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State Liberty Convention

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There will be a State Convent ion of the Liberty party held at the Court House in Mar sbalJ on the Oth day of July next, to nomínate Euilable candidates for Governor and Lieui. Governor to be supperted by the friends of Liberty at the State clection in Nov. next.- Each c unty will appomt twice the number of delegates to which it is entitled to Representatiyes to the State Legis!atu;e. A fuíl delegation is exceedmgly desirable. It is hoped Ihat the Liberty friends in each county wili forlhwi.h see well toit that a full delegation of tuch, and sneu only ehall be appointed as will pJedge themselves to atlend in person, or by their alternates. S. B. TREADWELL, N. M. THOMAS, L. WILCOX, J. M. Dl MOND, J. D. BALDWIN, State Cen . Cotn. of Lib. Party. P. S. GerritSmith, Esq. and other distinguiehed 6peakers have been written io, to attend Ihis Siate Convention, and it is ear.nestly hoped they will be piesent on the occasion. Jackson, Mny 17, 1845.(t8 Sume of llie tslaveholders are fond of cotnparing the (.-ndition of the black sluves of the South with that of the white slavesof the North. Can any of their alavés boasl of as large an omount of money at interest as "those wretcheJ operatives"- the factory girls of Lowell? Wecutthe following from an t'xchange paper: Savm%3 fiank al Lotcell.- Moet of the iactory {jirls at Lowell make ueekly or monthly depopita in the'Savines Bank in that city. By a recent report of the Treasurer of thelnsti! appears they now have on deposif, 703,692; lastiear, 8575,166. This year the number of depositors is 4,097- last year 3,112.OlT5" The American Antisiavery Society fold organizaron) held their annivcisary on the 6th of May, in New York. We juc'ge from the reports that the attendance and interest wei-e less ihan usual. Mr. Garrison presided, ond was re elected for another year The doctrine of eeeking the destruction of the Union as the best meona of nboiishm? plavery, was advocated by the principal speakers. S. S. Foster, the nuthor of the "Brotherhnod of Thieves' was there, and occasioned niuch disturba nee by his iJennnrinJions of the clergy and clmrchep. Wennticetiiot Zfiptfani&h Platt E q. '.Vlag Attornev Genen. 1 of Uliehiffan, wa? elected one of the Vice Pre.-ident oftlie Su ciety. OCf A meeting to encouragc Mr. Polk in rrmking waron Kngland wasaiiempted in Philadelphia Jately, but the pnperssay it ended in shouting, hi&sing, screaming, jostling, pülJïng, hau!ing,ai]dpummeli„g. A gloriousconsummnfion!


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