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Cgood m;:; and li tiiiv:p.. Í PKEtS i:ivs ! iih:It tfcé rñnfel !■ non 1,1 Dr. Y. Kliwg.nif i&okíon, wb li'.ely ;:.;..;. :.j.'i hia nvlfiuW4lMuscui l'ilU." liíeiiJed expressie lor rever Fpr n loog perrod my Inintly iav'e utíloiiniisiy]y been atíJicu1 I witfa ■Vvi'rami Jrti I i id esary. ?Patcnj Mcidicíue" v. Inríi i i iind, even tlio mast j pular oí' ihc -' a I ! ns the oideSÍ rcflc(iy áiv rifter ppviidiiig uvèi $!5 i de?paired ol eir bélñg iclc;(u. líiil hcarjog pf Dr. Klmg's Rlnscovetus Filis, nn 1 tlie ürom uücct tiu-y oro uc d UjKW Hit Asm - .u a list ao'i Ijppeless rs r. i ii.wiilmJinu'ly procured a liox o! iIjciti, to k ili w neqord i:i't')(lirLcti.uis. nd i!:cy yive me iiunu-.i :nid I line hüonyVf; froni itint terribttf éó w tule wiih üiIht inci.-:itcs 1 ícociverf but ihüiii.ii'.ny nasistanco und rejjef. Tli.f l'iüs 1 hnvt jini-K-inlí1!! (inving ptóJoccd so 6i!útaryán rífect iipon tno and i efrhftí lio. n acfli}8iounfl die public i tboii -r,ni wnh. SAMUEL i ::■ THEODOÍIK rPDÍKK. Witñcss. GrassL-ike, Julv I -i, 1845 ■-.'I-Üm C. BRIIVCKíMiHOFF'S Tiie vejetnble king s provided by the (I ni üí ' nttufc wiiii lierba .of ditíerenr pïopti - ties u:id sui'.et] wUen prupoity aihuHiisteréd lo every cuüüuoü uf disensc. It will not lt contended but iliat it leqtutvs invention unO. wejl dírec:ed skill to pre.nre these nativa medí camems s) thal tlicir rcinediiil powers si. well drnvvn out and the better applicd: thal iá toj a nncessU? to require suppürt.- Tiic Proprie'or ol tho ]J.:a'li Kfsioiaiiv. . n tlie uutnbcr ol ycars aince he íist corninenced i te preparátion frona tho o.'igmnl fn:i!y wdpc bis i'evoted a .rt-ai portion o ha lime to tlu i'u Ij ofihe medical 6&c and tupiigth ol" iph hirli i in tiie cujnpound. TiiVs}udy li :s ijk erect oí nore pcricctly oijinocJog l)i"i os Míe su)LTÍor curatiye piiwer ot ti,c Mejith ïeM' alive. It seems perfec.iy LÚnpicd to fhe cu.Te ol Oon&úmptioo, Livor Complaiili Aethmn, Qolds, Cougns. nnd Paíns in thg SiJ and (Jhesi - fbr Ihese'diseascs it is particularly reqqroniendedith ruiivty.of suocts and sTislaction wl-.ich can be fc-lt io us forcé on!y byjhus v.-im havo been licaled by ii3 means. No qonajdenitfoni !' pecuniary recompense sway i!ie prapeiof: he trutits he s inílueneed solely by tiie greaj ;i!csure of ministerinjj. to the raliffof Bufleting hunianity, and has devoed such greni expense in t he facture of íhis reniedy, and deata oul larfiely n tho quaatity given, thnt tiie Lncome bnrclv su luces to cover tlie inuneiii-c ouilay. Let tfrpge wiio are Beeking a Bnlra in Gdend, ue thc - üeahli Rcetorntive. Tho followlng oerlificate ie froni Ür. Chillón, thc well known New York efaemiet. ' "I havp nn i!zcd n bottle of medicine e"!lH 'C. Brinkerhoíi"s Jleolih Restoiaiive,' Blfttfind tliat ii dees not cuniain Merruiy. or any o'het metallic preparutinn; nor Dpiam in .-!: of itíforma. It is compnsrd ol veiroinble ir,n;ir entirelv." Jami s U. ( H' M. D. C. BlllNCKKlUlOFF. Proprietor, N. Y ÍI,)Ticr. Evr.Rr.TT. Genera! Acent. Principal Office Í)G IIi:dsin stieet. N. Y. For sa'eby W. S. & J. W. Maynúrd. Asents. Aun Ardor. 221 -4w{1rO THE VICTORS BELONG THE SPOILS. ALTHOUGH many pu-parnttons in ihö lurn. fll -'POPULAR Á1KD1CLNKS" Invebieu béfon the public, dtitfning (o give reluf, and even care t!ie must iveter;iie riiceases, yct none li.-ive so well atuneered th lurimse s Dr. Sliërmtn's Medicited Lozenges The y ore iigrt'cüMtto ilie taste, easilv admin6teTed, and irom the unprecedentedsucci-ss wlmh tlicy have met with, nnd the remarkable cures which they liave Jetformed, may justly 1 ty claim to ihetule of tonqueror over the diseases fur wliicU ihej' have been recommendcd. Dr.'s "COUGH LOZENGKS" Cure the most obstinate cases of Coogh in a few lioure. They have cured a largo nuinber of perpons who have been given up by ;hcir i-Iiys:cinii. and friends. and many wiio have been reduce! to the vcigeof the grave by f itiins blood, ('op Eumption and Ileciic Fëver, by ihcir use háve had the rose of heálth res'ored te the hapyard check QnJ now live io gpeak forsh tlic pfaises ol lus invaluablc medicine. Dr. Sherman's "WORM LOZENGES" Have been preved in more than 4C.O.0O cases to be infallilile. in fact the oniy cermm Woni Déstráyíng .Medicine ever disco vered. CBJldrcn Wtll ent thciu wlien they c:üiiii)t be (orced (o tak nny other medicine, and the benefit derived frbni t!ie admmis'.ration of mcdicle to tb ora in tiiií form is creat bcynd concept Hih.' Wben tlu breath of the cliild becomes oflcnsive. and thert is pickiiii of the nose. grinding o{ the leeth during sleep, palcness nb"nt the lips with fiushci theeks, head iche. dir.w-iincss, tgárúne durins i. disiurbed dreatrtB, wikins; with friyht nrv Eercimiiiir. troiible8oniecough,feverishne5..:hirst voracious apoetitc, sicrkncs3 at the stomach um bloated stomaeli - theèe are ainonj; the uiaoj prominent symploms of wonns. nnd can b re licved by these uconiparable LozengeB. Thbj bave ncver be n knuwn to fnil. Dr. Slier ■■C AMI'HOR LOZÉtiGK?' llclieve Bèadacfie, Nervoua Sick ileadnclie. Pal pttation of he heart. and Sickne-s in n vcry '■ minutes. They cure Lwrefs of Spirits, Dtspocdency, F.iinüi'.vj. Colic, Spnéms, Crompa the Stoinach. Stmirnrr or Dow'el Corn])hints. tbey keep up the spirits, dispel all the distrefsinfc symptomsoi s niíitof disíifiation, ana enyb'c : m to undergo great mental or bodiiy toil. - Dr. Sherman's "FOOR MAN-S TLASTER Ia öcknqwledgèd by all vho liave ever us d it u be the best Htrenthenin2 Plasser in the vor!l. juni u suvereign juiiierly lor geins and 've;iktics in the back, loins, side. breasf. neok. limbs, jv)in:s, rheutnatisfn, lumbago, &e. One niilliuti a yenr will not supply the demand. Catition i neceesar' . as there rtré'mnny unprinripled persons who would torce n spurious arriclfl upon th comrauhity. Be careiúl tó get Shermñn'a Pooi Man'e Pjatter, wiih n 'c similc" of bis rij ten name on the back - none ötfers rö genüine, and will do more hurl than g.od. ■Viun such men as he Rcy. IVirius Anilio'nv'. of the Oneida Conference. Rev. Sebastian Stieei er, of Boston,. Rev. Mr. Diiii'jur. Mr. Hnncock. Jlev. Mr. De Forest, Ilon. Anroo Claik. J Hoxie. Ksq. llnn 15. B. Benrdsley, Daniel Fári shnw, Es. and a liojpl nfnames oí like reputation can be brou.httorwftrd t prove irio ellicacy of Dr. Slunnan's preparationa - w n ihe are so wnrnily recoimnen'ded by the medical pro legión, and prëfeofibed in the practice, an( when such universal nppr. -l'aiion follov, s iliir uw ntnong all classes, wc nny ustly say thnt ihDr. is not 'Hily éntkled to the appellation o 'VICTOK," bui .:nn tViitly loy claim t.) the pat ronnge of the public. nn;l wiH receive it. Al- :ts for Aun rbor, II. M. Thbhipson A Co.. W. P .V J. W Maynird; E. Bámn"; Vjisilanü; ]). C. Whitwood, Dexter: Pickfor S: í'üiílt, Sniine; Smiili V. Tyro!. Clinton. H Bower. Mnncheaur: P. Kíiiück Cc. i'lyi.iouth: D. Gregory and A. Grant, Northvil'o. 2l8(imVil lage I'ropcriy íov Sale. TAK. SulLcri!n s,i!o bis proj)crt; in ijie Vlílago - u tlus Un ion i.V ■-:. ni;'-! - L'.-'n-.v l;.. . r Xlllij.. i n S15II. )K: am! Dwi T.t.i.vr, Huís", in oue huüJ in?, ;' ■- :. . 1 .. ■ . , .... lo 6ni purclinsers. THí:ODORE FORTKll. Aun Aroor. July 9. I - .". )-i'A' YSl% rafSfc ! The TrEadcrÁil teccss WjliCil Ülosiü'lUiil; or AÍIireaïing'Tft'lsfftn lms-nu-i wlin nol oul ,,, ts f i . - 'm ili-' otos wiiii-ij i (i fepted. i" v. i i o e m u I , hns có'in in íed líic most i ki : u" il ol rxintördmary ror.iHve ;i.' mic.. : fitbliWn 119 io llio ii (me y.' ilie GIvl.A'l' HEMEUY. , The question is no lonccr C'jn Asthmo h cú '!.'" lt hns been e:i!is'nrioi:lya:i!ifi! w.u■ ii i!., i.;-; cao iiMimlis rb1 Kolsrer'i Oloe "'' " -.vill produco a euro qukker tlnui ajiy oiiu r remèJy n ihö wríd.,and refèrencea cti b"e given iñ's in n-nl dut öfthé city viliü Wfvo eipé i ..üriHi iié sSoilrferftJ vinn. s. who M incü o: all oihcit rcnn di n v..i:i. Mr. WILSONS l.rick l'uêr, rosidingni ííoho ken.N. J.. li'od tri. ! V ry reïnedy hicli tüld ( ïbt ■'■ '■ .'il'-"1": ai:cl llni1 sl'cnl iuoíc fhi ";e iiundrcd Jolbis i:i ciulcavoritig i ■ hulp, l?u in vb in. Fïe comincnred ús■ ■ Olo--.iniii.iii. Jmiuffry 2lst. The firs Ussè to-ik 2;iw iiim relief. u;l iwn days nlier wiid ii 6 c-iücil !.)üiv iii,i; ihe t!iii!l qinnlynl iliis remedy wbicli li-' linci laken linri dnhe ii. in pooJ thari nny md all tlie medicines he had avr Hüfd in bi life. Mis. Ce.II, ilip w,ifo ol'Robcrt P. Bell. ol Mor; n'stmvn. N. J.. wnoAffas BevBtèTy ulTücod witn isihtna. wosgveli up by her physicinns. Shc w,is rèiftoved io the se:ibnrd in rfia hope oí p;i! fiitiiiii her (lisiresü;iiii pymploms. but wiih n benefit. Öne b tUe ol ihe Oloininn so Oír re lieved her tliat she was nMe tb et u; from her !).! ami drê h.rsd.c. r. rthïbg ih had not done beore in uioihs. hns n.nv rtr.inu-J io hei lesiJénce in ftjornéiown. N. J.. wiUl every prospect of beirtg speedly rnstoied. INriPI KNI CONSÜMPTION .i.'iio iis rf"cie. It sooilies troublesomo Coph nud gi.ves refreshing lun-Lcrs to the ihe p.iin in tho '.c nnd s.reiM ín Ihe ches', nd cn.ib'cs ihe per='r to t'.xctorsio tvisüy. while it entirely rej-ioies the se ictiojis of the éysfem ;ind expéaiies rctuininj; r' il; Ii.JMES B. DEVOE. 101 Reade street, bad diiL' l'C( ii C'itni'lainigg of n eotcness in ihe cliest. ccompnniej w'nh a short (rncWing cou$h'; hc alaed mmirr iiei ly. had lost liis nppeitte ontl fe!i ilarmed at hfK situntion il: had iri-d variou.medies without nrty beneficia] eficci. His shormess ofbjenüi and pnin in ihe side continuad b i icrèasei lic usedunc bbttle of theOKsuoni m. mtd is restored to he;t!i!. Geurde VV: Burnctt. pfNewark, N. J . Oeo. 'vV. Jiiy.s. of NVw Yurk: D:ivid Hcndcrsnn. 6!) Lni.rhisi: 2D Walker st: F Ln.,n. .'.-' I'iki'P'.. Mis. Arcliibr.l.l. 5 Walker st, wili HUNDREDS OF NAMES of persons re áding in New York. coiild be given. who nr ready to bear testtmony to the superionty of die Olos.mnian over cvor' other remcdy knovvn fr he cure of oouche. oolds. nstlimn. cüiisuniinion, gpiliing of' l.lodd. Byspepsio, consumptipñ, broñ jï.m'p. (! .friculty of ire.v]iir_r. hbartórfpss, influenzT, p.iins in ilio breftst auri .idc nnd the vari nis ïftcction of ihe stomich nnd livcr. Forsnlent 106 Nnf=nu st. one dvr nbve Ann. nnd at ïrs Ilays. 13? Püijon st.. lirnoklyn Agenta lor Ánn ArbpK . S. & J. W. Maymrd: E Sí-mi-íoii. YjiIrdIÍ; O. C. Whilwood. Dr-x'or; PicUford & Craic. Snlinc: Smiih & Tyipl. Clinton; H. Rower. Mnnch.ficr; P. Farlick S f'o.. Plytñouvh? D. Grogory and A. Gian'. NofijivWe. 2IH-Cmo "IPËVER AXÚ A UE, ÊFFESTUAILY ÜSED ÜP. Dit. lUNNiSi I.R'S CHJ 1'RA'iTD PBVP.R AND AGUE PILLS are a sa!e. nndsura cuic fur F.ever nnd Ague. Dumb f:u', Chili Fevcr. Perindical Ueadaehe, nmi ihe Bilious Diseüsi-5 peculiar tü ne-.v counuies. Thoge Pilis a: e designad for ilie üfieciiuiis ! ide Liver and other internal oreans: nnd the un pnrolcllei snecess tliai hns otfended their Use, in ducefl the proprieior to believe ihnt they ure biiip ior to Jitiy remedy ever offered to. the public lor ihe sbove disenfics. They aie puroly Vepntahlc. and are perfectlv liamtlcss and may be taken by auy person, Miult■ir femalr. with peifccl ea'efy . Certilicuiey to any nüniher and exient tetily ing to the cxtraorditjnry öWers óftíiis metti cinr mighttie inserted. but it is deenied entirely un necL'ssarj'. os it hns been uscd fr several eare by great numhers oí persons, of all condiiions. and "wb e re they have been tnken in accordancf wiih ihe directinns. iliey were O?0 Kever known to fail. ,L0 The nbove Pilis are kept consinnily lor 8i!! whol6Ale nnd reiail. by Chnrlcs Siarks, elsier; Daniel TiiiiIp. IMymnTitli: nnd at the store o BiCKLÊY. FOSTER & CO. Ann Arbor. Loucr Tuwn. .Inly 1. 1S43. 21ÍTHEO. H. EATOTV. Stores 18C and 190 Jrjftrson .-vmue, Sdctroit. OFFKRS far snlo. the Ibllowing goods- itiier lor c :sb 01 -jiprovcil pnjicr; the goode tirt ill rtèw and l'rrsli. h.-ivmg been purchftscd wiilm )ie past ilur'y dnys. of the ïniporiers nnd o( mie tlon, KXCLUSIVtwY KOR CAÍ51J, und wil be tulilai re- reñurcd jni-et: 100 cIicüis and hutf chcbts Tea, 28 btfgshëada Snirnr. LB boxes Lunf nnd Lump. 10 hogfitreada Molnsses. 2 hoslieads Stewari's Svrup, I5J0 iKU-sCoiTee, 5 lierccs nee. 150 noxes rnisins, lul) drums fus. ;"() Ornnces nnd Lemons, 3(lü p 1 1 r: ' 1 Cinnanion, 2"i) puuils Clovcs. 17Ó ,.)uii(ls Xutmegs, 25 kcab Ginger, 1,0 U:is Pfppe and Spfcc, 40 kejrs nnd boxe9 Tobacco, 5 Imlcs Almoniis, ?0!J Ijoxcb $laLS, 10 Iiogshena8 Spcrrn Oi!. iU boxes Spt-Í m Cnndles, 2'AU bantii Dve Woooe. J') luriols (Gwppeta, 6 barrels lilue Vuriol, S6 li;trri-!e AIIiimi, 15 barrels Madder, 4UU lu-gs Wlme Lead, 15 barrels I.iniccdUil, 40 liDX'.-s Starch, 35 boxea pipei, 2 cisps Indigo, 5 barrels Snlphur, 5 barrels Sulie. 3 imrrols Castor O1, %. !) 1 m Sennij, 1 ense Gum Opimn. 11! harrels Spi)i!s TurponMiip. TT The fpllowing nnnied papera will rnr1 pulilish the nliove noiice. insult !n the aniouir. '■'. .. tlóHarS nni] cn'I cbpy of txotice wiili (,. i the paraon ndverysiric. P.jniiac Gnzeitc, Pontiac; Ann Arbor Sime Joufnal, and Signa! of LiIjmv, Aun Ail.i i Jncksón Gnzeue, Jockaon: MarhU; (inzette. Kálamnzoo; Niles Hcpuliücnn. ,iK; !' iimrr. S'. Clair; ('■.;.■■■:. Monroe; Oemocrát. Flint; and Cliatliatn Cint linTti Cm, ida. M i!). i?r. 2r2-:!mJEUOME M. TREADWHLL, ATTOrATV AND rOT'NSKLLOR AT I,AV, And -'General Land Agent, V I 'Ut of 'I'-m-k. .-. r , f ; :■ ■' ' ' - ■' ' son riríí.l óf): ' - ■ v ■ nnfipjn ol Titiefi. i'Si'. mi ii! luiíiüi - i i ; iiñiiig io Ifeal i Office in the Court llousc. .í::'..-.(Kf, Míchigaff. I7-if.Peoplc irom the Country "irisl'l 'Mi DeTtfiii; r puifluiM' ui l y (íoods, Piipiir Hiingiags. or : Feaihor., ■ ,iuu the róunds io ascerin flie vn in; .-ivli's orpMi-cs o! (loods in ciiy. kui .■,! (i io ccil nt W. A. Raymond's Store, o. 148. Jcttersun Avenue. licm; olie door iibove ü.no Si. jmd ne.i (uur 10 (lip 'Munlmi'in 9'iore.1 Tfie unaersigned has inken n gren! ilcal of pains in selecmiij his nniis tó eet lashnuialile siyles 00 (J ilc-iial)lf qualint-s and lic i. coïiCdent tlini his nssortinent particjlorly if éucfi L'Dods as are desi rabie fúr the cuuntry truile, sas complete as any m he city" He has on hand Girtgtiárñs, Bnlzfrrihes. Lhwiis, Rhislia dn Laines, C11IÍCÜC8 OÍ cvrry Mulls. Lnoos. [Siyléï Eugïnffé; Kibbons, rnra.sols. Shawls, Dross Handjcer'chic? Criiv.its. yciris, Voils. Gloves. Hisiery. Alnpacns, Broun Lincns. lenched Linens, Tnble covers. TVwehne, SnniinL's. S!ii'Ciii)s. Cninbrins. Muslins, Mm-k. blue blnck nnd f;uicy dr83 Silksr Bonnet Silks, Linen Combric Il(indkpilii-fs. ALSO, BROAD CLOTHf?, CASSIMERES, SATIXETTS, VESTINGS, FULL CLOTHS, MOLKSKINS, v DRILLINGS, BLACK AND FAN'CY CRAVATS, nd indeed, alniosi every arnclc belonginp to he Dry Goods bnsins?. All -.f which tl 1p gold at the zcry loicest rales, fur Cash. Cnll and seo lor yóurselvés - nono are oxpecied 10 buy if licy do not find pncès full as lov, if not o little utotr tiian elsewliere. W. A. RAYMOVD. Drtmii, May 23,145. 2r.)-f5moImportant lo Farmers. KNAl'P 8Ê HAVJLAND, wouídrespectfuüy inibrni ilie farmers of Wcshtenaw ;md ihc ufrounding Counties thit they continue to manufacture at iheir shop near the river bridge. Lower Twn. Anti Arbor, Threshing Machines of different kinds eompriaing theBurrall, Cndiz, inl Eastmnn's Planelnry Power, nnd Machines d.fföient from any mode n this Conn:ry nnd referred to any other. which thcy i rif end to se!i it such prices nnd on such tumis ns csnèot fnil to 2tve satislaction. Thcy nre deiermined not to ne outdone by any establishment, cither in pricc or qunlity of work. Mnvin Ix'fii f'or inanv ycars sn;nfred in tbè ihcji 'k ihey cnn with cojifidence ree imrnrnd il i 'irk. nnd fnrniers atid otlier? v:sliintr h .villd.i well to c.ill and exnniine ilieir work pi e,; ons to purchnsinp elsewliere. - They nre prepared to do all kinds of threshing machino lep.Vns. on tfreshörtest notice and ttnrft rensonnhli! rerms thnu eny similar cfpnblishnicni in 1 1 ie Conniiv. A.lso Butrall'ftjCPlftbraied CliOVER TBACIIINE'S, wliich separate the chififrom the seed at n ti ïyli' operatinn nnd are universaüy npproved of and used wherever introduced and warranted to tlnesh clennand not break the seed. For ie cr(üicenpply to Roliert or John MeCorniick of Sa leni Wathienaw Co., who bave used one the past season . W. W. KXAPP, T A. I1AVILAND. Ann Arbor, Mu? lsf, 18-Í5. Cim2 In Chancery- 2ü Circuit. Maihew N. Tiiloitun, Conipluinant, vs Frederïck P. Townsend, Deft-ndant. IN pursuanve of a decretal o der of the Court of Chancery, made in the above cause, will bcso'd under the direction of the subscriber, at public auction at the front door of the Court House, in ihe village of Ann Arbor, in the coun■y of Wnshtenr.w, on Satnrday the tweniytliird dny of Aii2UBt next at one o'clurk in the al'tc-rnoop. of said d.ry. "all thnt certnin trnct or pnrcel of land sitúate in the town of Superior, in ihecouniy of Washienawand the Sinte ofMichi trnn. viz: the west half of the north west qfifiitpj o! section nine in town two souili in range scvrti enst in the District of land oficred for salo at Detroit, Michigan" JOHN N. GOTT, MdS'er in Chnnccry. James E. Platt. Solicitor fur Cpmplainn'ni.. Ann A rl-or. .Tune !?(). 1B45. 21H_nHARTFO11B JFire Insurance Company. TUL Suiiscril'or, lyem for the Hartford ï'irc Insurance C'-mpnny. tukes pleasure in lay mg before the public the folio wing c rcular: IIarttokd Firk Insuranxf. Offick, . uly 22d 1Ö4& S The recprit disnstrous fire in New York wil! of course excite soliciuide" in regard to lts effect ■ n the solvencv of Insurance Conipnnics 11 ihui citv, nnd tlic ntMchiioring placas. 'J"he Director? ■ )l tiic Hartlord Fire Insurance Coirpany wc hnjipy 10 assure their ciistotncrs and ftie public, th il ihi-y are propared to ndjust nnd pay nt nin'ur : 1 v . 'ill losse tiustained hy thcir office, surpln. iiid (hl r rent réceiptsj without delay. and wiiho'ü' wiihilrnwiiig th'eir permanent investnients. Tlien capital lomains nmple for the security oí all vh msure wíín them; and iKftjf invite owners of de 8iuih!e property to obtain Pülicies on f;.vjrnble lernis. both nt the Uume Office and nt their sev crul Agencies. Their mode of tr .n'snering business, whicli lor 35 ycars past hfis secured the public conficience. will reimnn nnchinged. Ry otder of the Bnanl of Directora. JAMKS G. BOLLES, Sec'y. F. J. B. Crank, Ann Arbor. By this il will be secn, that the Company pay iheii losjes. Huring the last six monihs ol fires. OUT OF TIIKlIi SURPLUS FUNDS. Since the pay ment of one thouand dollars, to R. D. Powers. of Brighton, lorthe loss sust;iin ;d by hini. the Company have paid the subscriber -itioUier thon6.ind. lor Flour Barrels, burnt al the recent fire in ihis sillage For tliislnst thou sand the subscriber p&id the Company four dollars- a pood iiiNC&tmcnt as lic thmks. during these hard times. All who ara not instircd are inviten to cnll on him, andhe will issue Policieu withont delay. F. J. B. CRANE. Ager.t. Ann Arbor, July 20, 185. 2?4tf VVOOL! WOOL! OA Af)A 'bs-rj of VVonl Wantod by the """" t-ubsenber. forwhich they will pay Ihe highest price in Cnsh or Gon]s. LUND k. M COLLUiM. Ar.n Arbor, Mny Ist, 1845. 2-4w ROBÊRT'-W. VARÏER, Carpenter and Joiner, Í KI blKKKT. 1IK1KVN bVt"KS V.NlJ UaNDOLPII kTRSEXB, PKTRoir. Shop. on th Alley in reír of 'he Frarrklin Colci VVater Uciise. ftïriy 00. l.-r,. 210-HnREBIOVAZi. TUK subscribersluive remoed ihHr e.stnhlisliiiicia )■ eioio reerntly occpved by Geo. (.itui!lo. No. 2, Hnwkins' blook, iind have rc■; v -.'1 dirf.'Ci iioiii N'w Yuk. ;i choiee lol of Favühj tiroccrics, Fruit s, Nuls, Sr. tt wliich ihey wuuli) (iviie thè auenuon ol (h "■-. 'l'hcy nlso comíouQ J5AK1NG lu inesa [heir qld s'uid ncjirtii.; Dejjoi, und k'i 'oiiMini'iy on luiiid at botli tlncc3 cvery ':r;ic!' in -liai lijc. F. I?. IIALL, & CO. A ii n Arbor, Jone il ie?5., 7KOK THU CliRTAl.N AD J'KIIM A.Mi.NT CÜRB Oí" F-EVKH AND AliUE. T ï "li h.SI'. i-'iUs nreprcparüd liv ú- clisiiiiLHUílied JL F. KLING, W. í. " JacUs-jn Midi. In ,nll of the ni.-iny cawi iñ w-hich ritey liivc Lu 11 usod. they give iliemost nnd perfect 3nt8!ap;iin. The prop-iutor hcr.ards noihtng in Inyittg; ilmi they are ilie very bissl irtedicioe in hc w-orltJ for the cure of ilie ;iimve luetinonril 'Jisciisc. Aiiy (ju intüy ol refnry.moiuajJruni migli; bc piiliii!it.t!" - ;;i ? ihc iiií'oin wiiii ni;iiy - but lliut is Ciinsi'Ki.''i lilin i'ii-s.iry One friiil will intisfy the ujtincrtdalouoi iheir erei vi.iuc. i'i.j ri'v ol" Mfdtrinc non in ufcé'nffofêi hui i t .-ii .): :n ,- icll;i. niTflv lilt-akilii.' am! rhfok:n.r ))■ 'ihecnM lor n short liini1 nnd pi;yej(iinjs v .:- ,, 'liinl .ippfiinncc. mwnidly il lijf, ihucaiii)ë m:uiy Oihor inahidy; 't tul cnnöéquentiy pröyiiig injrlilv injirious, lo ui mrc liüiillh. ïi i tiie ubjtíci m tliis iiistMiicr', io present tq t.'ie putiliu 0 AiV.-ikiii' -ciiíim ,-ly (liff-rrti! trom t!i;it Üerefoforo uflereí nel one idni will nol nicie'y chkck tuk chii.i.s. luit thnt will pridicnio the dUeaee eotïrcly froni the sysirin. WarrunUd to tjfect a jje' r-ne f the direciinns üic stnetlv lullowi'd. Duecnons nc.-onipniiv oveiv l)i. nnd no Mufcovetufl IMIs me pcniKiie wnh tit the vvrittcn sig'rihlure óf the nvénier F Klinj;." K;ich box ooiliailU 100 pillsnnd twulve powdrrs l'rice $1 ,0.0. Pirsili: by .Mivn-iids nnd Lnnd Sc Ulo Colhiiii.Ann Arlior; K Önnip3on nnd t'.misSc Felrh. Vpsil.mii; C-'iPsins Swüi Dcxier: linie, S-niili & Duniinni. Gnss fjnkfe: S'nmh fe TyVóK Clm' ion; 1) K. lJndcii)od. Adrián, Thom.-is I'. Mr.. Plymou li; Peter Vui Eyery, Frnnklnr i. R. Snníbrd. Grond Hnpids: V Gütdner. joñcsvíllé; SníTord 1 Iop!vi(is. IIi!ls'!;ili'; I'rlcliprtV frnest. A Temple. J. McOonnell & Co.. Jackson, und lirmiüliont ihe Sime. I' S. All Unís.' vWiq nrc alllicied wiili n chronc Disenso wÜlioui re;ird tn tvitne and nnttne. neii f'priiiiniincd ncnrnhlf liy oihers are rs)ecilully nvited to cali un n.e at my residence n Jnckson, and í will éndeavor to restore thern o perlrct lioühh. il not alrcnd}1 beyond the power of all cunlily nid F. KLING. M. D. Jnekron. July 'st. 1F4r. 3infl9 N CIIANCFRY. SKCOND ClItCliri': beween Philip (-. Johnson nnd others. Complninnts. and tíitplien K. Jones and others Delendnts. ÍN pursuance and hy víriuo ofa decrec of tilia Court, ntade. in this cnuse, I s'i.'ill sdl a p;i!iie auction nt lite Court Horise. in the villngeo' Aun Arbor on the SftR dáy of Atiguj-t next at )tic clrtck in the íiftcínorVn I tliat Hay t lie foTlowng doscril)ed preniises. to wit. nll that certain iiec or parcel of land sitúate in the county pl A'ashtcnaw. nnd Stnte of Michigan, ktuwn. Hinndeil and desciihed as follows. lo wit: beina hc Enst haifoftlie Sonth West qnarter ofsecion nnmbor ten in town two South of Range six Kast. contnining fcighty acres, be the ennic iiorc or less. JAS. F.. PLATT. Ma?ter in Chancery. Solicitóle (or Complainnnt. lia-cd. Aun Arbor. July 3d, IR45. 6w220Wright's Medicated Piaster, Sl'READ TOR. 1MMEDIATE VSE. Price only ene shilling, in order to place them tcilhin the mr a na of uil. IN sliglit ailments. or vvhvré ihe pa'ient prefrrs a less expcnsive article thun the 'Anti'mflaniuoryand Rhciimatic Piaster.' these will be found hihly beneficia!. Beingnlrendy spread forjmincciieate npplication. th'fcy will be founrl verv convenicni lor WKAK IJACKS. Pain or Weakness inilie Side. ürenst. Stomarh. between the Shouldèrs. or wfierever there. is Poin. or where n Piaster is needed. '1 hey tñriy be rendered more crvicnlde by pnsting n piece f rlmh on the back of them befoie iliey nre npplied. Muliiuulos liave licen relievcd of pain and sufiering by these Chêft'p Piasters. Forealent Moscly's Bookstoro. anri by J. T. Stucking, Traveling Agent lor Micliica. ÏG-Iy ' IIARTFORD l'ïrc ï%B:raEice Coanpany QfCORrOBATKl) IN li'l - CILAKTKB PKKPKTUAL - CAPITAL .lóf).! 00, WlTH POWKR TO IKCUKASF. ÍI1O $5U,ÜI)U. rriHIS welt known ;mtl hing established InstiI imior . wiih ampie cash capital, have estaS lished nn acency in 'Ana Albor, and oflVr to insure Dwolins. Furniture, ritores. Merchnndixe. Mills, Wheal, Flour. &c. on very fnvoralilt terms Tlie high character of this companj is well known. aml its extensive business is cjnducted on the most jast nnd honorable principies Owners of property in Ann Arbor and vicinm ■vho w'sh to insiiro it ngninst loss and dnniage by fire. are invited to c.ill directly on the eubsorïber. it lus Store in Ann Albor, who is auihonzcd U isii" policios without dclny. PT j:R CRANE. Aspnt. Ann Arbor. Jan. 1. 18-15. 39-(in. In Chanccry- Ist Circuit. GfeorgeF. PoVier, adu'ilniiitrninr of Oüvcr Knnc, 'lereased, coMplinnrit. rs. Loren Mills. Klijah VV. Moiir,n nnd William S. Wnynard, defendants. BY virtpe of a decetal order issued out ol t!e court of chancery of the S'nte of Mie!' iüuii. I shall èxpoefi to snle to the highest bidder, fit the Cmirt House in the Villaje of Ann -Mlor. Washténnw county, on the 23a tlay f Sep teniber next. n I o'clock. P M.. o! thnt d:iy. th following described preir.ises sitúate, to wit": :tsitu(ite, hing nnd beini in the town of Ann Aibor. in thecounty of Washtenaw nd Siate o' Michigan; BefHnhïtré át tho c;ntre of Whites Road. eo culled. on the west line of section '!!■). n town two south of range six cast; tlienct ituh on the line of the saifi sectiorfand on thi Ime of section thiitytwo. fowy rods snuth of thomli west corner ol the said sertion lo a s'ake ihence east nt r i , 1 1 1 afiglés wiih s.iid section line ihniy rods: thenre north and patalh-1 with sniH seciion line to the centre of snid W hites rond. - Thenceouthpovc-niy fivrn decrees west in the centre if the enid road ui tb place o fx bezinning. Rontaintug thiny-thrce acreq and sixty-five hundredihs of an acte of land more or les. GEO. DANFOR PIT. Ma6tcr in Chancery. Joy & Portkr, SoL'a. Dated. August 1 1 ih. I81Ö. 2?4Wool Wantedí npHE Subscribrrs wisli to purchafie 50,000 JL pounds of' Wool. for wiiich ihey will pay Cash or Goodsat tlieir storo in tlie Lower Villuge. BECKLEY FOSTER & CO. Ann Arbor, Muy 19, 1345 213 ÏÏEN i lüTRY E. G. BURGER, Denlist, HAS removed liis office to Crnne &.Jewett'fc niuck. iirsi room on ihe Sucond Floor. vvhere bcing well propared to attond io evcry brancli of lus profcasion. wou ld rt'spectfully 9a y to all who Imvc not had those necessniy organe. 'I'IIIO TlOI'ni. p'rópëriv auended to, dëlayon longer, but cnll ttp5n him nnd experiencc the eiitc and lurubility of his operaticMis. TiR4H nccornmodaiiug and charges inno case unreason able. Ann Arbor, IVIarch 6. 1845. 47-tf Are your I3arn$ Insurcd? Til l'. Subscriber. Agent for the "Pkotkction Ishkock r)Mi.NV." cniiiiniips to tnluj "bks on .Hovsks. Stores. .M,i:chM)isk, Mills. Factosiks and Baiins. Stocks, Sic, at as luw raiesas any. oilier rood Company in the I'nitcfl Siates. Asseveral Bffrnfl witli thfir con'.wits hnve neon destcoyed in ibis C'ounty ihe past year b LtcHrNixc. the Farinere of Waslucnaw have imw an o1portiiiiiiy ir n 6ni;i!l snm, ofsavint: tliemsflvcs from losses. to wlnch they are eveiy dü c.i)osed, by tlus clemoqt. M. IIOWARD, A'gèri.1. Ann Arbor. Jnly :jlst. lB).r. 2'4t Paper Blang'mgM, B')HIl.lil.(i, ViJiJüw i';i" i, l''ire Boanl f'apcrs. A-c. will bo sold at very low iirict' lv V. A. RA Y MOti). Detroit. Miy ü'. l'4i. 21 .Vfijnq Travel ing ISaskcts, LA DI Ktí" G 'rpet iidL. títnnv and Cune Bags, for salo by W. A. 11AYMO.ND. Deiroii, May d, lLi. 213-GmoJ. ITOLMES & CO., WMOLKSAI.r, AND KKTAII. MÍALKKS IX STA PLU AM) FANCY DRY GOODS, ïtry Grorct'ies, Ctirpetiag, and p t per JlatigittgN, No. (53 Woodward Avenue, ISitrnqFs Block, Detroit. j. h ji.mes. tl.-tn Yorh. ) s m. HOX.MJJS. Df.trait, ) WE mke thismethod t ih'fóVimn our fricrids nn! iuslon:ers tlin.uyliolit the Slalo. ili.v wc itre siill pursiupg t lio even tcr.or oi'm: w.ys. eniienvorinï 10 du our hiü-inrss ujion !. ú int) l).-nor.:llc princ.pli'ss. VV woulj a-o tcul.-r our acktuwleduieii's (ar ihe piiironnge ex endeti to us ly om ciisuhiums. nnd uould ln'ti mc Ki c:ill tlic .'iltrniiMii of ])lil)lic lo n eiy svcll selecied nesinment of sinsonnlilu G'la. which me iirerJ ( tvlmlisnlc ur rptnil at vcm prices. Our lacilfiics Í i '■idi.T.-mi; Goods ire ïinsui -p.-issc.) iiy miij' concern in tin Smic - )]ic nf ilir linn. Mr. ' Hidniin tosidc.-i ifl ilic ci'y of New Vi.rl. nnd fnnn lus oua eXpericiic n the J.)!i!inr itnd(; in lfn( cit}1. ntm Iroin his lioron)) knowlcd'.'c l ihc r.niikci. !■ is i na .1-.! io nvnil hiniseir óf tlio nucnons miJ iiay Incline iti inic-es. We nlso purchnse fróñi itic hnporUMS. Manufdctijicr's Aycnis. and ftoni llie met rons. by thé i;i'k:iT. the paire ns iV. Y. lulthers puichr'sc. thus sjivimr ilieir jirotuf:. - Wiili l'neso faciliiirs wc c in iiklv yiyliial oui Giods ar.' sou! jjjfr l1e evWencè of which u invite ilie niienlion of the i'iiMic I dit stock. We Imld to the ment multna! principie ol ■7;b ffeaiédt nood to the rh l' nuwb'er," sr if you vintto l"v Gaods clirtip. nnd bny a large. qwinti 'or n l'l'n monct cive na a trial. Our stock s ns ex'onsive as anv in the city. nnd vr&ñre roiisinnilv recfivins; new nnd fresh Goods IVtHri ev Y. 50,000 ibs. Vool. WantL'd. lite abo veqúnnlity bi good m?rchnhthle Wool for whicii the highest niarket pride vill hc paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, 1P45. '2)l-if The Tttisses Clark's School. AXN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. MAR Y H. CLARK, Principal. CI1L0E A. CLARK, Vice Principal. RHOBY K. CLARK. Associaie Teacher. M. L. WALTFJl, Teacher of JNIusic on the l'iano. F. MARSfl, Teacher of Mnihematicsand Voca! Miis:c. H F. S11OFF, Teacher of French. Germán and the Classics. THÍS Insnitution has been in operation since November 18. IïW9. Tlie scliolastic yeai embnicing'foriy -èigiii weeks, two terms. comprising two quartors eaon - twclve weeks in ol qunrter - n .'encrnl exaii'ination at the close al ench term - tri Februiry nnd August. 'rhe last quorter of the present Urijl commences Mny IÍ). Tkrms of Turnos. - For thn Englíeh bráncfi' os, $2jiQl tn 5 per quaner. No reduciion made for absence, exöept in ense of sicknos!-. and Oí pupil tnken foi less thnn h ijuiirier'. Extra eharijes are mnde for musicon ihe l'iano. witii the nse of the instrument, L,0 i Frencli, 3,'fH Lntin. í5.(J(l Drawiugant] Painting, .r).0( Pnncy Wo k. 3:01 Board, includinti washing, lighis. A'C, il.?fi per wecU if paid in advance. or $2,00 per week if paid at the close of the quarter. Parentsnnd runrdians are ínvíted lo visit the school every Fridny. when the sindies of ihe week are revicwed- also. semiinonthly on VVednnsrlay afternoon. at readingof the weekly conipositions. Young ladies dcs:rous of rntering the schooi nnd pwrsuing the rctrular coitrse of sludy. wotibf do well to comtnenc: at the begin nmg of the term. or ns soon after as practicable. Bc!'inring to the school aren Librnry of herween fivo nnd six hnndicd Yolunies, and Phiiisi)phical Apparntus, Electiical Machine. Globes. dfccThe Misses Clnrk wi!I entleavnr, not only fo promoto the riiellectu-'tl eul'nre of their pnpiis hut will atlend strictly to their moral depurtmcnt. With ño scctanan feeling, hul w'uh deeptonse of rcligious lesponsibility. tlioy wou ld ive snch a tone to cbnrncter. ns shall ronder ii prncticnlly fuied for evcry station - yielding to duty btit lirm to principio Atnong the Imoks used in the pchool nre. Ahercroin')ie on the irHclIcctual and Moral Powerf - K.-unns K te 1 1 1 n i s of Criticisni - Wjiyjpnd'a Moral Science - Ncwman's Rhetaric - liedje' ,()gic - Pülcy'e Nnturnl Ttnjoloiy nnd Evidrnces il" Clirisunnif - Grpy's Chemie'ry - Purker's Xniural Philosophy - Conile's Pbysiologv - M:a. Lincoln's Roiany - Enton's ;nul Wriirht's Möii ini of Ooinny - Burriit's Georapliy of the llcavens- Firet. Second and T'liird Books ttl Hislory - Mis. Williard's Rpjiuhlic f Americn - Plielps' Lesa! Clnssics - Plüvfair's Euclid. and Dnv's Altfebrñ nnrï Dnvies' Ariihin'tic. Inquirv with '(card to ihp pohool cnn be rhnVl' o) the Principéis r nny of the follmving geüilc nen to whoiu refcienro is ninJè lv Rjermision nncl who hnve at (fiffèrehl j)eriids lind fidiei 'iüiiirlitcrs or w.ards unrier our eire. Rey Jsiuf i. Ketchnm. Ccntri'.ville: Oeo Kcirhu n. Mar ihnll; II. W,n. R. .Inckson: Paul B. Hinir. Michigan Centre; F II. Win.ins. Adrián: D-inifl Ilixson. riintnn; Oardner Wliccler. M 1).. HowHl; Rev F. H. Cnming. Grand Rap'hh: , .lereminh pjnrk, ('lnrks'on; Gen. (. . C Unscnll. Jumes Ri'r'dJnM and Rev. J. 'Beach. Flint: D. H. Rowhnd.Northville: AmrsMcd; Plymouth: Ilon. r.lins Comptpck, Owafso; P Urielmn. M. D.. IJon. Wm. R. Thompson. E Mundy. Esq . .lohn Allen. F.sq.. Geo. W. Jew!tt. r.sq.. Tho8 M I.ndd. Professor Williums. of the University, nnd Rev. H. Colclazer, Ann Arhor. The followinc gentlemen. Rev. H. Clrlnzer. Rev. Wm. S Curtís. Rev. Charles C. Tnvl r. Professors Whiririg nnd Willnins of the University of Michigan, have ennsented to net ns a visitinp iomniittee of the School, to br present when the weekly studies nre reviewed: bui esperirlly to altend during the semi-monthly examitwtions. April, 1845. 213 WHOLESALE& R E T A I L. A. M' F 'AJR REN, BOÖKSELLEB AND S ATIONER. SM ARTS J3LOCK, 137 JBFFF. USON AVKNUE, DRTKOIT, KEKI'S constnntly for silen coniplete assortment of Miscullnneous. Schooi una ClassicüI Booka. Letter and Cap Paper, plmn nnd rul cl, Quills, luk. Sealing Wax, Cutlery. VVrapping Paper. Prmtnii,' Paper, of all 6)Zjp; nnd Pook, News and Cuimistei luk. ófnfions kinds BLAXK BOOKS, f u 1 1 nnd hnll boiind. of cv ery vnriety OÍ liulinr. Memorandum Books. fee. To Merchants, Teachers, nnd others, buyirii in ('jantiiies, n lur,'c discount mode. Sabbath School and Bible Society Dcpositor _ : ,r)l-tf 1 otice to Merchaeits. THE Subsdibeis enconraod ly (lic pjiioiiugc they have hiihcrto retcived in t c whiilesule depariment of their bueincsfr, will tlie first d.iy pi May nexi. opon the biore now oecujifd by Geo. GrcnviMe. frontin'gon Huron streel. iind conntcting wiih their present store in the rr-nr. exclusivelv for n WHOLE SALES ROOM, where they will keep a! all times a full nssortmetn ui DRV GOODS, 15OOT8 & SIÍOES CARPKNTING, 1IATS, CAPS, TAPER HAKGIXGS, BONNKTS, CROCKERY nY THE CRATE, HARDWARE, AND GROCERIKS. &C. &C. 6V. all of which ill lc hoIcI au ns ,'ood terms as at any point thisaide of New York City. Gr D. MILL. & CO. Ann Aröor, March 2C, 1811. 4?-tfVOICE OF THE PEOPLE 'JViose tilia ifá'iu }innit itiiti'ús ..citijilis, trill jtvutr nuil llir follovinic - nrver (irj'urc jniblishul Fucts re.gurding the COA TED IMP U O VED Indian Vegetab le Filis, FOB ooNMMrnorss. COLDS, khkl'MATIsaj, DYSI'CrsiA AND FKVJiRS. HAVING l)oen niinrki-d sunin montlis since wnli o bnd Cough. wenUnfisa ín my cliesi, iikI los o' nnpcitttfj I used VVngní'a Jiufiiui l':Ils. t)Ui yr;v virsf. wili cold wenií il mulii; cuulil nut sleep, ami hclieved 1 wíis in a iiíSiímpiion. iprocufed o Jm.i f Dr. SuiiiKs uiiiir Cuntari, lmprDvcd lii'ii'in VfMinb'hi l'ills. liicli rc8ii):cil iiy lieulih iliin íix d }', nnd I ulicve iliem lo be ilíe tiési remiúiy I cvti uscd H -ftír Oko. V. C4i.aNc.kii. Cuml.iidiic, Oct 10. lf-41. Rxtrací from A. G. Paces'? leticr. diretl - n"rn. Jnn. :l. IHI5. ,The Supr Coved V' Pilla, you sont id'p. pcü wc'JI ;hk! pive ir'l s;iiíst";icuoii. - They scll beiier liian n&yli liavc bfld. Extriici fioin Levi B.'ireii's lcücr. cínted - ('.nvn, (-M.-J Tch' 3', 184b Tin? Pilis, wln.-li I nccivfi! o] -iu h'ivo giv3n snch univcrsnl niiisfncnon wliere lln:y liaviven )iirchiiel. nnd ihe s.ile has been 6o u n i tVrn Irit I iliotilit best i lequrpt you lo send fhe ni solide more mniedi;t:riy. &c. Extract froin VVm. N. Picknrd's Iciier dnied: Monson. (Mnss.) Jan. 21, 1S.5. Pir - EnclosíMi is ilm inynient for ihe Inpt ['ills. Yon wi! piense sennnic liy exi ress nn o'hi'r lot. Kiv ( or 8 doz. Thry frive got d k.-h ffnetion. 1 Ikivc nal un linnd mpre tli;in 0 bujes, nnd do not wisli to oe mi of iliem otie dny. Extraci from Daniel T;ifi & Son' leitcr d;ned: 'I'actsvii i i:. (i.)Ftb. (. Hí.". Yonr Pilis wero rireiv'd n lew sinec. and I íi ive sild sonic of ihcri. nnd ilso iierd sonic )iirselvcs, un 1 tliink very í:ivw;ibly ofiliom. and t i i o y nio likcd !} tlioso who hnve used them. Mr. .'. P. Smiib. oí Gloucrsier. stnies t lint lio lius 8old all. aiid wishus ti dnz. boxes more imMH'dintcly: nnd ihny ííívo universal Rútlsfnciíú'n, ihnt he hns deterinincd t sell no ollicr kind of Pili?. Mr. A. Alien, ol Palmer Depot, stntrs tlmi he was very lianful lie was nppointed Agentfns his wife lias btrn nn invn'id for son.e tune, nnd a box oí these ptlls immedintelv - wns afícnt'for otlier Pil's. h ii t felimild otily locommond '.hese. Exifact Irom J. B. Danfbrth loiter. dnied - Bvunahi, (Vi.) Jnn. 11, 145. Ple.Tse senil me i in inedia telv G doz. Smiih's Sugar Cunicd Intlinn Vegelnbla Pilis. Thos you sent a short lime since. are ncarly olí sold and nuiveiinl satisfaclion. The aboyé nre onlv a ívw of the numerous fttrrs whieh nre d.iily received of ihe gfeai pop ulniiiy nnd íiuroess ol ibis; truly extellen Pilis. They aro the bet medicine i"'r ihe nbovp cnirilhinta th 1 1 nre sld. and in evpry enso thnt have 'been iried have giv.ejp universal soiisfaciion, and sliOuíd be kepi asa familv medicine by every nñe. Wo onlv nfik a 'ii;d of tb n lo couvince the uiOftt skepiicnl o.' til1 iruth ol ihese ns?erlions. 'í'ln oírecifons apíl treatnient of ihe diseusc áccompany every box.immckzo cp'Tj vr.n nox. No SUGAlt CO i f EÖ P1LL." ctfh'be gen aitíé without r'it "triture uf ilié snle inenior G. BENJAMIN SMIT. M. D.. President pf the N. Y College of Hcnltli." upnucvny ba? Cffices devuted exelusivcly lo the solt: o! ll.i.medicine. 1?(J Greenwich Street. New York. N. 2. Water Snoet. Hoston. For s:ilo in nll tlïc villnges and lowns in th Ncsv RngTnnd Siaics. N. B. - No travelling pedlars are allowed u seil iliese PilisExamine the Sipnature. (ETFor pnlc t.y V. K. ind J. W. !Inynnni Luik! fc McCi'ilmn, F. J. B. Cinnp. Ann Ailir.i Perriu &. f 1 nll, Northvule; Tiinuis'ê P. My', h Plymouthr D. C. Whitwood. i)cxter; G. & J. G. Hifi, Detroit. Also at rtítuil in every lown lUro.ügnont tiu United Si nes ni 2.r cenig pej Ho.y. 21 wööïirwoox.!! CI.OTH! ClJoTHÜ TMK suliscnbcrs will cuntmue to nimiutacture FuIIed CIolïï, !or ?7h ets. per yitrd. nrul white Hnnnul for 2 eem? per yard; or tltpy wtll inaiiiiijicimc ilic wout Idt hall tlie -!(tii it wil! mnke. Tlieir Fñjj tory is 2 miles VVe-i of Aun Arlior, on tlie ' uron Ilivtr. VVool will also le reeeived at Scio Vhen sent !v llnilroad it wilj lic ottendud to in thf s:ime innnner ;is ii meuwners wore to comr iili il. Wool wül lic iinimiincliircd n turn :i-it comes in R8 rrenrly n ii enn bc done witli relcr ence r tbe d (I ■ mi qünlitirR ol wopl. WOOL CAIW1NG, wi'.l bc (Knie at Scio. ly 'J'houijis Hosl ii:s S V. I-'OSTEIl &CÖ. Scio. M;.v I, 1845 210 I NTERESTlÑGfo WOOL 6ROWSRS. rIHi' Öubecribura Wouid ro&pectiully smJL hounoo to the Wool Growers of Ann Ar l)irand its viciniiy. tliat llicy toiHinuc llie Lusinessof Wool Car ding and Clolh Dressing at the old sland ot .1. Bcckley Si Co., wlier they iiiny lie foiind at uil scasonnblc lioiirs t Walt upon those who imiy favor them wiih thei patronage. They guorantee that their work will be don wiih nealncss nnd despntch. To thcir old friends and ns ninny ncw custom ers as fucl disposed to t;ive thetn n trial, they wotild say.come on wi'h your Wool oud Ci.otii nnd vve will do yon imple justicc in the execu tion ofyo.nrwork - Le-pric atul terms ol payinprti Twenty (iHousand ponnds oi Woul wnnied in cxclüinge loi Kuil C-lülh. Fihrinel, &c. N. 0. -Give us n cnll befóre purchosing else whcro. SUMNKR niCKS & CO. Ann Arbor Lo'werTown.Mar. 26.1845. 26-ömEeady Made Clothing. AT REDUCED PR1CES. f M H E largcst anci bost nssoriniem of fwly JL mnde cloiliin ever belon; ofl'ered in .Sime, now on hand mui for bdJj, Wholesale or llciml. il the Clotliing Empflrflini ol itie Sul) scribers, consistinji in iiarl of Fine broádclj:i Fiock aud Drcss Con!?. Tiveed aml unión cassimcrc. satmci and jean Krock and Business Coats. Slimmer Coais in great varieiy nnd very ch cap. Cassimere, cloih, tweed and summcr Pnnts ol all utyles and Tices. Sntin, velyetj ilk. valencin, c-aslitnfire nnd Mar8eilles Vests - a large stock ofricli Jind Tush innnhlc styk-s. Also, an extensive assoriment of Hosiery, Stocks. Sntrís. f landketcliihfs. Co lía ca, Slilrit, Gliives. Claváis. Suspeiulrrs. &c. &c, all of wbich will bc eold luw (or ca?fi They would repectl'ulïy invite all. in want of rcady made arn)!!it8. to cali and examine thrir stock be'oie purciwsing els'jwhere, as il luis bi'ci. selected wiili care in (he Ivistern mnrket and inanufaciured in llie latest siyles and most durable inauncr. ÍÍAI-LOCK RAYMONI). (Corner of' Jefferson &, Woodward aven-.ics. Detroit, April 4. JH45. 2j:5-t ' rjAIUÜfMBËRr IN any qiiniunica, constmnly tor snle, cleai for Cash, at tho Aun Arbor Saw Mili by M. VV. QUACKKNUUSÍI. Mny CD, 1SÍ5. Q-UG npiJK Suhscnber haè re&..?LL r-.rtl?vcdlli?8p'toMnm Zk 'mDlM,reciop!'?uc eek, i&l W Cr S S'OIC' wï'cie heÏAf fflöfe "'!'y l'C i"um' 'e!"'y Io wnit (Rw& ï &jÈk p wíl "" llu" nmy ive llim Havingjust receivod dieet ffórfi Vew York nn elegant stock of JEWELÜY, nul Fancy nicles, whleh he internis to elí loiotr thon Im8 ever been eold weet of Buffalo ,r lhadij l'uy Only. Among which nmy le ounil a gpod ti88orttnent of Gold and Coinnion Watch Keys. Gold FÍÁ'gei Rings nnd lioeotn Pilis, Gunrd Chnins, b'ilvir 'J'en nnd TnbleSpoons, Sugnr Tongs. Buiter Knivce. SHveï Pciicil c;iss. Sikei iind Conmum rTbifnblcs Silvur Siect:iclce. Gei man. do.. Steel. (Io. 'Hou [{rushes. Cloihes (i.. Tooih do.. Lnilièr do F''ine R.izors ond l'txkel Knivif, Pjna Qi,„n'i Scissors, Lnther böXcs. Rnzor Ktiops. Wnllotts. Pilrses. Violiiis ind Bnws. Flntep. Violiri ïud H;is? Violin Sirinj's. Clarioiiei Rtcdp. Percussion Cnps. Po'ket Piftols. Rritinnia Cnndlc" M&. Waicliea. Leiter S,n..,pe. Sier.! Pcn8 nnd . I wbezers. Snuft nnil I olmcoo luixrs. Fine cornhp Dicps.hí' do.. Sido do . ftrifk ('o.. Phcll d0 ' Ncrilii s ;iikI (iv'f-. VVjii2i.Poinjs. Toy Watvhe (fid D6II, n prent vnrioïvol T,',yS toó nomcrous 10 meniion, Iiendfe, Nec-Miucs. Foncy Boxes &c. Ac. ' Ci.ocks mul WatchVs o'fcVcry de criinion repüired and ivannnted. Aho. Jewelry repaircd on thon noticc. „ _ " CAI.VIN Bï.TSS. ... CArH PA1I) Em üld G01 and SILV hl. C B Ann Arhor. Oei. 24, 1P-14. 2S-tf ALLEBASI'S MEDICINES THtSE MEDICINES ARE efleetiny sdch astonisliing cures in multitudes o! old enses long sinee nhondoned by PÍíjísicinna nnd Singcons as u:terly hopeless. thot no iriëdicinea, where ihese are known, siaiul so descivedly high. 'J'liey consist of THE BLACK, OR ALLEBASI'S SALVE, Pricr. 25 Cents. Whicli currs nlmosi univeisnlly. Fevcr Sores, nt the most malignam kind. Felons, Ulcera, Ábseesses. Tumors, Fractures", Cuta, Piinciures itui ns. Scalds. Sore Tlnont. Cliilblanis. Quin.sey. Drop y. Infinmatory Rh umaiisin. Jnflnmmntions !iii(! Swellinirscfeveiyde.sciiiiion. Scnld flend. Acue in the Ettèë, Netvous Tooth Ache, ' Ague in the Bre.tst. Rrokcn Brcast, de. &c. VLLEBASI'S HEALTH I 1LLS, 2ó Cenia. These Pilis have acquircd n populóritv within the lust year o two, which no other ï'jlls possess. The reaeons are ol)vi'us io nll wbo nso iht-m. They turó nll HiHóiis, Semiet nnd oiher Fovers. Fever and Ague. Dycpcpsia, Drop.=y, Aci'l Stornnch. Disorder, d Bowels. or itonich, Jnunoiie. Head Acbe. Dizzmess in the Htnd, Wornis. Liver Complaint, Hijui Burns, Cliolic, Bóyré'l ciimplaint, Genero! Del.ility. Costivenes?, &c. &c. Thcir [nirify the eniire sygieni. leave iliu bowels in a viorous and liealthy condiiion, itc. Scepaitiphlet. ALLEBASI'S TOOTII ACHE DROPS. Prirv 25 t'nis. Will cure an orditruy casu of Tooth Acho, in frnm tluee to icn niirñíti-8. For Ncrvhus and oihcr kinds of Tooth Aclie. pee Piimphlei. ALLEBASJS POOR .MA.VS PLASTER, Prtic. 2', Cv is.Are worrnmí'U i ne tMipenor to nny otlier rlnsífffS n ".liió oí nnv oslier coimtiy, for pail) ui uw:ikn.-s ín th! n.ick. Su!-. Clicpt, Bowclí, Loins. Miisch'p. rul lor RhtMiniaiisin. Lung ■ind Livcr Con p'üiitifi, Couglis, CoJds, Astfmin, Sif. SrtJ i'.'i nipliíei . N, 15. - Pirase to ask the apent fot a pnntplilei' whirli gi(s all.ilie intoi matiou Dcpeseary ispéame il:e óf the iW (Jícixí--. iïic viniics 'liey vis-sets, etc. Piense to ollnw diirctioi.s m ilie usr of ihc tiKidicinf s, aiui jol nmy icly upoii nl! idn! i promiscd. A lilfi;t (liKCoum iikkIc to niercliants nnd oth era. yhn Inv toscll pepin. LYMAN W. (II JïFRT. Vroprirtor. 'lmlesjilc Drncyisi. y 14. Kiilion t=i. -N. Y. Cr'For sale by ilie ulisciiler, who Ims het-n nppoin'fd grnotal üfenf for the Cit if I) tnit nnd its vk-inity. Countiy dealers supplied on lüicr.ii tel tns, ('. MORSE. MichiL'nn lii k Stor. Thn nlxr-e medicines art lor snlc ;n ifio !mik Stoieof VM. R. PFRRY, Tn Ann Arboi, Lovvcr Village. T)rcen'ber O 184'. 34 ly Siatc o! Micliirati. tie .irruii cotirt 'or tlic onuiiy of W.-ish'enaw. of the June Tem. A. Ü. I. -!.-,. WingTabcr, ) va . [ I N A TT A C 1 1 M ENT. 'ntlian StUrgeB. ) "]V OTICIO is herèhy iven, thnt on the twen- J.t( ty- igiiih i:iy of Ft'hruary. A. I). one tlioij. nand eilu lniiidrcd and forty-five. writ of nttñciiníent whs it8iied out of the Circuit Couri lor ■lie rounty of WasHnennXv nforetnid agninst tho i:ind atid lerxüiipnis. nods. chattels, riglits, qrediie nVorieys and eflucts if Nathion Sturges?, Defendantni the snit ot Wiusr Talcr. plaintiff, for the sinn oftwo liundrcd and twenty.five dolI.irsand 8ix:y con's. wliich writ of oitachtnent wns .i.ndu ïeMini.blo on tho fiist Tursday of June. A. D. 18-15, nnd lias been returned duly servtd. 13. KINO. Olerk. IIawkiss &, Pi.att. lor Plaintiff. Ann Albor, .li.i'r'2-. l:f) ie-6w .10,000 IN) EB Bi ds WOO3L WANTED. HjHi; Siilacribfeis vyïil p.-iv Cash tor Wool, nl JL rhcir Si-iré. N'o. 118 Jcflerson Avenue- Great care sliould be takon hy Wool-Growe.s in cle.-itisiiig tbeir Wool. and putting il up fr mrirket. Miny Farmers are in the habito' clipning iheir Wool wiihout wnshing, w hich reIms ït iintnerchantahle. Lut it be well waslfJ, iivl ro'ded ns light as po..ible, inside out, and astenetl vvith a sirong coid. filóse having Wool to geil will consult their interest by balling on us beforc selling. WEW OODS. WE are now receiving our Spring stock o. Goode, which wc offer for Cash or Pro duce, at the very lowost narkci pricce. SMJTM. GLOVER & DW1GHT. Detroit. May, 18-15. 213-tf NEW ARRA]GEI?lErYT. REMOVAL.THE Siihscribor lins removeti his s'ock of BOOKS to Sior" No. 2. Ëxchangc Block, ndjoinin Lumia & M'Collums Store, wherehe ia icndy 10 fuinifh cash customers with a new and wpII selccied nssortmcnt of Miscelluneovs, Religieus, Historical, Biogi aphical and School Books, toreilioi wiih hé best nsorlnicnt of Paper, QuilW, Ink, Wafers. Toy Books nnd Stniioncry generiillv whicli lins over been olfcred west ot Detroit, íiinl will 1)0 solri üt 'lie Detroit Cnsh price?. I-Jo lins arJded to his former business a '.veil seIcctod nssortmcnt of Fnmily Groreries. wliich lie will exchangc for Cash or most kinds of produce. W.intod- Eggs. Beeswnx nnd Tnllow. Rcmember the siorc, two doors froni tlio Flouring Mi II. WM. R. PKRRY. Ann Aihor. Lowcr Viltage, June 6, 1845. 7t cese Feathers. T'IF, Siibsciilior rtlways n hnnd n good bupplvofGcrs? Fcnthere wluch he will eell in quantitio8 lo snit ptuchnyers and at the lowest iiiüikfH rote. ;.,! W. A. RAYM0ND. Detroit. Mnv 23. La45. 2_l3-fim. ""MapícñSár! 1r-v-v for sute, a good aruclc, x 11 v illf! rroeivcd. i:fa;klky. foster, & co. Ann Ailior. June (i, 8'í1 C nTlirÉslírSTE W A RT, ATTORNEY ANO COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, JEFKEHSON AVENUE DETROIT. Blank Dccds and Ulortgagcs? WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL, torwileb BECKLEY, FOSTER &- Co. Murch 20. J845.


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