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Suddenly, in tliis villnge, at the "iMias.s Cla.'k's Scliool," oo Thursdny nioming the 3d inst. Miss Cakounk A. CoMstock, ajjed 17 years and ihree days, cldest daughier of Hon. Elias Comstcck, of Owasso, Shiawassce couuty. In her thirtcenih year Misa Comstock united herself with tlie Bnptisl communioii.of which lier paren ts oro inembers; and by a sober and consciëntieus conreo lias ever ei nee exemplified the sanctifying inllucnces of the religión cfJesus. - Of n.08t unas3uming mannere, and wiih that ciiffidence and distrust of self. the sure index oí real tnerit, eImj was the faiihful schohr, the kind and afTcctionate fnend, the loving sister, the d ear duiiful dauhter. When the old and heaviiy laden ?with years, are gathered to their fathers, we are notsurprised; but when the young who had every reason to look forward to a long life o happiness are cut off in the raidst of their days, we can only exclaim- "It s of the Lord, let him do whu1 seemeih to Him righl, myeterious are his ways nnd his judgments past finding cut." Oli!....-;Death th jowel of the just, Shining no whcre but in the dark, What mysteries do lic bevond thy dust, Could we outlook that mark!" Bowcd as are the souls of ns all by he losa ol one so endcared by the ties of love, we mourn not as those without hope, lor the lifc of our Caroline was picasant and her i'eparture light nnd peace - the pcac e of the gospel - and the light wliich irradiates irom the cross of the Redeemer. Blesscd be God for the assurances that he ouchsafed, as 6he trod the dark valley - not alone - for her Saviour went with her, and safe in her upper home she now rejoices in his immediate presence. For the benefit of survivors it muy be wel! to speak of the practical port of Miso Comstock'e belief. Xlfti the ear was bccoming deaf wiih death, and a film of darkness gatherinr over the cye. the sound of a familiar voice would rouse her aticntion, the graces of christiau courtesy adorned her character to the last, evinced by thankfulness for every kindnessand coniinued patience under every suffbring. And how did we all of her sick chamber feel that wo were '-'privileged bevond the coinmon walk - quite on ;he verge of heaven." When every othcr subject ceaged to excite interest, the truths of religión were apprehended with a clearnes8, whicK could only have been attaiued by early precept aud example. Parentí who have neglecteJ the duty o: home instruction go at once and du likewise - lay up in the iiearts ot those God has given you, such principlej, as stand the test of a dyinghour, that whether present ar absent from them you may hcar of their welfare in the Lord. Chrisiian- young in years and profession, our departed Caroline haa left us more sure tesiimony of her present happiness tlnn even rhat of her death bed; for when health was sirong and the workl in viting, shc made the Saviour her friond. nnd upon an occasion well remembered. quietly and unhesitatingly urgcd upon o votatüe conipanion the nccessity of taking heed to the commandincms. And thm must have requircd no smnll degrec of moral courage, cspecially in one of delicate feelings. doubiful of her own powers There are many who can talk in a crowd, but are incapable of the highcr c.'ïbrt involved in recommending religión in iho privóte circle. Sister, thou art now with thy Saviour God. When made awarc by the physician in attendarïcc, that the disense which oui young friend's life had snddenly as3umed aiarm ing sympforris, it was thouglu right that whilt in (uil posscsaiüii ol her fncultics, tho fact should be coinmunicatcd to hei. "Is it so?" she re plled. ■"Well 1 had ihnughi I was getting bette; - lic has suii - put yonr trust in lnni - the Saviour is my liOfC " When again asked, "Are I you not alarmcd?" "Oh no- if it is God's wil [ dt know ihat I hnd as lief d c now," and just r. ( few hours before her deoeasc on being told thoi i was fcired that her psrents, who had bcon eent for miht not arrivc till she was gonc. she said. "Teil ihem that I nm hnppy." ilVou are then going toyour Saviour? "Yes:" nnd repeoted thesecond time, 4;happy," as if the feeling waf tlie rcsult of aclm! percep'.ion and no fiction of the thagination. Thcn agiiin after an interval os ' i)f refleciion upon what had been cornniuuicated. 9ieadded - UI do not know hov it is but I am - c:nj mucfi contpuscd:" nnd ihcn continiiing he: ' rhoughts aloud - "They that pul thclr trust in ,Hira tli.-il! live" - and as speech' 6ccmcd fnilini. aml unconsciousiiess creeping over ihe menta! visión, wc could catch su'cli e.xprcssions as tlicsc. repoated to herself nnd addrewed to thoee around her: -God bless and kerp yon all - put yon trust in God - I have trusicd in liini- all of yon put your trust n God - trnét in Him"- aru! wlicn nothing che could be disiiiíguisbed it was t'ttst, íru.t." Gcnllc being- plací tl were iliy last inomcnls. Calmly as thou hads'. lived. so didst ihou ilie. Tlio dny wasjusl brcaking af il e spirit posscd. Wc hung over the couch in paxions expectatiou of another brciith- watched tlic receding pulse- back, back to its finul citadel as _ ebbed the wunn cuirvni- mortal lifo was gonc- exchanged for lifc imtnoilal. Bichee! are the dend that die iu the Lord, for ibey rost frorii ihcir labora. '1 liey have laid her to sleep on the banks or tbcsireani she loved, 'neath tbc blossom ing afcarly flowers nnd wtth the cnrolling of spring jirds. We shnll meet thee ewect child on the llcRsurreclion morning, bound in the buudle of ile with the lifc of ibe Lord our God- when he .hallaripcar thou wilt .ijipear with hiin inglory. [Co.M.MU.MCATjIb.