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NEED NOT FORCÉ T11I5M DOWN! Thosc tcho have conscienliovs sauplts, tv jilease re ad the follouing - ñever brfurc publishtd Focls rrpru rding the & U GVÍ GO A TED IM PRO VE D Indian Vegetable Pili KOR CONSUMPTIONt?, COLDS, niII'lMATI.S DVslMCPSIA AND KEVKK9. HAVING been aitacked some months sin witli a bad Cough. wenkness in in'y cbe: iiid Iqs of nppciitc, I iii-cd Wright's lud. Vegetable 1'üls. bui jjrnv w;orsq. wuh cold íwc ■il nialit; could not sleep, nnd bvüoved I was ii onaimiption. proeuied a Uox of Dr. Smul Sogai Conicu, lmprovêd Iiulnn Vcgctnl)luPil red which restored my health witliin eix cfayö, imi oli bclic-vc (hem to bc ihu lic-n rcniedy I ever uso t il C-KO. V. Gl.AKGKK. ind Cambridge, Oei II), lf.41. I i Extract from A. G. Pnges's letter, dutcd - L!' li'.in. Jan. 31, 1845. "t. The Silgar Contad Indino Vcrrot.mic Pílfe. y ns) sent ino. scli wcll nnd five gpo saiisi'ncimn.' " iu They sell Keiler' tnari ;i;iy J have had. ' Extract From Lovi Bnrrett's lener, dnird - ' Canaan, (Me.) Feb. 3, &5. 'l Tho Pilis. whu.-h 1 recc-ived oí' yon have gi' i ' en such universal e-isÍiiciiom wíiero tlioy lia ".' been purclmscd, and ilie ule lias heen so iinifor .y' iliat J tho.ight best to request you lo pencl n or on soino more iihmediatdy. ic. ''" Kxtract from Wm. N. P.ickard'a letter dale ,■ JVluNsoN. (Mass.) Jan. 20, 1 HIT). Sir- Enclosed is tlic payrnent for the l.i Pilis. You wil please send nic by exprés a olhor lot. tíiy (i or 8 doz. Tlioy ;;ivn gpqd p IC" sfaction. I liave nqt on lmnd more ihan ( !.; I".'; es, and do not wish to be cut of íhcm ono da ,jj Extract frorn Unniel T;ift fc Son's leltcr d;ne s_ Taki.svii.i.k. (Vt.) Feb. f. 1845. 1,1, Your Pilis wore received n few sincc. and ,1,, have sold eome ol them, and jilso uaed son 1)e otrráelros, and think very favouilily (jfiliem. ni; 1P thcy are likcd by those wljo have nsed them. or Mr. J. P. SniTih. of Gloncoster. states 1 ,8C has sold all. a.ul wishes 83óz. bo.Vcs more in m mcdialcly; and thoy give universal satisfactioi i ihat he has delennined to sell no other kind ( PÍÜ3. le() Mr. A. Alien, of PalncT Depot, slates tlu 1UI he wns Very mnñiul he wns nppointed Áccnt,c CJ his wife hns bcen nn invaÜd for eome time, nn jtg a box ot' ihcso pills iminedintcly - was afjent fo n_ other Pilis. Init snónld only reqoínmcnd !ho-;e. Extract from J. B. Danforth letter, dated - L'wínakj.. ('t.) Jan. IJ, 1S.J3. y Please eend me immrdiately 6 doz. Srnith' Sugar Coatcd Indian Vegetable Pilis. Thos you sent a t-hort time since. are ne.irly all solí and give uuivcrsal s:iifr.':irtion. The obove nre only a few of the numcrou letters which are daiíy received of the great pop ularity nnd succoss of thrso truly excelícn Pilis L. Thcy aro the best medicina for thc bove com ■ plaints thíit are sold. and n eyery c;iso that linvi been tried have given nniveif-nl saiisfnctlon. an should be kopt asa t'amily nicdicine by everv one Wc only ask a tri til of then lo conyince tlu ]_ most skeptieal of ihe trulh ol flicfc'e assèrViorrè: The diiícuous and tieaiinciU oí' thc dise.tsi accompany every boje'. IC' pnicK 25 f-F.M-; vrn dox. 8, No "SUGAR COA'IED PII.L." enn be gen iiinc withoui tlie aigiiature of ihe solé inventor d G. BENJAMIN SMiTII. M. D., President o the N. Y. CoIleseoflJealtli," upon every box Offices devoted cxclusivcly to the sale oí thii medicine. ;c 179 Grecnwicli Street, New York. "" N. 2, Water Street. Bosjton. For sale in all the villages and lowna in tin Jf New Englnnd States. II N. B.- No travelling pedlars are allowcd u sell these Pilis. Examine the Signature. tTTFor sale by W. f?, nn-1 .1. W. Mi.ynard ' Lund & iVIcCollum, F. J. B. Crane, Ann Arbor e Perrin &. Hall, Northville; Thomas P. Vhiy. Ji Plymoutli; D. C. Whitwood, Dcxter; G. & J - G. Ilill. Detroit. (j Also at retnil in every town throughont tii 0 United States at 25 cents per Box. 213 CLOTH! CLOTHÜ " rriHE will continue to nianufacJL turo Fuiled Clotli, fc ror ?,7h ets. per yard, and white flannel for 2 I cent? per yard; or thcy will manufactura iIk wool lor hall the clolh it wïll niiike. Their Fac tory is 24 miles West of Ann Aróor, on tho 1 61 ron Kiver. Wool will also be received at Suio. Vhen sent by Railroad it will be attended to ir, 1 the same mnnner as ii tho ownors werc to comc' with it. Wool wil] bc nianiifaciurcd in tuiuas t comes in ns neárly as it c;m be di-nc vviili reférencfl tu the different qualitiesof wool. WOOL CARDWG, will bc done at Scio. by Thomas Host'.ins. S. W. FÜSTE11.S: CO. : Scio, May 1, J 845. 210 INTEREST1NG TO WOÖ1 6ROWSIÏIS. npflE Subscribers would re&pcctlully anJL nouncc to the Wool Growcrs of Ann Ar borand i is vieiniiy, that thcy continue the business of Wool Carding and Clotli Dressing at the old stand ofJ. Bcckley &, Co., whcre they may bc found at all scasonablc hours to vvait upon those who may favor them with thcir patronage. They guarantcö that their work will bc done with iieatncss and despatch. To thcir old frinnds and as many ncw customers as feel disposed to give them a trial, thcy would s?.y.oonjc on wi'h yonr Wool and Cj.otii and we will do you ampie justicc in the execution of yonr work - tho price and torms ofpayment. Twcniy Uxousancl pouucïs of Wool wantod iq exchange lor Fuil Cloth. Flaiinel, Ac. N. B. - Give us a cali beforc purchasing elsewhcre. SUMNER nrCKS &- CO. Ann Arbor Lower Town. Mar. 2(5, 1 8-J5. 26-6m Ready Made Clothing. AT REDUCED PRICES. rpiIE largest and best as3orimenl of ready JL made clothing ever bcl'orc otlercd in this Staie, now'ou hand and ior sau, Wholcsile or Retail, at the Clothing Emporium oí the Sub - seribers, consisiing in uart of Fine broadelo;h Frock and Dress Coat?. Tweed and union cassimerc, satinetand jean Frock and Business Coais. Summer Coats in great vnriety' nnd vcry ch cay. Cassimerc, cloth, tweed and sunimcr Pnnts ol all styles and prices. Sutin, velvct, silk, valencia, cashmcre and. ' Marscilles Vet;:a- u largestock of rich and fashionable styles. Also, an extensivo nssortment of Iosicry, Stocks, Scarfs, Ilandkercliiefs. Collars, Shirts, ! Gloves. Cravats, Suspender, &,c. &u., all ol ' which will bc sold low (or cash. ' They would rcspcctfully invite all, in want of ' ready inado garments, to cali and examine thcir stock belbre purchasing clsewhere,. as il has bcen ' selected with care in ihc Easter'n mnrket and ' manulbcturcd ia ihe Iatcst styles and mout ble manner. HALLOCK A RAYMOND. ' Corner of Jeflerson & Woodwurd avfnties. Detroit, April 4, 1845. 213 -t: DEIVTISTRY. i E. G. BURGER, Denlisl, HAS removed his office to Crane &. Jewctt's J Block, firet room on tho Sccond Floor, wheic being well prepared to attend to every .ranch of his profession, would repcctful!y say o all who have i o had thosc nocessary organs. THE TEETIÍ. p opcrlv attended to, defay' no onger, hut cali upon him nnd experienco the 086 and dnrability of hia operations. Ti;kms ] ccpnimoduting and charges nno case unreasdnblc. Ann Arbor, Aíarch G, 1S45. 17-tf.


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