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SOMGrHtNG NBW. musco y e t us riLLS, 10 THB CERTAIN AND PERMANENT CURK OF FEVER AND AGUE. 1 1 "iHESK pills are prcpared by thi disiinguishcd JL F. KLING, M. L. of Jnckson M:ch. In all of the many cases in which they have been med, they have given the most cntiro and perfect satisfaciion. The propnetor linznrds nólhirïg in eaying, that they are the very best medicine in the world for the cure of the nbove mentioned disense. Any qunmity of recommendations migh; bo published- as ia the custom wirh many - out that ia considered unnecessary Unc trial will eat!8Íy the most incredulous of their greí: vi tue. The majority of Medicine now in use nftbrd bui & temporary relief, merely brcaki ng and check - ing the diseñe for a short time and preventing only iti external appearance, while inwardly it ia still raging, ihus caueing many other malndyj. and consequeutly provine liighly injurious, to future hsalth. Il is the object in thisinstancr, to preeent lo the public a Medicine entirely different from that heretofore oflered, and one that will not merely chkckthe chills, but that will endiente the disense entirely from the systeni. IVarrantcd to effect a ptrfcct cure if the dircdions are atrictly followcd. Direciions accotnpany every box and no Muscovetus Pills are genuine without the writtcn signature of the invemcr "F. Kling." Each box containa 100 pills and twelve powders price$l,00. For salo by Maynards and Lund &. Mc Collum. Ann Arbor; E Sampson and Norris &, Felch. Ypsilanti; Cnssius Swift, Dexter; Hale, S.-nith &Dunham. Gmss Lnkc; Smuh & Tyrol, Clinton; D. K. Underwood, Adrián, Thomas P. May Plymouth; Peter Van Every, S. R Sanford. Grand Rapids: F Gardner. Jonesville; Saflbrd Hopkins. Hillsdale; Belchér& Ernest A. Temple, J. McConnell & Co., Jackson, and ihroughout the State. P. S. All thosè who are afflicted with a chron ie Uisease wilhout regard to name and nature, eren if pronounced incurable by others are respectfully invited to cali on me at my residence in Jackson, and I will endeavor to restore them to perfect healih, if not ulready beyond the power of all earthly aid. F. KLING, M. D. Jackfon, July at. 784". 3m219 In Chancery- Ist Circuit. GeorgeF. Porter, administraior of Oliver Kane, decca8ed, complainant, út. Loren Mills, Elijah W. Morgan and VVilliam S. M.iynard. defendants. BY virtue of a decretal order issued out of the court of chancery of the S'ate of Michigan, Ishalt expose to sale to the highest bidder, at the Court House in the Village of Ann Albor, Washtenaw couiuy, on the 23d day of September next, at I o'clock, P. M..of that dny, the following described premises sitúate, to wit: "sitúate, lving and being in the town of Ann Arbor, in thocounty of Washtenaw nnd Smtc of Michigan: Beginning at the centre of Whites Road, so called, on tho west line of section 29, in town two south of range six easi; thence Bouth on the line of the said section and on the line of section thirty-two, forty rods 6outh of the south west corner of the said section to a stake; thencc east at right angles with 6nid eection'line thirty roda; thence north and parallel with sau ction line to the centre of said Whites' road. - Thence south seventy five dcgiees wesi in the een tre of the said rond to the place of beginning containtng thirty-thrce acres and sixjy-five hundredths of an acre of land more or less. GEO. DANFORTH, Master in Chancery. Jov & PoitTER, Sol's. Dnted, August lhh, 1845. 224 ' The above sale is pos'poned until the 20th dny of October A. D. 1845 at the same hour and place. GEO. DANFORTH. Mastcr in Chancery. Dated, Sept. 23d, 1845. 1 he above sale is posiponed until the J7th diy of November, A. D. 1815, at same hour and place. GEO DANFORTH, Master in Chancery. Dated, October 20th, 1845."TO THE VICTORS BELONG THE SPOILS." A LTHOUGH many preparaMons in the lorm . oí "POPULAR MEDICINES" have been before the public, claiming to give reüef, anc even cure the most invetérate dioeases, yet none have so well answered the purpose as Dr. Sherman's Medicated Lozenges. They are agreeable lo the taste, easily administered, and from the unprecodentedsuccess which they hnve njet witb, and the remarkable cures which they have performed, inay justly }iy claim to the mie of Conquemr over the diseases for which they have been recommended. Dr. Sherman's "COUGH LOZENGES" Cure the most obstinate cases of Cough in a few hours. They have cured a Iarge number of persons who have been given up by their physicians and friends, and mnny who have been reduced to the verge of the grave by spitting bloud, Consumption and Hectic Fever, by their use have had the rose of health restored to the haggard cheek and now live to speak forth the praises ol hi invaluable medicine. Dr. Sherman'e "WORM LOZENGES" Have been proved in more than 40.030 casee to be infallible, in fact tho oniy certain Worm Destroying Medicine ever discovered. Children will eat them when they cannot be forced to takt any other medicine, and the benefit derived from the administración of medicine to them in thic form is great beynd conception. When the breath of the child becomes offensire, and therc is picking of the nose, grinding of the teeth during sleep, paleness about ihe lipa with flushed checks, hcadiche, drowsiness, etarting during eleep, disturbed dreams, awaking with frightand ecreaming, troublesome cough,feverishness,thir8t. voracious appetite, sickness at the stomnch anc bloated stomnch - these are among the many prominent symptoms of worms. and can be relieved by these incomparable Lozenges. They have never bern knort n to fail. Dr. Sherman's "CAMPHOR LOZENGES" Relieve Headache, Nervons Sick Headache, Palpitation of ihe heart. and Sickne?s in a very few ininiite8. They cure Lowress of Spirits, Despoadency, Faintness, Colic, Spasms, Cramps ol the Stomach. Summcr or Bowel Complaints: they keep up the spirits, dispel all the distressins symptomsof a night of dis3ipation, and enoble a person to undergo great mental or bodiiy toil. - Dr. Sherman's 'TOOR MAN'S PLASTER Is acknowledged by all who have ever us d it to be the best strengtheninc Piaster in the world. ond a sovereign remedy for pains and wenknest in the back, loins, side, bredst, neck, limbs. joints, rheumatism, lumbago, &c. One million a year will not supply the demand. Cautton is necessar , as there are many unprinoipled persons who would lorce a spurious article upon the community. Be careftil to get Sherman's Poor Man's Pla6ter, with a "fac simile" of his written name on the back - none others are genuine. and will do more hurt than good. When such men as the Rev. Daríos Anthony, of the Oneida Conference. Rev. Sebastian Stteet er, of Boston, Rev. Mr. Dunbar, Mr. Hancock, Rev. Mr. De Forest, Hon. Aaron Clark, J. Hoxie. Esq. Hon. B. B. Beardsley, Daniel Fanêhnw, Esq. and a host of names of the like reputation can be brought forward to prove the efficacyofDr. Sherman's prepnrattons - when they are so warmly recommended by the medical pro foaion, and prescribed in the prnctice, and when such universal approbafion follows iheir usc among all classes, we may justly say that the Dr. is not only entitled to the appellation ol "VÍCTOR," but can fairly lay claim to the patronage of the public, and will receive it. Agents for Ann Arbor. H. M. Thompson A Co.. W. S. & J. W. Maynard; E. Sampson. Ypsilanti; D. C. Whitwood, Dexter: Pickford t Craig, Saline; Smith & Tyrol. Clinton, H. Bower, Manchesier: P. Farlick & Co., Plymouth: D. Gregory and A. Grant, Northville. __21 8-6m NEW ENGLAND HOÜSË; No. ni BROAPWAY, NEW YORK. (B'tween the City Hoieland Trinity Church.) THE Proprietor, grateful for the patronage already bestowed upon him by the public generally, would give notice that his house is now in complete order for the reception of Ladies and Gentlemen who may want permanent board or tranpient accommodniions. The New Enaland House being siricily a tcmperance ho ise. and pleaanntly located in the immediate viciuity of business, makes it very de6Írnble ior mei ofbumncRS, as well as bII orhers who }ike quiet accommodatione and aerecnhlc company- P. WIGH r. Mny U 18J5. 6m212The Wonder ful Succcss W11ICH Dr. Folgers' Olosaonia. or AllIlenliug Hiilsiim lins met wnli iiot only in its sale, but nltjo in the cures which it has ef fectcd. in persons who wee in a hope'cfs con dition, has convmeed tlic most skepncul of its extrnordinary curativo proporties, and estnbliphi'd its claims to the name ol'ihc GREAT 11HJV1El)Y. Thequcstion is no longer asked.';0w Asthma bc eurttlf" It hns leen sniiü'actorily settled wiihin the last two monihs tliat Folger's Olbenoñinn will protluce a cure quickcr tlian any other remedy in ihe world. and references cn Oe given to persons in and om of ihe city who hov expc rienceo its wondcrful virtues. who hud tried lor years all ethers remedias in vain. Mr. VVILSON.nhrick Iayer, residingat Hobo ken.N. J.. liad tricd every remedy which he could hear of for the relief ol asthma; and had spcni more than one hundred dollars o endeavoring to procure help, bui in viiin. FJe commenced using the Olosaonian, Jamiary 2lst. The firs; dose he took gave him relief, and two days aftcrward h's wife called to s:iy that the small qunntityol this remedy which he had taken had done him more good than any and all the medicines he had ever nard in his life. Mrs. Bel!, fhe wife ofRobert P. Dell, of Morristown. N. J., who wns severcly afflicted with asthma, was given up by her physicians. She wns removed to the senboard in the hope of pal liating her distressing symptoms, but wjth no benefit. One bottle of the Olosanian so far relieved her that she was able to get up from her bed and dress herself, a tbing she liad not done before in mon'ha. and sbe has now rcturned to her resiilence in Morristown, N. J., wiih ever) prospect of being speedly restored. INCIP1ËN1 CON SU MPT ION yields to its effects. It soothes the troublcsomo Congh and gives refreshing slumbers to the weary; it ollays the pain in the sidc nnd sore ness in the chesr, nnd enablcs the person to ex pectorate eneily, while it ontiroly restores the se cretions of tho systein and expeditos rcturning health. JAMES B. DEVOE. 101 Rcade streef, had long been complainigg of asoreness in the chest aceompanied with a short hacking cough; he raised matter freely, had lost his appetitc ond fel alarmed ot his situaiion. He had tried varioup remedies without any beneficial effect. Il 8 shortness of b:cath and pain in the sidecontinuec to inercase. He used onc bottle of the Olosaoni an. nnd is restored to healih. George W. Burnett. of Ncwark, N. J., Gco W. Ilays, of New York; David Henderson, Gf Laightst: Mrs McGann. 20 Walker st: F. La ban, 52 Pike st.. Mis. Árchibnld. 35 Walker st with HUNDREDS OF NAMES of persons re siding in New York, could be given, who are ready to bear testimony to the superiority of the Olosaonian over every oiher remedy known fo the cure of coughs. colds. asthma. consumption spitting of blood, dyspepsia, consumption, bron chil8, difficulty ofbreathing. hnarseness. influenza, pains in the brcast nnd side. and the vari ous affections of the stomach nnd liver. For sale at I0G Nnsanu st, one door nbove Ann, and at Mrs Hays, 139 Fulton st., Brooklyn. Agenta for Ann Arbor, W. S. fe J. W. Maynard; E. Sampson, Ypsilanti; D. C. Whitwood. Dcxter; Pickrord & CrnL'. Salines Smith tTyrol, Clinton; II. Bower, Manchester; P. Farlick Co.. Plymouth; D. Grcgory and A. Grant, Vorthville. 2I8-6mo To Clotliicrs, ITIanu facturera and ITIerciiants. THE subscriber is now receivingai hisstore6, Iï8, and 19ü Jeflerson Avenue, Detroit. the following. carefully and well eelected stock of Dtk Woors Dve Stukfj. & Woollen Mav UFACTUREKJ5 MaCHIHÉRT. 15 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico and Carthagena, 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St. Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair.Caro, Hache anc Lima, 3 tons Cnmwood, very choicc, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 130 " Fustic, " " f.O " Red Woods, " " J20 : Camwood. M M 10 " Querecitron Bark, 45 'Í Allum, 42 " Copperas, 3i) " Blue Vitriol, y8 " Madder, Ombro and Dulch Crop. 3 " Cream tartar, 2 " Nutgalls, 2 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Guatimala, 2 cases Lac-Dyn, ' 23 " ext. Logwood, 2 ' GrainTin, 300 pounds Verdigris. 15 Carboys Oil of Vitriol, Spirits Sea-Salts and Nitric Acid, ALSO, Copper Kettles and Cioihers' Screws, Tenter Hooka. Jacks and Brushcs, Preas Papers. Care Cleanert., Wcavcr's Sheers, Nippersand Burling frons, Comb-Plates, Pickers and Robbins, VVire, Wor8ted and Cotton Harness. Steel and Cane Reeds, Broad Power, Hand Loom and Fly Shutters. Steel and Copper Mails Emcry, fee. Parson's Shearing Machines, 4. G.and 9 blades Allcn'8 doublé and single Carding Machines. Machine Cajds. Loicester. The aliove goods have been recently purchascd, directly from the importers and manufacturers, exci.itsivki.t kor cash. nnd will he sold at the Now York Jobbers' prices, adding transportaron only; and in consequence of the decline on many of the American manufaftnred articles, will in many cuses, be sold at Jifteen per cent less than former priecs. The subscriber8 experience in the Dye Wood trade ennblcs him to say to his customers that he is prepared at all times to warrant his goods of superior quality. THEO. H. EATON, Dye Wood and Dye Stuff Wurehouse, 188 aud 190 Jefferson Avenue Detroit. Aug. fe. 18-15. 225-4m WANTED.- 20" lbs. Red Onion Sceds. 50 lbs. White do do 25 Ihs. Yellow do do KlO lbs. Musk-mclon do 5 lbs. Water melon do 5 ) lb. Scarlet Radish do 5 lbs. Sage do 10 lbfl. Penper Grnss. do 10 buíh Éarly Marrow Pens 10 " " Cluster " 5 " Sngar Corn S. B. NOBLE. Ann Arbor, Sept. 9. 1845. 229-3w ÍNTEREST1NG TO WOOL 6ROWERS. njillbl Subscribers would respecitully 8nX nounce to the Wool Growcrs of Ann Arorand is vicinity, that they continue the business of Wool Carding and, Clolh Dressing fit the old stand i J. Beckley & C., wiierp hey may be found at all scasonable hours to wait upon those who may fuvor them with their atronage. They guárante that thir work will be done withncatnc8S and dcppatch. To thcir old friendsand as many new customers ae feel disposed to give them a trial, tliey would 8ay.come on wi'h your Wooi. and Ci.oth aad we will do you nmpfc justicc in the execution ofyonrwork - the pricc and terms ofpayment. Twenty thonsand pounds of Wool wnnted ín exchange for Full Cloth, Flanncl, &c. N. 0. - Givc us a orill before pnrehasing elsewhero. SUMNF.R IIICKS & CO. Ann Arbor LowerTovn,Mnr. 26,1845. 26 5inPcopSc froin the Country VltíliiNCJ Üeirun. ;or ihe purchase of Dry GoüiIs, Paper Hangings, or Feaihers, wli. Ie goiii llie rounds to aecorioin the various styles or pricea of Goods u the city, nre reqüeátcd to cali nt IV. A. Raymond's Store, o. J-Jtf. Jellérson Avenue, being unc door nbove Bates St. and next door to the "Manhatan Store." The undersigned hns taken a grea deal of pains in selectmg hia goods to get fash ionnlile styles and dudable qualities nnd he i? confident that his assonmcnt particularly of sucl 'looda Ji8 are desirable for the country trude, ie as complete as any in '.he city. He has on hand Ginghams, Bulznrines. Lawns, Muslmde Laines, CulicoeB of evory Mulls. Luces. [p'yle, Edgines, Ribbons, Parasols, Shawls, Dress Handkerchiefs Crnvats. Scjrfs, Veüs. Glovc8. Hosiery, Brown Lin en8. tleached Linons. Tahle covers, Toweling Shirtines, Shceiings. Cainbrics, Muslins, black blue black ond fnncy dress Silks, Bonnet Silks Linen Canibric Handkerchfefs. ALSO, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATIXETTS VESTINGS, FULL CLOTHS, MOLESKINS, DRIL.L.I.NCS, BLACK AND FANCY CRAVATS, And indeed, almost every article belonging to the Dry Goods business. All of which witl be sold at the rin loiccst rates, for Cash. Cali anc see for yourselves - none are expected to buy i ihey do rfot find prices full as low, if not a littl lotccr than elsewhere. W. A. RAYMOVD. Detroit, May 23, 1 45. 213-Cmo Important to Farmers. KNAPP &HAVJLAND, would respcctfully infqrrn tlio farmers of Washtenaw and th surrounding Couniics ihat they continue to man ufneture at their shop near the river bridge. Low erTown, Ann Arbor, Thi'eshiiig Machines of different kinds comprising thcBurrall, Cadiz and Ea8iman'8 Planelary Power, and Machine different from nny made in this Conn:ry anr preferred toany otlier. which they intend to se at such prices and on puch termsas cannot fuil t rive satisfaction. They nre determincd not fi be outdone by any establishment, either in pric or quality of work. Having been for mnny years engaged in th business they think they enn with confidence ree ommend ihcir work, and farmers and othcr wishing to buy will dj well to cali and examin their work previons to purchasing elsewhore. - They are preparcd to do all kinds of threshing machine repairs, on theshortcst notice and mor reascnable lerms than uny 6mi!nr cs'ablishmcn in the Couniry. Also. Burrall's crlcbratcd CLOVER jTÏACIHXÏ' S, which separate the chafi from the secd at a single operntion and are universnlly npprovcd of aur used wherever introduced and warranted to thrc6h clean and not break the seed. For rererence apply to Robm or John McCormick of Sa lem Wathtcnaw Co., who have used one ihe pas tseason. W. W. KNAPP, T. A. HAVILAND. Ann Arlior, Mny Ist, 1545. 6m2 HARTFORD Tire Insurance Company. THE Subscriber, agent for the Hartford t'irt Insurance Cumpnny, takes picasure in lay mg before the public the following circular: HartvokvFireInsuranck Ofvick, ? uly 22d 1845. The recent disastrous firc in New York wil of course excite solicimde in regard to its efFec on the solvency of Insurance Companies in tha citv, and the neighboring places. The Directors of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company are happy to assure their customers and the public that they are prepared to adjust and pay at marurity, all losses sustained by their office, surplus and current receipts, without delay, and withou withdrawing their permanent investments. Thei capita' remains ampie for the security of all who insure with theni; and they invite owners of de sirable property to obtain Policies on favorable lerms, both at the Home Office and at their several Agencies. Their mode of transacting business, which for 35 years past lias secured the public confidence. will remain unchanged. By order of the Board nf Directors, JAMES G. BOLLES, Scc'y. F, J. B. Crane, Ann Arbor. By this it will beseen, that the Company pay their losses. during the last six months of fires OUT OF THEIR SURPLUS FUNDS. Sincs the pamentof onethousand dollars, to R. D. Powers. of Brighton, for the loss sustain ed by bim, the Company have paid the subscriber another :housand, lor Flour Barrels, burnt n the recent fire in ïhis villagc. For this last thou sand the subscriber psid the Company four dollars-a good investment as he thinks, during these hard times. All who are not insured are inviten tQ cali oh him, andhe will issue Polici es withont delay. F. J. B. CRANE. Agent. Ann Arbor, July 20, 18-15. 2?4if Dry Cïoods at Wholesale. BEECHER &, ABBOT OFFER for sale for cn8h the following goods at New York wholesales prices, transportation only added: 40 Bales Brown Sheetings and Shirtinge, 10 Cased Bleached do do 10 Bales Brown Drillinge, 3 Cuses Bleached do '2000 los Battin, 1000 Cotton Warp, Nos. 5 to 20 500 " Candie VVicking, 700 Carpet Warp, 100 pieces Sheeps Gray Clolli, 100 ' Satiinetts, 60 " Caesimere, 50 " Bine, Blnck, Brown, Green, Steel Mixed, and Cadet Mixed Broad Clotlis. 150 " Blnck, Co)ored,_Figurcd and Plain Alpaccas, 50 " Wliite, Red, Green and Yellow Flannels, 30 " SnjHjr Meal Bagging, 50 " Plain and Figurea Kentticky Jeans, 00 " " ' Linseys, 50 't Conton Flannele, 50 pairs Mackinaw Blankets, 50 pieces M. DeLaine and Cashmeres, 100 Blanket Shawls, 50 pieces 7-8 and 6-4 BedTicking, 50 " Stripe Shirting, 50 " Blue Drills, 100 " Pni8sian Dia per, 1000 " English and American Printe, toecther wilh a general assortment of Thrends, Pin?, Buttons, Combs,Gloves, Ribbons, Lnces, Idkfs. &tc. c, makinjf the largest and best assortment of goode to be found in tbis state. 13L Jefi'erson avenue, one door beïow the St. Clair Bank Building. Detroit, Oct. 7, 1845, L33-Cmo. Ann Arbor Oil ITIill. TUK Subscriber would give notice that he continúes the Manufacture of Lixsekd Oil, -ind is preparcd to supply painters and others vith as good nn artiele as can be purchased in liis or any othcr market. Cash, or Oil will bc exchnnged for Flax Secd for which the higheat market prico will bc paid. Z. S. PULCIPHER. LAnn Arbor, Lower Tuwn,Oe(. 10. 1845. 233tfMfortgagc Sale. DEFAUlr liaving been made in the payment of a certoiu siim of money sccnrcd lo e pid by a certain ndcntüre of mortgage beormg dnto the thirteenih day of June, A. D. one thousand eight hundrcd nnd thirty-sovcn, executcd by Christopher Muilen ond Thomas Muilen of the town of Northfield, in ihe eoiinty of Washtenaw nnd Sioie of Michigan, lo Thomas Gilluly of eaid town, county and State, which nmrtgagc was duly renordcd in the Rerister'a cffice of the county of Washtenaw, aforesnid, on 'he thirtrenth dny of June, in the yeur of our Lord cightecn hundred and thirty seven, at 4 o'clock in the nfternounof snid day, in Libernumber ftvc of mortenpes at pae one hundred and seventy cight which mortgage has been duly assigned to one John Ililey of the city, couuty and State of New York. And default having aleo been made in the condiciona of said mortgage, no suit or proeccding ut lawhaving been insti'uted to recover the wholc or any part of the money nowdue or claimed to bc due on the mortgage, and by virtue of the sevcral defauha. there is now claimed to bc due on said mortgnac. thesum of two hundred anc seventy-four dollars and 6cventy-nine cents: Noticc is thereforc hereby given, that in pursuance of a power of sale in said mortgage contained, wil! bo sold at the outur door of the Court House, in the village of Ann Arbor, in the County o Washtennw aforesnid, at public nuction on the second day of January next ( A. D. 1846) at ten o'clock in the forenoon of Foid day, in purauance of said power of sile all and (singular the premisos describe! in said mortgage as follows "Beingall that certain tract of Innd situated in the town of Northficld in the County and State aforesnid bei na the north enst quarer of the soutl west frac'ional quarter of section numbered thirti one in township numbered one south of range si: east. containini fifty-one acres of land be the same more or less," or so much thercof as shal he neeessary to satisfy the amount actunlly due on said mortg.igc together with costa of snle. JOHN RILF.Y. assignee of mortgage. By Hawkin's &. l'r.TT. his attornies. Ann Arbor. Sept. 26. 1845. 231 CAN'T BE BEATñ THE subscribers would inform the Public, tha they continue to supply the State of Michigan wit h L. B. WALKER'S PATENT SJtrUT fl.ÊCHMJVJES. The large numbers of these Machines that have been sold, and the steadily increasingdemand fo them, is the best evidence of their real valué and of their cstimation with those who have be conic fainilinr with their merils. Walkkk s Snuit Machine is superior to other in the following particulars: J. As it combines the Bcating, 8courinc an( Woning Principies, it cleans the smuttiest u grain in the best manner, rctaining all the fric lion of the wheat, and discharging thesmutan( dust as fast as peparatee! from the wheat. 2. It is simple in construction, and is tliereforo less liable to become derangcd, and costs les for repairs. 3. It runs very ligkt, and is pcrfcctly eecur from fire. 4. It iá ns durable as any other Machine in use. 5. It coats considerably thnn other kinds These important point9 of differnce have giv en iliis Machine the preferencc with those who have fairly tned it. Among a large n.urnber o Gentlemen in tbc Milling Business who migh be named, the following have uged the Michinos aii'Icertiíied to thcir excellency and superiority: II. N. Howárd, Ponttac. Mich. K. F. Cook. Rocbc6ter, do E. B. Danfokth. Mason, do M. F. Frink, Branch, do H. H. Comstock. Com8tock, do Refcrences may also be had to John Bacon, Auburn, Mich. W. Ryok. do do I). C. Vrki.and, Rock, do John Phips, Monroe, do H. Dousman, do do A. Bf.ach. Waterloo. do Gko. Ketchüm, Marshall, do N. Hemenway, Oakl.ind, do All orders for Machines wijl bc promptly at tended to. Address E. O. & A. CRITTENTON, Ann Arbor, (f,ower Town) Waab. Co. Mich AuE. 24, 1845226-ly RMS.1BP ! IZI1.1MP! CCGOOD NEWS AND GLAD TIDIXGS.,,} IFEEL myself under the most Iasting obligntion to Dr. F. Kling, of Jack ton. who ha lately advertised his inraluable "Muscovetu Pilis," intended exprcssly for Fever and Ague For a long pcriod my family have unfortunate ly been afflictcd witli Fever and Ague and have tried every "Patent Meidicine" which I couk tind, even the viost pipular of the larest as wel as the oldest remtthj and after epending ove $15 I despaired of ever bcing relieved, bu hearing of Dr. Kling' s Uliiscovetus Pilis, and the great effect they produced upon the Ague - as a last and almos' hopeless resort, I immedi ntely procured a box of them, took them accord ing todirections, and they gave me instant relief and I have been freo from that terrible disease while with other medicines I received but momentary assistance and relief. The Pilis I have recommended having produced so salutary an efiect upon me and my family, I cannot refrain from acquainting the public of their ereat worth SAMUEL ÜPD1KE. THEODORE UPDIKE, Witness. Grass Lake, July 14. 1845. ?2I-3m Pctition ibr Dïrorcc STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Cour for the County of Washtenaw, of the June Term of said Court, A. D. 1845. In the matter of the petition of Alvira Ayers, for a Divorcc Irom her husband, David H. Ayers. On readinir and filing the pet'tlon in this cause, which amonf other tliingssets forth that the petitioner does no know the respondents place of residencc, that shc was married to respondent on theOth day of November, A. D. 1642, and was induced to marr him by the frnud antf false pretencee practicet upon and made to her by respondent. Thut since said marriage, ihough of sufh'cient ability bo to do, the respondent has entirely, grossly, anc cruelly rcfused and neglected to provide any suitable maintenance for petitioner; that since said marriage the respondent has treated petitioner with extreme cruelty, and bas been guilty ol committing the crime of adultery: that petitioner hnd by her said husband one child, a boy, named James Franklin. which was born on the 2d day July, A. D., 1844, for the support of which, the respordent hns utterly refused to make any provisión; it is further stated in said petition, that the last time petitioner saw respondent he threatcned that ho would. at some future time, take said child from petitioner, and representa that his habita disqualify him for having the custody ol said child, and prays that he may be restrained therefrom, and that by the judgement of eaid Court the care, custody and exclusive control ol said child may bc decreed to petitioner or some other Buitablc person. or to ome other person and jfititinnrr. and ihat if, on inquiry the facts set ortli in said petition ore found true, a divorcc may be decreed; it is ordered on motion of N. ft. Ramsdel!, attorney for the pettiioner, that notice of the pending of said petition be given to ho respondent by the publication of a copy of this order in a newspaper published in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County and Stnte of Michigan, called the "Signal of Liiberty," four successive weeks, the last publicntion to be twenty days be'ore the fint day of the next term of tliis court, o be holden on the firit Tuesday of December next; and that the respondent appear, on orbe fore the first day of the next term of said Court. and ehow cause, if any he has, why the prayer of said petiton should not be ernntcd, or, that said petition be ttiken as confessed. A true copy. B. K1NG, Clerk. Ann Arbor, Oct. 2d, 1845. 4w235 MABLBORO HOTEL. TEMPERANCE HOUSE, NATHANIEL ROGERS. iVb. 229, Washington Street, Boston. PHIS house has undergone q thorough repair, and it is intrnded that norum houw? eliall be uperior to it. Itwillbc under the immedintc harge of Brown & Colburn, ae Mr. Roger iceps tho Delevan House in Albany. May 19, 1845. 2i2-6m1845. J. HOLMES & CO., AVHOLE8ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLR AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Dry Groccrivs, Carpcting, and paper Ilangings, No. 63 Woodward Avenue, Lamed' s Block, Detroit. j Hui.MF.s. New York. ) s m. holmes, Detroit, y WE tnke thismethod of inforniing oiir ff iendn and customers througliout the Stoic, fhai we are still ptirsuini ilu: even tenor ofour wi.ys, endcavoring to do our business upon L'ir nnd honorable principies. We would aleo tender our acknowledgmcnts for the patronage extended to lis by our customers, and would beg leave to cali the attention of the public to n very wcll selected assortment of etasonable Goods. which are offered at wholcsale or retail at very low pricee. Our iacilities for purchasing Goods are unsurpassed by any concern in the Stale - One of the firm. Mr. J. Holmes resides in the city of New York, and from his long experiencc in the Jobbing trade in thnt city. nnd from his thorough knowledgc of the niarket, he is cnablod to avail himself of the nuctions anJ nny decline in prices. We also purchnse from the Importers. Manufacturer'6 A gerits, and ftom the auctions. by the paakage, the sime as N. Y. .Jobbers purchase. thus aaving their profits. - With these facilities we enn safely say that our Goods are eoid chkat for the evidence of which we invite the attention of the public toour stock. We hold to the gteat enrdina! principie ol "í'e greatest good to the ictiol", number," 80 if you wantto buv Goocls cirnp, and buy a lurge qitnnt'ty for a I-We moncy give us a trial. Our stock isas extensive as any in the city, and we are constantly recciving new and fresh Goods from Now York. 50,000 Ibs. IVooI. Wantod, thenhove quantity olgood mrchnntal)le Wool for which the highest market price will be paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, 1845. 214-cf The IVXisses Clark's School. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. JIARY H. CLARK, Principal. CIILOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal RHOBY E. CLARK, Associatc Teacher. M. L, W ALTER, Teacher of Music on the Piano. F. MARSH, Teacher of Mathematics and Voca Music. H. F. SHO.FF, Teacher of French, Germán and the Classics. THIS Tnstitution hns been in operation sinc November 18. 18t?9. The scholasiic yea cmbracing forty-eight weeks, two terms, comprising two qunrters cach - twelve weeks in o quarter - a general examination at the close a each term - in Febrmry and August. he lust quarter oí tiie present term commences May 19. Tkiims of Tüition. - For the English branch es. $2.50 to $5 per quaner. No reduction mad for absence, except in case of sickness, and n pupil taken for les than a quarter. Extra char ges are made for musicon the Piano, with the np of the instrument, 8,0 French, 3to Latín, 3,0 Drawingand Painting, 50 Pancy Work, 3J() Board, inclmling washing, lights. &c, SI, 7 per weck if paid in advance, or $2.00 per wee if paid at the close of the quarter. Parent8and guardians are invited to visit th 6chool every Friday, when the studies of th weck are reviewed- also semi-monthly on Wed ne8?ay afternoon, at readingof the weekly com positions. Young ladies des:rous of entering the schoo and pursuingthe regular course of sludy. wotilt do wtll to commence at the beginning of th term. or as soon nfter as practicable. Bolonging to tho school are a Librnry of be tween five and 6x hundred volumes, and Phi losophical ApparatusjElectrical Machine, Globes fee. The Misses Clark will endeavor, not only to promote the intellectual culture of their pnpil bnt will attend strictly to their moral deportment. With no sectanan feeling, but wiih deepsense of religious responsibility, they woulc give aucli a tone to cbaracter, as shall render i practically fitted for every station - yielding to duty but firm to principie. Among the books used in the school are. Ab creroxnbie on the Intellectual and Moral Power - Knme'8 Elementa of CrticÍ6m - Wayland' Moral Science - Newman's Rhetoric - Hcdge' Logic - Palcy's Natural Theology and Evidonce of Christianitv - Grey's Chemistry- Parker' Natural Philosophy- Combe'e Physiology - Mr6 Lincoln's Botany - Eaton'e and Wright's Man ual of Botany - Burritt's Geography of th Heavens - First, Second and Third Books o History - Mrs. Williard's Republic of Americ - Phelps' Legal Classics - Playfair's Euclid,anc Dny8 Algebra and Davies' Arithmetic. Inquirv with regard to the school can be made of the Principáis or any of the following gentle men to whom reference is made by permission and who have at different periods had eithe daughters or wards under our care. Rev. Jsaac S. Ketcham. Ccntreville: Geo Ketchu-n, Mar shall; Hon. Wm. R. Delnnd, Jnckson; Paul B Ring, Michigan Oentre; F. H. Winans. Adrián Daniel Hixson. Clinton; Gnrdner Wheeler. M D., Howell: Rev. F. H. Cuming. Grand Rapds; Jeremiah Clark, Clarkslon; Gen. C. C Hn8call, James Birdsall and Rev. J. Beach Flint; D. H. Rowlnnd,Northvlle: AmcsMend Plymouth: Hon. Elias Cometock, Owasso; P Brigham, M. D., Hon. Wm. R. Thompson, E Mundy, Esq., John Allen, Esq., Geo. W. Jewett. Esq., Tho's M Ladd, Professor Williams, of the Univer8ity, and Rev. II. Colclazer, Ann Arbor. The following gentlemen. Rev. H. Colclazer, Rev. Wm. S. Curtís. Rev. Charles C. Tayhr, Professors Whiting and Williams of the Üniversity of Michigan, have consented to act as a visiting commitee of the School, to be present when the weekly studies aro reviewed; but especially to nttend during the semi-monthly examinations. April, 1845. 213 1845. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. A. MFAXREN, BOOKSELLERANDSTATIONER. SMART'S BLOCK, 137 JRFFERSON AVBNUB, DETROIT. REEPS constantly for salea complete assortment of Miscellaneous, Schooi and Classical Books, Letter and Cap Paper, plain and rul ed, Quilla, Ink, Sealing Wax, Cutlery, Wrapping Paper, Printing Paper, of all sizes; and Book, Newsand Cannister Ink. of varions kinds. BLANK BOOKS, full and hall bound, of overy variety of Ruling, Memorandum Books, &c. To Merchante, Teachers, and othere, buying in qunntities, alargc discount made. Sabbath School and Bible Society Depositor. 51-tf Wotice to ülerchants. THE Subscribers encouraged by the patronage they have hitherto received in the wholesale department of their business, will the first day of May next, open the store now occupied by Geo. Grenville, fronting on Huron street. and connecting with their present store in the rear, cxcltisively for a WHOLE SALES ROOM, where they will keep at all times a full assortment of DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SH0E8 CARPENTINO, HATS, CAP8, PAPER IIANGINGS, B0NNET8, CROCKERY BY THE CRATE, HARDWARE, AND GR0CER1ES, &C. &C. &C. all of which will be sold on as good terme as at any point thiesideof New York City. G. D. HILL, & CO. Ann Arbor, March 26, 1844. 48-(AÑÑ ARBOÍl FH1W.ALIÍ SIíJflIIVAtt Y. TKACHKRS. Miss ELIZA PAGE, } „ . . , Mus LEVINA MOORE, PnnPals' Mrs. REBECCA Í1ÜGHS, Painting and Drawing . Mr ADON1JAH VELCH,MathriJtaticsatid Latín THE Winter Scssion of th8 ínstitution will commence on the Becond tMonday n November. Tkrms. - Primar? Clasa, $6,('O per session of 22 weeks - Junior Clnss. $8, Oí) - Middle Class. $10 00- Senior Clnss $12,00. Text Books ín Primary Studies - Colbnrn's Mental nnd Adams Wruten Aritlunetics. Smith's Gram mar. Mitchel's Modern Geogruphy, Good rich's History of the United States and Whelp ley's Compend - Junior Studies - Wntts on the Mind, Mrs. Phclp'sButanv, Phelp's Legnl Classics, Duvies' Algebra, Newmnn's Rhetoric, Smcllic8' Philosophy of Natural History, Worecster's Elemenis of History, with Goldsmith'6 Greece. Rome and Englani' nnd Grimshaws' F ranee - Studies for the Middle Clnss; Olmeted's Natural Philosophy, Comstook's Chemistryf Hitchcock's Geology, Burritt's Geornphy o the Ileavena, Btck's Bottny,'s PfiysioFogy, Alexnnder's Evidences ofChrisiianity, Mnrsïi's Ecclesiastical History nnd Le Gendre's Goometry - Senior Studies- Whntely's Logic. Upham's Mental Philosophy, Paley's Natnral 'J'heology, Milton's Paradise Lost, nnd Butler's Analogy ol Revealed Religión. The nstructionx of the most competent and accomplished teachers are securcd,bjth íor instrumental and vocal Music. It is exceedingly important thnt all t'ie pupils be preeteni on the first day of the session, as the loss of a few Jnys. at the commencemtnt, cannot be repaired during the sppsion. 234-tf. E. LAWRENCE, Secretan. Admiiiistrator's Notice. THE undereigncd havingbeen nppoihted bv the Judge of Probate of the county of Wa6htenaw and Stnte of Michigan, administrntors of the estaie of Daniel D. Waterman, Inte of snid county deceased. nnd having taken upon themselves that trust hy giving bonds as the law requires, notice is hrreby given, to nll persons indebted to said estáte, to mnke immrdinte puyment, and nll thosO hnving claims agninut the snme, to present them properlv BtLested for nrïjustment. ALONZO WATERMAN. ? AdminisROSWELL WATERMAN, ] trators. Octoher 9lh, 1845. 233 jveiimgïoodsT! GARLAND &. LEFEVRE, are now receiviig at No. 1, Huichhs' Blocl n very general nssorttnent of Fall ond Winter Goods, to whicli they invite theattention of purchaser3, atsuring them that thcy will find goods nnd at price6 that cannot fail to prove s.itisfactory Their stock consists in part of the Inllowing: DRY GOODS, Broad-cloths, Cnssimeres, Sütiiietis. Sheep's Grevs, Vestings. Alapucas. Calicóes. Girtuhame Cnshmeres. Moiiöi De Lnines. Alpine Plnids Shawls, Cravats. Satins, Velvcts. Silhs. laces Ribbons. Sheetings, Phinine, Cámbrica. Book Muslins. Bishop l.nwns. Stippcndrrs, Glovep Hosing Ttiscnn nnd Strnw Bonncts, Buttmis and Trimmings. of nll kinds. GROCERIES. Old and Young Hyson, Imperial. Cunpowder and Poiicimnpt Teas. Silgare, Cofl'ee.Spices. M Insscs. Rice, Fish. Cnndlrs. Sonp, Fall and Win ter Gil, &c. &c, Sal Soda, a very largc assort ment. CROCKERY AND GI.ASS WARE. Tea and Dinner Setts to match. HARDWARE- Axes. Coopers Tools. Shel Goods. Nail8, S:c.. Window Sash. P.iils am Tubs. Cordagi-, S:c.. end all articlrs in that line BOOTS AND SHOKS. Lndies Gaiters. Slips. Wnlking Simes, Gen'.' Super Calf Boots, Mens and Roysconrse do. Dye Stuffs of every deseripiinn. Cash paid forGrass'Sfed, Whife Bonns. Bons wax. Pot nnd Pearl Ashes, most kinds of Pro ducc taken in pnyment for Goods Also - CASH TAID FOR Wil E AT. GARLAND & LEKKVRE. Ann Arhor, Sept. In-If). 02!) {f. wröavwoövT CLOTH! CLOTHÜ THE subsenbers will continue to munulac ture Fwlleíl Cloth, for 37J ets. per yard. and white Bonhei for 2 cent? per yard; or they will manufacture the wool for halt the cloth il will make. Their Fac tory is 2i miles West of Ann Arbor, on the !'uron River. Wool will also be received at Scio Vhen sent bv Railroad it will bc attended to in the same menner as ii me ownera were to come with it. Wool will bc mnnufactured in turn as t comes in as nearly as it can be done with refer encc lo the different qunlitirsof wool. WOOL CAR DING, will bedone at Scio. by Thomas Moslims. S. W. FOSTER &.CO. Scio, May 1, 1845. 210 JËRÖMÉM. TREADWELL, ATTOHNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL attend to the sale had txchange o Lands, payment of Taxcs, and tedemption of Lands sold for Taxes in Jackson and ad joining countics, examination of Titlcs, Convcy ancing and all business pertaining to Real Estáte Office in the Court House. Jackson, Mjphigan. 17-tf. Ready ÏVIadc Clothing. AT REDUCED PR1CES. THE Iarge8t and best assortmcni of ready made clothing ever before offered in thie Staie, now on hnnd and for sao, Wholesale oi Retail, at the Clothing Emporium of the Sub scribers, consisting in part of Fine broadcldth Frock aud Dress Coat?. Tweed andunion cassimere, satinctand jean Frock and Business Coats. Summer Coats in great variety and very chenp. Ca8simore, cloth, tweod and summcr Pants of nll style8 and prices. Satin, velvet, stik, valencia, cnshmere and Marseilles Vests- a large stock ofrich and fashionable styles. Also, an extensivo assortment of Hosiery, Stocks, Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Shirts. Glove8, Cravats, Suspender, &c. &c, all of which will be sold low for cash: They would respectfully invite nll, in want of ready made garments, to cali nnd examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. as il has been eelected with care in the Eastern mnrket and manufacturedin the lateet styles and most durable manncr. HALLOCK & RAYMOND. Corner of Jefl'erson &, Woodward avenues. Detroit, April 4, 1845. 21 3-tl ORIFFIW NATIONAL TEMPER ANCE HOTEL, Ulica, JYew York. pi H ARLES N. GRIFFIN, Proprietor. would V_y respectfully inform his friends, and the public genernlly, that he has taken the nbove Hotel, locatednt 127, Genesee Strcct, nonr the Canal, where he is now prepared to accommodnte the public at all timen, in the best poseible nialiner. and on reasonnble terms. Stages leavc nnd arrive at this House datlv, to and from all parts ff the Country. GOOD STABLING ATTACHED. The proprietor flatters himself from (he expeiencohe has had in keeping a Public House, nnd hc exertion he intends to put forth, that he will o nble to pleasc all who may faror hiin with heir patronage. Utica, May 1, 1845. 22S-6rn Qtiit Claim Dccds JUST Printcd and foreale at this oiEcc. 226AliWAYS ON HAN. Gfcl npHE Subucriber has reSjSsT moved hiu 8hop to Mnh jrZr TS s'rcet oppoeiie H. JBeckllP V wK?íf Crs Iirick Store' whcre lic fjtta "Haft "l")r '""'" rendy to waii IÉ&eÉÍ " ;"'1"11 "ial Ina' KiVC him VL-OïSïBS1" Havingjust receive di reet froin New York nn elegant stock of JEWX2Z.RV, md Fancy Anieles, whlch hc intends to ell lower than has ever been sold weet of liufihlo "ur Ready Pay Only. Among which moy be iound a good assortment of Gold and Comtnon Wntch Keys. Gold Finger Rings and Bosom Pins, Guard Chain, fcïïver Tea and Tnble Spoons, Sugar Tongs. Bfttter Knivcs. Siïyet Pcncil cases. Silver and Common Thimblcs, Silver Spectnclos, Germán. r., Steel, do., fjnir Brushes, Cloihes do., Tooih do., Lather do. Fine Razors nnd Pocket Xnivt?, Fine Shenri and Scissors. Lnthnr boxes. Rnzor Stropn, WalIetts. Purees, Violins nnd Bows, Fhns. TipJin aud Bass Violin Strinj's. Clarión! Reerfi, Percuesion Caps. Porket Pistóle, Brittania Cnndlesticks, Watcrieb, Letter Stnmps, SimI Pens nnd Tweezers, Snuffand Tobacco boxee. Fine oitibg;, Dressing do.. Sido do.. Bark do., Shell do. Needies and CasfiP, WnterPnints, Toy "vVatc})c Kid Dollü, a grent variety of Toys too numeroiir to mention, Beads, Necklace, Fancy ioxesy, Src. &c. Ci.ocks and Watjes ofevery defcripfio nrpaired and warranted. also, Jewelry rfpatrcdoa short notice. cAi.vm m.iss. N. B. Cash paid ison OLD GOLD AND SILVER. C. n. Ann Arbor. Oef. 24, 1844. 28-tf. WESLEYAN INSTITUTE. r 1 1HIS Tnstttution will commencc ts first term X on the 15th of September. A building has been fiited up which will accommodale over on hundred studems. TERMS OF TUtTlOjr. $3.00 n per term, for English branche. 4.00 for n inathematical coure. 5.00 including the langtiages. Indiscnt siudents preparing tor the min'otry can have tuition free. If student nre not ready to cftmmmrc with the term their tuition will be gradunted in proportion to the time. Board and Lodging can bc had in the villaga for $1.00 per week. c;tn bc hnd for ony who chose to board ihpniseíres. The following Te.rt Books have. been adopte in the Instttutiotr; Davies' Series of Maihemntics including hi Arithmetic: nlso. Coll.nrns' mental do.; Brown' Grammnr; Woodbridge's Modern Gengraphy, with Miichell's jeries of ou'line maps: Andrewa nnd Stoddard's Lntin Grammnr .?nd Render, Goodnch's Greek Lfcraona nnd Grnmmar; Jacob's Grcek Reader: Comsiock's Philnsophy and Cheinistry: Blnlu.e' Astrononiy; Ilnywards's Phv8ioloL[y; Hedge'p Lodgic: Whntely'a Rheto. ric; Bnrber's Elocmion; flnrris' Book Keeping; Bnrlipr's Genprol Ilisfory; Wilson's History of the (Fniifid Stnrcs; Jiutlcr's Annlogy; Mahan'? Menüif nnd Moral Pliilosophy. The In&tirniion own n pet of the obove describnd books which are rïrsigned for the nse of Student who wi?h not topnrclinse'lorjthemiclve. The Insiitntion hns a Library of nboot on thoiip-md volunirs, also a Cabtnet of Mineral ■t:v' Maxioe sheüs. Manual labor will be encournged in this ín'ítution. . A new systcm of 'teaching Geography by otitline ninps will bc adopied, also a new system ol pmmanship. A competent Fcmnle Teacher is expectcd in time to comnifnce wirh the term. CHARLES GALPI.N. PrfncipnT. Lonni. Fcpt. 15. 1H4"). 230-tf ALLEBASI'S MEDICINES. THESE MEDICINES ARK efTecting Biich aptoiiishing etirejiin multitudes of oh! cases long tincc abandoned !y l'hviicinnsiDid Suigeons as u'.tcrly hojelcss, that no medicinen, whcic these are kiiown, eland so deper-yedly high. They consist of TUE BLACK, OR ALLEBASI'S SALVE, Price 25 Cents, Which cures almost universmily, Fevér Sores, ol :he most tnnlionnnt kind. Fi-lons, Ulcera, Ah scesses. Tumors, P'rnriiires, Cms, Functnrf, Hui ns. ScíiIJf. Sore Thrnai. CJiilMains, Qninsey. Drop y. luflnniatory Rlxumaiism. InflammntiotiR nnc! Swellinse rl every descripiion. Scnld Mond. Airue in the Face, Nerv'ouè Tnoth Achc, Auc in the Breast, Broken Brcast, Ac Ac. ALLF.BASI'S HEALTH I 1LLS, 25 Ccnt8. These Pilis hoye acquired a popularity withiö the last year o two, which jio other fijl poesess. The rcieonsarc obvious to )) who uso (hem. They cure 11 Hilions, Scarlet and other Fevers. Fever arifï Apue. Dy;ppeta, Drojipy, Acid Siomnch. Disorder, d Bowels. or Sutm: eh, Jaundire, Ucnd Achc, Dizzinepi 'm tlie Ilrad, Wormp. LiverComplaini. Hcnrt Burns, Cholic, Rowel complaint. Genera! Dehility, Coetivciirw, &c. &c. Their purify the entire eystem, leave the bowels in a vigorous and healthy conditioo, &c. Seepamphlct. ALLEBASl'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS. Pnce 25 Crvts. Will cure an ordiuary ense of Tooth Achr, in Irom threc lo ten minutes. For Ncrvons and othcr kinds of Tooth Achc. pee Pnmphlei. ALLEBASJ'S POOR MAN'S PLASTER, Price, 25 Cr.vfs. Are warranted to be superior to any other Plaitersin :his or anv other country,' for pnin ui wenkness in the Back. Side, Chept, BowcIb, Loins. Muscles, and for Rheumatism, Lung nnd Liver Complaims, Coughs, Colds, Aetlfma, &c. See paniphlet. N. B. --Picase to ask the npent for a pamphlol which givcs all the information necewary respecting the uses of the Medicines, the virnie they posse6s, etc. Pleasc to ollow directiont in the os; of the medicines, and you may rcly npon all that is promised. A libera' discount made to mordíante and oth ctb. who buv to srll apain. LYJVIAN W. Gil BERT, Proprietor, "Wholesale Drncgist, 214, Fulton at, N. Y. (CTFor snle by iho eubscriber, who hns been nppoinied general njent for the City of Detroit nnd it8 vicinity. Country dealers enppited on liberal terms, C. MORSE, Michigan Book Store. The nbove medicines are for sale at the Book Store of W.M. R. PERRY, Tn Ann Arbor, Lower Village. December 9, 1844. 34 1 y POLLARD TEMPEHA1MCE HOUSE, BYWEYBURN & BROTHER, BUPFALO, N. T. Corner vf Pearl Street and Ttrraet. near the Landingsqfthc Steamlioats and Rail Houd Cars. IN Compliance with tho solicitations of many friends of Temperance, nr.d our own convictions of duty, we auempted tho oxperi:nent of keeping a house on genuino Tempei-ance principies, and ore happy to eay we linvc been sustnined in our efforts to provide tho public with a house worthy of their support. - After having been in opcration four years, and giving universal satiefaction, we hnve no hesitanon in offering our claims to the support of ihe travcling community. L. D. WEYBURN, O. WEYBURN. CHA RGES MODERA TE. Patrons and their baggage conveyed to and from the Houec free. We, the 8ub8cribers, takc pleasure in recom menning the nbove House to the l'riends of the cause, ns being worthy ol' their patronage. C. W. HARVEY, Pree't Erie Co. Temp. S. S. N. CALENDER, Sec'y do DANA FOBES, Pres't YoungMen's do. H. MILLERD, Pres't Pollard Tem. Society. A. ADAMS, Sec'y do Buffalo, July, 1845. 6mo- 233 Blank Dccds and ITIortgagcM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, for sale by BECKLEY, FOSTER & Co. Maroh 20, 1845.


Signal of Liberty
Old News