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Liberty In Ceylon!

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The Boston Recorder coniains a letter from Ceylonfrom which we extract the foHowing ntcesMrg intelligence. Let American abooliUoniata toilon and they wil] triumph in due time, olihough we n,ay be doomed to comt litst! iMr. íJoúsington is a mitsionary. "The foPowing remarks respecting ihe total uhobtiun oj slavery in Ceylon, will be read wilh interest by every friend of luimanitv.- Toe colonial secretary in presenting a biil in Counci), Tor the Lotal abolition of slavery in Ceyloii, snidJ-"By the exercise of mensures vvlíich the government lias had in view steadily for some yearspust. no h.-Ks than 2(5,000 sliu-fs linve been emancipatcd in tliis colony. VVhcn first, in pursuance of ihese views, J luid ihe honor of brinfing befnre the Asseml)ly a bil] in 1333, theie wcre L6,000 slaves in Ceylon. Now, vvhen Í bring fpj wurd the last. it will bt seeu from the returns ï now have in my hand, that the numberhas been reduced- volun,arihf rrduced, to less than pirrr!" I bcliove that tbif is Ihe only British colony which has not reoeived compensatiüu for the pinancipation of its alavés. I hope the time will poon come wlien we con speak of things as honorable to Jlmcrica - when wc can meet iheEngliöhman on Ibis subject without blush mg! The general interests of this island ate rapidly advancing. The influence of clmelinnity, and of the arts of civilized life, is obviously t'xlending ovor the mass of the people- espe cially over the ilinclu part of the population. Yours truly, II. R. HOISINGTON."05 We umlerstand tliat the public houses of JaciiKon villaje were closed after tlie vote ofllie iuliabt lauts thut they would have no ücenes granted by the Corporation. The Jackfon Gazette suya: ''Wc are pleased to Icarn tliat oui Public IJousesare once more open for the entertain Oientoftho travelier and the public, nnd every thing goos off finely. We hall uovv Jiave an opportunity oftrying the experiment, whether il is necessory thnt urdent spirits thould bp denlt oui as a beverayo iu our public honres nnd retailing shops - or whclher tne public do just os well without thewe eeeming neeessa ries. 11" the principio tdopted in the election of our corporulio officers is nol correct, we have no fenr but that tlie voters at the next election will correct the evil. True democra- cy requirets that the inajority should ahvays rule." (C7 The roceipts of the Central Railroad for tho five months prevbus to Mny 1, 1845, were, for frieght, $17,270,r;0: fur passeiigers, S-20,226,90. For the eame n-ontlis of the precediiig yeor they were, for freight, $88,116,61: for pnseengers, $16,111,76.- Thu8 there isa fnlling ofTiti the reccip's for trcight of the pre&cnt ycar, of ncarly $21 ,- 300,or more than oue half. This is attnbuted ' sntirely to the general falure of the VViicat " .roplast scason, i


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