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1845. J. HOLMES & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETA IL MSALERS IN STAPLK A.ND FANCY DRY GOODS, &vy Groceritfs Carpeling, umi pit per iSntiguigs, No. 63 Woüdu-nrd Avenue, Larned's Block, Detroit. j it.ii.MKs. Nctc York. S M. HOLM1-.S. '■ tro'U. WE tnke this methcd of imoniiinjr uur frieiids aru! cusioiners ihrouylioutlie Scatc, tha' wc nrcsnll in pursuinL the t-veii UM.or ofoui wt.ys. endenvoring o dó our business upon I. ir ilrid honorable principies. Wc wuuld nlso icndiT our ;ickiiuwIcdyniL'!i!8 for ilse pntronage ex icndcd io us by our cudtómore, nriá -ould bcg Icqvc to cnl! ihe hlCëitifóri of the public to n vciy wc-ll telccted ssiitnicni oí' b-tasomiblo Goodí. wliicli are oftered oi vvholesnlo retnil m very luv pric(?s. Öur íaciliiícy (01 pi'rcliiisiiüï Goods me unaiirpnssed by nny concern n iIk Si;iie - One of tlic iiruu ftlr. J. Ilolnics msiifes in ilie city of New York, uid Fröm his löhc expériénce n the .Tobbing inide in ifiat city. mul froin his tliomugh liiiowledpe of ihe nwnkci, lie is enabied io aviiil hinisolf of tbc auptiona anJ onj dfcliüc in p'rices. Wc nlso pinfch'nse (Vöm tlir Jniprirters. Miinu.'.icturer'ti Ayenis. nnd flom tlio auclioiiH, ly ilic ui;:!iiige, iho sairo as N. Y. Jobbers [jurphase, ilms euviiie tlieir profits. - Wiih these fociiltiegxv'ë can s.ilcly sa y tlmt our Goods nre soid ciikap for ilic evidmeo of whicb we invite :ho aticntion of tho public lo ui stock. We hold U) the greWt cnrdiriol principie oí ''? rr(at:ït roö'l to i,: n h l mi nlor." sü if you wanttü buv Goodö chrup, nul buy a tinge quantiij ior n l :t'c moncij vo us a trial. Our stock is ns o.xiensive us any ïn ibe city. and Ware coiiÑtrintly iccciving uew and freeh Goodd l'rom New York. 50,000 ïfos. TTool. Wanttd, tiieabove cjaantiry oi good merchnntible Wool ior which ihe higbest tnarkel price will te pai J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, 184"). The IVZisses Clarlrs School. AX.N AKBOR, MICHIGAN. iMARY H. CLARK, Principal. CÏÏLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principa). RH015Y E. CLARX, Associ ate Teacher. M. L. WAL'J'EK, Teacher of IMusic on the Pian'ó. t'. MARSH, Teacher of MatbeiuRiics mul Vocal Mu sic. U. V. SiiOFF, Tcnchcr of Fieneh. Gertuanund !ie Classics.TUIS (nstitution haabienin operalion sintc .Nnvriiiber 18. óM. '1 lic scholaslic Vcai eml.rncing forty -tMiit wci'ks. tvd tcnri'i, comprising two quariers oacli - twt-lve weeks ia ui quarter - a geo.iyal examioation at ilic cluse ai c.icli lerm - in Fcbiuiry and August. ''bc last quancr ül tiio present 9Ta) conimcnces Muy J9. Terhs of Toition. - For the EiikIihIi branches, $2.50 to 5 per quarier. No reductioii made 'or absence, except in case of sicknese. nnd no nipil taken tbr less ilrm a quaner. ííxira chnres nre made for niusicon the Piano, with the uae of the instrument, $i8,0i Fíench, 3.00 í.nsin. HJOO DrawingaiyJ Painling, 5,00 Pancy Wok, 3r00 Biarc!, ijiciudinít u.iáiiir, liglits. &.c, 1,75 ïcr week if pakl in Qdvar.ce, or $2,ÜU er week f paid at the close 6f W)fi ijuarter. Parontsand puárdinne aie invited to visit.tbe school every Friday, wh'cri thu studies óf ihe vtéék are reviewed - als scmi-inoiithly on WedM ! iy afteinoun, at readinuof the weekly com3OSÍ I if I I1S. Young ladics dcsTous of onlering the school ind pursuiny the recular course of siudy, would do well to eommence at the bo-jin ning 'of the icriii. or as soon afier as piucticabie. Buloiiying to tlie scliool nre a Library ofbetween fivc and six hundred volumes, nnd Philosophical Apparatus.EJccuical Machine. Globes.The Misses Clirk wil! endenvor, not only lo promote the intellecttin.1 culture of iheir pnpil. hut wil! altend BtrictTy io thoir moral deportment. With no sedarían froling, hut wiih a deeptensö of reüyUnis lespoimljilny, thcy would ive siicli a tone to cbanicter, :i3 shall rendor il prnciicilly fiited lor every siaiion - yieldin'g lo 'luiy hut lirni to principie. A:noiiij tlie books usod in ihc school nre, Aborcrcin'ne on the Inicllectual nnd Moral Power - Kimc's Eleinnts of Criticisni - Wnyland's Moral Science - NewmafTs Rhetoric - llcdgc'fLogic - Pfiley's Natural Theology and Evidrñceof Cluisiinniiy - Grey 's Chemistry- Furkcr'h Natural Pbiloaoph v- Combe' s Phyaiólogy - Mrs. Lincolo's Boiany - Koton's nnd VVriiiht's Manual of Botany - Burrilt's Geopraphy of the Heavcns- First. Second mul Third Books oi History - Mrs. Wüliard's Ropul.lic of Ameiicn - Phelps' Le;nl Clnssics - Playfatr's Eudid. and üay'8 Algebra and Davics' Ariihmetic. Inquirv with regard to the school can bc mode of the Principnls or any of the following genile men to wliotn refeience s made by permissinn and who have at different peiiods had eiiher daughters or wards undcr uur care. Rev. Jsaac S. Kotcliam. Centrcvillo: Gco Ketchu.n, Marshall; Hon. Wm. Tl. Delnnd, Jnckson; Paul B. Ring, Michigan Centre; F. II. Winans, Adrián: Daniol íli.rson. Clinton; Gardncr Whcclcr, M. L).. Ilowell; Rev. F. H. Cuming. Grand Rapida: Jereuiiiih Clark, Clarkston; Gen. C. C. Hascoll, James BirdsaJl and Rev. J. Bencli. Flint; D. H. R)wl;iml,Nori!iviIIe: AmcsMcd; Plymouili: Hon. F.lins Comstock, Owasso; P. Brigham, M. I)., Hon. AVm. R. Thompson. E. Muiniy. Eq.. John Allen. Esq.. Geo. W. Jewett, Esq.. 'J'ho'8 M Lndd, Professor Williams, of the University, and Rev. H. Colclazer, Ann A'rbor. The followinff gentlemen, Rrv. II. Colclazer. Rev. Wnj. S. Curtís. Rev. Charles C. T-ivl r. Professors Whiting and Wilüims of the University of. Michigan, have consented to act as a vieituig comniitiee of the School, to be present when the weekly studies are reviëwedj but espe?ially to attend duiing the seini-nionthly examinutions. April, 1843. 213W HOLE SALE &R E T A I L. A. M'FARREN, BOOKSELLEH AND STATIONEB. SMART'S ULOCK, 1S7 JBFFRRSON AVKNUE, DKTROIT. KLEPS coiistantly for salon conipli'te assoritnent of Miellnncous. Schooi and Clussic il J'ooUs, Letler and Cap Paper, plain and rul ed, Quilis, Ink. Scaling Wax, Cutk-ry. YVrap)ing Paper, Printing Paper, of all; and 3ook, Ncweand Cannister Ink. ofvnrionë kinds. BLANK BOOKS, (uil nnd hall bo-md, of ev cry vaiiety of Ruling, Meniorandum Books, Au;. To .Morchcnls, Teachers, and others, buying n (ijaniiiics. a lur; discouni made. Sabbath School and Biblc Society Deposilor. 51-tf lotice to Mci'cSïauts. TUE Subscribas encourfiged by the patronngc they have hitlverto received in tlie vhulesale de)artment of ihcir business, will the fiist duy of May next, open ihe lore now occuied by Geo. Grenville, froniingon JFIuron street. nd connecting wiih their present slore in the ear, e.xclusively for a WHOLE SALES ROOM, -here thcy will keep at all times n full assortient of KY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES CARPENTING, JIATfi, CAP8, PATEK UANGING8, B0NNET8, CROCKERY BY TIIB CRATE, HARDWARE, AND GR0CERIE8, &C. &C. AiC. I of which will be sold on ns good tertns as at ly point thiasideofNew York City. G. D. HILL. & CO. Ann Arbor, March 2G. 1814. 43-ifVOICEj QFJHÊ_ PEQPLE Thnte uho have conscimtious sovplfs, ictll piense r?ad (he folloving - never befóte publishtJ Focts regarding the SUGJ1R-COJ1TED 1MPROVED Indian Vegetab le Filis, FOR CONSl'MPTJONS, COLDS, RHKUMATISM, DYSI'El'SIA AND FEVEItS. HAVING been nttacked soino inonths since with i l)nd Couyh, weaknese in niy cliesi. nnd 1o-.h oi nppctitc, I tihed Wiight's Jnti.iin Vegetable Pilis, but gmyvivornk. wiih cold awcatt at nighi; coulil not sleep, and betieveH I was in a consitmption. I procured n box of Dr. Smith's Sñear CoatedL lmpmvpd Indiim Vegetnbla Pilis, which rostored niy lieulih wiihin six dnys, nnd 1 bclieve lliein tü bc the best remedy I ever usod. (Jko. VV. Gi.anclk. Cambridyo, Üct 19, 1841. Extract fïüai A. G. Pnges's letter, daied - IUth. Jan. 31. 1H45. The Sugnr Comed Jndíin Vegetabíe Pilh. you sent me. sel! woll and give good eniisfaction. Tliey sell better thun any J báVe liad. Extract from Levi Bi'.rrctt's letter, dated- ï Canaait, (Mc.j Peb. ;{. 18'ir. The Piüs, wlucli 1 receiyed of you have givon sucli univeisnl sitisfactionjfthcre tlicy have been pbfeHased. and the süle has been so unilórni thnt I ihoughl best to request you to stnd me qn süine more iininedialcly. fcc. Extract from Win. N. P.ii-knrd's letter dntcd: Monïo.v. (Mass.) Jan. -, 18-15. Rir- Encloscd is the pnyment for ihe Jast Pilis. You vvi! piense {.end me hy exprese an oiher lot, sny 6 or 8 doz. Tlicy pive gotd sat isfaction. 1 have not on liaii'l inure thun 6 lioxes. and do not wisli to bè rut of ihem one day. Extract from Daniel Tuft A. Son'e letter dnted: Tapisvii.i.k. (Vt.)Ft;b. 6. lêA. Your Pilis wero received n 'few since. and I have sold some oí them, nnd also usrd some uurs.elyo8, nnl tnihk very fuvoiohly of them. and thcy are likcd hy those who havo uscd them. Mr. .1. P. Smilb. of Glouros;er. et.ate$ that he has süld uil. niïd wishes 8 doz. boxes more im(nediaiely; and they give imivcrsal sdisfnetion, (lm he líos dütcrmincd to sell no other kind ol Pilis. Mr.' A. Allen, of Pnlmcr Depot, stntos tlmi he v, -■ very '.hanful he wnn aj.pointed Agent. ntliis wife lins been an invaüd for sonie time, and a box ol' these pilla irnniediatclv - wS npepi for oiher Pilis. !)ui sluiuld nnly recÓmmend ihce. Extract Iroin J. B, Danforth letter, dated- Barnuu, (Vt.)Jnn. II. IH45. Pleaise seiid me itnmcdiately (J iUz. Smith's Sngar Ciatcd Indian Vfegeia'ble Pilis. Tüff you sent achortiime eince. are nearTy all aoíd anl givé uuuersal satis action. The above are only n few of the numeroui letters which are daily received of the. grwti pop iilatiiy i:id -uccess oí tlus'! truly exccllen Pijla. They are the best medicine tbr the bove chipliints that are sold. and in every case that have l'ocn iried have given universal saiisfnction, uno' shouid be kept asa family niedicine by every one. Wc oniy ask n mal of iheii to convince the most skepOcol of the truth ol thrfj nssertion6. The directions and iicatniint of the diseasc accompany every ho.. PKtCi: 25 CBKT3 PER BO.T.No SUGAR COATE!) PJLL." r-anbe gen uine without ilie gfrinlu#o of the solé inventor G. BENJAMIN S.MITH, M. D., Prcsitlcut N iie EjL Y Collese of Health," upon evcry box. CíSijcs devoied exclusive!)' to tlic sale oi this medicine. 179 Greenwkh Street, New York. N. 2, Water Street. Bosion. For salo in all the villáges nnd lowne in thr Xcw EngTnñd Siales. N. B. - No travelling pedlars ure allüwcd to 6oli these Pilis. Kxnniine the Sipnnture. tD'For snle hy W. 8'. nnd .T. W. Mnynnrd. Lunü & McCollum, F. .T. B. Cniic, Aun A:l):-;. Perrin &■ IJall, Nortliville; Thoiuus P. Muy. Jr Plymoutli: 1). C. Whitwood, Dcxter; G. & J. G. Mili, Detroit. AIsíi at retuil in evory town tluouyhouí t!u United Stntcs at 25 cents per Box. 213 WÖOE.! WÖOÏ.Ü CLOTH! CLOTlE1! HTAHE subscribera will continue to nmnuiacJL ture Ffillcd Clotii, for 37i ets. er yard. nnd wiute ibnnel for 2 cents per yard; or they will iiianuincture tbfc wool for huil the cloth it -.ill mnke. Theii l''uc tory is 2j miles West pf Aun Arbor, on tliu I uron River. Wool will nlso he received at Scio Vlien sent by Rnílrood it will be attended to in the s.inie nmnner n i( t lio owneis wt-re to coni with it. Wool will be njaijutaciured in turn up it comes in ns neaily ns it eiin be done wiih releíence lo the different (junliiics of wool. WOOL CARD1NG, wiU be done at Scio. by Tliomns Hosl.ins. S. W. FOSTEK c CO. Scio, May 1, 1845. 210ÍNTEREST1NG TO WOOL GEOWERS. 'lílt; tíuliscribt-rt) would rebpectfulJy anX nounce (o lite Wool Growers of Ano Arborand i ts vicinity, that they continue ihe business of Wool Car ding and Cloth Dressing at ihe oíd stand ot'J. JJeckley & Cu., wherc they may be found at all ecasonable hours lo wait upon thosc who may favor ihem wiih thoir patronage. They guarantee that their work will be done with ncntncss nmi despnich. To tlicir oíd friciulsand as many ncw customcrs as feel disposed to give them a trial, they would sny,cnme on wi'h y.iiir Wool and Clotii and we wiH do you ampie justice in the execulion ofyonrwork - the price and terina ofpayment. Twenty Unoiisaii(l poiinds of" Wool w'anted iu exchdnge for Full Cloth, Flannel, Stc. N. Q. - Give us o cali beforc pinchasing elsewhere. SUMNKR HICKS & CO. Aun Arbor LowerTown.Mar. 26.1845. 2U -ñm Ready Made Clothing. AT KEDUCED PR1CES. nniIE lurgest mul best nssortinem of reatlv JL mude clothinií t-ver beloir offored in lili. Siaic, now on hand and íor t-lc, Wholesj'c 01 Rctail, ut thc ClüiHlng Eiñpotíuoí of the Sul ■ scribers, consieting in uart of Fino broadcioh Frock aud Dreea Contp. Tweed and unión castinieic. satmetaml jcan Frock and Business Coats. Sunnner Coala in great variety and very clieap. Casainiere, cloih, tweed and suinmer Pants oí all styles and prices. öatin, velvet, silk, valencia, cashmere nnd Marseilles Vests - a large stock ofrich and fash ionable siyles. Also, an extensive assortment of JJosinry, Stocks, Scarfs, Uandkcrchiefs, Collars, Shlrte, GIovcb, Cravat8, Suspender. &c. &c, all ol wliich will be sold low for en. ■h. They would repectftilly invite all, in want of ready nmdu arments, to cali and examino thoir stock beforo purchasing elsewhere. asil has been selectedwith care in the Kastcrn market and manufactüredi.i the Jutest styles and niost duiable manner. MALLOCK A RAYMOND. Comer of Jeflerson Sé Woodward avenues Detroit, April 4, 1845. 2jy-tl öakTümbërT T i any quantiues, consuirnly lor ale, cheap L for Cash, ai the Ann Arbor Saw Mili ly , n , QUACKENBUSII. May 29, 1843. C-4wALWAYS ON HAN. ÖgJ rpHE subscriber has re S-S. v moveJliS!ioptoMnin LJ bl,rcet_oplosite IJ. Heekff Mf'T B",ck Stürc where flf ulfe he niuy l)l 'ound rendy to r v v . fiviti jnet receivod direct from ISew York an elegant stock of JEWEIRY, and Funcy Anieles, fchïch he intends to cll loiccr ihan has ever been sold weet oflinfri Waicli Keya Gold jfrnger Rings and Bosom Pina, Guarcl C nina, bïlvcr Tea and Tablo Spns, Sugar Tonga, JJuttcr Kn.vea. Silver l encil cos-.s. Silver and Commcn Thi,„bJca Sil ver Specincles, Germán, do.. Stee Ido H ir Bruahe., Cloibe. d., Too.h do! , Loïhe'r L F,neR,.ors and Pockel Kv. Fine Síiobm and Sciors, La.her boxes. Rozo'r S.rons W leiia. . Pu.aes , Violina nnd Bows, Fluios. Viohn auil Bass iolin Strinj's. Clarionei Reeds Per cussion Copa, ?o ket Pistols, Brittnnia Cnndle" ricka, Woichea, Iucr S.nmps, Stenl Pena and 1 we. zei s. Snuffnnd Tobncco hoxes. Fine comhi gr9W Si(iu do . Bnck c'o.. Shell doV, Needleaan.a Cases, WntcrPaims. Toy Waichca, K.d Dol!, a greHt varielyoi Toys io numeroua 10 ineniiont licuda, Nccklaces, Fancy Boxcs, Ci-rcss nnd Watchks of cvery defcription rcpnired and warrantcd, also, Jewclry repaired on fclion noiice. xt „ 'lu CALVIN BUSS. iSiSn AiH PAID eor 0LD 10LD AND Arm Arhor. Oc.. 24. 1844. 23-if ALLEBASrS MEDICINES. THESE xMEÜJCINES ARK flecting Buch nstonishing cures in miiltitudfs oíoJii eíifcs long since abnndoned by riiysiciansandSuigeons aa urtcrly liopelcsa. that mí medicintö, iVfiero these are kñown, stand so dcservedly hiyh. 'Jhey consist of TUE BLACIC OH ALLEBASl'S SALVE Price 25 Cents, Whicli enres nlniost univereally. Fever Sores, of ihe moet malignnnt kind, Felona, Ulcera, Abscesses, Tumors. Fnicturea, Cuis, Puncturcs Birna, Scalds. Sorc Throat. Chilbnine, Quinsey. Dmp-y. Inflnmaiory Rhtumaiisin, Inflnmmntions aiuï Swt -ilinge ef evcry descrijttion. Scnld Metul. Ai-ue in the Fneo, Norvmis Too Ui' Acho Ayue in the Brenst. Bioken Bfeasi, Ac. S:c. AIJ.EBASl'S HEALTH iïLhS, i5 Cente. 'I'hese Pilis have acquired a popularitv within the lust year o: two, which no other Pilis possess. The re.iHonsnro o!)vius lo all whn uso iliem. They euro nll Uilioiif, Scarltt and other Fevcrs, Fcver nnd Ague. I)vspepHin, Dropsy, Acid Slomunh. Disorder d Bnivela, or Sion.'.ci) J-iiiihnie, Ilend Aehe, Dízzíiufs in thr Uond Worm. LiverComplaim, Hcnri Buri)8. r,..lic! KowfJ cymphiim, General Debility, Cosiivcncs, &c. i&o: Their purify the entire b.vetcin. lenvo the bou-ela in a viorous and hcahhy biiditiua, iJcc Sec )aniihler. ALLEBASrs TOOTU ACIIE DROPS. Pnce 25 Cnit.-: Will cure an ordiuary ol Tooth Aclir, in frAin tliree to ten minutis. For Nervous trnd other kinds of Tooth Ache. sce Paniphlet. ALLEBASI'S I'OOH MAN'S PLASTER l'rhc. 23 Ci „ty. Are watr.'intrd to be superior to nny other Pla6ler&jn :lns (ir anv otln-i couimy, for pnin or wcakneid in the linck. Side. Chept, Bowcís Loinp. Musetcs. nnd ior Rli:uinniism, Lung and Liver Complaint, Couglis, Colds, Asciiinn, &c. Set pmnphlui, N. 15.- Pli-i.80 to aak the nprnt for n pnmphlel whieh gies all ihe inlormation necc.osary rtrspecting the usrs of llie ftledicmrs. the vinues 'hey pneseÉBi etc. Piense lo oliow direciions in die ns; of nicücincË, and yob nmy rely upon all thnt 'u prornised. A libera' discoum made to meichantsnnd oth ers, who huv tosell again. LYMAiN W. GÍ1 BERT, Proprictnr. Whulësalo Druogist. 'JJ4. Fulton w, IV Y. [CTFor sale by the büüscïlbcr; v ho hns been iippoinied giuenil njent for the City of Detroit and iis viciniiy. Country dealera supplicd on liberal terina, C MORSE, Michigan Bo' k Store. The nho'-e medicines art: for snle nt the l!ook Store of VVM. R. PFRRY, Tn Ann Arboi, Lower Villnne. Drcrmbcr í). 184J. 34 ],?WOOI, WASTBD. rMllfc: SüWrlb'erá vt'M pay Caih lor V„O, ai X ilicir loro. No. 11 tí JeflereiMi Avenue.- Grcai cnre shuuUl be takon by Wool-Grovvc. .11 clc.'insiüg ilitiir Wool, iuid piittine it u fui niíirkct. Miiny Farmers are in the li;.bn o cü. ing iheir Wool without wnshing, w Indi rcndtrs it uniiicrcli.ititahlu. it be well wnslied. ik! rollod is ijgUi os posible, iuside out, and fastened with ü streng cord. Thoso havingWüol to sell wil] consult ihcir inlere&t by caJIing on us lielbre selling. TVEW GOODS. WEnrenow reeëiving uur Spring stock of Oo.xJh, wlucli we oiTcr Tor CiibJi or Proiluce, at tlio vcry lowost inarke piTceL ÖWlTff, (iLOVER c DW1GIIT. Detroit. May. 1 c?45. 213-tf pollard" TEMPERAICE HOUSE, BY L. D. 6 O. WEYBURN.Xrartic Stcamfjoat and Pocket Lundivcr,liff.ilo. iiUS establishment has du ing the pnst winter, iieen consider.ibly tnlurgtd. and improved with new furniture, etc, and is now ready to make the Travel Ier at home. at the moderato charges of L5 cents per meal, and fc7 Ceuta por Day. Pussengeis nnd BaggHge conveyed to and from the House Iree of chargé. N. 15. Passengere fiom the East will fir.d a Sign lor the house, in the Depot, under which to place their Baggnga. In connreiion with thft nhovo House there is nn EATJNG ESTABLISHMENT, on the Europcun plato. Wc, tlio fubBcribors, take plensure in recommennmg the above House tri the (rienda of the cause, as being worthy ol' their pntronage. C. W. HARVKY. Pres't Erie Co. Temp. S. S. N. CALKNDAR, Sec'y do II. MILLRRO, Pres't Pollen! Tem. Society. II. G. WHITE. Sec'y do E. D. ROBISON, Pre'tY. M. Temp. 8. W. II. FOHES, Serretnry do Buflhlo, February, IBdö. (Jmo- 212 DÈLAVAM HOUSE. ALBANV, NEW YORK. BY NATHANIEL ROGERS. 'JUJIS eclebrated house is now open lor ihc rcception of traveleis. it having undergone a thorough repnir within flïé last ftw n ontha. It is strictly a Tc7iip;rancc House, nnd while no luns will besparcd to tntiko it nll tliat the traveling public can nsk, it is expected in return ihnt tt will receive the pairunage of j)I the frit-nds of Temperonco who may have occheíoii to visit Albany. May 19, 1845 212-6m ïtf ARLBORO HOTEL. TLMPERANCE HOUSE, NATHANIEL ROGERS. No. 22Í), Washington Street, Boston. 'JP1IIS house has undergone a thorough repnir, and it is intended that noruni house shnll ba superior to it. It will be under the immediate charge oí Urown &, Colbnrn, as Mr. Rogers keeps the Delevan House in Albany. May 19, 1845. 2I2-6m Cïeese Feathcrs. TM E Subscribcr has always on hand a good Mipply oi'Gcese Feathers which he will scll in quontitie8 lo unit purchasers and at the loMCSt market rote. W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, May 23. 1845. 213-6mo ñlaple Sugarf" 1. ik pounds for 6ale, a good ariiclü, -"_vf just received. BECKLEY, FOSTER, & CO. Aun Arbor, June 6, 1845. 7


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Old News