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Judge Lynch In Ann Arbor

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That important personage, known os Judge Lynch, has been absent from our viüage for a 'ong titie, but has receotly paid his respects to some of our citizens and polilely left lus card at their dwellings, and paces of business. At the Township Eleetion in April, the town voted "No License" by a majority of 1L5. At the charter elec'.ion in Juiy, the legal voters determined for 'No License" by about 35 mnjrity. The cotiFpqnence wan that inany of the dealers in Arrient Spirits were compelled to stop selling, or sell in defiance of the Law. Prosecution having been commenced against severnl who had taken the latter alternative, a manifestaron of the feelinga of that portion of commnnity was determincd on, which wos designed, donbtless, to strike terror into all who would oppose these violations of the Law. On Sundny night August 3(1, the store of D. St E. Lesuer, was visited by them, the door and window sh'itters bedeubedand inscribed, "No License, Judge Lynch is after you." The awning before the store was ent and dnmnged. The operators then passed on to the store of Btckley, Foster k Co. where they made a similar inscription. defaced the door, and bodnubed the awning with lar. Thedwc-Hii)r boasë of E. Lesuer was honored witli a visit, lus dor painted blue, a.nd a ihrenlening insc iption left. The barn of Dr. M. II. Cowlei was insenbed, 'No License. Bownre! Judge Lynch " The barn of D. T. McCollum was honorrd wilh a similar inscription: the front door of his dwrlling house w:? vnripgatcd with large samples clblue, ond Hie wrll uted by hun nnd Jl. Dividbom wee defiled by pourmg inlo it what appcartí to be o mixture of tar, turpentine nrii oii. Tliis composition has rendered lite wel! uí elees, for il.e present nl leat, as all cffort to remove the impnriiies have fuiïed. Jr.dgc Lynch, pt6ïng on his wiy U our dwi-lüng. ftcpped a nioincnt lo dépbaitè a con.-iilorabU eprinklinp of liis dcledable conij-ound in llie wcllofL. Dtck'ey.wl.ich has thereby been rei dered titeless. The front door of our dwellinp houfe vh9 changed in ro!or froni white t blue, and we were compiimonted by a can froni hií horor, paintcd on our fence - '"LooK out, old clinp! Judoe Lynch." Had these procecdinjis been the mere offer vescence of youtliful depravity, perfoimed ou; ofslietr wnntonnefs or love nf niischiof, nu citizens woúld have feit Isp disposed to inquirc afterthe perpet ralors. Bot as it was evident ly a part of a plnn of intimidation and ihrehtening, on llie part of those who were di.-pos'f to favor the violntion of the law, to be (ol Jowed up, perhnps, by ful ure apgressinns. they determin'jd not lo let it pass unnoliced. - Two individuals hnve been nrrested on r charge of cimtüitting these cm tro ges, ondtheii exmination is piogressintj al the time our p;i per goes lp pres..


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