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To The Liberty Party Of Michigan

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The undersigned, Rióte Central Ccmmittee of the Liberty pari y in Michigan, feeling deoply the imporlance of the true and consistent friends of Liberty conferriiig together at this time, to strengt hen and encouroge eacli otheri their upward and onwarci, hut arduoiis course to victory for the oppresscd, do hereby most eamestly recomnicnd that they take immediate nieasnrea in every county in the State to get up as Inrge County meetings as possiblc of all the Liberty friends and others, on the coming 4th ofjuly, and provide themselves with a epeaker, or witb a number of speakers, to make euitablc addresses on the occasion We must do our own work or it will uot bc done. While we rcjoice for the romnant of liberty e!avcry has left uf, let U6 do it with trembling. Indeed, evil inflnences re all the wliile operuting' Bgatnst us while we rest upon our oare. While we sleej) the enemy is eowing lares among us. Iüsnow well ascertained that neiiher of the procldvery partios will even pretend to assume any pjrlion of our own truo ground to asoLisn slavkuy any faster than the correct mid persevcring ACTION of the true Libbr Ty Party compel them to do it for Iheir own FU9ces8 or exisíence as partios. Once let the pcrseverjng (and fearful eflorts to sluvery) of Ihe true Liberty party ceasc - and the foreed und irlle prating of the proslav ry pariies (political and ecclesiastical) aboot slavery, would ns naturally be hushed into silonce as a cork would orise io the surfaee of the water when do t held under by a firni hand.Thí Commiltee would recommend tliat a few active Liberty men at the centre of cacli County, 6lioii!d at once gct up os numerois!y bigned calis as convenient for a Coun:y meeting of all the friends oflibeny in their respective Counties on the 4to of July, aDd publish the coll in the "Signal of Liberty," ond in other papers to it. nnd in the mean time correspond with the friends of Lib erty as much as pussible in order to secura a very general interest and nttendance. The time is so short that considerable extra eftbrt will be indisrensable to euccess. Tt is thought, hov. ever, that a short notice is betler than a lung on, if the friends will at once be up and doing. Without thi?, short or long cotices will effect little. The CommiUee would also pnriicularly recommed that twice the number of delegatea (such aswill nttend) that each county is entitled to Repreeentntives to the State irfgislature, ehould be appointed at al) these county meetings to sttend the State Liberty Convention to be held at Marshall on Wednesday the 9lh day of July, to nominale suitable candulatcs for Governor and Lieut. Governor of this State, to be supported by the Liberty party in Nov. nexU


Signal of Liberty
Old News