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The Coming Election

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Three weeks ff om to-morrov the friends of Liberty nnd Equal Rignts wil) becalled upon again to deposite in the ballot box their testimony ngainst the enormous evils of Slnverv, and in favor of just and righteous Lpgislntion for all classes of men. Are they so prepnred that their testimonv will teil with the gfeatest possible efiecl vipon the desïinies of their country? LibertV Men! Your courso is v.-tohedwith sleepless vigila ice by every clnss of Americans The Slaveholder will eagerly turn to the reporta of eleciions to see what was tlie Liberty te even of Michigan - the youngest nf tho dnnfed' erncy. VVhen he reads Ihfkt ötnidst the falling ofTof other partips. voto for th? overthrow of his abominable, sytem of oppression has 1 argel y increast'Ti hpre ns well as elsewhere - that the frieiids of Liberty u-ere ardent nnd pei'spverijig - full of hope and courage and efïbrl - will he not become troubled and anxious? - And when the news is whispered nmongthe Slaves, thnt ihe friends who are laboring for them nre stendily incrensing Jn numbersand power; will tlicy not rejoice in view of ndvancing freedom and happiness? The veteran and experienced Politician isalso watching you to know whetlier your course is onwnrd like the current of a mighty and mnjestic slrcnm, or whether yourkforce is already exhausted, and having become tired of efibrt, you nre now disposed to repose in supine indiíTerence. The sincere and honest Patriots of the oiher parties are looking to you to ascer fain if they can see in your progress and principlps those elements of success, and of moral and political renovaiion which they have sought for but have not found in their own orgnnizations. The Liberty vote of Michigan, whatever it be, will be canvassedamong millions of people, the friends and the enemies of Slavery. Shall the friends of Liberty rejoice. or shall the friends of Slavery shout in exuliation nnd gladness of heart? Each of them will measure your fidelty nnd interest to the cause of Human Freedom, by the number of votes dcpnsited in ifs favor at the Polls!Liberty tnen, on mosf occasions, are exceedingiy negligentand cnreless nboui íttending the polls. The most trifling excuses are sufficient to keep away great numbers ofthem, whose fidelity to their principies is unquestioned. Let every man make up his mind to vote himself at all events, nnd make hls urrangments so tliat he can attend. Next, let liim see that all the Liber'y men of his town are there. Let the nged and disabled be sent for andcarried home. And let all be at the polls in season. Uecollect yon can no longr.r vote on the second day; and that all the votes must be pol led in six or se ven hours. - So, if you wish to vote at all, you must go early. Look a round arnong jour neighbors and ascertnin their views. Yom may find some who are now ready to go with you who never have done so beíbre. Two such votcrs in every town will make athousand in the whole State! Lastly, do not fail to have a plentiful supply of tickets, nnd let them be early and generally distribuled in every part of the town. The signs of the times indícate that you are not destined to be much longer the third party in the State. True, you may not immediately become ihejirst in numbers, but if you are diligent and faithfu] to your principies, your reproach ns o third party will soon cense. We are not at all afraid that Liberty men will be discouraged, or be recreant to their principies. All the elections since the Presidential canvass - New FJampshire, Connecticut, Indiana, íowa, Wisconsin, Maine and Vermant -"-have resulted favorably for the cause of Liberty. The determination to persevere, and the confidence of final success, prevail in every State. But it is only through the ballot box that their progress is every where ascertained and regislered. We sny, then, to every Liberty man, - DO NOT FAIL TO VOTE.


Signal of Liberty
Old News