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A Southerner's Opinion

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The "Amoríenn Stnr- probably mponl fer the "Lne Star," ss thnt is jast now more particulariy AmeHcnn, bcinc n stolen one--a pnpcr ptil)li?hed nt Lnrnricfp, Georgia? has a trnvf-llintf correspondent nt the North. In m. '. recent letter he wrltes thus: "It is npelcss any Innger for the friende of the Northern people lo concpal the fact tha% bpginmnof et I'hilcdeiphin, and conlinuing as f;:r north as RÍairíej there are none others but Abolilioüisfs fo be found. Our friends South may doubt this, yet it is solemnly the truth. I have made it rny epecia! Imsinoss to thrust myseJf nto all classe?, to uscertai whelher the people nt the North '.vero RÍlogeüierj or oily in parf, Abohticnists. 1 amsoiryto communiente tliat cvery one, (reeiilent citizens,) are vÜecalumtiiotoie of the Sonthj nnd plottin our destruction. Both p"ütical parties join in tbin - and mark, if ever tho issue is made as to abolition and anti-abolition, bötwecn North k. Soutlj, Imving no other mensures coupledi we are dt-reateü as eure as tha sim rises and sets. I seo no other couree for us to adopt, bul Disunion - and may God in hls uieicy it about rathcr than suffer oul civil institutions to be deslroycd." 'l' tlic vviiole North is antislnvery wilt be taken with eome grains of ailowance by Abojitionists. Wcshall agiee howcver with tho wriicr that the South is tj bc 'defeated' nn the qiiestion of Abolition, "as surë as the sun rites and sets." It cannot be otherwisc, os ure as thero is a God thnt mode the S'.in, and vvhois b God of j'isiice nnd mercy. In nnolhei let'.er the same uriter saysi 'I s.n'.d ip a previoiis cominnnication, that thtí p opl e of Pliilaoclpliia, and north and enst of it, were nll Abolitionists - I 6till make the same unfavnrable report - evory opportunity is sonrjht by them, (Í m'e.ih those in auiljonty and high places. ) - to introduce thö Milijpot to it Sotithron. Vre tnust have soine aciion iu ilie So-ith on the queïtion. t wil! jzn-p jon o tecret .'ketch soon." - .1. 6'. rP,")) brooms -ere nhiipod Jast weck at MiUvaukie, on tlie fteamcr Missouri, fvi Byflalo.


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