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The Baptists And Slavery

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The American Bnptist Home Alission Society held its Into Anniversary at Providcnce, 11. 1. Tiie subject of s'avery was bronght tu view by Dr. WHch, of Albony, by the inlrolitict ion of the foüowing resolution: "Resolved, Tfint in view of ourallegiance to the Kmrr n Zion, it is, 'm the judgment of this Society, iiiexpcdicnt for the Executivfl Board to ompluy brcthrrn holding pioperty in their iVllo-men, ns nüssionaries in the Reíd of their operations." Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Ga., took g-ound arrninst it. becnusc the Society woo not o Northern institu'ion, and bccntipe it vfti a violation of the letter and spirit of the Socie'y. Rev. Dr. Waylnnd said that lio did not like 10 jjive a silent vote on this qwstion. Ho did not know that the ''Ring in 2ion" tanght expvdieney. A man could hold properly in ïiinn. nnd vut the ei ren n:st arces and feelings onder which he holds t, might be euch as to make him as innocent of s'avery as he was. No thou;litfii] man, it seemed to him, could voto on ihat resjlution in the affirraative. - Besidcs it is ngainet the constituí on. It is a radical qestion; and touches thevery foundation on which the Society is b&sed. Thcre is no Society left, and no one hae a light to act in this case. If a división is deemed necessary. nnd is called for, let it be done constitiitionallr. After considerable debate, the resolution was referred to acommittee With iHstructions to piopose a plan oí' separation. 'I hey reponed that n care of a división, the existing society be retiiiiied nt the North, with sncii other clin relies as rnny choose to join it, and i lint the Execntive Boaid be authoriged toadjust upn honorable ond liberal principies, the claims of such churches aa miyht decline cooperating with the Society, or mighi wish to form another in tiie South. This plan was adopted.


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