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K C. BRINCKERHOFF'S Tíf IC jrroat nnd principal object to lr dosir i n noy medicine tliat inakes any prctenan s (o cnio all or iiny class oí distase.--, ia ihat e sliould show evidenco of such power of cure ai in a rensonnble spcedy linie. ]n discnses of compHeited n.uufe, where the ettect is dd s seoicd. as in Consiimpiion, Liver Cnmplaji q Ciualis". Colds, Asthma. and Pain in ilic Bron :ind Side. it is au ex nihcly didkuli matter l:m it undrr the ellee' ol usual remedies, e appears requisito ihnt tho comuound should I of such n peculiar comírírinrioti, tint all is niat rinls may net smiuhanouusly upon tlic il'icn ' organ; und+not liavc iis power diiiV.scd : oili pruts of ilic human frame, nnd ihai these ninter nis Unvo soiüc dofincd medical effect on ilmt o gnn. Most truly in the ilcihh Restoraiivc í i the comiionent paris, wlien aspnralely or collc tfvely eonsidered. most cotTvmcingly sliow the individual and connucicd power and efiicacy.5 Tiius il is thnt this reniedy c.vcrts such an n ( tonishing infl icneo in tho coinplauits for whii . it is i commeneëd.. Ifin anyiolitary case it hr nt power effiencious, ihcconiidenccof ihepuhl . woukl have been shaken hut fromit3 never fui , íiijí pr.iii.ptncss in cliecUing llie raviigis of dii ■ast-, and ts surc power in rostorhg to heali :ind is beyond llie po&sibiliiy ofa tlonl i tliat ihe acme ol perfectioii in such n medicin has been gainod. Let tlio cortificates of tl: greatcst uid most hoiiest men ol otir country c : n faiihCul trial o( the Resto '.itive, onvince thoE who seom otherwise incredulous of such a ren edy. The following certifícate is from Dr. Chi ton. tlic woll Itnown New York chemist. "I h.ive annlyzed a bottle of medicine wílle , 'C. JJrinkerhoíí's Ilealih Rcstorativo,' nnd fin that it does not eoniain Mercury, or any o'hc metallic preparation; nor opium in ony of ii fornis. It is composed oí vegetable matter en tirely." J asiks R. Chii.ton. M. 1). C. JJR1NCKERHOFF, Proprietor, N. "V JIorack Evkkktt, Gcnoral Agent. Principal Oíiceí)() Tludson stiect. N. Y. For sü'e by W. S. & J. VV. Maynard, Agents Ann Arbor. 213-lw The Misses Clark's School. AXN ARHOR, JI1CH10AN. MAR Y II. CLARK, Principal. CIILOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal RlIOljy E. CLARK. Aesocinte Teacher. , iM. L. WALTER, Teacher of Music tli. l'iano. F. .MARSH, Teacher of .Mathcmatics and Voca Music. H. F. SI1OFF, Teacher of French. Germán anc the Classics. TUIS Institulion has been in operation sinct November J 8, 1839. The scholaslic ycai embrncihg foriy-eight weeke, Uvo terms, comprising two quarters each - twelve weeks in ol quarter - q "eral oxaminatjoi at the cluse al each leirri - in Febrinry and August. The iast quurtcr oí tho present erm commenees May ld. Terms of ToiTiok.- For the Enpligli hranches, s'J.r.ü to $5 per quarter. No reduction madt for absence, except in case of 6ckness. and no pupil taken for less ihan a quartcr. Extra charges are rnade for musicon thu Piano, witii the use of the instrument, S8,0ü l''rcnch, -M kaiiii, 3.00 Drawingand Painting, 5,00 Faucy Woik, 3,0(1 Board, including wnshing, lighis. &c., 1. 75 per weck if paid in advance. or $2,00 per weck if paid at the close of the quarter. Parontsand sruardians are invited to visit (he school every Friday, when the studies of the week are reviewed- also semi-nionthly on VVednesJay afternoon, at readin'of the wcekly composiiions. Youiiü: ladies des'"iousof ntering the school and purstiing the regular course of atudy. would do well to commence at the beginning of the term. or as soon after as practicable. Bolunging to the school arca Library ofbetween fivc and six hundred volumes, and Philosophical Aj)paratusj Eléctrica! Machine, Globes. &.C The Misses Clark will endeavor, not only to promoio ihe iníellectuol culuiie oí their pnpils but will attend strictly to their moral deportment. With no ecctuuan feeling, but wiih a íiecpbcnse of reli'ious responsibiliiy, they would ?ive 8ueh a tone to charactcr, as shall render il practically (itted lor every aiation - yiclding to duty but lirm to principio.■■ij Ullll lililí .Kf Ji I lll_lJJ JU . 1 Ainong tho books uscd in ihc school nre, Abercroinbie on the Intellcctual and Moral Power - Kmne'a Elcments of Criticism - Wavjand's Moral Seience - Newman's iihetoric - liedge's Logic - Paluy's Natural Tlieology and Evidcnces of Clirisiianiiv- G.-oy's Chcmistry- Parker'e 1 Natural Philosophy- Cnmbe'sPhysiology Mrs. j Lincolu's Boiany- Eaton's and Wriiit's Manual of Botnny - Burriit's Geography of the ; floavcns- First. Second and Third Books ot f iiistory - Mrs. Williard'a Republic of America ( - Phelps' Loal Classics- Playfaii's Euclid, and ■ Dny'8 Algebra and Davics' Arithnieiic. Inquirv vith regard to tlie 6chool can be made of the Principale or any of the following gentle men to whom refoence !s maJe by permissinn , and vvho have at different periods had either daughters or wards undcr our care. Rcv. Isaac S. Ketchain, Centreville: Geo Ketchum, Marshall; Hon. VVm. R. Ucland, Jackson; Paul E. Ring, Michigan Centre; F. IÍ. Winans, Adrián; Daniel HúcMn, Clinton; Gardlier Whccler. M. D., ílowell; Hev. F. II. Cuming. Grand Rapid3; Jeremiah Clark, Clarksion; Gen. C. C. FTnficall; James Birdsall and Rev. J. Bcach. Flint; D. II. Rowlnnd,Northv)le: AmcsMcnd; Plymouth; llon. Füias Coinsiock, Owasso; P. Brigharn, M. D.. Hon. Win. R. Thompson, E. Mundy, Esq., Jolin Alien, Esq.. Geo. W. Jewott, Esq., Tho's M J.add. Professor Williams, of the Univereity, and Rev. II. Colclazer, Anií Arbor. The following centiemen, Rcv. H. Colclazer, Ilev. Wni. S. Curtís, Rcv. Charles C. Tayhr, I Professors Whiting and Williams of the Ünveröity of Michigan, have consented to act asa visiting comrniltec of die School, to be present wben the wt-ekly studies aro revi e wed; but especially to uttciyJ during tlie scmi-nioiulily ezaminations. April. I845. 213 W II O L B-S A L'Tll E T A I L. A. M' PARREN, BOOKSELLERANDSTATIONER. SMART'S 13L0CK, 137 JEFFKRSON AVBNUE, DETROIT. KEEPS constandy for 6alea complete as6ortment of Miscellaneoup, Schooi and Classical Books, Letter and Cap Paper, plain and rul ed, Qnills, Ink. Sealing Wax, Cutlery, Wraiping Pnper, Printiúg Paper, of all sizes; and Book, Newsnnd Cannisler Ink. ofvarions kinds. BLANK BOOKS, full and hall, of evcry varicty of Ruling, Memorandum Books. &c. To Mcrchants, Teachers, and others. buying n iianiitics, alargo discount made. babbatli School and Bible Society Dcpositor. ñl-tf JEROME M. TREADWELL, ATTOUNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, J WILL attend to the sale aad exchanga of t Lan-Is, payment of Taxca, and rcdemp' ion of Lands sold for Taxea in Jackson and ad, 'lining counties, exnmination of Tules, Convcye incing and all buaincaspcrtaim'iig fo ileal Estáte, q Jfflcc in tho Co:irt líti!se. B Juck(?on, Michigan. J7-!f.


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