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Foreign News: Prussia

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Accounts from Berlín state that the govern nent isendeavoring to put down the reiïgioup ' xcitement in Pruasia, hy prevent ing public neetings. A mee'.ing of the "frienda of the ight,' which wa9 to take place on the LOth, was B'.opped by the pólice, at the moment when ihe people were aseembling. A declation to that efíéct Í3 to be pubhshed by the king. AUSTRIA. An investigaron into the recent distnrbances at Leipsrc, is in progress; meanwhile the local Saxon journals are forbidden to publish any forther accounts of the eveuts. A 1 lerial rescript was addressed to the censors, I most strictly enjoining them to refuse tbeir imprimateur to all paragraphs which contain the most distant allusion to religious matters in tbeir periodicnls, whicb are not expressly authorized by their license to treat religious controversíeí.ALGIERS. Marshal Bugeaud has lately made a success ful expedilion to Delly at the head of 5,000 men - the people raade submission upon the I fiist appearanco of the troopg, Abd -el-Kader J has retreated into the interior. Marshal I genud is returning to F ranee, and it is eaid will notretumto Algiers, but socceed Alar-j shal Soult as Minister of War. The Marshal has propoaed, and ordereel to be carried into execution, a colonization, which he says he lhag reasonto believe the gjvernment will approve." In consista in allowing well con-j ductcd ooldiers, still threeyears of service to perform, to tjuit the army, to get married, and seltle in Algiers, receiving a certain portion of land, a house, and pecuniary assistance from the g-OTernrnent, all of which wil! be absolulely thcirs. SYRIA.The disturbances in Mount Lebnnon are ükely to be effectually put down, through the infliienco of the five powers. Sir Moses Montkktorb has sent a smal) party of Jews from Jerusolem lo Preston, England, for the purpoae of learning theari of weaving, which he is determined ío introduce into the holy city. The efforts of the knighA ought to secure for him the gratitude and love of his brethren. We ore glad to see that ihey nre penerally appreciated. CHINA. The last arrivals bring intelligence of the destruction of the Ch inese Thealre, situated in a small square in the CHy of Cantón, which was attended with ihe loss of 1400 lives; 2000 persons were also wounded. Some 5000 or 6000 had assembled to witness the performances. Suddenly, in the midst of the phy, fire broke oul immediately nder the seats occup'ied by the women. TbeW was a rush immediately for the .t reets, bui there were but two nurrow door ways out. Oe of thee was soon closed by the falling of a part of the . building, 8O that il was alraost imposible lo escape.NEW ZEALAND. Hostilities between the Europeans and Na Uves haring (aken place, with the exception of Auckland, the capital of New Zsaland, the nativeB had completely routed the Europea coloniste and oblained possession of the sland. Tbey were makin preparations to attack Auckland. The island comprises an extent o! about 500 mileo and included about foiuteon Europeaxi seulemonte. The Bay of Islandu, formerJy the seat of gorernmenf, contamed previously to the attack of the nat ves, a pop ulation of about 3.000 inostly Eglish. The population of Aucfclaiid, we beJ.evc w about 4,000.OREGON. Tlie popiilation of this territory is estinmed ot 4,000. A correspondent of the Boson Atlns wriics May 17, 1845: "This sprin? Ihe Legislature met ro decide lie fjiiRstion of iheir mtirn independnce. in which they ure sireiained by the Hudbun I5ay JornpMiiy. Il nppar'd to be the desire of uil wriifs, this w(iv, that Otcgnn should become n independent repuhlic. 'J'he scltletnent is vory flonrishine; and already consumes a con sidernhle animin' of BUjrár, coflee, snh, C'.iina nnd KiJfr lir-h gocxïs, nirfia-pd nt this place. !'he scft!or claim thn bilh degree of north IntiMido -is tiir-ir honndary in fint direct on : rhoujrhthe II.kIsod I5-iv Cornpnuy are preired to (üi-pnte aiy infringement upun sitea clairned by them. ' The surplus ot Whent last year wns cstimated at 100,000 bushels. A mili wiihthree run of stones wdh in operntion at Wallamet Falls. Poliiics wero runninr high, and there were four cundidatea for Govenmr. It is said that a delegnte will be elocted .ind 6ent to Washington next win'er, to claim n scat with delégate from other Terntoriea. 8ut this is not at all probable.


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