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Assault And Battery

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A triál of a singular nature recently trans pirrd at Piitsburg. F rom a statement in the Spirit of Liberty, it appoars ihat Rev. E. Suiilh is pastor of the Wesleyan Church in Aliegbeny city, anti a young man named John Miller was fornierly a member of that church. "Miller was arraigned before the church on the charge of Immoraliiy, in voting for an acknowledged slaveholder. He plead not guil'y, was convicted of the charge by a tnajority of the members, and expelled. It was unanimously decided to be immar al to vote foa slaveholder. At at a subsequent 'Love Fcast.' Miller entercd the chnrch previous to ilie bour of meeting, and eeaíed himself, unLvited. Tlie persous appointed 'o guard ihe door and attend to the admiseion of those entitled to the privileges of the Feost, and to ihe exclusión of those not so entitled, kindly requesled liim to vithdravv. and pass the doorkeeper by cxhibiting his right to admissionj according to the rules of the body. He rcfuscd to do so. The rrquest was renewed, and finally, he elill refusing to leave peaceably, and defying their aulhunly lo cxpel him, Mr. Smith nnd tvvo othera look hold of him,o n3 removed liim from the house - hestrugglinír, fticking and resisíingeo mucb asto render sume violence necessary, in the course of wliich his hair was pulled - accídentally." Millcr sppealec to the law for damages, in on oction for ossault and battery, and the questlons gfowing out of the facts were argned ot length by eeveral legal gentlemen. - The qUèstiön of the iramorality of votinp for a laveliolder was ed with profit no doubt to the court and jury. But t lie jury not being able to agree on a veidict, they were dischnrged. CC4' In Marshall the "No License" I ticket liad a largo innjority.


Signal of Liberty
Old News