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How To Spread Anti-slavery: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Mbssrs. Bkckley k. Foster: - Permit me through your paper, to engget the propriety of devising 6ome plnn by which the remóte and thinly settlcd countiea of our State ond the back 6ettlement8 and outskirts of onr town can be more euccessfully reached, and enlightened on the subject of abolition. Our public lecturers have visited the cities, and principal villages of the State - where large audiences were expected; and in so doing muchgood has been occomplished; but is these places, at the present time, to a great extent, the lines are drawn, and ench voterhns taken sidea and stands committed. When a celebrated lecturer visits these places, he calis out acrowd of intere9ted hearers, but generally they are the decided friends of the slave, drawn from the pro-slavery multitude around, who are too much chafed by party feeling, or too much inlerested in f lic preaent state of chinas to exposé their consciences lo the trnth, or too ignorant, blind o" prejudiced apainst the principies of abolition fo altend and listen wilh candor, and rnnny lecturers ef sterling meril have fallen pon "stony ground hnarers,'' or upon tho6e already cominitled to our cause. Whi'e we would hope the public lecturers wili continue their efforts, increasing in numbers, zeal, and snccess, leaving no place, l.'owever formidable, unvisited; vet if their attention could be turned to the more unfreqnented fields, I ihiuk thcy would find that the mighty power which we need to poise the political scnle, now liea in ambuah, unconverted, and uncalled for, or around the hedges and long the highways uninvited into the vineyard. The voters of Michigan who come from tlie woods, school districts, and back settlementF, are no office seekers, no hirelings, no eervile?, acknowlede no politica! övérseersj but are ilim, honest, lovera of justice. I wish also to P"ggest, for theconsideration of the Young Men'a Staie Convenlion, the County Cpnyfntion?, and your readers generally, the e.vpediory ofcmployingcolporteurs in evcry county, if possii)]e, and if not prjcti cflblc in every county, those in limited district?, whose business it may be, to visit from house to house, distribute and circuíale antislavery publ:cations, obtain subscriptions for iiboüticn papers Ihrnugh the doy, and in the rvening give a leelure to the asf-embled neighhorhood. Men of good commi n sen-e, of ro'nd mind?, nrqnainted with men and business, who lovo the cause of liberty, could be dbtained in ahy county Pr a common pcbool teachers wages - and with the sale of bookn, nnd collections which he miiht obiain, he would tiearly, or quite pay his own way ihrough. Let our orli slnverv society appoint a committee to secure the lubors f colporteur, furnish him vvilh hook?, tracts, pcriodicalsi and newspaper lipts, and the circulation of the Siennl nnd Emano' pator would doublé in our State, and the eflTcct npon our cause would wcll pay the price. And if it isnot successlul npn the present olection, it will be npon future cloctions, equnlly as imporlnn:, for therc are morelo come, nnd we must rrmain tirm ns a rock in tlie midst ot ihe oceun, till the fretted wavpa and warrinjr rlfn]pi!t, nuw lashed ino fury, risinj up in fcarft;l surges around as, huve foanied out ilieir madness, and the brenkers of opposition subsidfi int o an universal calm - and slavery yield to iberty, without a compromise, her undisputed dominions.


Signal of Liberty
Old News