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REMOVAL. Tn,íiTlbst'riber has rcmoved his 6ock of BOOKS to Stor No. 2. ExchanKe Block, odjoinmg Lunils & M'Collums btore,wlerehe ie retidy to furnish cnsl cuatomers witlïa new and well sdected nssortment of Mixellanetm Rclipiovs, hisloncal, Biographical and School Dooks, ■ ogeiher with the best assonment oí Paper, QiiíIIp. ; lúh Wl.'ew. Toy Books ond Staiionory geneI rully w ncli has ever heen offered west ot Detroit, ! and will be 8l,i ot 'lie Detroit Cash prices. i He has added lo his former business a ell se, lected assortment of Family Groccries, which : he will excliange for Cash or most kinda ol 1 produce. Wnnted- Eggs. Beoswax nnd Tallow. Rei momber the store, two doors from the Flouring Ml'L A :' WM R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, Lowcr Villnge, June 6, 1815. 7t THEO H. EATOl Stores 188 ond 190 Jefferson Jlvenue, Detroit. OFFERS for snl the following goods- pither for ciüb or opproved pnper; the goods are nll new and fresh, havmg been purclrased within the past tlniiy days, oí ihe importers nnd at auc non, EXCLUSIVE;, Y FOR CASH, and wiJI be eold at very reduced 100 chest8 and hairdiests Tea, 28 hogsheads Sngar, 15 boxes sugar. Loaf and Lump, 10 hogsheads Molasses. 2 hogsheads Stewart's Svrup, Re baga Coflce, 5 tierces rice, 150 boxes rnisins, l0 drums figs, 50 Oranges and Lemons, 300 pounds Ciiinnrnon, 250 pounds Cloves. 175 pounds iVutmegs, 25 kcgs'Ginger, 10 bags Pcppe: nnd Spice. 40 kegs and boxes Tobacco 5 bales Almonds, 200 boxes Glass, 10 hogsheads Sperm Orí. 20 boxes Sperm Candle=, 230 barrels Dye Woods, 15 barrels Copperas. 8 barrels Bine Vitriol, 20 barrels Allum, 15 barrels Modder. 400 kegs Whiie l.ead, 5 barrels Litrseed Oil, 40 boxes Starch, 35 boxee piper, 2 casos índigo. 5 barrels Sulphur, 5 bnrtels Snh's. 3 barrels Castor O!, 2 b;l.'s Senmi, 1 case Gum Opium, 10 barrels Spirits Tui peniinc, ITT The following nnnied papers ill each publish the abore notico, ivsixíe to thenmouni of thrce dollars and íeW copy of notice with biils lo the person adver'ising-. Poniinc Giizctie, Pomiac; Ann Arbor StatJ Journal, and Signnl of Liberty. Ann Arhor; Jnckson Gnzeue. Jackson: Cxpoundcr. Marshall Gazette. Kalumazoo; Nilcs Republican. Niles Hanncr. St. Clair; Gnzene, Monroe: Genesee Democrat. Flmt; and Chathain Glcaner, Chat ham Canada. My lí). 1.25 2l2-3m r - - .. iJEROME M. TREADWELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LA1V, And General Land Agent, WtLL atteru! to the salo aad exchango of Iinds, pnyment of T.ixes. and redempion of Lands sold lor Taxes in Jackeon nnd adjoining counties. examinaiinnof Tules, Convcyíncing and all lnisnossiertnining (o Real Estáte. (jföcc in the Court House. Jnrkson, Michipnn. I7-tf. TUK Copanne sHip herctoforc existins nnder the iirin of I'ulcipher & Judson islwmuiiihI consent ihrs hy dissolvcd. All persons n 'iclited 10 snid rirni aro to make pnyment to Z. Í3 Puleipher, wno 3 aiithfirizeJ to reccive it and i ïag become obligated to pay all debis duc said Srtíí. Z S. PÜLCIPHER. L. JIDSON. H - Thp hnsincss will bc contin-.ied as usu I ly ihc siibscriber. z. s. ruLcirriER. Ann Ar'r. Juno 5. is ir,. j, IDElVllSiTRir E. G. 1ÍÜRGER, Denfist, Hs removed liis office to Crnnc & Jrwctt'el Mlm:k. jirsi room on the Second Floor, I vvlii-ic beiny well propnied lo nttoud lo cvrty I nrtnieh of híg profcsííoTi. wonld rrspectfuly sav I ii) fill who li.-ivc i o had iliosc necess-try orgnns. j TUE TEMTH. p-opeilv mtended to. dclny no longcr. bul cnll upon liim nurl c.tpcricnce rhe i easo and dunibiliiy of hisoperniirne. Tkuns I accünmiodating and charges in no cnse Onrcnsonnble. Ann Arbor, Marcli fi. 1S45. 47-if. Wool Wantedl THE Subscnhors wish to purchasc 50,000 I pounds of Wool. for whicli thcy vvill ay Casli or Goods al tlieir etoro in tlie Lower - Village. BECKLEY FOSTER k CO, j Aftn Árbor, Moy 19, 184&. 213


Signal of Liberty
Old News