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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: The Two Clays

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AJbssrp. Editors:- Two lrHni!s staring upon a jonrney toeether, w-hieli hd iiirour!i a dniiferoní foreM,-nii:iuuIly proniised 10 nsfi6t eacli utlier, if dnvger shoiild anse. Tliy hiid not pro ccederf fnr, bofore they porreivpd a b?r nnkin townrds tliern wuh great fury and r.ipc. One ofihem bémjrvery ciive, 1-prnnjr "P i1'1 it tree, wliile tite uthor tlirew himelf'fl'it upnn the ground nnd hflu h;s brei'l, pietendipg U he dead. The benr ca me np, aml afli-r smelYme around fór somfi limf. left htm and vnt on. When he was iairly out of fitrói ami hoarinp, tiie furo the tree oned out. Well, mv friend, what f=aid lbo bpar? He pfrned lo whiper yon vcry rloely '" "He did fo, inderd," replied the otlier, "and gave me thi piece of rood ndvice- never to ossociale wilh a rfëlch whn, ;n ihe hour of danser, will descrt his i'nenJ.'' - JFebsUr's Fa bics. Henry and Cassins M. Clny et&xted tojrether last fal!, in a cajpnpoigp, was likely to be attended with iffienlfies, dsngers ani disappointtncnt. But little time bad fclap.-ed, before the former found hims'lf involved in dlflictilty. The chair to which he aimed, nppeared to be receding1 from hi Lrntp; and le cried out, -help, CtP=iti3 " - The appeal wa6 net made in v&in. The noble heari of his friend at once responded to the cnll, and c traversed ea and lund for tli benefit of the aspirant. No rnan, in ihe cnmpaignof '44 was more prodiga] of t:ine and nwney nd word- f'r Ilenry Clny than hi fr;end Cassius. We ftll rrniciibnr his !ongwinied sneec! in Wahtenaw eourt yard. - VVo remember the pnius wl ich lie took fri.hthe naiiglity nbolilionists to show hem thnt his friend and relative was at heart on emnncipationit. end thnt he would do al.nost nny for Qie Ffikeof universal liberty in Ken tucky. Ot-suis bfheved he ivas telling the truth.nnd vorily thooght hp wns advancing the cansí of his friend bv lus talk. And ii was no fault of hís, that Nor:hern AboliionÍ6ts ivere lrs? creulo:is tlian he expected.- It was not his faulttliat after listentop to his ndvice to strrngthen the cause of libe ty by votini? for a claveliolí'er, lliey went away, resolved to d no sucfa thing. Caesius M. Clny was exacily whnt he ore tended to be- the friend of liberty, ond the friend of the great Whig leader. Every Liberty man, every Whigr. nnd every Deniocrai knows it. And tliey know too, that be had a right to expect, the man for whom he lubored in 184 J. witli ;o much zoal and enetgy - ond for whora he saenfieed eo much, would nof, cou.'d noí hove a heart to desert hiia when brought inlo slraiis. Cassius haf: b-.en deceivpil. Ile made a fu.'se estímate of hun who should have been his f ieud and prn. tector. Tlie hour of peril ca me - and where do we find the grezi Kniticky Senatori the orator, the fctate.-nian, the ambiliout presideutihl aspirant, in whose serviré Cussiiis harl worn hiniself uit? Beiiig "very active," likn the mrn in our fnbe, he sprang, not "into a tree,'1 but inio Virginia, wuh all possible ex pediiion. The mb assemblcd in Lexinsr'on Co'irt House on Thurf,dyt the 14 h of August, and Bgain the nex day, wlicn they adjiuirned to Monday the I8th, wilb Ihe uvovved ohject ol takiug measureK for the suppression of the True Amfiiican, "jeaoeably if they could. bui fotcibly if they roust." Ou Saturday,the 16th, Henry Clny leit the scène of action for the White Sulphur Springs That he was not 6'ck, we have the authority of correai'onden' of the National Intelligf nrer, who nnnounced bis arriva!, exulting in the fine hcal'hy appearance of the "great statpsman of the West." In oddition lo tliU, we have a Je'ter from the Springs to the Richmond Rnquirer, daled Aug. LS, as foÜowb:'Mr. Clny nrrivpd her last night. He louter veiy wH! - rmher older than whrn i Jast savv - but he has fattpned, and Feeros to be in fine healtli, bul nol good spirits." It is no wonder that his Fpitits flipped - he had been tmgrateful - he had r.cied the part of the wretcli in tt-e fablt, by deserling liis frind in the hour of (langer and he had given the lie to a host of adherents. whose unceaing represent at ions wpre, ihat he was a true heart


Signal of Liberty
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