March 6, 1845, tf. ISSOLUTIOj. f I illK Ci-parinership heretofore e.xistins un J. der the fjrin nnd style of Beckley Sr. Hicks is dv muifial cnnsent tliis day disslved. Al! per íons indebted io s;üd fi;ii), by nnteur O!b.erwise ire to mnke puyineiit to Guy Beek ley, w1a iínithorizeii to receivcir, and hns beome oblignted to pay all debts due (rum snid finn. GUY BIX'KLF.Y. SUAINER HICKS. Ann Arbor, March 6 h. Ic45. 45-3 w TAKS 1ÑOTICE. r 5 HK Subscnber8 hereby ive noticie iliai thev Jt vvill continue the Mercantiie business öl ili Store recfititly occupied by J. Beckley & Co whrre tlify will :it all time be fotmtl ready w wait. on ihose wlio ni;iy f cel disposcd to iavor ihetn wiüi iheir paironngc. SAL ERATUS, Of a superior qnality innnurnoiured by themselves and constnmiy lor sale.wholcsale nnd retaii. SIttXAL OfIlIBERTT. All business relaiive to ;he Sitjnal of Libcny will be aitended to by ihe snbseribers. BECKLKY, FOSTER. &Co. Ann Arbor. bower 'lown. VInr. (5. l-'ir. 46-if liive Geese Feathers, OF a superior qualiry. for sile by BECKLEY, FOSTER, & Co. Maich 3, 1S45. 45-Sw ANft ARBOR OIL MILL. THE subscribers woujd give notice thai ilifv are engaged in tnanulbcturing LINSJLD OI4'j. and are prepared io furn:sli oil of th best ijunlity to iireroliants and painters, ebenp as i can be obtained fronr the Enst. Oil chunged 'br Flux sced'at the rate of a gallon o( oilfor n uisliel of Flax seed'. Eash at all times paid for. Flax seed. PÜLCIPHEIt & JUDSON Ann Arbor, (Lower Viïlage,) Sept. G. 1844 0-ly. Estify TAKEN up by 'hesuliscriber, on the 25th o September las' in the town ol Northficld a small chesnut coloied mare, of the poney hreed. witb n star in tlie forehen'd, supposed to be about 8 or 9 yeaisold, hrand'nd A. C. on the ;ioulder. The owner is requested 10' prove property, pay chargee and takr her away. NATWAXIEL SMITH. Northficld, Nov. J'. 9U. 29-8w ( HRISCKERHOFF'S rTp US Medicine is n mhv, safe nnd certnin JL RetiK-dy in cnnipl .itiis l' the Liver nnd L'jhs. Ciiiiiiiit!on. l.iver CoiHplamt, ehronic and severe Goughs anl C-VUls, are oKiosMininedijHety relitsv d aml ultmi.-uoly oured bynlatiit lul lis?! the Kcstornltve. 1) Chillón, the emtneiu practical che:ni.-M and physician of New York, maches hw. ccnitica'ö siqiing its eniir. vegetable coniposinon. ifior he luid made a carelul analysis. h is wboily devuid of any irntaiilïg OTopeny, mul manifcala jo decided lu.aling anri puiifying qiuiliiies s to qnickly nlleviaic the most aggravnting cpugh nnd chance he expectonition. Pnins in llio chest and si(e. so oftén auenüant on I.ung1 Compl.iinis. nre eflVcnially removed without the least ineonvfiriience. the sent of (he diifio;iliy i)ein rcached muuh qnickcv than ty any ëxtern;il npplication. From the repntiitiun ol'this Medicine in New York, where i" has bfe&'n sold forsonie years, 'he most iiiqnbitalle trsiimony is aiven ti) its nierit. bicé have been literally showred in on the proprieioi Trom ihe best ofsnuroes. and siniing the case? of persons mister] even %vhen given np by tlieir physician. The liici of uo one single Jnsinnce óf dissaïisfaciion. knuwn or expresFed. i? a sprong uarnriiee of its iikm it. The foilowing certifienle 3 irom Dr Chili'. n, the well kiiown New York cliemVst. ;I hnve ar.alvzed a bottle of medicine en llcd ;C. Brinckeihoff's Heallb Reslorative:' and fiiui Hint it does not con tam Mercüry, or any other 'tietallic preoarati'in. nor opium in ny of its fitriDi?. Jt is coniposed ofvegatobJe matter enlirelv." ,lu;sR JVJ. D. C. BRIXCKEHÏIOFF. Proprietór, N. Y. Principnl Olllcf 98 Hudson strec-t. New York. Hornee Everctt. U. S. Aeent. 96 Hudson st..New Yo k. has áppóined W. S. & 3. W. Maynard. Drusaists. ngents for Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor. February 3, 135. 41 4w■i liga i Coated Pilis, v. Díscase- ülore Eviclenee. MR. HILL, of the ñrm ofGirley and FJill. 109 Broadwiyf says tlie Sugnr Coaierl adían Vegetable Pilis aie superior to anv lie has ver taken. His wífc has fuund them dcüght'ul and efficacious. Mrss Dooglaís. córner of WnlUer and Litillow itreeis, has heen eured of pain in the head. dimíess of siglit, and dizzines3 of long sianding by ihèse Pilis. Mrs. Simons, of 93 Ilenry street. cured of lains and cranips, ofeiglit years sianding. Mr. Atkiss, of 263 Greenwich sneeu cured DÍ' ilvspepsia, of seven years standing. Mr. Carlock's dnóglitër. 8 Smple street, curad of Worms O their worsi Ibrm. Rev. Mr. Bornktt, of Broöklyiv, cured ol bilions cotnp'aints. vciUness, &c. We need -not add more. Evidence crowds upon us froin nll quurters. No Pilis ever efore iccomplisbed so tmicli, wiih s liulo tronh'.ennd dÍ8.irot;ablene3?. as Dr. Smuh's (Sngnr Coaied. "Tmproved Inriim Vëgétnhle Piils." Soro ni Guimi's cnrner Ilowery anti Grnnd st. : Philip's corper oi BecUmoii ofWilllnm streets. F.veieit's. 9) Hiidsoii gt. : Mrs. Hgy's. 119 Kuiten street. Brooklyn, and 203Greenwich streef. Examino the label- h ok for Dr. Smith's written sfrature. 45 DR. ÖM1ÏH'S(SUGAR COATED) 'SIM proved Jnciiun Vegetable Pilis," are dnily eil'octing some of tiie most asionishing ond wonderfu! cures that Imve ever hei'ii known. in Cor.iequence yfwhich they havo now heroïne n í-hininir mark against wiiiclï a'i the arrowa ot disaj)pointed hope, envv. and úhcbaritihleness aio !ev(il!ed wiilxnn diiinctinn. Tlie tovvn aiul country are alike fiMed with iheir praisc". The palace nnd poor-hou.-e aüke echo wiih theirvirmcs. In all cliiuates. under a!l temperan] res. they s'ül retnin their WDnderfal power. niuUoxen ihftn unaltered bv age or situation. Thry irtí sii)ple in ;heir preparntion. mild in heir ac(ions. 1 lio !"f u ül i in pil iheir operrtions, anrl nniivalied in iheir resul fs. They are anti-luüous. inu-oyepeptJc. nm! pnti-mercuri.'d: and thpy are ppculiarly b'eneficinl [n the f.Iivu2 complninis: ever nnd ngite. yeljptv nnI i!ious fevers, dyspepsia. cronp. hver compluint. sick headache, i-iundice. nsihiTi.i. dropsy, ejileen. pües. colic. olistructions, henrtliurn. furred tonsrue. aml fou'i stomach, nausea, dlarrhoèn, costivoness, loss ol" .i'petite. snl!iw complexión, colds and in n!l casca of torpor of the b"we!s where a caihariic or in aperii;nl is needcd. N. H DTTNo Silgar Contéd Pilis can Le genuine nnlss everv bx hnson it the pianatiire" of G. BENJ'N SM1TH. VI. D. Sold 179 Greenwich st , nnd Rushlon fc Co.. 10 Asior House, and througliout the Uní led Stntc3. 4f-tfBROWNSVILLE J1INIÁ.TA I RON STORE. THK öUiiiSCKlBLH,. ajfem lor ilie Mamifnciurcr. Pitisburgh, Pa. has now 011 haud a large and wcll nssorted stock öf JRON, NAILS, G'L-ASS. &c, which is offered to the public at the lowest cnsh prices, coniprisin? ihe foliowing: 'om'n biriron, allsizes P!ow slohs, Öaruly tire ': s' Piow wings. Horseshoe, ': " Sheei iron, Nor 13 SaÜdle tree. " to Ü6. ftound nnd Square ;' Naifdt, 3d to 20d, Hand nnd hoop, '; ' Spikes.!! sizes. Boüer jron i; ' car axlcs, Norl rods " t Carringe " Deck and spike rod?. Springe, Spndes. shovels, &c. 4.c. , Together wilh everV otlierarticlc usüally manFncttfred at au J ron Establishment. i'ho nrlove anieles are munnlaetured nt the [Jrownsville Juni-ita Iron Works. Pittsliurgli. Pa. by E. Hughes. an' are of the b5t qualily. WIN DOW GLASS, ufall sizes, aml of the best brands, coiistnrttly on hand. or fu-niished to order. M'Tchants and oihera wül findit tff their ntivaidage to cali and exnmine the sttbicriher's stock, as ïSell as the piecs. before going elscwhere. JNO. ROBINSON, ff. Agent. No. r, Wñrdell's Bíncfe, eoíner of' Woodwnrd Avenire triid Woodbridgc Street. Deiroit. Ieo. 31) 1844. 38 ., Tiie folloing papers will p lease publish thf nboVe to" iñe nmount otwo dollars, tind send llieii" bilis lo this office: PiJTiiijic, G zeüenid Jnrkpcuirn, Ann Arbo Siaie Journal, Argns nnd Siirnal of Lilieny' iackon. Gr.izeiie and Dtnnocrat; Alarslmll. Statesman and Expounder. GRAND RiVeR "TTTI.L probnbly ne navigable wimin five VV years-, as far nwh as J. T. PRATTS'S STORK. where the inhobitantsoi Michigan can Dow be supplied witli Dry-Göods, Groceries, Medicines, Boots, Shoes, Hals, Cabine-t Wure, MiltSlones-', Bohing-Clolh, Patent Smul Machines, BrisloPs Sars'fífarilla. SOiOOOboxos ofPratt's Pilis, single box 2 shilIing3, Life Buicrs. 50 ets per Bottle, n cIVoice ot o' "CllEEöË. made in Wssteiti New York. The proprietor pledges himself to ell as f.igh as any iVicrchant in town. N. B. - All Rindsof Country Produce, luinber. brick. linie, bought ir sofal" just as will suit customers hosi. A good farrti and Ibrly ncres ol wild Tand f ir salé. Admittnncë No. 1, Blai'n's blóck, near the River. Jaekson. Micb. Nov 21, 1S4-1. 82-if . DRABBROAD CLOTII ior carnnge , ii'infj. Cords and Tassels for wincow shades f..r sale by W. A. RAYMONÜ, 32 tf 143 Jeficrson Avenue. Detroit. ,}0ODNEWS FROM NEW EftGLAND. Dr. Skilk's Sugar Coated Improvecl fndian Vegetable Filis, l'RIOIPlIANT POR CONSÍJMPTipÑS, COLD8, R.HKUMATISM, DYSPEPSJA AND FEVER9. ITOüK a $ever -..U. this fnll, which eettled in tny linibs. nnd ;j'ronLht on tbs Khtouieisin, accotnpunicd with scvere pains nnd i bad;ouyh, '.vliicli obligeci tdö logivc üp mybuiinees. 1 trice! muriy remedies wiihoiu any rtíief, uniil'l irocured a box f Dr. Siniili's Sugar Coaied InJiüii Vegetable Pilis, wlijch, 1 ani happy 10 soy, rnmcdiately relieved me. anf! e na bied nc, ín hre (lays. to relürn to my busiuesá. 1 ain novr intirei well. E. Fi ÍÍÍLL, Washington st". Hosion. Nov. -1. 1844 1 bave been consid rnl in )]ie Cnrjsinnp'iou 'or r.bout nin.; years, wïih h.aevére cougf) every lall, which did nor le'ivo me till ilie nexi eprmi', 'ith an linoát consiüiu 1 1 r.iüirhe; i'iot lmg nble to sleep niiiny nigiiis cinriitg ilie winters, in cunseqiiencc ofihe severo fits olcoughing. t have irifd most of iliè ough remedies, willi only temporory relief. My usur 1 coogli commenccd! aboutfour weeks stnee. wifh an increaeing.sore nesa lo my lune'a; ond w.-is üri;ed (o iry Dr; Smiih's Sugnr Comed Pilis - tfhidi Í' difi, but wnhoiit any faiih in their éffiency. Ftook four' Pilis befóte retirinír; nn(?. v'iiin forty-eigh'. hours, my coush was entuiíly b'roíten up. Which has not returiied, and ilie siverc turnsr ot head- nche hi-ve lc?ft me. J never líuve found a vernem'ly before ihat braoelu so suddc'ri relief. J do not helieve there is nny cure for the Consxunption; but am eatisfied. there is no temporary relief equal to these Pilis. 1 havo sincu adniinis:crd' ihem to members of my lamily, for Cbl'ds nná' Cougbs, wilh the mosi happy resul t. U. K. WF.LLS, Boston. Having been afHicied foreveial yenrs wiih a Weülcness in thcstoftíncli ttd Lunes, with Coatrvpness. Headache, nnd Dere?s;nn o( Spi its. thoiifrhi by many to be in a Consmnption, nfid' was hlin;id to i'e up my business. Aflèr try-ïng a ninnber of the Sarpaparillas ond' B.-ilsnms. wiiliout any permnnent relieK I was prevailed upon io try D. Smith's Sugar Conted Improved Indinr. Vegetable Pilis; and, to mv nstonishmenr, rhcy imrnediatéfy relfrved me, andt afier tnlitnc a few dosep. am cniirely recov- ered, aun oble (o return to my husinpss. JUSTUS CLARK. The directions and treatinent of the diseuse, accompany evcry box.TRICE 5:5 CKXTfi P'.R TJOX. No SUGAR COATKDPILL'canbegen. line without ihe snnuiifi oi' the solé inventer.'G. BENJAMIN SM1TH. M. D.. President f the N. Y. College of ílealüi," upon every ox. Offices devotedexclusively 10 the solé ofthir nebicine. 179 GREENWJCK STREET. PfewTorlt. No. 2 ttATER-STRERr. tioston. Far solé in all the villages and tovns in tha ïew England Stnies. N. B. - No travelling pedlars are allowed tö sePI these Pilis. ET For enle by W. S. & J. V. Mnj-nnrd, LtfiiiA McCollum. F. 3. B. CrnnevAim Arbor; Pcrrin & HnH, Norihvitle: P. Msy, Jr.4 Plynionth; D. C. Whitwood, Dexler;: 6. & J-, G. HiP, Detroit. AÏJLEISSASI'S I?1EOTCI?YEV '1HESE MEDICINES ARE eifeciing sucl) istonisliing cnres-ih nmllituties of otd cnseslong since nbarulonedtiyv Physiciahs ;ind Surgeonsos uueriy hopeless. ihat. no mediciiies, wKere these nve Unown, stund so deservedly high. They consist' of JHEÜLACK. OH ALLEBASrS SALVE,. l'RICE V5 CENTS. Which cvres almo6t universnlly. Fever' Sore.,-of' the most mal gnani kind. Felons, Uloeis. Ab-scesses, 'l'itinore, Frnctures. Cuts. Punnurcs. _urns, Scohls. Sore Thruai! Cliüblnins. Quin-sey.Dropsey. Jnllnniinatiry Itheumntism, "Hifljtnniaiions aitd swellings of every desctiption. Kcnld' Head, Agueinihe Face, ÍVfc.-vous Tooth Acho,. Aguein the Brorsr. J'roken i ensts. Src. &c. ALLÊBASfS HEALTH PILLS, 5 Cent. Tiiese Pi i have aeqaired a popufnrity wilbin ihe la's? year or rwo. vrhich no oiher Pilis possss The rensons are pbvious to all wlúr use' ihem. and may 1ü l'earned from the pnmphlet tHat accompr-nies ificm. They cure Bilíous. Scarlet and other Fevcis. Fever and Ague. Dyspensyy Orop5y. AoiH Slotnnch. Disordered Bowe la. 'or Siomnch. Saundice. Head Achc. Dizzinessiu thHead, Worms. Liver Cotnplaiiu. Henrt Burny Choüc. Bowel complnint. Genernl Deliility. Coslivcness. &e. &c. They pDiify the entiie sys-tenn. lenve ihe howelsin n vigorous and healliiy condition. kc. Spc pnn-.phlet. ALLEBASI'S TOOTH ACH E DROPS PRICE 2C CENTS, VViil cure an ordinary case of Tooth Ache in frtom to ten mmmes. For Nervous and öiher kinds oí Torrh Ache. see paAiptilet, ALLEBASI'S POOR MANS PL4&EER, PRICE m CENTS, Are wnrrauifid io be superior to any otlier Piasters in rhis ot anp other country, for pain or weakness m the Back, Sitip. Chost. Bowels. l'iins. AI úseles, and for Rheumntism. L'jngnnd l-iver Cornplüinis, Coughs. Colda. Asiluna-, &c, See pamphlet. N. -B. Plenst to nsk the aecrrt for .1 pampW'ei which givrsall the iiiforn:aiiorr neoessiiry respettinx the us ol' the medicines, the fhey possess, eic. Pl'ease to follow directions the use of the medicines, and you may rely upon all that is promised. A rmde to merchants and'others. who buy to scll aeain. LYMAN VV. GILBERT. Proprieior, Wholesale Druggist'ili Ftihon st. N. Y. O For sale by the suhscrinef. been appoitued general agent for the Ciiy of ÜV.troit nnd nsvicmiiy. Country dealers sapplied on liberal t cruis. C. SlOftSE, Michigan Boolc Store. The ftbove medicines are för saie ttt the Book Store of WM. R. PÉRRY, In LoWer Village. December fï. 1844. 3-1-1 y.CCaution tú Afi? !fl LET ALL TH K WORLD TA'KC iNOTlCE, AND Bi? CAHKFÜI. NOT TO' BUY THE (SÜ(,AK CO.ATEO) IMPhorKD ÍK01A.N VelïKTAHI.K PlLI.S, unless kvkut hox hos otiu iie wiiiien sigaaturo oí iheoneinnl inventor' and paienlee,. G. SMITPX; M. D. These pleasani Pilis possesy powers to open all ilie nsMiunl driiins of system - iho Kll.Ni-:Ys. SKÍN and B0WEL8- hitlierto uxKcnvrr ilie practii-e oT medicine: a.ncj so conipleic hos been ileir irumpli overall oilier medicines, ihut many have been led to suppose üiey coniain sonie powerful niineral: bu upon exaniinaübn by Drs. Cimi.ton. Rawdolphv Hütin6T)x-, .lid othurs. this suppoaiiion is at once proved to bc groundless. Sold in New York. nt the principal Ofllce, 179P Greenwich street, aiso by Rusbton & Co.v Brondwny, corner l'Mh streel.Partiphleis 10 be JíniVof agente grntisi N. li. - Persons wifl hIso notice on the top It bel nn fndiaB %ure, croísed with fine red print. The gemiirce may also be bougíitwitli safftr ni Dr. GoiunV, corner of Howery and; Grand street. Brooklyn.andnt respectablesiores-tliroughuut the tTnitod States. 45 DÜröSGOOD'S ïltfDiA CH&IilkafiGVï:, AiMO.NCi the niost valuuble qualities oí ihi medicine, is iis restoring injlvtncc upott consiilutions in.pnjred and itvjured 6y previorta attacksoi bilüous (ever, or fever and ág; or by n loit' icsidence iri íIiosb dinmtcs whTcfv produce ihein. Thre are many consrhufions Vhich becomc grndually underniined by a núasmal inflnence. wi;hout even ti d'ay's actual confinement. f n such cases, the Cliolo-gogue octs like o charm - thesnllow complexión, loss oí nppetitc, lanïtior, wearness and depiession til spirits, with thcr utipieasnnt syinptoms which render life a burelen. Ml yifild tó thiarehieijy wlien faithfully used accordina to tliedirecHotis of theacnompntiying pfimpl'ilft. It is entirely a vpget.-.ble prep ■ iraiiiin, and nir.y be tnker v;ih jierfect SLÍcty un, Jer all circjinstnnccs of ihe systeni. For sale ly 36 W.S. X J. W. MAYNABtt eole Agent, for Arin Arbot and nemáy,.


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