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Foreign News: Arrival Of The Great Western: Twenty One Days ...

Foreign News: Arrival Of The Great Western: Twenty One Days ... image
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The Greal Western nrrivctl at New Vork .'i the lGth. The Intelliírence brought. is somewhm important. We glean the followng frum llie N. Y. Herald: The cotton inarket was depressed - the ;rubab!eabolition of the duty, and the greal erop, is the cuiif-o. . The curn trnde was doll. The t-ugar marlet continurd b.ibk. Thcre was a bettfr feeling in TJ. S. securities. Pennsylvunia Btuck was improvng. The Engli.-h papers were ful of T;xas.- There wHsnota very briek business in A mericin provisions. The Righlof Senrch neotiatinns wcre go. ing on bolwoen Fntnce and Knuliind The packet chips Oxford, Róchente r, and IwJui.a, liad arrived out.. The Paris Pressc has a Ion? nríicle on fhe reeiprocalsitu;iti,)nsof Enirl-snd and Ameiicn, 'ii wliich it prophecieci iu-'H leUveen toe coimtric-s on ilie Oregou mjd Texas uestiuns.The accounts f rom all paris oí Germany nn'J llie non hem división of Euroyn are ino! licart rendjng of the sufiêrinors of the people Tor the want of provisions, the 'lavïgatiun ond comniunication betwecn beiorr in mairy plnces interrupteu. The mortolify, both nmoiig the peo)le ad the cattle, is quite fenrful. The commencpinont of the ne-.v 6ugar duties Iia6 gone ofTwoIl, os faras tlie consumer is Cón:emed, the stock in first hands being relilively so JuS-gethot prices have fallen in proportJOM to the reduction ofduiy. It is enid, thnt the government is ngain about to Qttempt to put down tho repeal alation - that certnin strong passnges from the speocees of Giattan and O'BriRji fnve been !nid beforo the Irish law officers of the Crown? thut in tho opinión of these gentlemen, there are grounds for a prosecution, if not of the issociation as n body, nt least ngainst some of lts members; and that a commuiiication to this eflect lias been forwarded to tlie governincnt in London. - Free Press.MEXICO. Late adrices huve been received from Vera Cruz. Tho newsof the passage of tho nnnexmion rcsclutioii9 had been received ot Vera Cruz. ft opocars iliat thc news created ery titile íoisc among tlie moro thinking, but a stnnll ort:on of thj populaüon talktd of war, which t wos eupposed would soon subside. The N. O. Picayuno says on the dny prior to tho saiüng ofthe Water Witch, theBritish manof-war Euryd'ce eet sai! lor Galvcston, wilh det-palches just received from I he cily of Moxico, for the British Minister in Texas. The purport of the dcuments had not transpired, but it was rmnored, and generally credited, that they contniued a complete recognition oi. the part of Mexico ofthe mdependence of Texa6, vpon the cotufition iliat ehe rejected the proposed annexation to the United States. The rumor that Santa Anna had escapcd was unfouftded1. He was still in prison', vvheo the Water Wilch 6ailed. Tho tono of Sfitn Anna'e letters to the Government ia hüWtnu] ttlmost insolent. Feeüñgr that bis life is safe, there is no limit to iii.s audacily. On tíio 2üd of Morch, the Chomber of Deputies ook into considerntion the subject ofthe Annexation of Texas. Rcsohiiions wero introduced, and waranly Eupportcd, for declaring ithe provisions of tbe Treoty of löSl (ralifieri n 1332 nt nn end; for closing the ports of Mexico ogainst all vessols of the United States, and prohibiling the introduction of our manufncUires; and, finally, thot no proposition from our Government for tho rpstoracion of friendly relations ehoiild be istened lo, save upon the condition that the Unitrd States shoula renounce altogether the plan ofonnexation. TEXAS. The Inlost news from ihis coontiy looks favorably towardö the acceptonoe of che tenns of Annexation, President Jonea is eaid to bc now in favor of t.


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