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SOBCfiTSZÜSTG EJSW. .1 [SCO FJST CS WitH TOR TUK CKRTA1N AM ííiíttANBNT ORE OF FEVEll AND AGÜE. TBBSK pilla are preponed by tl distinsuialied. F. KLING, IW. L). oTJ_ackn Midi. Iii all of tho mnny whfch i!ny li.:e been used. they hae glven ihe most entrre mul perfect 8ntisrno:ion. The prop'ic:of hazards nothing in aying, that they are the vcry best rnetliriiü n the world fur the cure of ihe above mentioned Any qunniity of reeommendatianu mih: bo publislied- as is the cus:om wirh many - !ui thnt ia. consider:'d unnecessar One f r: : l wili pntisiy the most ihcredtilo'usof their rrei: vitue. The mnjority of Medicine now in DSfftffförd hut a tempornry relief, merely breakinsr and check - ing the discase lor a short timo nnd prevcivin only itf externnl appearance, wbila tnwurdly u is still racmg, thus ci-isintr many o.lmr rhalfldyj and conscquoiniy provipg liiglily injnrious, tu future healih. Ii is the ukjeel in liiií insi;i:" ,., tl, present to the public a hlerlicincentirely (l.fT.Toni from that horetofore ófiréd, and uno thai wil! nol nicre'y cukck TftK cmi.i.s. lui th:t w i 1 1 crhdicaíq the disense entirely from the systcin. WhrrhUted to effect u pof et citre f the direc:ions nrc stricily followud. Direciions aoconipanjr oveiv box and no Muscoetus Puls are gentiine wiili out the writtcn signature of the nvejucr "F Kling." Kach box cODtains 10U pillsaad twelvc powders price $1,00. For snlo by M ivnards nnd Lund &, Mc Collum.Ann Arhor; E Sanipson and Norm& Fclch. Ypsilanti; C.issins Swifi Doxter; Hnle. Soiith & Dnnham. Gns3 Lakei Sinnh &. TvmI. Clin ton; D. K. Underwood. Adrián, ThonmsP. Mñy, Plymou-h; Peter Van Kvcry. S. R. Sanford, Grand Rnpidsi F Gardner, Johosville; Safford I],).Uin. Hillsdale: RelcherA: Erneat, A. Temple, J. McConnplI & Co., Jackson, and thronguout the Siate. S. AH those who are nfílicred witli a chronJC Diseae wühout reirnrd t.- name ami nnture. even if pronnimct'il incurable byothersare respectfully invitod to ciill on me al niy resiclence ín Jacksin, and i will endeavor to restore ilícito perfect healtb. iTno.t already bcyond tlie power of all earthly aid. F. KLING. M. D. Jackfon, July Ut) 1S4r. 3m2l9 In Chanccry- lst Carcuitf. GeorgeF. Porter, a.dmimstrator ofOfiver Kano, deceased. complainañt, rg. Lorcn Mifls, Elijan W. Morcnn anil William S. Mayctard, defendnni?. BY virtoe of a deoretftl order tssoèB nut ot the cotirt of chniicery of the State of Michigan, I sliall exposé to s.-i!e to the bigboévbiddetj ui the Ciiurt Floue n ihe 'i!i.iire of Ann Albor, Washten.rt coun'r. on ibe 2-'d dij' of September nest, at 1 o'clock. 1'. M.. of thnt d;iy. t tic following lesciibed premiees sitúate, to wit: "sitúate, Iving and LeinLr in the town of Aun Atbor, ín thecounty of Waslitcn.iw nnd Stntn ( Michie'in: Bcg'nmina at thn centre of .Whitrs Road, so callcd. on the wrst line üf section 'J!l. in town tv.-o south oí ruire eix cn-?; therue souih on the lino of the Bojtl f.cticn ju] on ihe Jine ofaeciion thiriy-two. Ibrty roils souin of.thrEouth west corner o! tho said section lo n s'nke; lliencc eat ut right ongjee uii s:iid seciiim'jlino thiriy ruds: thence north ánd jnr.-ií lel wiih said section line to t'se cenire of rn-d Whites' rond. - Thence south pfvri.M fiw denrees west-ói t!ic centre of ihe sti ro-i'i to the place of be&thning, containtiic thirty-thier ncres and pi.xty-five hundredths of an acre of Inml more or les. PEO, DANFORFH, Master in Chancery. JOY & PuRTI.R. Sol's. Üated. August II th. 1845. 224"TO THE "viCTORS BELONG THE SPOILS." ALTHOUCJii inany pu [nrntiotis m the lorm . of TÖPULAH "..LHCINi.S" hnve'ueen before the public, cluiming lo give reücf, nncl even cure the most invrterate diut-nsps. yet Btfoi have so well gnswèced the púrpoM as Dr. Shertnan's Mutlic :tud Lozengcs Tliey nrc agrceablf to the tnsic. ensilv odministered, anJ lroni the unprecedentetl suceess wliieli ihey hrtva met wi;h. and the remurkable cures vtbicb th-y have performed, may justly lny cinini to theuiïo of Conqueror over the djseasps fr whicli they have been recommended. Dr. Sherman's "COT'GFI LOZENGES" Cure the mest obstinate cosës of Cough in n few hours. They hnve cured a large nninber of pereons who have Leen givc-n p liy ;heir physicians and friends. and m.iny who have Leen red y eed to the verge of the gravé by gpitting blood, Consumption nnd Heetic Fever, by their use heve liad the rose of ben th restored to the hagnard check atv! now live to spenk fonh tlie praiscsoi bis invahnlilc medici oo. Dr. Shnrman's "WORM LOZENGtlS" Have riL-on preved in more than 40.000 enset to be ir.fallitile. in fact tin, only certain Worm Destroying Medicine ever disco vcred. Children will eat liieni when íhcv Cínnnt be forced to takt any other modicinu, and tlie benefit derived froni the admtnisrration of medicine to tliem in thifforni is {jreat heynd öonceptjen. Whcn the breaih of the cliild becoiue6 offensive, and there is pickiii'4 ofthe nosc. grinding of the teoih during sleep, pileness nbout he lips with flnshtf! cheeks. heajjjclie. drowsincss, starting durinc eleep. disairbed dreatns. awakin" wiili (rjgbiand screaming, troub!esornccotigh.feverishness,tliirst. voraciou8 apoetite. sickness at ifiè sfómachiind bloatod storaaefi - these nre aniong the inanj prominent symptoms of wurms, and can be re jieved by these incomparable Lo.unrts. Thei have never bci-n knonn to fail. Dr. Sherman í "CAMPHOR LÜZF.NGE3" Relieve Hcidachc, Netvoua Sick Headache. Pal pitation of he henrt. and Sicknefs in a very fc niintuos. They cure Lowr ees of Spirits, h .-- porduncy, Faintness, Colic, Spaenis, Grampa q the Stomach, Sumincr or Bowel Coinntaints they keep up the spirits, dispel nll the disíressinL eympiomsof a nightof dissipation. ano cnablc i person to undurgo great mental or boduy toil. - Dr. Sherman's -l'OOR MA'S PLASTER Is acknowledgcil by all wlio iiavc bíter U3 d it t be the best strnngiheninu Piaster in ihc world and a sovereign remesiy for pains and U' tlie back( luine, side, breast, neek, limbs joints, rlieuniatism, lumbago, &c. One millioi a ye.-ir will not supply the demand. Caution i necessin . as ihere are many unprincipled persona v!io wotild (orce a spurious arffcífl upon lh commnnity. Be careff.l to eet Sherninn's Poe; Man'8 Plnster. wi'h a 'ƒ s'tmtle" of hts wrii ten name on the back - none others are genuine. and will do more luirt tlian good. "Whon sucli men as the Rev. Darius Amhnny. of ihc Onciilu Conference Rcv. Sebastian Snoet er, of Boston. Rev. Mr. Dunbar, Mr. flancock. Rev Mr. De Forast, IIrn. Aaron Clik. .1. Hoxie, Esq. f Ion B. B. Bcardsley, Daniel Fan elinw, Esq. and a host of name3 ofthe like repuiaiion can be broulu forward t provo ihe t-Uicacy of Dr. Shennán'a preparation - whon üièj are so warnily recötnmerwlèd by tlie medical pro fession, iiid p-rseribed in the pr;ic(i.e. anH wheu sucli universa] npprobaUon followa their nsc amon all dassesj we mny jnstly sny thnt tli D". w hot önly entilled to ihc appetliHön o 4VICTOíl," Lmt can fnirly biy claim 10 the patronage of the public, an.l v.ill rrcoive it. Agt'nts for Ann Arbor, H. M. Thompson S. Co.. W. S. & J. W. Maynard; E. Sampson. Ypsilarüi; D. C. Whiiwood. Dexter: PfcfcfoH t Craig, S;iiine; Smitfi &, 7'yrol. Clinton, i! 15ovcr, Manchestfr: P. Fan'ick &. Co.. Plymouth; D. Grcgory and A. Grant,'Northvill. ________ ?i.S -firn Ín CEiancery- Sd Circuii. Matliew N. Tillo!tM)n, (Jomiianiant, vs Frederick P. Townsend. Defondnnt. IN piirsiiiri'jc o! a döcrétaJ o'der of ihe Court of Cijancry. mn !; in rfe abovo COQM will b( bu d luirier die diceciion of the e:ii-cribcr, al public atii-ti.;:i ut front door of the Court Housp. in-the viHtge-of-Aun Arbor, in the counly of Voshten&w, on Saturday tfiü twintyi third day of Auefnst next at one o'clo(k in ihe afternoon. of snid dt'r i4all that cerrnn írncl or parcel of land dituate in the town of Superior, ir: thecounty of VVasIi'enawand the Siatc of .Mie'iigan, viz: the west hnll of (he north west qnarior of pnetion niü? in urjvn two south in range even oast in ih District of land offered for saté at Detroit, Michigax" JOHN N. GOTT, Mna'.prin Clnncory. Jime? E. Platt. SoKeitor for Complainnnt. Ann Arbor, Jurje 30, 1845. OP-_pw Tlie ahove snlc is postponecl uniil Reptombéi 3tb, 115. at il)' .ame hour nnd JOHN N. GOTT. Mast.r in Aug. 23. 184. Chancery.f í-rSv jf - T5ac Woiidcrful Succcss WHICII Dr. Folders' Olosioniiri. or Allblèating lina mci wiw noi only ín itssale. lm ntso in ílie euros whk-li t h.-is el fectí-'d. in persons wJiO wc e in a hopeWs con.::i.n. has corívinced ilie most skepiical ol it.exirnordinnry curativo propóríWJ. nd escnhliííwd üs dataria to ihe ñamo o) lite GKEAT REMF.DY. Thfrfltiestjon is no lonsrcr nskei.:íCun Asthtna ,c cura!.'" h linsbconsaiis'nctorily seltled wiihn ihc last two monilis tfint Folger's Olosaoninn vill prudnee n cure quicker than any oihcr remei!y in ihe worltl, nrid rofetoiu-os en be piven o'porsons in oíd ont of ihe city who hava expe richcéa iis womiarfal virines. who had tned ioi yeirs all oihers remedies in vain. Mr. WlLSOX.n bliek lnycr. resiJinírnt Hoho ;i:i... J.. !m(! irin! cvf.-y remedy which he could iear ol for 'lie rolirf of nstlinm. and liad spcnl more than nne liundred dollnrn ia endeavoring to procure lulp. bm i vain. He comnienced ubng the Olosa' Jnnuary 2lst. The firs! Iqsc lie touk gnvc hito reüef. and two days afierwird Ira Te cnllod lo siy that the small qnanlity oí this remedy wliirh he had taken had dnp 11:11 inore goodtlian any and all the medicines he md evur iijrd in liis lift:. Mrs. Beíl, ilie wife ofRobert P. Tíeli. of Morrisrown. Ñ'. J.. who WD8 prvercly nlüictcd wftK ístlnna, vi?L.'ivn up hy her priysicians. She :is removed i" íha senbunrd in the hope of pal irüin:: lier disticss ng symploins. ;but with, no benefit. One bottlé of the Olosanian so far reic c tl hor that slio was al'le to pet up from her heil and droes herself. s ïhing sh3 had not done efore in nion'hs. nnd she has now returned lo icr residence in .Morris'own. N. .T., wiih every prospee: of li' mg specjrily rrstored. incïpi ::n consumption f iel dS to is efiecis. It sootlics the troublesomo onuii and pea refieshin{i slumhers to the ! iHnvs ile pain in the side and sorei, ss Ín the ches;, and euah'cs the person to exjectörafé casüy. wliile il oniircly rstore9 the se■retiona ot" the sysiem and expedites returning ïonhh. JAMKS B. DEVOE. 101 Readc street, had on? been coniplainiggof asoreness in the cheat, icfomptiniei] witli a short hacking cough; he rnised maner fiotly. had lost hts appethe und feit jiornïed at hi situaiion. He had tried varione remedies without any benelïeial effoci. Flis slioriiuís of b:cntli nnd pain in the sidecontinued to incrense. He used one botile of the Olosaoninn. and is res'.orcd to heahh. Georcc W. Hurnett. of Newark, N. J., Gco. W. JJays. of New York; David Henderson, CO Lnighrst: Mr McG'nriii, 20 Walker et: F. LaItrin." 52 Pihe BK. Mrs. Archibald. 35 Walker si, with IÍÚNDREDS OF NAMKS of persons resïdïncf in New York. could be given, who are reariv 10 lcar icsiiniony to Uie superiörity of the ■„11 pyer every Oiher rentedy known for i!ie cure ofcougrís. coli's, nsthma. consumpiion, =piüiri!T of l.'odd. rivppepsiD, consttmption. bronc!ii!s,dríiieully of iireathinp, ■ honrsenesa. influ( !izi, poins in the breas! and sile. and the vari oue afiectiin of the slömicn an! livcr. For snleat 106 NfMnu st. one dor above Ann, and at Mis üivp. f39 Ful'on st., Brooklyn. Agenta for Ann Aibor. W. S. &. J. W. Maymnl: E Riini8pñ, Ypsi'anii; D.C. Whitwood. Dexter: Tickford & Craic Saline: Smitfi&Tyroi. Chnton: 1!. ilownr. Mnnchesier; P. Far'.ick t Co.. Plymouth; D. Gregory and A. Grant. Torihville.' 218-6mo To Clothicrs, ftiaimfacturers ïicl jTIcrchants.Til E subscfibèr is nowrecuiving ai bis stores. 1-8. and 190 JefTerson Avenue, Detroit, ihe foHowmt:. carcfully and well eelected stock oi Dk V.oois Dyk :l! t:, &. Woollen Man ui-crfKF.u's IMaCiünkrv. 13 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, 1 ampico and C ii tliasrenfi, 10 tona Lqgwoodtj Campead), St. Domingo and Honduras, 6 oní Nicaragua, Conair.Caro, Hache and Lima, 3 tons Camwond, very choice. ISO barrels Logwood, cut and groand, ]3'J " Fusiic, " " 1-0 " Red Woods, " " 120 '; Onuwood, ■ " JO ' Quorecítron Bark, 45 : Alluru, 42 '' Coppurns, 3) '; Elüe Viuiol, 8 Madder. Onibro and Dulch Crop, 3 Crenm Tartar, 2 ' Nnt galla, 2 cases Índigo, Bcngul, Manilla do GuatLilia la; 2 cásea, 2) '; exl L"uwood, 2 ''I'in, 300 poonds Verdfgrí 15 parboyé Oil of Vitrio!, Spirits Sca-Sahs and A trie Acid. ALSO, Copper KertYeá and Cluheis' Screws, Tenter Mouli . .Incksand Bruhe9, Prcra Papers. Card Cleancrs, eawftr'fl Sheers. Nippersand Burlmp frons. Coinb Pintes, Pickers and Robbins, VVire. Wurstcd and Cotton Harneas, Steel nnd Cañe : i '-. limad P.iwcr, I land Loom and Fly Simt:eis. Steel and Copper Máils Emery. &c. Pnrson'e Sbaring Machinas. 4.G.and 9blades All.n's doúble an sirtyle Cardmg Ivíuchines. Mrtchífil Carda. Leicester. '1 ha ul-ove goods have been reccnily purchnsëd, dnectly from the importers ond rnanufnciurc-s. kxckuüivki-y ron cash, and will be sold nt ihfi N!W York Jobbers' prices, addmn irnnepoftnúoñ oñly; and in consequence of ihe on manyof tbe American maniiCartuicd ínkk'P. will in ninny cuses, be sold at Jifleen . tent lexs Aan formar prices. The subscribé?a ezpeñensá in the Dye Wood tiade enablcs iim to e;iy to bis customers ihat he is preparen h ull timos to wahrast bis goods of superior 'luuIlly' tufo, n katon. Dyp Wbod nnd Dve SiuíT W;irehonse, I8í!niid 190 Jeflerson Avenue Detroit. Ang ÍS, Il-r). 25-4m EXC3M&WGB1 HOTEL TEMPERANCE HOUSE, (Dirtclly opposite tke Catarací Hotel,) BU Ó YRUS P. SmiTH, NIÁGARA FALLS, N. Y. OCnARGES MODERATE. „-Q npiUri !Intcl is situated in the pleasantest pnri JL o( tile vilhíje. on Miiin-etreet. and but n lew mnuies w.ilk (rom ihe Caiaract, Goat lsland, or ijío !'' rry. The loention is one of ihe plensintbi m lile viüüge The House is not ol the lar'cst clo?8 btit boa been thoroubly r;piired, and newly fui nislied since last scason, and tbe propríetor piedles himaelf to ihe pubüc, íhat no House shall be better kept, or greater otlentioá naid to the comfoi t u( guests than at the Exchange ll,..,-!. TJii'a Hotel is kopt upon Ktrict Temperance sfínciple?; u-liirh will rnsure the sirnnger a qrie ,...:f. daring his sojoiirn at the Falla. Evcry ijcilixy in 'bc power of ihe proprietor, will be rendored. lo mafie (he visit of his patroii3 ngree!)lc nfid införêsting. Nií.gnra Kqlb, L45. 2 .'7-(lm Takcn up ALRGE Brnidlo or Light Biown Stajr. witli a smnll white spot on the top of hú .-huuldcre, oi;cd from seven to ten yenre, ws taken up on tbr 15ih of August, and impounded n ihe Township Pound of Webster, Connty ol v'.ifhtr n.iw. for breaking into tho enclosure ol John Williruns. The owncr isrequcsied to pay charges and tuke property. JOHN WILLIAMS. August 25. 1615. 22l-3wPcoplc írom the Country VlSlTNG Detroit, for the pinchase o!' Dry Goods, I'iipcr Hangings, or Feathers. . vvliile going ihe roiinds to ascertuin the vnrious J lylcs or pi ices ot' Goods in the city, are re.iuest'-d to cali m W. A. Baymond's Store, tío. 1-48, Jeilèrsuii ivvenue, benig une door nuovc Untes Si. rüU next door to the "Manhat'an Store." The undersigned lias tnken n grent deal of pains in seieoting hts goods to gut losb ionohle s:yles and de.-uuble qunliiies and hc it confident ihnitiïs BBsorfmènt jiárilc'alorly of such ioods as are desirnble for ihe country trndc, isas complete as any in the city. He has on hand Ginghams, Balznrines. 1iwiis. Mu.slin de Laines, Ciilicoes of every Mulls, Laces. f eryte, Kdginsrs, Ribbons, Parasols, Shawls, Dress Handkerchiefs Cravms, Sc.irfs, reils. Gloves. Hosiery. APiipacns, Brown Linens, i.leachfd Linena. Tahlc covers. Towelin. Simunes, heetinps. Camlirirs. IVluslins, liln'k, blue blnck -nd fancy dres-s Silks. Bonnet Silks, Linen Cambric Handkerchièfs. ALSO, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATIXÈTTS, VESTINGS, FULL CLOTHS, MOLKSKINS, DRILLINÜS, 1JLACK AND FANCY CKAVATS, And indeed, almost every amele belonginw to the Dry Goods business. All cf wliich viil be sold at tht ten loicest rates. for Cash. Cali tind see for yourselvcs - none are oxpecied to buy il they do not find prices full as luv. il" nol a little lotccr than elsewhcre. W. A. RAYMOVD. Detroit, May 23, 115. 21J(5mo Important to Farmcrü. KÜAyP & HAVJLAND, would respectfully inforni the farmers of VVnshtenaw and the surroonding Countiesthat they cnnlinue to manufacture at their shop near the river bridge. Lowor T'iwn, Ann Arlior, Tlireshing: Machines of different kinds comprising thuBuirnll. Cadiz, nnA Rnstinan's l'lanetnry Power, nnd Machines diffjieiu froni ony made in this Conn:ry nnd preferred to any other. which they intend to sell at such [irices and on such terms ns ennnot fail to 2ve s.ius'aciiiin. They are determined not to be outdone by any establishment, either in price or qunlity of work. Having been for many ycars nngaged in the business they think they can with confidence recommond thcir work, ond farmers and others wishing to buy will dj well to cali and examine their work previous to purchnsmg eleewhere. - They are prepared to do nll kinds of tlireshing machine repairs, on theshortest notice and more reasonable terniB than uny similar cs'ablishincnt in the Country. ATsO, Btirrnll's colebrated CliOYEK ilIACHirVE'S,wluch separate tiie cnnit trom tne seca at n si igtc operation nnd are univcrsnliy approvcd of and used wherever introduced and warranted to thresh clennand not break the seed. For re'crRiice npply to Robert or John McCormick of Sa lem Waihtenaw Co., who have uscd one the past season. W. W. KNAPP. T. A. HAVILAND. Ann Arbor, M;iy 1 st, 1815. 6m2 HARTFORD Tire Insurance Company. TUE Subscriber, agent for the Hartford tire Insurance Company, takes pleasure in layingbefore the public the'following circular: Harttoku Fire Insurance Office, ? jujy 22d 1845. $ The recent disnstrous fire in New York will of course excite soltcitude in regard 10 ns efiect on ibe solvency of Jnsurance Companics m thai citv, and the neighboring places. The Üirectors of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company are happy to assure their customers and the public, that ihey are prepared to adjust and pny at ina'urity. olí losses sustaincd by their office, surplus ;ind current receipts, without delay, and withoti' withdrawing thcir permanent investmenta. Their capita! retnains ampie for the security of all who iiisure with them; and they invite owners of desirablc property to obtain Policies on fs.vorable terms. both at the Home Office and at their scveral Agencies. Their mode of transacting business, which for 35 years past h:is secnred tlic public confiffencc. will rcmain unchinged. By order of the Bonrd f Director, JAMES G. BOLLES, Scc'y. F. J. B. Crank. Ann Arbor. By this it will be secn, that the Conipany pay their losses. diiring the last six months oí lires. OUT OF Til KIR SURPLUS FUNDS. Since the a ment of one thougand dollars, to R. D. PowerB, of Brighton, lor the loss Bustain ed by hint, the Company have paid the subscriber ■■inotlier thousand, for Flour Barrels, burnt ai the recent fire in this village. ï'or this last thou !wml the subscriber paid the Company Ibur dolIa'r8 - a good investmrnt ns he ihinks, during these hard times. All who are not insured are invited to cali on him, andhe will issue Policies withoni dclay. F. J. B. CRANE, Agent. Ann Arbor, July 20, 18J5. 2'Mü FÑTEREsYlNG TO WOOL GEOWERS. r 1 'M J hJ Öubscribers wou ld respectlully anJ. nouncc 10 the Wuol Growcrs of Ann ArboranJ its vicinity, that they continue thé'businessof Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing at the old stand ofJ. Beckley &. Co., whcre they may be found at all scasonablc hours to wait upon those who may favor them with their patronage. They guarantec thnt their work will be done with ncatnctiS and despatch. To thcir old Iriends and as many new customers ae feel disposed to give them a trial, they would 8ay,conie 011 wih your VVooi. and Cloth und we will do you ampie jusiice in the execution ofyonr work - the price and ternis of payment. Twcnly thousaud pounds of Wool wanied iu exehange lor Full Cloth.. Flannel, &c. N. B. - Givc us a cali before purchasing elsewhere. SUMNER HICKS & CO. Ann Arbor LoworTown.Mnr. 2tí,1845. L6-öm Are your Barns Insured? THK Subscriber, Agenl for the '-Protkction Insüranck Companv." continúes to take tisks on Housks. Stores. Mkrchawdisje, Mills. FACTonir.s and I i. ■-. Stocks, &c, at as low ratesas any other good Compnny in the United States. Asseveral Biirns with their conientshave been destroyed in this Coumy the past year by LicurniNG. the Farmers of Washtenaw have now an opportunity for a sniall 6um, ofeavinj; themselves froin lossfs. to which thcy are every day exposed, bv this dement. Al. IIOWARD, Agent. Arm Arbor, July 3!su 1845. 224U ÖElVriSTRYT" E. G. BURGER, Dentisl, HAS removed hisodice to Grane tJewctt's Block, first room on ihu Second Floor. where beiniï well prepared 10 altend (o every branch of bis profesión, would ruspectfully sny to all who hnve not had thoso necessary organs. THE TEETH, properlv uttended to, delay 110 longer, but cali upon him and experience the enen and durability of his operations. Terms accommodating and charges inno case uureasonable. Ann Arbor, Alarch 6, 1845. 47-tfC. MílJNCKliUHOFF'S A rcmnrUnblc n mi tingulnr uttestntion hos (ïst been made by au eminent incmber of tbe Medical Fatn!y ia U ihe curativo power of (_'. Jrincker: oñ" a He;ilih itestprauve in c.ises of onsumpiion, chronic Coiighs nml Co'ds, and l'ains in üic Sulennd Chcst. This gorifleiinTn 'urn pIics his pui;nis with the Kestoiativc, and inda i ubsolutc-Iy necissny. as lic nevci IküI oqv prescription to produce lite nsionishing resnlis renliz d by the use of the Rwiiorarive: Tbis gentlemnn stnnds tmiórg bis fiitdica] brctliren iis one of llic most disiiugnislicd o! ilicir numbnr, bis name is lefi wiib ilio piepiitor for refcrence. There is no doboii bit t har in few yc.irs the leading pbysicinns will proscribo tbis ïemudy. :ind that alilicled patieiüs will U8e il and bicss ibe botir thni it inndé knuwn 10 tlicn: in. líeing a iruly fine herbal medicine it is consequent ly ot more impurtance. ns every one (eels eafety while usingit. .V. njsense ofdangcr asilhe werc using (iuleicriou8 mincrnls. Mr. Wilkes a re specicd merchani iii New Ytuk. used the Rt;siorative and was enred wliollv from a dnngerous cough and o.vpoctoraiion. ''bc Eiülor of the Commercial Advertiscr witli nn eurn'cst appeal comnu-nds ii to llie eonfiJencp of the sick, and bffeciingly calis on tbo.-n al! to give il a fair trt-il beforc relmquisliin evory hope. Tiie lolTowjng cenifiente 13 from Dr. Chilton, the well known New York ebemist. "] hnye analyzed n bottle of medicine cillod :C. Hrinkerboff's Henlih Restorative,' and find that ii does not contain Mcrcuty. or any o'ber meiaTIic prepanition; nor opfurri in ony of its forms. ït is composed of vcrreinblc matter cntirelv." .1 iTfïS ('iiii.ton. M. D. C. ïmiNCKKIUlOFF, Proprietor, N. Y. Hor atv. Evr.RKTT. Genera! Agent Principrtl Office 9(5 Hudson stiect.N. Y. For sa'eby W. S. & W. Maynarrl, Agents. AnnArbor.' 13-JC-iwCANT BE BEAT ! THE subscribVrs would ïrtforni thé Public, tnni (liey continué to supply the Stutc ot Miclngun wiih L. B, WALKER'S PATENT S M V T .? .f CMffl JTE S . The large numbers ot these Machines ihnt bnye been sold, and the siendily incrensingdemand for ihem, is the best evidence of ilieir rcnl v.ilue, and óf their estiination with those who have be come íninilií.r with iheir merits. Walker's Smut Machine is superior to others in the following partieulars: 1. As it combines the Bentivg. Sr.ouring, and Biotring Principies, it clcans the sinntiiest in grnin in the best manner, retaining all the friction of thb wlieat, and discharging thesniut and dust as fnst as feparuted from the wheoi. 2. lt is simple in conslruction. and is therefore less liable to btcome deranged, and cosis less lor repairs. 3. It runs ve-y UghU and is perfcctly secure from fire. 4. Il is as durable ns any otlier Machine in use. 5. It costs considerably tlnn othcr kinds. These tmpoitun.t points ordiirernce Inve giv en this Machine the prefurciice with thoRe wlio hnve iairiy tned it. Amonf; a large number of Gentlemen in ihe Milling Business who miylü benauied, the lullowing have uscd iho Mncliiues, nndcertified to thcir excellency and sunerioiity: 11. N. UokVAKi). Pomiac. Mich. E. F. Cook. Rochesier, do E. D. DANior.Tii. Miison, do M. F. Fuink, Binnch. do H. H. Comstock. Comstock. do Referent-es niay also be had to John Bacon, Auburn, Mieh. W. Rvos, do do l). C. Vrf.lam, Rock, do Joun Phips, Monroc, do H. Dou-mvs, do do A. Beach. Waterloo, da Geo. Ketchum, Mnrshal!, do N. 1Jkmi:nuay, Oakland, tio All orders for Machines will be proir.ptly attended to. Adilress E. O. & A. CR1TTENT0N, Ann Arbor, (Lower Town) VVash. Co. Mich. Aug. 24, 1Ö45223-ly LSM2,-1& ! MUS!! CCGOOD NEWS AND GLAD TIDIXGS.J) ÍFF2EL niys-lf nmlcr the most fosting obligntion to Dr. F. Kliiiii, of Jnckson. who hns l.'itely ndvenised his invaluahle '"Miiscovetus PilU," mended oxprcssly for Fevcr and Acue. For a long period niv iamily have unfortunately been nlllictcd witli Fovcr and A2110 and hive tried every ''Patent Meichcme" wliich I couki tind, even ihe viosl p pular of the latcst as wejl ;is ilie oliles' remcdy aiul nfter spending over 15 I deápáíréd of ever bcing relicved, bui hearing of ür. Klinii's Rluscovctiis Pilis, and the great efiect tliey produced upon the Ague - as a List and almos hopeless resort, I immediately procured a box o!" ihem, look ihem accord ing i-i direciions, and llioy gave me instant relief, nnd I have beenree from that terrible disease. wiiile wiih oiher mcliciiies I receivcd bul 1110nientnry assistance and relief. The Pilis I have recomincnded havir.g produced so sahitary au effect upon me and my Iamily, I cannot rcirain from aciiuaiming the public of thèir'éreiit wonh. SAMUKL UrOIKK. TÍIEODORE UPDIKR. Witncss. Grass LaUn, July 14, 1815. ?21-3m .PO'LL'AÉp, ; TEIVEFEHANCE HOUSE,BY L. D. ÓÍ O. "VVEYBURN. Near the Slcamljoulund Pachct Landing, Bi jfiilo. TPH1S establishment has du ing the pnst winter, heen con.-!i!(ir;il)ly enlaryi-d, and improv cd with new furniiure, eic, and is novv ready to nnlie the Travelier at home, nt the moderat charges of 5 cents per mcal, and fc74 Cents per Day. Passengere nnd Bnggage conveycd to and froni the House free-of charge. N. B. Passen cera fiom ilie East wil) fir.d n Sign lor the house, in ihe Depot, under which to place iheir Baggnge. In conneciión uiih the nttove House l her ei an EATÍ.XG ESTABLISHMENT, on the Enropean plan. We, tlio eithfcribeis. tnko pleasure in rocom menning the obove to the liiends of the causo. 8 boin? wortliy or' i hei r patróringë. C. W. IIARVEY. Prcs't Erie Co. Temp. S. S. N. CALENDAR, Secy do II. MILLERD. Pres't Pollard Tem. Society. H.G. WHITE. Sec'y do E. D. ROBISON. Tre'tY. M. Temp. S. W. B. FOBES, Secrrtary do Buflalo, February, 1845. Cmo- 212 NEWNGí7ÁND HOUSE. No. 111 BROADVVAY, NEW YORK. (Belwern the City Hotel and Trinily Church.) THE Proprioior, grateful for the patronage nlready bestowed upon liimby the public generally, would give noiice ihat his liouse is now in complete order for the reception of Lndies nnd Gentlemen who mny want permanent bourd or tranriértj accomniod.-itions. The New Enjrland House being etrictly a temperaucelio .fie. nnrl plcasanily iQcatcd in ihe immcdiate viciuity of bu8ttes., makes it veiy désirnble ior men of business, as well as all oiher who like quict accomniodations and agreenblo company. P. WIGH I'. May 1, 1315. 6m'12 iVÖTTCE. ALL persons indebted to J, IL Lund are very respectlullv icquested to pay the snme by the 15th ol October next. J. H. LUND. Ann Arbor, 20, 1845. 226-8w1845. J. HOLMES & CO., WHOLESALK AXI) JÍETAIL DEALERS IN STAPL.K AiND KAKCY DRY GOODS, Dry Groccrir.s Carpcthig and piper Ifanghisfi, Vb. 63 Woodward Avenue, 'Lamed"1 s lilock, Detroit. t II M.MKS. NC Vork. S M. HOLMKS. Uttroit. J WE tahe tliis mciliod of óur friends cmi ctistomers tlirougliout the StfiH1. t hm vo are süll pursuing ilie even tenor of our vt.ys. 'o do our Lumdcss upon Kir trid hTohorablè principies. We wou!d nlo . Ier oiir nc!;nowled:iiien!s for the pnironntre ex ended to us f)' our cuslonicrs, nnd tvodld he eave to cali the ntfention of the public lo n vety i kvcl 1 selected nfsorimrnt of' Ftusoiinhlc Goeds. which are oifered nt wholrsnle or retail nt very prices. Our fnciliiics lor perchnrine Goode ure unsorpasscd by nn)r concern in ilic Stnlc - I One ofthciinn. Mr. 3. Holmes íesides in the city of New YnrU, nTid from his long experience in the Jobhing trnde in tliat ciij'. nnd Ironi liiti thorough knowleilfie of the nuirket, he is enabied to nvail hitnseir of the ouoiions nnJ nny declino in price3. We nlso purclinve from the tmportera, IMnnurnrturcr's Agents, nnd ftom the nnrtionü. by the pásüñgigi the snnf: ns N. Y. .lobhers puiclmsc. tlms savinff their profits. - With these fncilitics we enn salely s.ny ihnt' uur Gonds nre eoid ciiK.vr for the evidencc of which we invite the altention of the public to out stook. Wc hold to the great c.nrdijia! principie ol ''t'ie grcaiêst good (o thr. tcholï nvmbcKt" s0 ' Vo" wantto buv Goods rfirnp. nnd buy a lurge qiiont ti Tor a l tt'c monei givo us a trial. Our stock is us ex'onsive as any in the city, and we nrc cflin'stnmly receiving ncw and fresh Goods from New York. 50,000 Ibs. Trool. Wanlcd. ihe obove quantity ol good m?rchantablo Wool for wliich the highest market pricc wil] be paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, 1845. 214-tf The Misses Clark's School. AXN' ARBOn, MICHIGAN. MARYH. CLARK, Principal. CÍ1LOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. RliOBY B. CLAKK, Associate Teacher. M.L. WALTER, Teacher of Music on the Pinno. V. MARSH. Teacher of Muthemnticsand Vocal Music ET F. SÍIOFF, Teacher of French. Germán and the Classics. THIS Institution bas been in operaiion pince November 18. 189. Tlie scholustic year cmbrncing forty-cight weeks, two terms. eóniprising two quarters each - iwelve weeks in ol quarter - u pencral examination at tho close ui each term - in Febiuiry and August. The lust quarter of the present u;rm oommences May 19.Tkhms of Tuition. - For llie English branches. $2.50 to $5 per quarier. No reduction made for absence, exccpt in case of sickness. nnd no pupil taken for lesR ihnn a quarier. Extrn charges are made for musicon the Piano, with ihe use uf the instrument, $S,0'l French, 3.00 Latin. 3,00 Drawingana Painting, 5.00 Fancy Wok, 3.00 Baard. incltuüng w.ishing, lights. &c, SI. 75 per Week il' pald ijl ndvance, or $2.00 per weck if paid at tlie close of llie quarter. Parentsand irunrdians are invitcd to visit tlie sciiool cvery Friday, when t!ie studies of tlie week are reviewed - also semi-mnnthly on Wedneslny alternoon. atreadingof ihe weckly compositions. Young lndies des:rnus of entering the school and pnrsuingthc rejrulnr course of siudy. would do well to commencc at the begin ning of the lerm. or ns soon afier os practicable. Bolonging to the school nre n Library ofbetween five and six hundred volumes, and Philosophical Apparatus. Electrical Machine, Globes. &c. The Missee Clark will endeavor. not only lo promote the inielloctuul culture of their pnpils but will atlend stridly to their moral deportment. Wiih no seetanan fecling, bot wiih a deep tense of religious reíponsilnliiy. they would c;ivc such a tone to character, as shnll render ii uracticully fittcd for evciy station - yielding to duiy but tïrin to principie Amone; the hoeks uscd in thn prliool aro. Ahercrombie on tho Intellecinal and Moral Pt)Wírf - K'iinii's Elenu-nis of Criiicism - Wayland's Moral Science - Newbiari's Ilhetoric - lícdge't IiOgc - Paley's Natural Thcolocy and Kvidrnces of Clirisiinniiv - G.-cy's Gheniisiry- Parker'p fialural Ptiilosophy- Combo's Physiology - Mrs. Liricolu's Botnny - Eaion's nnd Wright's Mnnnal of Bomny - Burritt's Geogrophy of the flcavcns- ï'irst. Second and Third Books ot 1 litory - Mis. Williard's Republic of America - Pliclps' Legnl Clnssics - Pluyfnir's Euclid,and Dny's Algfíhra and Davies' Arithmrtic. Inquirv wiili rctrard to tbr school can bc mndr of the Principáis or ahy of the following gcntle men to wliom reference is made by perntission and who ha%'e at dilTerent periods had eilhei 'Iruijrliters or wards undor our care. Itev. Jsinc S. Ketcham. Centrevillo: Geo Ketchun. Mar shnll; Hon. Wm. R. Deland. Jnckson: Pnul B. Rin, Michican Centre; F. II. VVinnns. Adrián, Daniel Hixsnn. Clinton; Gnrdner Wheclrr. M. D.. flowell; Rev. F. II. Cuming. Grand Rapids: Jeremiah Clark, Clarks'on: Gen. C. C. H-isnall. Jnmos Bird=all and Rev. J. Bench. Flint: D. JI. Rowlni)d,Northvlle: Ames Meid; Plymouth: Hon. Elias Cometock, Owasso; P. Brfgharti; M. D.. Hon. Wm. R. Thompson. E. Mundy, Esq.. John Allen. Esq., Geo. W. Jewfitt, Esq.. 'I'ho's M Ladd, Professor Williams, of rhe University. and Rev. H. Colclazer, Ann Arbor. The followinpr scntlcmen. Rev. H. Colclazer, Rev. Wm. R. Cmtis. Rev. Charles C. Tavl ir. Professors Wliiiing and Wilü.nus of the University oT Michigan, have consented to act is ;i visitins .-ommince of the School, to bo present when the weckly studies are reviewed: bul especinlly to altend during the semi-monthly cxannualiona. April, 1845. 213 WHOLE UT LË & RETAIL A. M' F 'ARREN, BOOKSELLEB AND ST ATIOMER. SiUART'S BLOCK, 137 JRFrKRSON AVENUE, DRTROIT. KEEPS constantly for salea complete assortinent of Misuellaneous, Schooi fmJ Cl.issicii! Books, Letter and Cap Paper, pl.iin nnd rul cd, Quills, luk. Sealing Wax, Cuilcry. VVrap-ping Paper. Priniing Paper, of all sizes; nnd Book, Newsand Cannister Ink. ofvarions kindsBLANK BOOKS, ful! and haïl boiipd, of cv. ery variety of Ruling, Memorandum Books, &c. To Merchante, Teachers, and others, buying in qiinniitics, n hirge discouni made. Sabbath School and Bible Society Depositor 51-tf 1 otice to ülerchants. THE Subscribers encouroged by the patronage thcy havo biihcrto received in the wholcsale department of their business, yill the first day of May next, open the store now occupied by Geo. Grenvillo, fronting on Iluron strect. and connecting with their present slore in the rear, exclusive!)1 for a WHOLE SALES ROOM, whcre they will keep at all times a full assortment of DRY GOODB, BOOTS di SHOKS CARPENTIN'G, HATS, CAPS, i'APER HANGIXGS, BON'NKTS, CROCKERY BY THE CRATE, HARDWARE, AND GROCERIES, &C. &C. &C. all of whtch will bc sold on as good tertns as at any point thiseide ofNew York City. G. I). HILL, & CO. Anu Arbor, March 2C, 1BÍ4. 43-tfVOICEOF THE PEOPLE nhnsc ulio huvt cunsiiriiliiius scniplrs, ictll jilease rrtíÜ Ihr follovir.ií - nevci' brfure B jmblishid Fucls rcgardivg the SUGAR-COATED IMPliOVED , Iridian Vegetab le Pilis, j ■ÜR CONSUMPTIONS, COLDS, RIIKUMATISM, , DYSPEPSIA AND FEVER8. ; HAVING been attnckcd some months since , witli a bad Cotifjh. wenkness ïn my chest. nd loss of nppciitt-, [ véèd Wrighi's Ind.nn i'egetnble Pilis, bui griw wotsb, wih cold dtoats j t niühi; could not sleep, nnd believcd 1 wns in a ] ■iiismnpiion. I procured ;i !ox of' Dr. Soiith'.s . ■ïticnr Comed, luiproved Indinn Vogptiibin Pilis. ( vliich rostored uiy heilili vvhliin six dny1?, anil 1 f cliere iliem to bc ilic best rcmody I ever used. ' Gko. VV. Gi.anoek. Cambridge, Oct 19, 1P44. Extract fropi A. G. Pages's letter, datnd - ATir. Jiin. 31, IH45. The Sugnr Conied Indinn Vegeíáblíá Pilis, you !Riit me. sell well nnd give pool satisfuciion. - Thcy sell beuer ihan any J Imvc had. Extract froni Lcvi B:.rrot('s lener, dn teel - Canaan, (Mr.) Feb. H. 1845. The Piüs. wliioh i reccivcd of you hare piv3ii bucIi universnl sitislücnon where they been purchiifcd. nnd the p:ile hns been so uniforrji ha( I llioujiht !cst to rrquesi you to send me un somc more inimedinidv. &c. Extriici l'rom Win. IÍ. Picknrd's letter dntcd: Monson. (Mass.) jan. 2'., 1845. Sir - rincltispd is tlie pnyment fot ihe lapt Pilis. You wi! ïlcnse sciul me by expres! nn othcr lol, sny G or 8 úoZ. Thry give gord satisfaction. I linve not on hand more thnn G boxes, nnd do not wish to bo rut of tliem one day. Extract froin Daniel Taft & Spn's letter dated: TArrsvu.i.r. (Vt.) Feè. 6. 1845. Yonr Pilis wore receivrd n few sinco. nnd I hsve sold sonie of theni, nnd nlso used somo ourselves, nnd (hink vury fnvornbly of thnn. and they are liked by thosc w'ho hnve tiscd thpm. Mr. .1. P. Smith. of GUnicietbf. Ptnte? thnt hc lins sold all. a.ul wishrs K doz. bnxes tnorc immediniely; and they trivo universal potisfnciion, ihnt he has determined to sell no othcr kind of Pili?. Mr. A. AlU-n, of Palmer Dcpnt. statos tliat he was very tlianful he was nppointtd Agent. a? his wifc hns btrn nn iava'id for Böm'ë time. nnd a box o" these pills ininicdtately - was nfienr for otber Pilis, bui should only reenmmend ihose. Extract Irom J. B. Daiitófth letter, dntod - Baunard. (Vt.) Jan. 11, I45. Piense send me iinmediuteíy G doz. Smiih's Sugar Conied Indinn Vegetable Pills. Tluisc you sent a short time since. are nearly all aold nnd ivf uuiversnl satisfaction. The nbove are only a few of the nunierous letters which nre dnily received of the cruat pop nlnrity nnd suocess of thf so truly cxcellen Puls. They nrc the be.t medicine lor the nbove cnipluints (har ore sold. nnd in cvery case that hnve been tried have given universal saiisfíiction, nnd shouid bc kept nsa fninily medicine by cvery one. We onlv nsk n triiil oí" tlien to convince the most Bkepticul of the trut!: ol these nssertions. The directions nnd trtatment of' the disense accompnny cvery box. rrucj: 25 cr.r pkr nox. No "SUGAR jCÖATED PILL.'1 ennbe Ern uine without the sigtwturn "f iho sole nrentQl G. BENJAMIN SMJTH. RK D-. Prc?iJeiit of the N, Y Collcae of Uoalih." ÜJJon èvfery bo? ( fli ros devoitd exclusivily to the sale oí thi.medicinc. 17!) Greenwich Rnect. New York. IS". 8f, AVat.-r Street. Mosion. For sale in all the villages and lowns in tin New F.nglnnd Smtcs. N. B. - No travelling pedlars are a'lowcd tsell ihese Pilis. Examine the Sipnatiirc. [CTFor snle by "VV. S. nnd .T. W. Mnynnrd. Lund fe McColfum, F. .T. B. Crnne. Ann Aibor. Perriu fe Hall, Northville; Thomas P. Mny, ie Plymouth: D. C. Whiiwood. Dcxtcr; G. & J. G." Hill, Detroit. Also nt retüil in eVcfy löwn iliroughout th United States at 25 ccn!s per Box. 213WOOE.! WOOI CLOTH! CLOTHÜ THE subscriben will con lindé to munulacture Fullcti. Eloth9 (or :',??, ets. per yard. and white fl'aniïel fir 2 cente per yard; or iln-y Will manufacture th wüuI lor halt the elolli il uil makfi. 'J'heir Fac tory Í3 2 miles West of Ann Arlior, on the I uron River. Wool willnlso be récefved at Sciö 'Vhtn sent bv rond il will le atter.ded to ir. ihesome mminer as n me ywners ere 10 coim with it. Wnol yilj bc ii;niiiíieiuif:d in turn n it comes in as nenrly as il can hé !tie with re(erence to the different qunliliesof wool. WOOL CA1W1NG, will bedone at Scio. by Thomas Moskins. S. W. FOSTEIl &. CO. Scio, Ma v I, IS 15. 10 OELAVAÍM HOUSE. ALBANY, NEW OIIK. BY NATH ANIEL ROGERS. THIIIS celebraied house is now open (or the re ceplion of travtilers. Jtisthe lurgest dinicnsions. and is en'irclij new ui all ils paris. Il is .strictly a Tewp:runcc l'.otuc. and wtfile-hq :ains will hesparcd to niako it all tliat the Iravelmg public enn ask, it is pxpectcd in return iliat ft will recfive the pa:ronae o f 3 1 1 thefriends of Temperance who may have occasion to visii Albany. May 19, 1845. 212-Gn. JERÖMËM71ADWELLy ATTORNKY AND COUNSKLLOR AT LAW, And General , Land Agent, WILL atlfiid to the salo aad cxcliangs o( Lan(ln, piiymcnt'óf Taxes, and tedemp ion of Lands sold for Taxcs in Jackson and adjbibiog couniies, exaiuination of Tnks, Convcyancing and all business pertaining lo Real Estáte. Office in the Court House. JneksbiN Michiean. 17-if. Ready Made Clothing. AT REDUCED PR1CES. f I 1ÍIE Iargest and btst ossortiiieTit öf ready X made clothinir ever belore ófTercd in this Siaio, now on liund and for Eae, Wholcsilc oi Retail.ut the Cloihing Emporium of the Sub scribers, consisting in part of Fine broadcloth Frock aud Dress Coat?. 'l'weed nnd union cassimere, saiinetand jeaii Frock and Business Coats. Sunmier Coats. in great variety nnd very clicnp. Cas8imcre, cloth, tweed and summcr Pants of all Hty It-i, and prices. Satín, velvet, oilk, valencia, cashmere and Marseilles Ves!s - a large stock ofrich and fashionable stylcs. Also, an extensive assortment of Ilosiery, Stocks, Scarfs, Ilandkerchiefs, Collars, Shirts, Glovea, Cravats, Suspender. &c. &c, all nf which will bc sold low for carh. They would rcipcctfully invite all, in want of ready made garments, to cali nnd examine thcir stock before purchasing elsewhere. asit has been soli'cied witti care in tbc Enstern mnrket and inanul'actured in the latest stylcs and most durable maiincr. HALLOCK A RAYMOND. Corner of Jcflerson &, Woodward avenues. Dotroit, April 4, 1845. 1 .'!-!■ Cíecsc Fcathcrs. TFIE Subscriben hné always on hand n good ëupply of Gecso Feathpr8 which he will sell in quantitiee to uit purchaiers and at the lowi-si market rete. W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, May 23, 1845. 213-6m.AIÁVAYS ON HAN. TUK Subscriber has re moved hiti ehop 10 Main "hTS Strect opposilc H. Brfck A sfe tir'8 Brvck siorc' wlipre í,o s Myè, wny lc 'ouní) reii(i-v to wh fflfclV "JfiíSi u?on !l11 lllllt nia' eixe liim MWÜBÜUöasflJlaving jiist rcccivnddi2ct írora New York nn elegant stock ol' JÏÏWSLRY, nd Fancy Anieles, wlilch he intends lo ?cll iiccr thnn líos ever becn Fold -U est of Bufl'nlo r Keady Pay Only. Ainong which íTiny li0 Mind a eood nssortmont of Gold and Cotr.nion Vntch Ktys. Gold f'inger Illrs and Bogoni 'ms, Gunrd Cliains, feilver Tea nnd Table ipoons. Siijmr Tonps, Bmtcr Knivrp. Silvcr 'cncil cass. fc'ilverand Conmion Thimblcs. Siicr Spectnclcs. Gcrmon. do.. Slccl. do.] Hm ?rnshep. Clolhcs (!.. Tooth r!o.. Lnflier do. inc Rnzors nnd Pocítel Knive?. Fine Slnis nd Scissors, I.nthrr boxrs. lí.-.zor Sirops. "Wal. eiis. Piiipps. Violins nnd Bowsj FIuicf. A'iolin ud Bnss Violin Snn;'8, Clnriorct Urcdp. fer_ ussion Copa, Poi kct Pielols, Britrnnia Cníidleticks. WaichcH, Loitcr Slnmps. Sirnl Pcns and Pweczers. SnuiTand Tobacco hoxes. Fine combe epsir.g do.. Sidc do., JWk c'o.. Phell do.' S'ccdlf s and Cajea. AVnter Pninis, Toy Wjiiclíep' id Dolí, n ffrcat vnrieiy o Toys toó nurrerous o meniion, J5ends, Necklaccs, Fancy Boxes &c. &c. .Ci-ock nnd Watchks of every dcecripiion rcDfiíred and warranted, also. Jewciry rcpaircd on hort noticc. CALVIN m.ïSS. N. R. CaíS paiii eor OLD GOLí) AND 3ILVF.R. C. B. Aun Arbor. Oct. 24, 1844. 1 f . üLlBAsr sHmëdTcïn eï, THKSE MEDICINES ARE cfTeciing such nsionisbing cures n ni'itlitudes of oíd ení-ns long since atandoned b Physicinnsíind Snrgcons íis utierly bopeless. ihat no medicines, -lierc ihcse are known, stand so deservedly bigíi. Thc' coíisist of THE BLACK. OR ALLEBASl'S SALVK, I' rice 25 Cents, Whifh enreí nlmost miversnlly. Fevcr Sores, ni ihe most mnliuniíiu kind, Fclons, Ulcers, Atscesgeo, Ttimora, Finciurcs. Chis. Piincmrcs, Durns. Sralils. Sore Tliroai. Chilblnins. Quin- scy. Drop-'y. Inflnmatory Rhinrnniisni, Jnflaminntions nnd Swcllinps cf every descripiion, Scald llcad, Acnc in ihe Fnro, Neivon.s Tooih Aclie, Aguo in ibe Breast, Broken Jírenst, &c. kc. ALLEBASrS HEALTH I1LLS, 25 Cení. These Pilis have acquircd a populariiv within the Jast year o two, whic!: no other Pi)s pos- sess. The re.ifons nre obvious lo all ho se du-m. Thev cure all IJilíons, Scailet and otlicr Povcts, f'cvcr and Agüe. Dyfpepsin, Dropiy, Acid Stomnch. Disorder, d finwels, or íiomj.elt, Jáuháice, litad Adir. Diiïineèa in tíie HcnÍL VVorms. Liver Complaini. Hcait Huras, riiolic, I?owel coniplniíit, General Debilily, Cosiivcnvtff &c. Their purily the enlire sysíem, lrav the bowels in a vioroii3 and heahhy conditioft, &c. Seeiíamphlet. ALLKBASl'S TOOTH ACIIE DROPg, Pnce 25 Cents. Will cure an ordiuary case of Tooth Achr, i frurn tliree lo ten ni i mi lea. For Ncrvoue and other kinds of Tooth Aclie. sce Pamphlei. ALLEBASJ'S POOR MAN'S PLASTER, Frir.c, 25 CriU.Are wnrrnntcd to lie superior to nny otlicr Plas-' ters n :hiá or any oihci country, for pnin o weokncfs n the Dock, Sitlp. Chen, Bowelf, Loins. Miisdrs. nnd for Hhrnmntism, I.iing auu Livcr Con p'-iiíils, Coughs, CoJds, Ásilimn, &Cf Sre nntnplil.ot. N. 1). - Pl'-risf? ro nsík the npent for n pnmphlrl wlucli fíiws ni i ihc nfernintion neccíynry ? pettinp lite uses oí' i lie Medicines! ihe -virniís l. ):ssffs. etc. P! to dircciiona in ■lie use ot' ihc mrdicims, and vol niny rdy upun ;ili is promi.M'd. A libi'in discount mnde to merclinnts and olh ers, wl.o bny iom.-II oírnin. LYA1AN W. GJ1 HFRT. Proj.rirror. AV),,,tMi!c Dnnjgisi. 214. Fult.-n m, N. Y. EfFor sale h$ ilie .-u!:scrilu'r. lio Ii.'ih bet-n appóinte'd general npéñl Cor ilie C'v of IVirnii and ts vicinity. Country dealers eupplied on iberai ternis, C. HOUSE, ]Ii( lusin Hik k Storf. The nbove medicines are Cor sn!e ni ili Hook Store of V1. R. PF.RRY, Tn A.nn Arbor, I.ower Yillnge. Drcember 9. 1S4I. S4 ly R3E3IVíOVaL] TIIK sufiscí it)cis Inive reinqved ilicir etnl)li8nin'énl to the store rrcrntjy orcupied by Gco. GrenyUle, Mo. 2, F.lnwkirts' Mor!;, ind luñc ioceivstl aireo fiom New Yoik. q clióieé luí of Family Groceries, Fruits. Nuts, &-c. ü wlíich tlmy would invito the ntténtion ój ilm citizens. They nlso continue the I5AKJ.NG !u-inesiüit their oíd siwiid nerir the Depot. í.ndkeep etínstnntly on hand at both plácOs every articlo in ihat lino. F. n. II ALL, & CO. Aun Arbor, June -1. l.u'íi 7 . ATEí.'.COSTr'" 4 LTv persons inil.litcd io iln subscribers. ej . .lici ly note or book accOnnt, uro rerpiested to cali anti sqtile the samo heforc the I5tli d.-iy of September nejt(l, ns all debjs [unsettled ntihnt lime will be left in tlie hands of Win. R. Perry Ksq. for eolhetion R. ,t.T. L. DAVIDSON. Anti Arbor, Auü. 11. 1815. ?2è-4w M ARLB OROaOTÊL." TEMPERANCIA IIOUSIO, NATUAiNlEL ROGF.RS. No. 229, Washington Street. Iioston. 'JP MIS house hne undei gone a tliorotigh repair, and it is inlended ihat no rum house shall be superior to it. h will be under the inunediote charge of Brown & Colburn, as Mr. Rogrs kceps the Dclevnti House in Albany. Mny 1!). 1845. 2:2-6m Ttlank ïccdiii aiad ftlortgag'cs WHULKS.L,K AND RK'J'AIL, ior wilc by IÏF.CKLF.Y, FÜSTER & Co. Morcli 20. 1 8-1 ñ. O, ÖOO PouñásT" WOO1 WANTED T1IE Subscribers will pay Cnsh for Wool, at their Store. No. 1J8 Jeflcrson Avenue. - Great caro sliould be taken by Wool-Growe.a in elennsing their Wool, and piílting it up fur market. Mnny Farmers are in thc liabit o' clipping their Wool without waflhing, which renders it unmcrchanta!le. it be well wasl JHÍ, nnd rolled as light ns posíible, inside out, and füstciied wiih a strong cord. 'J'hose having Wool to sell will consult their interest by calling on us before selling. WE1V OOODS. WE are now reccivmg our Spring stock . Gooda. which we offer fur Cush or Produce, at the very Iowest m'érkei priers. SMITH. GLOVER & DW1GHT. Detroit. May, 1845. 213-tf KEW ARRvíWGEIflERíTS REMOVAL. Tí I E Siihscriber hns removed bis s'ock of BOOKS to Store No. 2. Excbnnge Block, ndjoining Luiuls &. M'Collums store, where he is reany to furnifh cash customers witha new and Well Relccted nssortment of Miscellanemis, Religiovs, Hisíorical, Biographical and School Jiooks, tOjjctlicr witli he best nssortment of Puper, Quilla, Ink, Wnfcrs, Toy Books ond Stntionery generallv which hns ever been offored west oí Detroit, and will bc sold at 'he Detroit Cnsh prices. He hns added to his former business a well 88lected assortment of Family Grocerus, which he will exchango for Cash or most kinds of produce. Wiinted - Eggs. Beeswax ond Tnllow. Re'íember the store, two doors from the Flonring Mili. WM. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, Lowcr Village. June 6. 184.5. 7t Paper Hang;ing:s, BORDER1NG, Window Papers, Fire Board Papers, &c. will be sold at very low priceo by W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, May 10, 1849. Ííl3-6rao


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