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2TI5W. MUSVOVETUS PILL& FOR TtlK CKRTAIN AM) FEKSM.NKivr CURE Of FEVER AND AGÜE. nriHËSK puls ore jxruared by ihr distjniiiishod JL F. KLING, M. D. ufJñckstoh Midi. Ji iil oi ihe iimivy cases in which tlicy h . used. tiuy have given tlie rutiif and . á.iiis'oc iun. Tfae nrop' ie:or Iiizaxls ooiIum: :i nying, ihat iliey are iho very best medicine ir ihc world for the: cure of the olove tyeotiuLeti1 disease. Any qnanüty ui' récuftiihejtdationá iiiigh; óc published- oö is iliu cu!om w irli pi a rij - liui th;it is coii3;dereJ nnecèstiar y ,Öne m'al wil. ániisly the most uirrttlaluus .f ";hrir gie ir vi iiic Tbe mnjjrity of Medicine. How o use afllifri bui .1 tempurnry lelief. merci? iueaJong acdclick mg tho discase for n éfíóh time nr.r} jrt-vt n: irjj only tp i'.xierni.l sppeuraiice, hile imvuuJiy n is stiil r.'igitig, ihus cnuing m;my o'licr naluly.and conseqiii'utly pro'ing Irighly ijurioii, 10 u tureheattb. Jt is trie urtct in this hi.-t n- . t present lo the public aftlwlicineénlirHjJr riJT-uj) froiu rlifii.herctor)ie ufTereii. hu I une tbrtj vill noi niorelir ciik.k nu; ni ii is. bul ftfai will ■ . . i , ihe liisüiirr fi)jrelv fVnin tiic si Vun. airun tui (o fffict a 'pr Y ft cv e ( J'io direcii 'tij b;i sirictiy ioiluweij. l).nv :--ns c o.i ynuv rpt)1 diix aü'i no UuM.'ö'vétn P i í n.f gnitii'e w-iih ut the i ril ui ..signum po of ii;f Klinj"." Kaoh box cuiiiAitii i JU pri&'tiatl hilvt ow di is price .1 ,ÍK,For mi-i ljf Wayunrtjs on.l Lun-J & }lc. ColInin. Aun Adiar; L S:iniiinii am! .Nor;s & Fokh. YpsiJ.inii; Casbins S'-w.'t, L x:r i ; It.i,. fe Diuihaiit. Gñai Üm.ih ifc 'iyr. I. ( Ji... ion; D. K. lniei wood, Ad.-ian, TIn !.;& Y. M.i , Plymouib; Peter ' 'on Evwy, R. K. Sanfbrd, Grind Iïj'.dhIs: ' Gwidáejf; .fpv J:e; Safibrd ílopkine:, Hi)l4fti"C Bdelierá ....m A. Templa, J. fSfiQbCbM A: C-., J:.L-ni. . hroiifihout the.Swic. P. S. All time whó ie .-fliictcd i') a chróp ie Disoofd u-iiiicut reg.d ri ;;.(i . ;u'. even if pnui.mncer) in-'nfil!e byutliws om .cspeirully inytred 10 cnilon n,a nt im reiitlsffc in Jnckior, and j uiil untitfivt; in ut-kmh thwk (jKilfct htalib. i.' nüiüiiead.. beyond ilicowsr of all eai tbly fiid. . F. VlNG, J.I D.ÍFKLL n y? I ' ■■! l.isung oUightun Lr i'1 Klug, of Jèckbon, wLo has ttolf ulvariiseU Lis imuiuabife '-.iusi:i,Yn.a iaiomied isj:c íly lor Ft - ■. te. r'ar B looc pcrioiJ tny inmüy hrife unfjrtunutty teen nhi. W . ■ ■. .1 cacM inJ, '.ven ihe í a e, .■ -u-M uf ík;';sí ia wt-11 i. iiiu oid.át ref ■ '■"" 1.') I l.;?p. -ii af cv.r Ucihg ruIi'jv-.'J, L-m on irj ! of Dr. Kiin' ind ihe gretit -;ï ti tin y pionced upörkiltit l"-iu -as a Ij-i ;; I ilittus' Ijop'-leSe rtöoir, i ijihi!ijUii4y prutiurod m L)X ■ ihi in, tof-k (lieia ■■ .'.;■:. tnit i i directioiií, uiiu ihtíjr gave me itiant rtljei, uid I have iietfn-ec from i. while wuli oiliL-r ■ 1 rrcéived h-n uw■ ii-iii.fv :is-ist.iiice j'i-J lolie!. 'J !)■; Prjje I i'iv nen uJ .r.wy :i ui nie :t,.l in-. i .elin.ii .. i .. tb timing the '- wonh. - il :L ÜPWKE, ■ TÏIEOUORK UPD1KÍ'. V.ns. ■ ' The vegétabje Mngoin i;t -roviilctiby ii (ioc o' haf ii Te ttiili her1)- ufrtifièmj'f prÖpèW lit-j ;i:J siii iéd whc:i póperly ddmiTiisiëfed lo cwiy cn4inop ■! dSséáíe. It will nat te contènittd luit ih;:t t ictjatrW nvemton and ut f (irccied íKíll ro pre. are ilieso nativc nifrii t!::i; liteir ic:i:i' iinl powers e-li.-iil :bj w:,l lirtiwu out and the foeuer .ipplitd; thnt ij pparertt'jj H'-ctf-sitv ro refeoire support; - Thé Pfoprré'órol lh Hwhi Kcs:ora nt, 'in ihe number ot yeara iince li first coumcnced ns prepnrntinti trom (!.■ brigiltal f(Bfily recipe hm (.'cvoicd fi greüt portion i( t;rnc lo ltc í'udy of the mcdicaV vÜ'cct and s.'rensrth o( rn-.l: iit-riiisí-d in ilit cuiiipuiinu. J i s.u'ly iwisoPit ïlm ffsct ot note porfeolly conyincing hini oí me nipenor curaiive power of (dt? iJe;ili!i Ite-lo u- ive. Ji soems penecily adnpted u -íhe caro of !i.iisi:mpiii)ii. Liver C'('Ui[ituini. Afi'uinn. CtlJe und l'uuis in ihe Site and Chesi- Ur li.-. i.-. nana ii i parUcularl leonmiendediWiili i certoiiuj i'i uicci pa untl wtipraciioii wnich cbu jc Ml in ia uti-f .i;i',y .Uy tl..i.,e who hnvc been tí) U uk !.-. -v " ■■ -ri-i k-.-iilt.'i. nf peQUiñory tii;oinii n-f ewiiiy tle pruj rk'ior: ha rusia he .; ipfiuencöd iule.y b'y ihc gn-i ;leaaure ut' inínistcriav lo the reüefjof dKering mnmniry, and hf devo ed sucli lj-ichi expt-iisem iliefaciiM! ui ihiSrtiiitdv, tui'ï deal om so laEgcly ín the qann . : income brely BufiFie&'to ertver lliè irniientie-duilfly. Let thso who dt'. scekiiif! a Blm in Gtlead. u-jo tlio II Ri-siorhtive. 1 1n1 ; rl' eruticte is IVon Ur. Ctiillun, tlie welj Uuowa New York ch mist. "1 Invc annlyzcd n bonHLyif -medicine cMled 'C. Effinkeiboli"8 Ji.-u!i! ii--;.mi:t-," nnd Hml ihil i' w( s nol riintaTti Méicu v. or riuy.'liT nietrfmc prèparaticTn; nor'opiútn in sny ofits forifié. It s uüinpist-ri of vepêtobiê rtintteH unthci'y." JÁMrs il ( iiiiTHN. M. 1). C. BRINCKKRÖOPF N .. Projjrteuír, N. Y. n.ii:(r Fmivi', flencal AjgOOt Princjpnl Qlfice96 Hitdson MttfeKN Y. Kor taf'eby V. S. fc J. W. M.iynard. Agenis, Ann Albor. VI-4w"TO THL VlCTORS BÉLQNfl THE SPOILS. A"fcTHO0(rH mtnif pnipnrationa rn tbc farm . ol OÍMLAK MEWC1ÍÍKSÍ! breinen . eum: (ie public, ciaiiinng to give reüef. nnj even cuie the jnov nsf-icrare difCBQ yct noiio hnve su wtsll nwered the purpose as Dr. Shermnn's M?.!io. ud Lvzetie Tbfcy nieeab!e lp the inste, easür admin6tered and. trom ido unprccfcüüiiicl succes&.whiiii ilie-y li;:vcniet witb, Uid ile rciiiMil; tile carcíj wbicjü ihe-iiave peí - foriiifcá. i ; i .1 y jusijl 1 y b! lijn ( üonij-.iernr iivcr the iraítí for v.iiidj ihey huvo Leen iecuinmemifi. Dr. S!ie mnn's : vilt LOZÉNÖES Cure ilir ivrit listinat cases oj C'ouoli in a few hour.. Tl( v ii íu cured ;i ! DoniEer o per- 'iinswho ui-. e i.rcii .'ven u by ;iicir pliysicians iml friends, airi iimny v!.o have t.=#"n leduceil a the verge ■( ebti pniv'è by spininc bioud, ConiHnpiionrnd Hcctic Fever, by liicir use bové : 'i 1 ihe mse of deaith resiored te ilic hnptaiü . diïH nnw live tú ; !;k tnnli the praisea Jf' .iis nvaluaWé medijiáe Dr. SlieVnian'a ÍJV.0R4I r.QZENGES" fl.ivp l'ten prcVed ín huie tli.m 'H'.Olft cuíco ■ i'rüilhli.'e. m (act tlift anly cerunn VVorui !)s'; Mcliciae everjdiscovered.. öhildreu will fut tiiein ulicn iliev canndf (e lorred io take iaj ü.ed'ciUf. ;;iiJ tin.' t'n lit ilf.rivcil. fiooA ilio cilininis'.iuiiini il' inetliclne u tl)cm in ibii ;'wn;i tient heyonti coiiccpti-n. Whenrlu irenth of the cliltl beoumek ail-nf.;vo. iriii thetu is pickini; ! 'iif nuïi'. '.riiniin ai tiii; treih diw ring aléep. pnleness. nhwu iho Jip3 ilushefl ■ liciik?. li' -'il n-ü". ri t w-Mii w. stiirtin? durinti leep. .':■ urbed lrem, nw,!;i.i witli lucht and ■jcrenining. tfonbleaoHtccoitgh.firtambjywihirit voriiciitu.s itppetite. i-i-l;iu-3o :it iiie g:bnch aml bloated stomnch - these nro amon üie many piuniineiu ifyjntamiT oi wonui. and canbRre!:Le! !' rlu'í-tí iictmparal)!r LuXcoges. .Th, have timer bwn known o fait. Dr. ShcraiaifaC.-VUPUOll LüZENfiESJ' Relieve He tvpua SOk Headácb Pal. niiation i i ad Sckn sin a very .ívw minutis. 'í'í.fv vurj Lvres. oí Spirits, DtLv-. po'dency, i ■ Cojic, Si -Mir'. Cr.-mps f l lie Sroiur.cji. ur JJuwoI Complnints; p the (ii.-pi-l n! ilitJ distressiiiij -i:i'ionis Q.i a nigiit oí disaipation, anct einibLe u rn í') unHttrgy grea n.enul ur bodiiy lüü. - ür. Slicrupiiiñ -l'OOR T.WS PLASTKM - Ts nchnowlcdgí'd [v ni! wfíó hnve erèr bá dit to te llie -■ . 1112 Plüsttr iri lite wor!ir, i[il n eovpreign feureHy for poíio niid wenknrfs :;i t! e back, loiiib. ;■!(!■. n,i,K-:. i't'fk. lnnbs. l'iiiils. rhenn;nt].it. liirñhflí), VV'C. Otl'é niüliou a year wiF nfl Biíppíj úie d'éniflnd. Cnurron ií necrasan . pe i.Iiere arö ijjijiy ur.prim-ipleij perSMjig wbn would (orce h epü'rtnns i hi1 jín iho Be r-irt iul tó (ft PJikVriiwii Poor's Plsstér, wih n 'r 'limitó? oi tus mtíilen nanc oí! te back - oihersarD geuuinc, and wil! du moie hurí l'0-:: i , - ■ ett-ns the Rív.ifcHns Aníhnnjr, „fihtf-1 ic-i.fnca ííf-v. Sfbüitian Sttcei. . fBttstofl, Rw. lr. Mr. Hancock, lícv. Mr. j;e Ftirestj 1 f-n Auron Claik, J. H.vio. Ksq. l!on Í5. i cin]?!ey. Daniel Fan -liní} F--ri od ü Ihj.?i ornninos of:lhe likO iep-, uiafion -ni! be liryíJt'iit (urwftrd. ly provo rite elWr(.y ■■' SIki.-íi.-.ii's prf latr.úotiB- .whía fhty w.-irnily teóojnmetidod by the tnectiol pic1 ';-:. ai. .uii inesnnhcvl q ího prHctice. íml ulieu huc!i uuiverüil annrobalion fcillows iheir u-o.mioiu !! eíasses, we inny uisty 6Jiy tht iho Dr. i lint "nly eiirithfd 10 ïhp nppeitntion rit "VICTOKf1 '"■ii o.-.n lüidv liv cfatin o thepnir. ti.T"' ii 'o )ühiii'. ftrvl wt.Ji rceir ij. Agènts fof Ann Albor. M. ftl. Tliftrrpton & fn.. "V. 81 Si J. M' ïvlnynnrfi," E. Snnnpson, Yrsilitoii: D. C. VViít#cíoit DkTten Pickfnrd v Cmisr, ShÜro: Smi'h & Tyröl. Clinton, H% Bovcr. 1.iiii i.PMr-r: P. Ffiiiick S: Co.. Plyniüuih; D r.;. ... Gruni, Noiibvillp. 213 6in Tiïlac firoperíy fov Sale. TH; Subsóntrtr oilVis :or su'? t.; prrppr'y in tiiii Vülaen n Sein. MtuntffKaB thi Hu. rort-4xvj, utu ir.;le Lcloiv Dtxtt-r V'iilugc, coa s mg o! A Stctrv inA Iiivrat.vr, Hors", r. ftne build ínjr, JK1 id-i id [elipli fv 19 feel wiH; l-UiHT VitT.AOf. Lots. Iihiiji une pniir P!ock. Nine Ae.of i-p oved Lam. aJjoiui ig iüö wei s de ol Hïwiio. Th vfpft'tv wi.! fcild toftthi r. or ep.-jrateiy lo euu pu.cli;.L.tis. -. firDCF.K FCSTKR. A'...i Albor. J Ij '(.!--,, ij-Vt


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