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Genius nnd Talent. - A mnn may posBf-ss tulent without possessirig a spark ol genius. Talent is the power of exertion nnd acquisition, and of applying ncquisitioD'ln a jüdicious and aftective nianncr. Talent is cool-headed, and genius is hotheadedj talent mny be cóld-hearted; genius ban nevcr be other than warm-hearted; talent is goncrally prudent, genius is often imprudent; talent moves steadily and regularly forward, genius goes on impetuously, andlagsindolcntly by turns. The foeüng of talent is jurigment; nnd ihe judgment of genius is feeling. Genius is proud and confident, talent is luimble and unpretcndirig. The mind. in which botl are united, mnkes the nearest approacli to perfect on; copínese of talent corrects the nnpetuosity of genius, riild the conöeptions of genius dignily the opcrations of talenl. The Po.stma.sfer General has deoidod that U. S. Senators wlios'e Ierras commenced on the 4th of March last. are not catitled to the frank ing privilege until withic sixty days of the next meeting of Congress. The late extra session of the Senate lor the recéption of Mr. Polk's ppointments was not a "meeting of Congress," within the meaning of the post office law.- Frec Press. An Armxjof Èmigranis.- News from Independence, Mo.j informs us that the emigrants now near that point number about seven thousand, all deslined to Oregon and California. Thoy will start about the samé (ifnö, divided inlc convenient companies for travelling with ease and safety. The Indiaas will not áttack a party of five hundred. Of coursc the emigrants, tliis season, will stand in no Toar of the red skins. It is astonishing what a tide is setting towards the fèrtile lands on the Pacific. - Western Paper. Commcndable.-Thc President has dismissed Lieutenant Wtn, Decatur Hurst, from the navy, on account of having fought tí duel with a midshipman, while employed as first Lieutenant of the U. S. Brig Tu.xton, on thecoast of África. Comfort for Third Partics.- The N. York Tribune says, speaking of the great Whig defeat in New York, lateJy: "Weneversaw nbeatenparty taketheir dofeat more caltwiy than did the Whïes lQstnight. Wedidnotseeadown-hearlcd man among them. My bruddren," said an Ethiopian man of God, "blessed am dey wat don't expect nothin', for dey aint gicine to be disappointcd." An immense bed of serpentine has recently been discovered in Ro.xbury, Vt., near the ttttë óf the Central Rail Road.' Th is stone is said to be far superior to marblo in beauty and du rabil ity, and must take its place for counters, tables, mantel piece?, and other purposes.The Fourteen Daughters. - A correspondent of ihe New Haven Courier, Avriling from the village of Leesville, gives the following account of a Connecticut family: But the most interesting thing about Leesville is, that it is the birth-place of 'fourteen daughters.' To say the 'fourteen daughters,' or one of the fourteen dnughters, would require no cxplanation here, or in any part of Middlescx county, but with you it may not be quile soplain. 1 Will expjain. In the largest and most commodious house in the village resides a Mr. VV'hitmore, whö is the fatherof fourteen daughters. He never had a son. The youngest daughter is now about 12 years old. Twelveofthe daughters have been married, and tvvelve are now living. What is a little singular, every one of the dr ughters was married in regular rotation - that is, the oldest first, and so on. The father was heard jokingly lo remark, 'I will have no picking in my family - you must take them as they come.' The daughters have ever sustained a high character for their many virtues and good qualifications. and mafce as exemplary wives as dutiful daughters. All the twelve married respectable, worthy men, and have been peculiarly blessed in the marriage relation. When the last child wasborn, Mr. Whitmore was so disappointed that it was not a son, that he wept like a chiid. Although the old geittféí man was not blessed with a son, ho has many grandsons, and will probablv have scores of them. Considcr her Ways, and Ie toise. - Cobbet uttered the following sentiment, which is worth repeating: 'Go and kick an ant's nest about, and you will see the litile,laborious,courageous creatures instantly set to work to get it toge.ther ogain; and if you do the same ten times over, they will, as many timos, do up their work ngriin. Here is the sort of stufFtha,t men must be made of, to oppose with success those who, by whatever means, get possession of great and ruischievous powers.'Capital Punishment in New Jersey. - The Judieiary Commiitce of the New Jersey Legislaltire, have made a report to tluit body, on Capita] Punishméöt, in which, vvhtle ihey admit that there s n growing sentiment in favor of ihe prnposed chnnge, they stilj declare their belief that there is not nt present such a prcpondcrance ofpubüc opinión in iis favor, ns would juslify the Legislature in altering the present law. The Postmaster Ctknfraí. advertises tlint he wijl receive propo.sals, until the lOth of May, for furnishing fifteen thousand balances for the various post offices in the United States. They are to be constrticted on a plan bost calculated to ascertain the weight of letters, and other mailable matlers, undcr the post-officc law of Sld of March, IS45, nnd will be required to indícate a hall' ounce, any givcn wpiglit belvvern half ati ounce anc eigh; ounces. - Free I'ress. The Coorcil Man. - The editor f the Guitón Repository, very well snys: Aleander Dm mas, a eolored man, of Paris, one of the bost writers of the age, is editor of La i'resse, n prominent Frencli paper, al a saiary of 80.0U0 francs a year. Du mas would nol be permitted io testify in a court of Justice in Cincinnati, and would have togive bondsand security not to become a charge upon the township, and if he refused, the prosecuting attorney of llamilton county would grow very fierce. - Gin. Her. The Ccv dry. - Browiilow, the filuing parson of the Jonesboroi'jih Whig, whj is now travelling among the Somh Carolinians.say that every South Caroliniun that lic ineeie asaumes tobe n ninii of muoh importunce. in liis buggy orsulky, he throws lnmself back like an English lord, tiitting nsiride his seut, and siicking his csi out jn imitation of the man riding the cornet, 'n EIton's comic niinanac! No maitor where you meet wiiirtlje travelling South Carolinian. he always has his whip in his hund, a cignr in hisrnouih. and upon liis counten:ncc an air oí great eelf-importiincc. Assoc'mlivn of Blacksmilha.-An Aisociotio.i of Blacksmiths ofSt. Louiü huve obtained from the Lefjislalnre nn net of incorporatton, for the purnose of entibling them to compete succesïfully with other in vhe manufacture of every de'ácription of ron woik. Tlicre are nbout eighty stockiiolders, und their united capita], lahor nnd enlerpiifie is to directed to tlieend in view. Materials of every kind kind are to be purchosed for tlic lisé of the stockholders, in such quantities aa will ensnrecheap and good anieles, ond thcy are to be sold at cost. When rnnnufucturfd, nnd not imuiejiately s Od, all the articles are to be placed in a store tinder the control of tho Associolion, nnd full supplies areto be constantiy kept for8n!e. In this way ihey hope to drive out different articlee of forcign manufacture, and ultifnatoly to secure tlic market for our own citizens.- S. LouU Rcpuhücan. Frec labor and Slave la bor .- Annual production of Essex county, Massachu&etts, 829300,000 Annual production of the whóle State of S. Carolina, $22,600,000 Excess of produce of tlio county of Etisex ever S. Carolina, 1,200,000 The Moming Pcm 6avs tl)at thc ghoc and leatl1Cr trade of Essex, ulonc, exceede tho wliolc CDtlon erop, by 10,000,000.Fkom Nauvoo. - Fortification of the Temple.- We learn from the Warsaw Signal, who has received the inlelligence from a gentleman direct from Nauvoo, that a revelation has been received in rclation to the temple. The work on that structure, is to bc almost entirely suspended for the present, and the whole energies of the Saints is to be devoted to the building of a wall or rnmpart around ihe edifice. This wnll is to enclose Six acres; the Temple being in the centre. It is to be fourteen feet high, six feet thick and composed of solid stone masonry. The work, on this new monument of follv, has been alroady cotnmenced, and hundreds of hands are crnployed in carry ing it forward. Some of the Saints have had o revelation that Orson Ilyde is to be the successor of Joe Smitb, as prophet. - West. Citizen. Good. - The people of Oregon have a law imposing a fine of 850 upon any person who shall hereafter introduce ardent spirits intat settlement, and $20 upon any person who shall sell or barter it. Wisconsin Enterprise. - When the news of the loss of the ílarbor Bill was received at Hacine, a beautiful and growing town on Lake Michigan, in Wisconsin, the people were filled with regret and disappointment. They did not, however, waste time in idle complaints, but called a meeting, resolved to apply all the means of the corporation to the improvement of the harbor, and made up the balance of what was wanting by private subacription. The whole sum required was 85,000. Besides raising ihis at once, they voted unanimously to request the Trustees of the town to lay an additional tax of one per cent for one year. - Frce Press. Popula t ion of the United States. - At the rate of increase of our population from 1790 to 1640, the lollowing will bc the census at the respective decennial periods, according to tables prepared by Mr. Daily at Philadelphia:A manual, labor boarding school is in progress of establishment, which promises great good lo the Indian tribes. Tovar it the United States Government pay $2000, and the lowa and Sac Chiefs 84675, besides an annual payment o $770 irom each tribe for the education oftheir children. Prospects are highly encou raging. Liberty Vote in J"ac Hampshb'c - The Liberty vote in New IJampshire at the recent flection for Governor, was 1504 greater than the vote given last fail. - Cincinnati Hcrald. Tazos n Englavd consequent vpon h:r Want. Taxea upoh cveryihins; which enters inio the niputh, or covers the back, or is placed undei f'uot: laxes upon evcrything which it is picasan to sce., (cel. amell, or taste; taxes upoi warmt!), üght nnd locomotion; - taxes upon evcry thing on earth. and the waters under thr o-i 1 1 1 1 ; - on everyilÜDg that "omcsfroin abroud.or isgrownat home; - taxes on tho raw material: - t.ixes on every fresh value that is added to it by the ndaetry of man; - 'axes on the sauce which pampers mnn'e appetite, and the drug that re? to;es hini to heahh; - on the ermine which decórales ilie Judge, and the rope which hangs tin criminal; - on the brass nails of tlie coffin. an( the ribands of the bride; - at bed or board, couchant or levunt, wc must pay. The cchool boy whipa liis taxed top; - the beardlcfs youth innnnges his taxcd horse, with n taxed bridle on a taxed rood; nnd the dying En glishman, ponrins his medicine, which h:is p.iif seven per cent. intoa 6poon which has paid fifteen per cent. flings hinist lf hnclt upon his chint bed, which has paid twcniy-two percent, mohce his will i.pon nn eight pound stamp, and expire? in the arins of an apothecary who has paid a li cense of an hunJred pouuds for the liberty ol putting him to death. His whole property i then mnipdiatcly taxed frorn iwo lo icn percent. Besides (he probate, liirge feos are dcmor.dedfoi hurying him in the chancol; his virtucs are banu: ed down to postcriiy on laxed marble: nnd thei. he is gathered to his fathers - to be taxed no more. E lm 'tu rgh Icrisw. The Cincinnati Obserrafo-ij is complet - By complete, we mean that the building is ereciod-the great telescope contrncted for placed in the observatory - the grounds inclosed - the as ironomer at his pst, and in fine, what the society undertook to o. is -Chroniclc. lift. First Cotton from the United States. - It ]V tuted that Mr. Robcrt cn, the celfibrutcd Philanlhropist of England, m;iiiiitactnred the firstiwo bales of American cotton iinported inlo Greal Brïlain. The bulos were acconipaniod by a statement of the niode of cultivation, und exprcsöing an opinión that t'ie State from vvÍjicIi it carne, (Georgia, wc belicvej vou!fl produce two hundred bales ihe fo!lowing year. We nw send about a milRón halos to Englnnd annually. In 17S6, Mr. Madi.-on, writing to bis friendsaid: "Therp is no reaaon to donbt that tho United Stntes will one day bccomc n preat cotlon growing country." Srx years after that fin !792j tbc Union pro'hicod ISa,S23, pouuds in onc year: in 1795, the erop was C,296,S00 pounds and ip 1813, it was 783,221,300. Famous Coiidcscehsibn.- The quecn, so pays the London Timet?, held the younger prince för tbc epace of fi ve minutes, in her own arms, and then transmitted the babe to Prince Albert, who, with princely coiidesccjjsion, rapd!y passed the royal iiifnnt to the nurse.- Such an cxaniplc is ci:ougli to üofton a nation's iicir'. .Exlraordinary Romance.- A correspondent of the IJartford Timeá gives an account of the loss oud recovery of a boy who was 6tolcn by the Jndinns f-om the town of Jackson, Michigan, in 1037, and was recovered by hs faih er, Mr. Ammi Pilley, about the first of the present moiïth in Gtcenville, O., in the etnploy of a citizon to whom he hnd bepn opprenticed by the Over-eers of the Poor of Albony, N. Y. After wandermg about with the Inlian familv. visiiing vnrious cilies and towns bel ween Wisconsin and Cönneiicut, he was taken Trom them in Albany, N. Y.f in 1313, and placed in the Alma House, on the grotind that he wos a white child, solen frorn Ij is paronts. But the Indiana refused t revea! his name or where )e came from. His fuiher cnme from Michigan to visit his retatives in Conneticut this winter, ond while there heard of the boy, whom he recognizod at once os his soit. The one lost has bren retiirtjeci to his familv, but there is now a deor one absent froni the circle. who, it i. hoped, lias gone to a bettor world - his inother. - She ditd soon afu-r he was carried offby the Indians. Slaves and Theology. -Jhc Savannah Republican, of Match 2SJ contorna nn advertisement of a certain tract of land to be sold. and "Also at the same time and place, the folJowing negro sla ves, to wit: Charles, Peggy, Antonett, Djvy, September, Mario, Jenny.and Isaas - levied on 89 ihe property of Henry T. Hall, to eatisfy a tnortaage fi. fa. issued oJt of Mclntosh Superior Conrt, in fuvor of the Bourd of Directors of the Thkolouical SümI9ART OF THE SrOD OF SoL'TH CaKOLINA A.ND Gkorgia, vs. said Henry T. Hall. Conditions, cash. C. O'NEAI,. Deputy Sheriff, m. c.'r Whalbetter argument is needeed to satiafy the funitics" of the North that Slavery is a divinely apponited instituí ion, than this selling of alavés for the benefit of n Theological Seminary? The blood and mueles of "Charlee, Pegjry, Antonett, Davy,' &.C., when converled info caon, will 2 to furnish facilities for raising up an evangeücol ministrv, who will proclaim the gospel of love in the ears of a wicked worlü - and thus these poor benighted heathen (the 3laves we mean, not the ministers may be mode instrumental in turning many unto rightousness. Lu-Hing. - A correspondent at Augusta, Ge.., writps us as follow8. What a horrid practico is. duelling! Hender, peruse and shudder. Aiousta, Geo., March 5. 1845. There wns a duel fouglu here on the morning of the 2üth of February, by two gentlemei trom Seuih Carolina. It wos fought at the low erend ofourcity, with muskets, at ton Daces. - On of the gentlemen was named Parielow, am the other IJurto. Tht-y were from Abbevülc District S. C. The Inner was shot in the hip nnd died thai night. The partios werc relntcc thu: l'artelow married Burton's sister, and Bur ton manied Purtelow's sister. So the BUrvivo could retirn, and say to his wife that he hu killed her broiher; nnd turn to his sister an: say he had killed her husband. The cause was from fomüy diificulty. Our papers do not publish such doings.Frísident Foliéis nbout reforming ihe prac tices at the offices in Washington City. He has iesucñ a circular to the departments, requirins, jbsorvance, of the laws in regard to ihe organi zation oí ihe offices, tho dutiesand attendance o thc clerks: and to enforce it, hasdirected tlie absence to be noted and reponed. The circular also requires a distnbution of labor aniong the clerks, proportioned to compensa ion allowed. Thc Bosion Almanac estimates the professors of religión in the United States, at 4,181,282, nbout one-half the adult populjtion. Susan Recd has tecn round guilty. before the criminal court, of nidmg in '.lie .abduction o' alavés. The jury lelt thc punishment to the dis- oretion of jude Two yenrsin tlie penitcntinry ib the least term tu whieft thé eentanca can be reduced - S7. Lois Hepib., pril 3d. War. - Murdcr upon a fmnll ícale - no that ie not good. Why? Becansp wesce men hanged for it. Murder on a large sea le- oh that is must exceli nt. YVhy? We have peón men crowned for it. - hondón Peace Jêhrii nac. Jllbert and Victoria, Gardening! - At Stowe the sent of the Duke of Ruckingham tho "royal pnir" took a uotion to set out each an oak and cedar tree, in commeraoration of their visit. They used tilver spadfs, lia ving handle? covered with crimson velvet. Her mnjosty handled the spade until Bhe was tiröd atid held on the tree while the Duko of Bnckingham hovelleü! God's Image made Bank Stock. - In tnakinrr an exhibit of the 6late of the Minor bank, of Florida, the cashier says: - "By capital atocl; levied on lund and neg roes !ï,974,50ü.00 Slaves Eold and mortgaged by order of the court 29.700.00 By land and slaves rcferrod to in the governor's message 2,609.000 Hrmiy L., C'ishier." This is but a coinfíion btiPiness transaciion in lliis country. Our eurrency dves not rest in patt on human skullf, but on living, throbbinghearts. Is it .iny wonder that such currency is a liltle difficult tu be "regulatcd?"' Circvlation oj the Washington Papers. - The Globe circuíales 17o'), Vvithont the large number of ihe wcekly paper, cailed the Congressional Glbe. The Jnlel!igenci.T hss 3700, and tri-weekly ffOO. The Boston Post eays that the expert detiiHiid for coaree cotton is very greut,and orderi and contraéis range many months ahead. One t-hip to Cantón took IC83 pacicoges, in stead of the old lemittance of Spnnitli dolíais which are in fnct liardly obtainable atany rate of premium. .!ƒ vtval gaiñ hy Marriagc. - On the 20th uit., Mr. Charles VV. Moore and Miss Martha Ann Moreland, were married in Macon counly, Ala. By this murria'ge it will be tceii that Lhe gentleman hae gtancd More-land, and the ady, uhile sho loers her land, has actually ijaincd more, (Moorc- -Phila. Gaz. -


Signal of Liberty
Old News