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sssiw. .1 ƒ lN i_ O ": 7' iN PI L L&, TOR TüK CiUT.WN AD PERSUSKT CüRB OF FE INDAGUE. rTH.. ; ■'" ('iMiiiüuishod X F. Ki.i --■:. i'í .'ñckíiMi Mich. In all of the u;:niy ■■■■- in v,!iw-!i fuy havt tiscil. thi'V liavi ::uisl enure nm! ; smislftc iuii. 'I 61 hazards ttótbnïgLi ayingi 'U-i' tbey are vt.-;y best tmuiiniie ii the wou-: oí il.c ahove menu dist ■:- ■ ui iccu(iunt)inlati(is iiiiglr bo i i e cusforii wirii m.-.ny - Gul that is cons.dc:. ■! uniiecesyiry One u:;J wil. sa!ii:y - is of thoir grei: vi :u.The rtiftj ■ licinc nuw n osc aflsird bui a tempomry i-lic'. üktcIv breaking hnd chnck in:: ihu dríca-e Kir n short tune nrij prevennAí? Only it. extornnl np;;ir;nice, vh;le invarrf!y il is BtilJ :n_ru!_', iv. ei mii'x mnny Oiher mr.ladv? nnJ liighly MJurjpua, tt f. ture ho.iUa. Il iJ Ui ob :oi in tliig insinnrp., u, pre; Piuiroly diiFf ■ ir fro:n ;!!■■! herom will nol tnere'y en biu thnt wül ern the ' " ■'- systein. WarrunUd io ájfeüt n '■ƒ■'■' cuiè f the direc-i.ins it atricilv ,1 1; t-' -i ins ncooinpnny cvav box ;in'l no Muscovelus lMIs nre fj nnir.t wiili nut riic ri '. ,i s_.i::. ■ of the iurcmer 'F Kluv; " t . " 1'm piüs and twclve powdera pi Lund ."v. Mc Co). Inni. ■' Xonisit Feich. Ypsiíjiñi , D' x'cr: Ji it, S & Dünlmi. fii S-r!, Jfc Tyrol, Clm ton: H :" Tho n.isP. P!v Pr.-inkliir S. R Bnnford I Saffu i. EJiHsiWë'j Bdcher&ErneBt. A. T'un'v ' McConnclI & C.., J.nnkpt.n, nnd ihr ! ■ te P. R. All ihoaeJViJió nrc ajUiced wiih a chron ie D i '■ nnine tih! iia.turo. even i,-, i mci'tJ ii;itrbli. hy nthers nre nsper ; dl! 'in u ■ nt my resuleiMje to pi .. i.vt airead) bevond iho power of al' .utniy r,i i. FKI.1NG. M. D. Jack'on. July 'sf. 1?4". 3m2lO 5ia ClSinncevy".-Rst CircEïii. G . . luiíiiíirawc oí Olíyer Kflíiio, dec. ■ Lpren Mi.Ils.EIijah .V Mo ï'iti ,n ! V fi im S. Mfiynnrd, defendaniR. BY i mI oidor itmiéó :i r ó i!'O courtof cliancery of ilie il Mioiii y a n - í s'i'.l! -x)Ose to siic lo t lic hight-s ndd'T, at the Cmirt f i t m = t n ihe ril! 12e of Ann Arbor, ciirry. en Iho S'id Jny of Sep'..?r c. "1! 1 b'fcidtk, P Al. . o' tin: dj following is.'i:!jei ;enises Muate. to wil: . . : i;i tjje to'-v.T of Ann Arhir. in '.hocou ny of Washienaw ih) Si Miciii ' at tire centre of Whitee Ro.'. . ■'!! th west line of scctio.'i '.'!) in town fwo i'iii of range tix eaut; rjienco s-uiih n i!;: line of the said eeotion q.nd on 'tiline öfseciifjn ihirty iwp forty rods eouth of iheoaih'wes' conieroi' tfro stmI reVHóñ to a'áünke; : - eási 't i".'r nnglea witb sr,d secñnríihne tiïi.-y r ..:: iu --nfc norilj and pároli e] vvth eectiön line (o t ■ '■ -' 3 - Thencc somh sfiventy fi' ('egrees ves: in the centre nf the pti-1 ri.;id 10 the (jee ojf bet;ij)ning, cotitainiijj.' iliir'y-tlirt c :u.: - and Rjjcty ilve hun-, drcdiLs oi'at! acre of-lnnd more or lrs. GEO. DANFORTH. íííoster in Chancery. .Tot S' Ponrrn. Sul's. Dnrerf. Wenst ' ! Mi. Ï845J L-24"TO THE ViCTORS BELONG THE 5POILS." ALTIlÖt HU maiiy pieparattons in the lom. pi "POP(itAK MEWCIjSKS" invehan before the public, c'aimmg to give reüef, nncl eveu ciiïe the must invetérate dioeasea, vut :onr have éo wéll Bnswetrd the purpose as Dr. Sherman's MidÍC)tcd Loz&iges Tliey nre agree.itili to th laste, eastiv ndministored. and Irom ibé unprecedentedsurivs which thev hnve niet withj nnd the remarknhl; cures whicb ihey have perfornied, may jnsily liy claim to the titlo of Conquerir over the diBc-nses fur which thcy have been recomrnended. Dr. She;man'd . rOfJGH LOZKNGE8" Gare the most obstinate cate of Couh in a few hours, They have ciir.ed a large nuinber of persons v.-lio i-ive been up by their phrsicians nnd frienJs. aii'I mnny who hnve heen reducefi to ihe verae otthc cr:nc-by gpittiiii! bloud, CopeiiTiiiiii)'; iivl Heclic Fever, by their use bav bad thei léë oi héóHb restored to the liapcard check ond now live ío ppenU forih the praises of hisinva!in!)!e médiCrfié Dr. Sherman's "WORM l.OZENGKS" Hnve bepn pr-ved in more tlmn 4('.0;0 c'nse? to be infitlibfe. in fact úf only corciin "SVonr Des'royiii ."Medicine ever discovered. Ghildren willüat tiieui wlien ibey cannot be forced n takt nny oiher n.edicme. and the bejiefït derived fro.; the adniinis'.raiion of medicine to them ín tln.fortu ia -prent beypfld conjcpt,i'n. VViien tin 1 t ah of lie cl.üd liecomes ofTeiwve, nn'l iheri ickifj tr of ibc nose. grindipg óTthe tecth du rin-i sleep, p.ilent'ss nbput ihe iips with flueheii . check.8. hendiche, dn.vváinos?. EJHrUng durini eleep. dhsinrbe'd drenifl, awakjnj} with frighi an'; Ecre'itnin'. troublesötrTe cöagh,fevërishnesi,thirii. voraciius npocii:e. siokness oX the eiomacli and bloated stomacb - tlu'se are nmoniz ihe manv prominent symptoms worms. and can li re licvc'd by these inC"mparnl!e Li.'nres. Thc have oever bern known to fail. Ir. yiicrmanV "C A .M I' 1 1 0 R LUZ ! : N G E 3' ' Iti-lieve id.iciie, Neryoue Sick Headache, Pal pnaiion jí ihe'hcart, biid Sickné8'iji b vry lew minutes. Thcy cure Láwress ol Spirits, D spo Señey, Fantncss, Colic, Spnsms, Cratnps ol tlm Stoinach. Suiiuncr or DoWël Cómphinte kecj up the spirits, dispe! all the dñrtressíti syiüptoinsoí o ni-rluof diHSiimtion. aun èooblen person t undergo great mental or büdiiy toil. - Dr. S!iün:v:na -i'(K)R MAN'.S PLASTJm Is acknowlediii.'d by all wo hnve ever us d it tn be the li.'-t Bféngthenins Piaster in ihe worb!. and a sovert-ign reineny lor pain nri! weakne& in the, loins. sidè i-t. neck, linibs joinis, rhéii (inttsm, lumbagrt &c. Ono miHiot a j'eáf wili nöl - ., 'r tbc deinnhd. Cmition i necíi ir' . as thfe're flriè many unririhriplr;dpcrí ■ -■ win woüld 'oro; n BpuriDua articli upon lip confiiiunity'. Jï ccrejúl tu eet Sberninri's I'"" M in's Plnster, wi'h n ''fac sim'ttr'' of his wrn ten nimc on the báck - none otliersarc genuine. and v.'iU du more hun thai iod. WK' n 8ucb men as the Rev. Daritia Anthony of the flriei I CoiiFerénca Rev. Sebsstioö Stteet er, of li -it .m. Rrv. ïr Dunbir. Mr. Hancock. Rev. Mr. De Forest. lln Aaron Clnrk. J Hoxie. Esq. Hon J). 11. Beirdílfey. Daniel F.ui shfitv, F)-q. 'ntl a hoál of ñames of the hke reputaiiy Cali be brouirlit foru-ird V prove the eflicacyoiDr. Shfrüinu'a (fcepwehioni - when thej are so vvnrnily rerioiiiinended by the medical pío fessmn. ind prpscrilied in the pr-ietioo, nntï wheTi such universal appróbntinn followa tbeii tl auioii-j: all classpfi. wc ni.iy ustly g'iv thtti th Dr. i ■ not ''!■ entitled to the oppellntion "VléftÖïC," bilt ;nn l;ir!y ny claim to ihe pat roflttgé'gf. the public, and wili roceive it. ia for Ann Afbtfr, H; M. Thompson A C... W. S. &, .1. V Maynnnl; Ei Sn-npson. Vpsil.uri: D. O. Vhtrood. Dexter; Pickford c ('i-.. i'_'. Saiine: Smitb Sc Tyrol. Clinton. II B)v-T. M.Hiihi'Mcr: P. Fiirück & Í'.).. l'lyuiouth: D Gresrory and A. Grant, Nortbvüli. 218-GatIn Eliaiiccry--2] Circuit. Alitnew .vi. Tillotaun, Coinplamani, Vá Frc'icnck P. Towiiíeño. Defi'ndnnt. IX rmr;;i meo of a decretal o der of the CoiVrl 61 Clnnc-iry. made in. the nbove cause, wil] bf B'd undur thé dirrction üf the eubscriber. ni public aqction at the front door of the Cotirt IIoupi;. m the villnge oT.Ahrj A"rbor, in the connty .ii' Washteaöw, on Saturd.iy the twentythi rl iliiy -f Analist next at onc o'clock n t!n ot"i'-:no..n. of o-ii-l ii y. 'tII that certain trnct or pirc-5 öflaud niiunrc in 'ho town oí Superior, m thecounty of WnsluonnwnniJ the State of Michigan, v;z: the west hnll of ilir; rmrth wr-t qnnrtor of sneion nine in town two smth in rnnge Roven in ffie !);sinct of land oflored for sale at Detroit, Micliiao." JOHN N. OOTT, Alns'er in ('inncery. ,J.imf9 E. PIntt. Soiicitor f f Complniimnt'. Ann Arhorl'Jtfnê-30. 18-15. 2!9_fiVv 'I ... . , ,v 'tfilf i po'tjirtne-i nnril Pepreinbcr 3th. Íd-í5, ai tïie srin hoiir nad place. JOUN N. GOTT. Master in Aug. 23, 1S4Í. Chancery.4 r'hc tYuiidcrfssl Scccs3 OTHiCÜ ),. Ku,:,' i;. ...-,. n..:. --r Allv't üfiüL' BüTsnni liáis met wjth r.ot on! n .tí silo'. Int ülai) ui die ciims wiiicii.i; I ■ . ,i. ia p nsrtns v.-!i we e :n a lÍQpg.'cfa cojp . ne oiiMii'-i'.i ['hè most skepiïcal n ry cTirjivo'propbrilÍ8.ná'SJiJmÍ8jini iif chmij w ihe r.anic ol 'ihc GIi.I-.IA T Ui-Mr.nv. Theqncstinn is rio lowgèra8ked."Crtft Astfíma hr curia'" It liai lict-n Kiiisinctoiily pcitied wuli tl the las: two months thnt Folger'a Olus-ioni-u. itice a curo quicker thn;i any oilier rem■,!v in ']. -.v.ji! I. ;i!ni refprencea cn bö gncn i_s ifi ;rwl mit ofifie city w!n have expe n.Mü-.-o ir? womferfdj virtues. wlio had triud loi slj otiiors remedies i" vcm. Mr. WILSON.r. bni;k layer, rcsïdipcat Iíolo :,.,!. :..!.. had tfi ■ ■ ■ii wlin-li h'econid liC'.ir or for h" rrliff ( üftlin.D. nnd Imrl .pcin „,„„. ;;,:!i oi-,e buodred dollara in opdüsayöariirg 10 procure help. bui ia v;,ui. He oommenced usna il"1 -i;! -;i. -' iimnry Slet. iirs.,!■! iu-0 cliys nficr w .1 (] hs ,■■■'■■] ! Htv iiiru i]ie pmull qunni y.)i lins rotiiedy wliu.-li lïohad takru had d.n iti:n ii"rr goodlbon riy ;uiJ al! tlie medicines he i;:i-! , ver 11 'H o bid IiTp. il.c-.vife of Roben P. Pfil. ofMiu, . .1.. -U) .. (s seyerel)! nLE[i.cted wiih "stljrnn, was'civen up tv her phyaicinris Shr vrns removen lo ihc scbnnl in he lifipe cl r.i üatini; lier l9're5wít!np symptoms. bui wit!) nn 'itvirlit. Oni' bnuli ofthp 01i9T!ii.ui s far re er tint bVio v?s ;iMe in nei up t'rom lier bed oiid ir. s iliiocr sli; hnd nol dWnc l.nfore in niiimlis. nnd #he hun now retnrnpd Ifi her reifience in Morristown. N". J., wiih every prospect ' bruirr jpeedly restorod. iNrrpir;.'f coxsumption vi.';lds to IS etT''cfs. It Bootlies tlie tioviblcsotnr Ciiutrli nnd gives refreehine altm'bers to ilir weary: it nlhivs tl.e pain in the side and eiroiiofs in tin: clievt, nnd eiiüblrs the persm to ex pectói-afe evily, whüe it emiioly reetores the se No!;nn6 of the system and expediics icturnin ip tl t li . JAMES B. DEVOK. 101 Redr streel, had mg been complniniygof a serenes in the chesr. ici'oitipaut-'d witli a ahoft hncking cpugh; be -niscd matter frefly. hm! lot hld appotito iind feit ilnnned nt hi iniation He had tried varimis ■emodies without ony benelïcial eifect. Ififh:)r:ui'sg i( b;c;iili mid pain in ihe side conttnued o inórense. lío used une botile of the Olosaoni in. and ie rmtorcd ( lienhh. GeDrge W. Burnett. of ' Newarlt, N. J.. Geo. V'. Hay?, of New York: David Henderson, 60 : MrsWcGenn, '20 Wulker ut: F. LnMn, ''! BK. Mrs. ArchihüM. 35 W.-ilkf-r .t. iviih HUNDREDS OF NAMES ofperaons re sidine in New York. could be given. who are rr-arfy Jo bc-ai ïestimony t the euperiority ol the Ülosaoniiin over every oiher remcdy known for ilif cnre of coughs. coids. nsthmn. consumption. pifit-2 of liloiid. dyspepstn, consumpiion. Uron cJitÍ6, d:fi"ii uily ui" irfiithing. hoarsent&ii. intluenzi, pnins in tlif bren; nnd side.' and the vari i)iií aflr-ction of t!ic .tomcll uiH liver. For t1 ;h 106 fínssiw pi, one dor abve Ann, and at Mrs H.iye. l"í) Fulinn Bt., BroqRÍyn, Aüi'n'K for Ann Arbor. V. S. & .'. W: May nhrd: E Sannpsrtru Ypsi'anti: D. C VN'hitwood Dcxter: I'irkford Craic Saline: Smiih&.Tyrol. Clinton: íl. Bówer, Míinchraier; P. Fh'riicK Co.. Plymouih; D. Gregory hihI A. Gran'. Vorihville.' 218-6moTo ('lothïcrs, Itlamiíhctniers md jflcrc fis anís. Til 1-, Eübscrii ei is niw rereiving nt hie stores. l-8. sind 190 Jefierson Avenue, Detroit ;Ue carefjilly and well selected stock of Di "": s v; Stottí, & VVooi.lkn Man 0KACTl:nK"'!S M ACH1NOIY. 15 lons Fusiic. Cuba, Toba9co, Tampic iiiid Cnrthajrcna, ]0 tons Logwóod, Campench, St. Domingo and Hdndörrts; 6 tons Nicaragua. Bunair.Caro, Hache and Limo, 3 lons Cnunvood. very choicc. 188 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 130 " Fueiic ;' " 0 " ReJ Wooda, " " J-20 ! Camw.-tod. " " 10 " Querccii ron Bark, 45 " Ailui.i. A2 " Coppé -, 3) " Bl.if Vi-rio], y8 " Mndder. Ouibro and Dutch Crop 3 " Cream Tanar, 2 " Ntngnlts, 2 ensrs Tndigo. Bengal, Manilla and Guatimaln. 2 enses Inc-Dyo. 21 iS ext Logwood, 2 u Gram Tin, 300 pounds Verdigris. 15 Corboys Oil of Vitriol, Spirits Sea-Salts and iN'itric Acid, ALSO, "opper Ktt!es and Cloihers' Screwa, Tenter [look-;. Jncrks nnd Hnit-hes. Press Papers. Card "li. Sheers. Nippereund Burlin Fruns. Cotnb Plates, Pickets and IloMiins. Wirc. Worsted nnd Cofton Harnnss. Stee! and Canüi'ods. Broad l'owcr, Hflfld Loom and Fly Shute:s. Steel and Copper Mails Eniery. S:c P'irson's Shcnring Maclunes. 4. G.and !) hlndrs Allcn's doublé an-1 6ingle Carding iiuchines. Machine Curdpr Leicester. 'I atiove gopdi have been reiently ['ircjinsed. tfiiectly fioin the imporiers end manu ClIIICrsi. KXCH'-IVKT.Y FOU ("S. fl!ld WÜI h' -oid at the N"v York Jobber' priecs. adiiiiu1 ranspqriation nly; and in consequence of ih'( Ifcc.imi on innnv of tlie Anicricui rnaniiínfineH ïriirl'1-. vvitl in mnny cuses, be sold at fiffapfl ■i r cent U ís titan formar priecs. The suba : iurs c.:'iii'nee in the Dy Woöil trhde cii-il.! s iiim to say to his customért that he is prep'irod u all times to varra:t his gciods of superior nuabtK. TIIF.O. fl EATON, Dye Wood nnd Dve StufT Warehonse, 18d oud litii Jciiürson Avenue D.'troit. A 'iL' Ö, I-1'2J5-4niEXCmWGK MOTEL,. TEMPERANCE HOUSE, (Dirrrlly oppdgile Ihr Üataract Hotel.) BY CYHUS F. SMITH, M.K.MIA FALL8, N. Y. (tCHARGES JIODKRATK Q TI1I.S Hotel is siiunted in [lie jilc.itvinies: part ol the villa ge. on Maitr-street. and IÖ1 a few 'iiinuies w.ilU Ironi the Caiaract. Go:u Jslaiui. pi ■ lie Kerry. The locntion is one of ihc pléaaini ei jn ilc villaje The House is not of the lare9l clfifB, hut hns li(;cn thorouglily ropnircd. and iowy (urnislied since last season. and the própriclor piedles himnelf' to the public, Ihai hó JJituso slmll bc better kept, or greater 4ttcntion ï.iid to the comfoi t of guests tlmn at the Excliange Uotek This Flote! is kept upon strict Temporalice principie, whirh Will ensure the stnnger n qi'ie iioinp, duriflg Jiis sojourn nt ihc Falla. Evcry 'nciüiy in the power of the proprieror, wilt !■ entlere,d, it maíce the vinit of his patrons .-igrteble nnl inu-rrstiriir. Niagnra Fails, 1846. 2 ;7-0m Taken iep ALARGE BrinHle or Light Biown Srnjr. with a small white spot on the top oí his .-h.iulders, nged from seven to ten ycars. ws in !;en up on ihn 15th of August, nnd impoutifled n ihe Towrii-hip I'ound of Websier. Oouniy of Wrtvhri n:iv. for brrnkine intb the enelosure o( ,'ohn Vi'li:i:n8. Tne wner ip requested to pay chargeg and iake property. JOIiy WILLÍAMS. August 25. 1S45. 21 -3wPcoplc iVoni Uhc Coiiiitry VTfSÍ'1'NG Üeiroii," fof'thé pürchnse oi Örj V Goods, l'itpor Han&iogV, or Renthet, .h;lo guing '!:' luumls to :is,etrri;un the various lyles 'M pricès "i (Joods "ih1 (nú city, iré run si',1 U rail :il W. A. Haymond's Store, o. lij, Jfllui.vii .xfinii;, tieuig il ooi tibuve ü.ins Si. mul ncxt Öoor to lijé "Mmln'.'uii S:iru." 'l'lie undersigned has taken n gftfót ilëal of pnins in selecnng li is gooils to got lash :an.jli!o tflylea and dtviiuble quafitibs íimI he i i-oiifident thai liis ;issortrncnt pariicularfy of sucli ..KJiis ns nrc ilcsi rabio i'or i!ic country tiude, sab öOinpltjte as anv in 'lie city. He kas on hand Gingbams, Balzorïnes, Liwiis. Muslin du Laines, (,:ilicoL'6 of every Mulls, L;ici-s. [style, ÉdgiVtgs; Ribbons, Parasols, &law]si, Drcss Eiandkerchiefs Crnv.i'p. Scnrfs, Veils.' Glovcs. Hoaicry. Aliipncns, Brown Lm'■hs. ltviclied Linens. Tablé covers, Toweling. Sim tilias. Sfieeiiiígs: CfliubVi-cë; Mnslins, Bfifik. !)!uc l)!ück i-nd Ohk y dtc-Sd Stlks, Donuel Silks, Lincn Canjbric [iandkercliicisi ALSO, BROAD CLOTHS, CASS1MKRF.S, BATINETTS, VESTIXOS-, VVLh ('LOTUS, JI0LESKIN6, DRILLINGS, BLACK AND KANCY CRAVATS, And indcod. almosi every nruclc beloninf; to 'lifpry Gooris busin'"83. All cf whicK wiil be sold at the rcry lairest ratcs. for Cash. Cfiil abc iée or yoursieivee - none re expecied 10 bny i thcy do not find prict-a full as low, if not o lïttlt luicer than elsewherc. W. A. RAYMOVD. Drtroit. May 23,145. 2l3-6nn Important to Farnier. KNAPP & HAVILAND, wou ld rcspectfully inf'orm tlie (armee ÖT VVashtenaw and iln urromidincr Countirg that they continue to man ulneuire at their shop near the river bridge. Luw rr T'uvn. Ann Arlior, Tforeshing; ?l achines of diflerent kinds cónipriáín'g tKeBurrnll, Cadiz :ni K.istmau's Planetnry Powor, and Machines I fl';:ctit from any made in this Conn:ry nn pn-lerred to nny other. whicli they intend to sei tt 6uch (irieeR and on nuch tertns as c.innot (bil to live síiiisínction. Tlu-y nre deterinined not i 'ne oiitdoni! by any establishment, either in juice .ir qunlity of work. Havinjj been fwr mnny years engnged n tlic itaness they think thny enn witli confidencé ree nmtnend thcir work. aiul fnnners and otlier wisliing to buy will dj well to culi and exaiuine their work previous to nurchasing elsewhere. - Thcy are prepared to do all kinds of threshing machine repairs, on theshortest notice and more rengonaMe ternis than eny similar es'abliehmcn in llie Country; Aíso. Rurrall'a ct-lehrated CliOVER iflACnirVE'S, wliich separate the chaflfroiu the geed at a si iglo opération and are universally approved of an used wherever introduced and vvarranted t thresh clean and not break the seed. For re'erM.ce ;iiply to Roben or John McCormick of y lom 'Wüthtenaw Co-, who have used one the pas scason. W, W. KNAPP. T A. IIAV1LAND. Ann Arbor, Mny'1s, 18'5. 6m2HARTFORD Tire Insurance Company. Til tl Sul)8cnl)er. ngetu for the Hartford lire Insvrancc C'-mpany. takes pleasure in l;iy mg befo re the public he follówíng circular: Üarti OHi Fiiu: Insurance Office, ) .uly 22d 1045. $ The recent disnstrous nre in New York wi of course excita solicitude in regard to ns eflcc on ibe solvency ot Insurance Companies iti tha citVj nnd lite nuighborint: places. The Director of the I Jarifo! d Fire Insurance Company ar happy to assure thoir customers and the public (hal they are prepared to adjusi and poy at ma'.u niy. all losses sustained by their oIRce. surplu and current receipt9. without delay, and withou wiihrirawmg their permanent inv(;stments. Tliei capita! reinains ampie for the scenrity of n 11 wh nisure wiih tbem; and thty invite owners of de siinhle property to obtain Policios n fr.v )r.'il)!'% ternis. both at ihe Home Oifice and at their ecv"era! Agencii'S. Their mode of tr msneting bnsinesp, which for 35 years past hna secured the pu!ihc confif'ence. will remnin unchmged. By order of the Bonrá of Director, JAMES G. BOLLKS, Sec'y. F. J. B. Crank. Ann Arbor. By this it will be seen. tbat the Compony pa their losjes, during the tasi aix montlis of fires OUT OF TflF.IJt SURPLUS FUUÍDS. Since tlit pameni of one thotuund dollars, t R. D. Powers, of Brighion, lorthe loss sustain e f] by hint, the Company have paid the subscribe nnptber :hoii6and, for Flour Barrel9. butnt a the recent fire in tliis villnse. For tlns lust thou sand tbc subscrilier iú the Gompany lour dol Inrs - a paod investnient ns lic thïnk's, durin thffe hard timrs. All who are not insured are [nyited'to coll on him, andlic will issue Policies without delay. F. J. B. CPvANE, Acent. Ann Arbor, July 20, 185. ' 24tf INTRIiKSTlNG TO WOOL GROWERS 'Mli- tjubset ibera wouid retpectlully an X nonnce lo the VVool Growers of Ann Ar borand is vicinity, tbat thty continue tlie bu sjnesg.of Wool Carding and Clolh Dressing .H the old 6tand ol J. Bëcldèy & Co., wlier :hcy may be found at all ecasonablc hours t wait upon those who may favor ibem whb. ihei paironíige. They guarantee that their work will be don wiih neutness and despatch. To their old Iriendsund as niany new enstom ej-s as fecl disposed to give thein a trial, the would say,come on wi'h yoir VVool and Cloti und wc will do you imple justico in die execu tion ofyonrwork - the price and ternis ot pay nent. Twenly thousand pounds q'( Woot wnnied in excliaiige for i'uil Ciotli Flannel, fcc. N. li. -Give us a cali heforc pnrehasing else where. SUMNKR HICKS &. CO. Ann Arbor LowurToivn.Mar. 2(5.1845. 0-t3i Are your Barns Insured ? TUK Sabscriber, Ageni for the "Prot# n i I.ssuranck Compaxy.'' continues to tak nsks on flousKS. Stokks. MhitcmNuisr. ■' .i ifi'UKS and Baiins, Stocks, &c, al as lo rales as any oltiér good Company ín tli' önit rítales. Asseveral Bnrns with thcir contente hav heen destroyed in this County the past yeor b LiGHTNiNG, the Famiere of Washtenaw hav nuw an opportunify lor n email sum, ofsnvin„ thcm8:Ives from losses, to which they oro ever day expo8ed, by this element. M, HOVVARD, Acent. Ann Arbor. July 31sU 1845. 224tl. DENTISTRÏT E. G. BURGER, Denlisl, HAS removed hisoflice to Crnne fc Jcwctt's Block, first room on ihe Second Floor, where bem; well prepared to attend lo every brqnch of his profcasion. wouid rt'spcctfiilly say to nll who have no: had those necessary organs. THE TEETH, properly aitended to, delo'y no longer, bat cali upan him and experience the, enseWd dnrability of his operations. Tkkms accommodating andehargoa inno caio unreasonablc. Ann Arbor, March C, 1845. 47-tfC. BlilISCKEHIIOFF'S WÊÈÊÈiÊÜ A renn:kab!o and siniiulai musiation has iiï-t bren niiide Iy m eminent nienitier of tlu Mcdicul Fiicuhy is n the curntivi; power of C. Jimcker oft's Ilculdi Restoratiye jn cises ui rTonsunipiion, chrontc CduIik tfnd Cültis; otid 'uit;? in i li c S h ! e lid G'hcftt. 'I'his rcnilcmun urn lii paiiU)ta with tiiO Kesiorative. ;ii)(i mis ii absolütely neci-ssary, oe hè never fiad un íteacopnttn to produce tiie stonishing repulís icnliZ'd by ihc use ot ilio Rueturitiivu Tius gentleman stands among lus medien! brethreu is one o! the mosi diartngiiished ol their numlicr, lus nnnie s left with ilie piepiïtor (ai rt-forenoe There is no donbi b ili:it in i few yen rs the leading physicians will pirscrihe. iliis rcnieily. nnd ih;u alilicled paticniswill use it and lless the Wout ifjnl it w;is nintle knuwn 10 tlicni in. Beina n t ru ly fine herbal medicmu it is consequent ly ol more iir.ponnnco. as every ono feela eafety whtle nsfngt; & ni senso of dnnycr nsif hc we osinc; duluierious ínini-ríils. Mr. Wükes a re apecied nirrcliont in New York, used ihc Hestorntive tind was ciiréd wliollv frorm i cliingcrous cnngli ond lixpector.ition 'l'lif Kiüior of the Coniniercial Advoi wiili au curnest oppeal cominoinl.s ;i ie ttu eojifidèncf 'pf ihe sick, and aircoüiiily entria on ilxr.n nl! to (jive it n fair trial In ïore r.lmqu't-hiniT everv iioiie. The foilowin i-.'ü is i.ini Dr. Chi!:on, ihe well Known New York clieniist. "I hnvc iMi.ilvzt-f] a bottle of niodicinc c-illed 'C. BrinkecliolV's irleulth Ilc-ioraiivt1,' and tind tlrat u (oes not coniain Mtrcuiy, or qny o'liei Oietollic'pro'páranon; nor opium in nny of ts It is composed of vegctnhlo mnttor 011tirely." .Umis f!, ('iih.ion. M. D. C. líillNCKFJlíIOFF. Fr.)prietor, N. Y. Hohack F.vf.sktt. Genernl ApMit. l'iii'.-ipil Oiiix'iKi lludson sticii.N. Y. For R-i'cby W. S. &, J. W. Maynird, Agnts, Anñ Artir.r. 25Ö-4w "CAÑT BE BEAT ! ['" THE suliscribcrs öuld nfbrñi the PÖbK'fc that they continue to supply ihe State ol Michigan wit h L. B. WALKER'S PATENT lnitit nuinoets ol ilio-; Machines thai liuve been sol i. nml the steadily iiifrcasing detnand for thern. is the beet evidenee of their real v iluo. and of thcii os'.iinntion with (hose who huve be come íamüiíir with llieir nierits. Waij;k'('s Smut Machine is superior to others in the lolinwini! particulars: . 1. Aa t ctifnfiihefl the Eenling. Srourivg, and Bíoiciii'T Principies, it cleans the srnuttiesi l lirnin in the best uianner. rctaining nll thf iiicliun of ihe wheat, and discharaing the smut and diisl as fnst as separated from the whent. 2. it s simple in conslntction. and 6 tiierc- fore lesa Hable to btcome deranged, onci costs less lor repairs. 3. Il runa ve-y lighl, and is porfectly secure from lire. 4. It is ns durable as any other Machine in u ?e. 5. It costs considernbly lkss tlrin other kinds These tmpcuunt pointa o' dffierepce Inve giv en this Machine the preference with those whp lifivo fairly tr:ed it. Amoiiï a larire ríümb'er ol Gemlciiieii in the Milling líusiness who mihi bennnied, ihe follpwing have used ihe Machines, andceniiied to tlieir excellency ond superiority: H. !V. Ho wak. Ponüac, Mich. E. V. Cook. Ilochesier, do E. B. Daniohtii. Mason, do M. Fs Fhink, Bianch. do H. H. Comstock. Comsiock. do RefereiHCu inny also be had to John Bacon, Auburn, Mich. V. Rvon. do do I). C Vrki.ash. Rock, do John Pairs. Monroe, do 11. QousjHAK, do do A. Bkacb, Whterloo, do Gko. Kktcmum, Marshall, do j. JJkmknway, Oaklnnd, do All orders for Machines will be promptly attended to. Address E. O. & A. CR1TTENT0N. Ann Arbor. ( I,nwer Town) Wash. Co. Mich Annr. 84, Íd43Ö2G-IyÏÏZE,1S ! ilEAD'. ClGOOü NEWS AND GLAD TIDINGS.-J ÍFEEL mys !t' uixler the inosi l.istmy oli!ijiilion Dr. F. Kling, of Jackeon. hó hfis It'.ely advernsed his nvnluable 'Muscovetuh Pilis." iiitemkd oxprcssly for Kever nnd Aoè Fot a long period my Inmily boye uníortunately been olflicted witli Fevor oud Ague and hnve tried every "Patent Meidicnie" which I cou!( tind, even ilie vitift p pular of the latest as wtl ha the oldest rcincfly and after spending over L15 I despaired of ever being relievcd, bu hearing of Dr. Kling's Uluscovetus Pilis, nnd the great effect tliey produced upon the Ague - au a last and almos' riopeless resort, 1 immedi ately procured a box of theni, took tliem accord intr todirections, and they gave me instant relict and I hnve been fret frotn that terrible diaease wiiile wiih oiher tnedicines 1 rrceived bul miomentrtry assistanco and relief. The Pilla I híivi recummended produced so snlutary ar cfTcct upon me and nty (aniily, I ennnot refinii f rom acijuainiiiig the public of theirereat wonh SAMUEL UPDIKE. TIIEODORE UPDIKK. Witness. GrassLake, July 1-1, 1845. 221-3m POLLARD TUmPEnANCH HOUSE, I!V L. D. & O. WEYHURN. Xinrtlic Pocket Landing, Hff'!" 'TllIS establishment lins du ins the pnsi winter, been considerably eularged, and mprqv iil wiili ncw rnnii'iire, etc, nnd is now rcady t rmke the Traveller at home, at the moderan charges of 5 cents per meal, and &7 Cents po Doy. P.isscníicrs and Baptrage conveycd to and fron the House (ree of charge. N. B. Passengors fiotn the East will fir.d i Sign lor ihe house, in the Depoi, under whic! io place their litimwge. In connection wiih thf: nhnve House therei nn KATING ESTABLItíllxMENT. on the Eu ropean plnn. We. tlio pubncribtr. take pleasuro in reconi menning the obuve House to the hienda of th caiiR''. as leing vyorthv of' their patronage. C. W. HARVEY. Pres't Eric Co. Temp. S S. Nv CALENDAR. S'y do H. MiLI.KRD. Pres't Pollard Tem. Society Tí. G. WHITE. Sec'y do E. D. ROBISON. Pre'tY. M. Temp. S. W. Bi FOHES. Secrclary do IlulV.!, February, 18-15. Gmo- "212 nkwënglandIïouse. No. 111 BRÜAPVVAY, NEW YORK. (Bftween the City Hotel and Trinitij Church., TH IC Poprieior, grateful for the paironnge alrendy bestowed upon him by the public genernll}', would give noíicc that his house is now in complete order for the reerption of Ladies und Gentlemen who niay want pormanent board or iranpifn! accommodations. The New Ent-land House being stricily a temperance ho se. and pleasahtly locatcd in the immediate viciuity of businis., makes it very desirable for men ofbueincsa. as well as nll others who liKe quict accommodations and agrecnhle compa ny. P. WIGH T. May 1, 1 8-15. 2 wotïcé; ALL persons indebted to J, H. Lund nrevery respcctfullv requested to pay the same by the 15tli of October next. J. H. LUND. Anti Arbor, Aug. 20, 18-15. 2(-8w1845. J. HOLMES & CO, WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Sirtf (jiiucerh:s, Caè'pelhtg, and pt per Iifn;tti%s, No. G' Wooilvard Avenue, LdrnccVs Ütock, Detroit. j ii i mi ■-,. JU ■" Voilt. } s m. IJriiuit. l TF. Joke ifus method ol nforiningpur friepd W anii customei's lÜVooglicíul ihe State, ilui' we ire still pilfaóirtg the cvoti tcr.or ofour ..VS. end.iyQrjug ' '!. u; Iru-tinesa ; t r i i.u iind honorable principies. Wv woiílcl ritao ten-; Ier "iir ñcUnowTétífemfe'riiá för the phtrcftidËe ex rnded to us bV our cutstoiuers. .-ml v:ou!d bef! envc to culi ilio nneoiiol) ai public to n mm y voll gelcctpd assortiiièht óf -bsbhablt; Go'utls. which nre ofTercri ui whnlcsnle ur recaí I il vrrv ui' prieos. Our laciliiios (or pirch:i.-i n j Goode ire unsnrpnsyed by nnv conceiu in Uf Siatp - One ol' the firm. Mr. J. Holmes icidcs in tlir city of New York, and from nis long ex)icrienci' n the Johhing irnde in tlirit cii)f. nnd ffom liis thorough knowlrdgr of tlie innrkot. heiaenn!p'I to uvnil hiniself of tlic nuctiofis i;n.l nnv decline in prices. We nlso purciiusP. from the Importers, Mnnufncturer's Asonts, nnd ftom the Tiirtio!i9, by the pBilcage, iho snire ne N. Y. .liihbers purclinse. thna Wvlnc their prnfiip. - With ihese fiicililics wc enn sniely 8'iy that onr Goods nr oui chkap tor the evidencc of whicli we invite the ntiention of the public tn nu BtocTc Wo hold to the grent cnrrlina! i)rincip!e of ''t'ic rrettst goud l llic vhol'. uunihcr." so f yon wnntto bnv Gooda chènp. nnd hu v n Imi qiih'nl'tii ror a rtt'r. moiit'ii ivo us n trinl. Our Ptork ie as exiensive ns any in the city, nnd wc ;mconBtnntly reccfving new and fresh üoodd from New York. 50,000 Ibs. "ol. Wnrttfd. tjieohoya gunmfty',ol (jo'ód !M'-reli;inta?le Wool for which the highest market pricc will ho paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, 14r. ?M-tf The Misses Cïsrk's School. ANN AftBOJfc, MICHIGAN. J1ARYH. CLArxK, Principal. CI1L0E A. CLARK, Vice Principal RHüiiY K. CLAUK, ,ci.ite 'Je.icl,-i. M. L. W ALTER, Teacher of Music on ïh Pinno. F. MARSH, Teacher of Mathcmaücs and Voca Music U F. SU OFF, Teacher of French. Germán an the Classics. T I tHTR Tnstitutinn Kapeèn in operniion sinc J November 18. IS-59. Thu Bcbolasijc jipa embrocingforty-eight weeks, (ü terms. eom prising two qunrters cncli - twelve weeks in o ((narter - a peneral exanijnatjon :it tlte close i ench term - in Felnuiry hiuI August, 'rr last quaiter ot liie present verm oomn;tn cc9 May 19. Tkkms of Tihtion. - F.r the Eñglieh b ra nel os. .ï'2.riO to ó peí f)iini ter. io rcduriion mad for absence, except in case of sicknos?. and n pupil taken for loss ihni ü (iiinricr. Extra chn'i ges are made for musicon the i'iano, wnh the us of the instrumrnt, $6,C French, 3.0 Latin. 3.0 Dawingaud Pain (ing, ñ.O I'nnry Wo'k. ".Í Board, incltnling washing, ligliis. &c, 6I,7 per week if paid in advance, or $2,00 per wee if pn i fl rit the close of the quarter. l'arcntsand cunriians are invited to visit th school every Frïdoy, wheri ihé studies of i! week aro reviewed - also somi-momhly on We nesday afternoon, at readingof llic weekly com posiiions. Youn- ladies des'rousof ontering the schoo and pnrsuing the renular conree of study. wou! do well to conimence at the begin ritog'ol tl term. or s soon aíter as practicable. BeioníMnc to the school re a Librarv ofbetweon five and eix hundied volumes, and Pliilosophical Apparatua, Electrical Machine, Globes. The Miases Clark vvill endcavor. not only to promote th: inteliectual culmre of thcir pnpils'wt wfn altend siricily lo ilieir mor:il deprtment. Wih no Bectanon Peel ing, hut w'nh n flccpsent-'C of rcliijioua reeooii.sibility. the}! would jive snc-li a tone to cliir;icter. as sholl render i iraciic:i!ly fïttcd for cvpry station - yielding to du tv but firm to principio Ámong the hoeks used in the school nre. A (T'.T.'in')ie on the Tnteliectiiol and Mornl PïiWe -r-Kiimc's Eleinpni.s of Criticinni - Waylnnd Mom! Scienco - Ne.wman's Rhetoric - Ilcdge't l.ngic - Pnlcy5 NníiirnlThí'oliiiry nnd Rvidi rtéi of Clirii innii r - (ítv's Chemisiry- Fufkcr Vaturnl l'hilosophy - Cornbe's PIyj8Íoíogv - Mi iiincoln's Bntnny - Knton's nnd Wrisht's Mni "ï.il of Bowny - Burr'ut's GöQLrflphy of il Mcavens - First. Second nnd Tnird BooRs Ilisiory - Mts. Williard's T-?epnl)lic of Amerif - Phelps' Lewnl Clnssicp - Pt;iyf;iir's Euclid, üih Dnv's Algebrn nnd Dnvies' Arithnirtic. Tnquirv with rrnrd to the school enn be nifif of the Principale or nny of' the following gentle men to wliom reference is mnde by pertnissi' nnd who have at difforent periods had eithe dauLrhters or vvards undcrour cnre. Rev. Isaa S. Ketcham. Centreville: Geo Kctchu'ii. Ma shall; Hon. Wm. R. Delnnd. .inckson: Paul B Ring, Michigan Centre; F H. Winans. Adrián Daniel Hi.vson. Clinton: Gnrdncr Wherh r. IX. Howell: Rev. F. H. Cumtng. Grand Raj ida; Jercminh Clark. Clnrkeipn; Gen. C . C. Hascall. Jnnif's Binlsnll nnd Rev. J. Heach. Flint: D. II. Rowlind.Northville: AüirsMeul; PJymouth: Hon. F.lins Cornstnck, Owasso: 1 Hriaham. M. D.. Hon. Wa R. Thompson. F.. Mtindy, Esq . John Allen. Ksq.. Geo. W. .Towott, Esfi-, Tho's M Lndd, Professor Willia.-ns. of the Univcrsity, and Rev. H. Colclazer, Ann Arbor. The followinp sentlemen. Rev. H. Cokloze, Rev. Wm. S; Cnrtis. Rev.' Cliarlcs C. Tayl r. Professors Whitina and Williams of the University nf Michigan, have consonted to act as a visitincr omvniuee of the School, to pp. present when the weekly stndifsaro reviewed: but especially to altend during the seini-monüiiy exirinnutions. April. 1845. 213WHOLE S'A LE & RETAIL A. JV PARREN, BOOKSEILERANDS ATIOXER SMART'S BLOCK, 137 JRFFRRSON AVENUE, DETROIT I'EEI'S constnntly tor s;ilea completo nsíor II. ment of Miscl-IImiicoiis. Sohooi nnd Clnssi dal liooks, Letter and CJaj I'upcr, plnin nnd ru ei, Qnillij, Juk. Sealing Wnx, Cuilcry. Wrnp ping l'aper. Printiñg Paper, of oll eizes: ai liook, News nnd C.'innistcr Jnk. ofyarions kinds. BLANK BOOKS. full and huil Ixnnd. ofov ery vnrioty of IIiiIíhíí, Meinorniidiim BckiIís. iVc. To MercliHiiis, Teachers, and others. buying ín i']:intiticp. n birgc discount made. Sabbnth School and Bible Society Dop"sitor 51-tf o tice to Werchants. TIJ E Snbscribers enconrn(ed by tlie jjatronOge tliey have hiiherto received in. tlie wh.lesale depnrirnent ofifieir business, wtll the firsi day of May next. open ihe store now occupied by Geo. Grenville, frontingon Htiron street. and connecting wiih their present slorc in the rrnr, exclusively for a WHOLE SALES ROOM, wlicre tliey wilj keep at all times a full nssortment nf DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES CATIPKNTING, HAT8, CAPS, PAPER 1IATGINOS, RONNETB, CROCKERV BY THE CRATE, HARDWARE, AND GROCEIUES, &C. &C. &C. tII of which will be sold on ns gaod tenns os at nny point this side ofNew York City. „ .. G. I). MÍLL, & CO. Ann Arbor, March 20, 18 14. 48-tfVOICEOF THE PEOPLË rhliSC Uil u utit , ...,„ umi uní ifivplrs, XClU ylca&e rrad tHf folloi'ipg - nevcr brfotc publinhid Fucls rcgarding tfie SUfLJR-COJTEi) IMPUOVED indien Vcgotab le Pilis, oi; ( i.NSl.Mi'TIONS, COLDS, RHKUMAT1SM, DYSPEPSIA AND KEVKK8. HWI.Nli lii(ii aitarkcii sume montlis Hinca witli i bad Coïigfi, weakrícsa in iny cliest, ml loso :i 'pf: i Lf. I u.-ed Wfigfií'iá ]i)d.nii Vegetable Pilis, but f.'i'v.v w'ur.iB. wth cold dweat it in i li ; cwiild not sleep, and belicved J was in a consumptiun. I procured a bok of Dr. Srnith's Silgar Coatcd. lmproved Inilinn Vogotabla Pil!, whicli rostored my heulth within six d$y$, : 1 1 - i J bclieve ihein to bc the best reniqdv I over uscu. Gf.O. W. Gl.AKGEli. Cnmbridgc, Oct 19, 141. F.xlrnct frotti A. G. Pnges's letlcr. dated - Bath. Jan. 31. IR45. The Sugnr Conted Indian Vegetable Pilis, yon sent me. sell wcll and give good s-nisfacuoii. - Tlu-y sell boiler ian any i have hnd. Extract from Levi Bi-.rrctt's lcticr. dntd - Canaan, (Mp.j Fel)'. 3.'ÍÍ?45: Tlie Piüs. which I rt-ceived of' yon li.-ivo triven such univeiaal SAtisftioubfi Wie re tliey hnve ■een pwrcluiscd, nd ilio p.ilc lins bot-n eo uniform hni 1 ljho,ughtie8J (o rcoimsl jou to send me ui Kiimo inore iininediairiy. &c. Kxir.iiH front Win. N. P.trkard's Iclter dnlod:;.1d.n.jn. (Ma.-,i.) Jan. 2!, 1845, Sir - Ertöloèén is c paymebt for rhe hsi Pille. Yon wil I piense send tnc by ex'ptcts nn oihi'i lot, my fi cv 8 doz. TliVy givc t-ood s.irsfoclion. I linve not ori liand more tlirtn ( boxes, and d not wisb to bo ent of iliem ono dny. Extract fiom panfel Tf( Soiis.lctterc]nied: T.Amvni.K. (Vt.) Fêb. 6. HI.V Yoiir Pilis wore receivcd p few since. mul I have öold so me öl ilicm, oud uleo uped somc ouijeeíves, und tliink vè'ry favouibly f tbcm. and lh.ey are likcd y thogq who hnve ued ilicin. Mr. .'. P. Smit!), of Ciloiuu s'i r. Btntcs thnt lic hnn !(! alK OiVa CviáneS Öifloz. bnxes rríoVÁ fró' tntdiftiely: nnd tliey 2've univT:vi! sntisrüctiou, 'liai he lu3 deternjined to sul! no other kind pïiis: Mr. A. Allen, of Palnur Depot, st;itrs thn he wa'ö vèry thanful he wni nppoTnfeS Agerit'n liis wile has been an inva'id lor eome lime, nn i box of these piüs immediately - was notit fo other Pilis, but sliuuld only iRoinmcnd ihe?c. Extract (ram .1. B. Danforth letter, dnted - BaRKARD. (Vt.) .Inn. 11, IK-15. Ploiise Eenrl tjVè íiprnediñtely 6 doz. Srnitli' Sngnr Contrd indian Vegetable PÍÜ8. Thoè yu sent a .shrt linm since. are nearly ali sok and ïiVi.versnl éstisfáclion. The above íirc only a few of the numero letters which aio dnily received of the (ireat pop ulmiiy nnd, success of ih sir iruly excellcn Pilis '!'!u y aré th ! .: uiedicijif! for the nbove cm l:inis íhni are sld. ;iixl ín cvfrv Lnsq tlldl linv been iried have given iinivrrsal soiínTt'iclibñ, hri ehouid he kept usa lamily modicíne by every one We onlv nsk a ri:d o i' thn to convince th most skepticíil of ilie irnili ol thcSu Owèrtions. Tlie dtíécons rínti licauíu-ni of tlie diseas necompany every box. PRICE 25 CENTS 1T1! BOX. . No 'SUGAR CO ■Ti;i)-PILL,ttcanb' sa mne v.'iihmu i!o sinaiurc of the solé invento G. BENJAMÍN SMITÍI, M. D.. Preaidéi ; the N. Y C-illese of llcaltli," uporl evory box Offi.HS devoted exclusively to the sale oí th medicine. 179 Groenwicli Street, New York. N. '2, Wattr Street. Bofifon. For sale tri al! the villajes nnd Inwns in ti New Knglnnl Sialês. N. 15. - iVo travelling pedlnrs nrc aüowcd l Bell these Pilis. Kxaminc tlu Sicnniure. J3Tr snle by W. S. nnd .T. V. Maynarf T,und & McColliiin. t'. J; B. Grane, Aun Áil Peirin L Jlall, Northville; Thouias I'. Mny, J Plymouth: D. C. Whiiwood. Dostvf; G.& J G'. Hill. Detroit. Also at retaíl in every town througlxmt il Uniteii -St-ues ai 25 cents per Box. 21 'AWÖÖ&! WOOXi" " CL.OTH! CLOTH H npH E suliscribers will coiniuue to nmi.ui.uJL lure Fwileil Eloth, (or 37J cis. per yard. and wlute ilanncl for 2 cent? pei y;iri: or iliey will rnnnuf'arMiie ihe wool or hall the cloth il -.vil] mnke. Their Fac tory is 2 mil s Wesj pf Aun Arbor, on the I nron River. Wool ".vülnlso he received ut Sciö Vtièh sent bv Kniliond it wül be auended to in ilie tinme innnncr as ii inc owners wcre 10 cni'i with it. Wool will bc rnnnufaciureil in turn as it coniesin ;is ncnrly as it can be done with relcr encc to the ditferent qunlitirs of wool. WOOL CAED1NG, will bc done at Scio. by Thomas Nosl.ins. S. VV. KOSTER A, CO. Scio. Mv 1, 1845. 10 BELAVAPJ HOUSE. AUANY. XF.NV YORK. BY NATH ANIEL ROGERS. TTIIS celebrateïl house is tiow öpfeh (or ihc re cepiion oftrnvclers. It isthe l;in.';st dimension8. nnd is ai'irelij nrw in all its parts. li is strictly a Tcmp-rancc House, nnd whilè ii" ppïns will bespáred to mnke it nfl (hat ilic trnveling public can nsk, it is expected in return thai tt will rcci'ive the pa-.ronnc pfjll thëfrienj ut' Tumperance who may have occüsimi tcf'vis'n All.iny. .iy 19. 1.846. 212-Gm JÈROME lVLrREADWELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEI,LOlt AT LAW, And General hand Agent, WILL attend tu the gnlc nnd exclum ol Lanrlsi pnyment of Taxes. and ïeilemp'ion of Lanas so ld lor Tajfes in ackeon nnd ;idj- i n i 1 1 íí coiinues. exáriiinatioh of. Tifléa, ConVcynncins and nll lnisiiic-JspcrKiining to Reul Kst.ite. Office in the Court Jluusc. Jucksoii, M.ichicoo,, 17-tf. Roady Made Clothing. AT REDÜCED PR1CES. TUF, largest and best assortnieni of rendy ninde clothinr ever bclorc DÍlered in thií Siaie. now on hand and íor s.c, VVhoJesjle i Retailj at the Clothing Empbrium of the Sub - dcribers. consisting in purt of Fine brondcIoMi Frock autl Dress Coais. Tweed and union cassiniere, aatinetand jetm Frock and Business Coais. Sutnmer Coats in great variety and very efienp. Cnssimere, cloth. tweed and summer Panls ol uil. stylc8 und pricos. Satín, velvet. silk. valencia, cashmere and Mnrseillcs Veste - a large stock oi'rich nnd fushionnblc styles. Also, fin extensivo assortment of Ilosicry. Stocks. Scarfs. Ilnndkerchiefs. Collnrs, Shirts, Glnveg. Cravais. Suspenderá. Src. &c, all of which will bc eold low for cash. Tliey wou ld rcspcctul)y invite nll, in want of roady mn'de garments, to cnll and exainine thcir stock beforc purcha9ing elsewhero. nsil hits been sclccted with care in the F.astern mnrliei and mnnulnctured in tlie latest styles and most durable nianner. HALLOCK & RAYMOND. Corner of Jofferson &. Woodwurd avenues. Detroit, April 4, IS-15. 2i:'-ti Paper Haiiging-s, BOHl)j;Kh(;, Wi„dow Tapéis, Firc Konrd Papars. Slx. will bc sold at very low P rices y W.A. RAYMOND. Detroit, May 19, lE4i. ' 8JÖ-GmAL.WAYS ON HAN. aT G%p?j rTlHE Subscriber has re. gj3? X moved his shop to Main 7t lVO Sircet opposite II. BeekZ? '1w crs Brick Storc' wlltre lio fff fw 13 3b '"'iy 'l(' )UIK' rcnf'y 'o wiih -aV 1 yjjMgfij üp" fl" tiiïU moy give him aMlaJieiïSSsS Iliiving ji8t receivod dieet irou) íjc Y"tk nn ele7int stock of' JEWEÏ.RY, ml Fiincy rtr.liple, uhlch he intends to sell iliüii li.-is ever been eóld west of Bufïnlo r Hrtidij Pap (hih. Among whléh nmy be outul a íiood ossortnient of Gold and Common V'alch Ktys. Gold Finper Rtngs nnd Bosom 'nis. Giüiril pbnins, Silver Tea and Tablo ■ip.iuiis. Sugnr Tongs Buiier Knives. Silver 'cncil cqö' b. Si!( r ind Common Thimbles. Silat Spectncle8. Germnn. do.. Steel, do., Unir '.ruslics. Cloilics do., Tooih (o., Loilicr do. 'me Rrizors and, rotket Kiiivtf.' Fine Sheors ml gíi8sqr8, 1.::i!iit liox(?. Rftzor Sirope. Walciis. Pmsrfe. Vj.ilins nnd Bov8, Flutes. Violirt ;:! 'olin Sirinp'. Clnrionet Reeds. Perision Ccpp. Po ket Pifióle. Briitnnin Candlelicka. Wiitcht's, Loiter Stninps. Sieal Pene nnd fwcezej, SuiUTand Tobacco lioxes. Fine comb, )rés8mg do., Side do.. Iick ('o.. Shell do.' Nccilh a and (Ves, Whïer Piiints," Toy Watcbce' Kid Dollf. a great vnrieiy of Toys too numerous o meniion, Beads, iS'etliiaces, Foncy Boxee &c. &c. Ci.ocks nnd Watchks of every deecnpti'on reinired nnd warramcd, also. Jevery repaircd on khort noticc. CAI. VIN BLISS. N H. Ca:h rAin eor OLD GOLD AND 5ILVKR.. C. B. Ann Arhor. Oet. 24, 18-14. 23-if. ALLËFASi'S M EfMClN EÏ. TftTE'SE MKÜÍC1NES ARK circcting sucli astonishing cures in nril iíhuIl's ot (ild pases long since abnndoned by l'h.-ici;nis ;ind Siimeons ü-: u:terly hopeless. that nu nirilifiricR. where these are known, stond sa (icMiealy high! Tlicy conaist of TÍ1E BLACK. OU ALLEBASI'S SALVE, Prici 25 Ccvls, Whicli curcf! ilinost universally. Fcver Sores, of 'l'.c mosi in;)liinntit kind, Felons, Ulcers, AbsceisC8j Tiiiiiois. Fr.icnirt's, Cuts, Punctures, Hum-. SCQlde, Fok: Tliroat. Chilblnins, Qi:in6ê. Örop v. hiüamntory U Ut utnaiisin, InflnninHiiinnsniici SweUirij et' overy description. Scald fíopd, Agüe in tlio Faqe, Nervous Tooth Ache, A'Qiie in the Breast, Brokci) lrcast, Ac. &c. ALLF-BASI'S I[i:A![Il riLLS. 25 Cent. '1 in t Pilis have öcq'tifréd n popuínrifv within tlie J;it-t iqpi o iwo, whith no othor ?i?l6 po- 868B. Tlu' re.iFi.j-s ;irj' livi'His lo ill who uso théin. Tliiv cure ;i!l lüjions. Scarlet nnd oth er l'v(;s. Kever nnd A;iie. Dyspepsin, Dropsy, Acid Stomaeh. Disorder. i Bowels. or ítonií.ch, .laundiie. flt-nd A.chet, Diziiincss in the Utnd, Wpfrnïl. I,ivor Coinplnint. fleart Burns, Cbolic, Ht.wi'! complaint, General Debiljt'y, Costiveness, &c &c. ThcM pui'ify the entire system. lenve the bowtila in a vïorous and hcaltliy contlition, vK:c. Sèt prtfn'phtét. ALLKBA'Sl'S TOOTH ACIIE DROPS. Pi re 25 C(„ts. Will euro r.n oidivai y e;j-(j ol Tooth Ache, in fiiiii ihi'f lo leu nnuiitis. For Nerv.nus and o'ther kinils of Tuoth Acho. sce Pumplilet. ALLKBASIS ICjOIï MAí'S PLASTER, "i it I . ii" ( '7H, Are wnrrtntcd to b'é superior lo nny othor Piasters ui :Jlii or anv other conilfrj', for pain (ƒ wèuknöFS in the Birk. Sirfe; Chert, Bowcli, l.i'ins. .Mn.cls. nnd lor Rhcmnntism. Luiig iintí Liver C'on pUiitts, Cuiighs. Colds, Ástíinm, &c. Si e iniii)l:lft. B. - Piensa to ask tlie ntrent for n pnmphlei which ;iwp ;il! t!je iniorniation necepsnry res:ec;iu.' the íjsís of ttic ftledicinrs. t)ic virtues they - ■'.-si'.s. ('ti-. to diiecfiors in 'he use pj ttte niedicim s, and you may rely upon nll that is projuiscd. i A libero' discount nindè to mcrclinnts nftd oth ere. who hny ti) sr!l apnin. LYAIAN W. Gil BERT, Proprictor. JVju.lesale Drupgm, 214. Fülton n, N. Y. ICIrFor srile bv the ;i!)SC]iln-r. who bnp been iippoiiürid general ncnt !or the Cit) of Detroit uwl ts vit-inity. Couritiy dealer supplied on liLeini tei ing, . ■ C. MÖRJïE, MiihiL'an Bork Storp. The ühove medicines are for sale nt the Book Stort of WM. R. PERRY, In Ann Arbor, Lower Villnge. Drcemhor 9. 14 f. 34 JyWilliain E. Fulciphcr, ) vs. J. IN ATTACI1MENT. .' Gout. ) BE.FÓRE VVrn. II. Ferry, Justico of 'the ronce. Nojice is hereby 2vcn that n tvrit of ntinchincni waq ued in üie above entitled cause, reiiirnnhlc on the 26ifi diiy of August. 1845, and the sni'l i)t-!tiiii:H:t (lid not nppear nt the return ■)l siid writ. Therrfore snid cnuse ainnds ad jourued for tiial muil the 26th dny of November néxt.Tai I o' P M., nt the oilice ofsaid Justicc of the Peace. WM F,. PHX'IPHER. Dnted, ai Ann Arbor, 26th Augu9t. A. D. 18451 227-5w . SAVËCOST! 4 LL persons indcbtcd to ihv subscribtrs. ei-V ibe,rby note or book account, nre requested fcall nnd settle tlte sime bcfore the 15th day f Si'incinber nexi, ns nll iebts unscttled nt thnt time will bc lefi in tlie bands of Win. R. Perrjr Ksq. for collection R. & .T. L. DAVIDSON. Ann Arbor, Atiff. 11. 1845. S25-4w "ÏNCARLBÖRÖ ÜOTÏÏL. TEMPICRANCE HOUSf:. NATHAiNIEL RQGERS. AT. 22Q. Washington Street, Boston. P1HS house hne undcrgone a thorough repair, .-nul ii ia nu ndcd thnt norum house ahnfl be iiipciior lok. Jtwillbe nnder the immediate chnrge bj Hrown & Colburn, as Mr. Rogers keépe tho Délev'a'h House in Albany. xMi.y li, tó.45, 2',2-G.n O,OOO Pomicfs WOOL WANTED njHl yubscribers will pay Cnsh for Woo!, at JL iheir S'ore, No. liö Jcfierson Avenue- Qtcal qare should bo mken by Wool-Growc.s n clciinsitig thcir 'Wool, nnd putting it up fur niiirUct. JVlany Farmers are in the habito' clipping thcir Wool wiiliout wnshing, which ren- ders it nnmerchanttible. Let it be wel) ■nnsI.jM, nnd rolicd as tight ns possible, inside out, and fn$tent'd v.'itli n strorif; cord. Thosc having Wool to soll will conault their interest by culling on us before selling. ]E1V GOO1IS. WE nre now receiving our Spring fock fik Goods. which we ofl'er for Ctish or Pro' duce, at ihc very lowcst inorkef priem, SMITH. GLOVER & DWIGHT. Detroit. May, 1845. 213-tf NEW ARKAreGEHlENTsI REMOVAL Tiil'] ilx-r luis removed his ock of IJÜOKS o Stnro No. 2. E.xchange Block, .i.ljciiiiini Lunds&i M'ColluniB btore,where he ia reody to furnifh cash custotuers with a new and veil celpctnd nssortnient of Miscillaneovs, Keligiovs, Hisloricaï, Biographical and School Books, lotTCther sviih he Wft nssoriment ol Paper, Quillf, luk, Wafèrs, Toy Books nnd Stntionery generallv which hm ever been oflered west o Detroit, nnd will be sold nt 'lie Detroit Cash prices. He hns addcd to his former bnsineesa well seIccted nssortnient of Faniify Groceries, which he will exchange for Cash or niont kindB of piDlillCO. AVantud- Egps. Beeswax nnd Tallow. Remerríber the store, two doors from the Flouririg Mili. WM. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, Lowcr Village, June 6, 1045." 7t Öccse Feather. TÍ1K Subscriber hasnlway on hand a-good bupply ofGeese Fenthcrs which he will'sell' in (untitie8 to snit purchaïere and at theloweet market rate. i; W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, May 23, 1845. 21&-6m.


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